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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Running the installer or uninstallsfrac Script

The VERITAS product installer or uninstallsfrac script removes SFRAC 4.1 packages on all nodes in the cluster. The installer offers a high-level approach to uninstalling multiple VERITAS products. The uninstallsfrac script offers a direct approach to uninstalling SFRAC.

Using the VERITAS Product Installer to Uninstall SFRAC

Review this section to uninstall SFRAC using the VERITAS product installer; you can also uninstall SFRAC using the uninstallsfrac utility as described on .

  1. Navigate to the directory containing the installer program:
      # # cd /cdrom
  2. Start the product installer:
      # ./installer
  3. Enter "u" to select the "Uninstall a Product" option.
  4. Select "VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC" in the product list.
  5. Proceed to step 3 of Using the uninstallsfrac Script to Uninstall SFRAC.

Using the uninstallsfrac Script to Uninstall SFRAC

Review this section to install SFRAC using the uninstallsfrac utility; you can also uninstall SFRAC using the VERITAS product installer as described on .

  1. Navigate to the folder containing the script:
      # cd /cdrom/storage_foundation_for_oracle_rac
  2. Start the script:
      # ./uninstallsfrac
  3. Indicate whether or not you want to remove VERITAS VM and VVR packages from all specified systems; enter "y" only if the root disk is outside of VM control.
  4. If you invoke the uninstallsfrac script from a cluster node, review the cluster information and confirm to uninstall SFRAC:
    VCS configuration files exist on this system with the following

            Cluster Name: racclus124
            Cluster ID Number: 120
            Systems: hpslia20 hpslia21 hpslia22 hpslia23
            Service Groups: cvm

      Do you want to uninstall SFRAC from these systems? [y,n,q] (y)

    If you invoke the uninstallsfrac script from a remote machine in the same subnet, enter the systems where the uninstallation will take place:

    Enter the system names separated by spaces on which to uninstall
    SFRAC: slpas06 slpas07 slpas08 slpas09
  5. Review the output as the script checks the operating system on each system, verifies system-to-system communication, and sets up the log file noted below:
      Checking system communication:

        Verifying communication with slpas06 ...... ping successful
        Attempting remsh with slpas06 ............ remsh successful
        Attempting rcp with slpas06 ................ rcp successful
        Checking OS version on slpas06 .............. HP-UX B.11.23
        Creating log directory on slpas06 .................... Done
    Logs for uninstallsfrac are being created in

    Using /usr/bin/remsh and /usr/bin/rcp to communicate with remote

      Initial system check completed successfully.

    The script checks for Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC packages currently installed on the nodes. This process involves identifying system uninstall requirements and dependencies between packages to determine the safety and order of uninstalling packages.

      Checking SFRAC packages installed on slpas06:

        Checking VRTSvxmsa package ........... version 4.1 installed
        Checking VRTSvxmsa dependencies ............ no dependencies
        Checking VRTScsocw package ........... version 4.1 installed
        Checking VRTScsocw dependencies ............ no dependencies
        Checking VRTSvcsor package ........... version 4.1 installed
        Checking VRTSvcsor dependencies ............ no dependencies
        Checking VRTSalloc package ........... version 4.1 installed
        Checking VRTSalloc dependencies ............ no dependencies
        Checking VRTSvxvm package ............ version 4.1 installed
        Checking VRTSvxvm dependencies ............. no dependencies
  6. Confirm to uninstall SFRAC:
      installer is now ready to uninstall SFRAC packages.
       All SFRAC processes that are currently running will be stopped.

       Are you sure you want to uninstall SFRAC packages? [y,n,q] (y) 
  7. Review the output as the script stops processes and drivers running on each node, and reports its activities:
      Stopping Cluster Manager and Agents on all the nodes .... Done
      Checking the boot disk on slpas06 ........ not VxVM-controlled
      Checking slpas06 for open volumes ....................... None
      Stopping SFRAC processes on slpas06:

      Checking odm driver ......................... odm module loaded
      Stopping odm driver ...................................... Done
      Unloading odm module on slpas06 .......................... Done
      Checking vxgms driver ..................... vxgms module loaded
      Unloading vxgms module on slpas06 ........................ Done
  8. Review the output as the script indicates the progress of removing packages from the nodes by listing the steps that are completed. The total number of steps depends on the nature of the installation. For example:
     Uninstalling Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC 4.1 on all systems
      Uninstalling VRTSvxmsa 4.1 on slpas09 ..... Done 1 of 144 steps
      Uninstalling VRTSvxmsa 4.1 on slpas07 ..... Done 2 of 144 steps
      Uninstalling VRTSvxmsa 4.1 on slpas06 ..... Done 3 of 144 steps
      Uninstalling VRTSvxmsa 4.1 on slpas08 ..... Done 4 of 144 steps
      Uninstalling VRTScsocw 4.1 on slpas07 ..... Done 5 of 144 steps
      Uninstalling VRTSvxvm 4.1 on slpas06 .... Done 141 of 144 steps
      Uninstalling VRTSvxvm 4.1 on slpas09 .... Done 142 of 144 steps
      Uninstalling VRTSvxvm 4.1 on slpas08 .... Done 143 of 144 steps
      Uninstalling VRTSvxvm 4.1 on slpas07 .... Done 144 of 144 steps
     Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC package uninstall completed
  9. If necessary, review the summary and log files of uninstallation activities.
     Uninstallation of Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC has completed
     The uninstallation summary is saved at:
     The uninstallsfrac log is saved at:
  10. Reboot the nodes to completely uninstall SFRAC:
      # ./usr/sbin/shutdown -r now
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation