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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Taking the Oracle Service Groups Offline

  1. Log in as root user on one cluster system.
  2. Take the Oracle database service groups in the VCS configuration offline. For example:
      # hagrp -offline oradb1_grp -sys galaxy
      # hagrp -offline oradb2_grp -sys galaxy
      # hagrp -offline oradb1_grp -sys nebula
      # hagrp -offline oradb2_grp -sys nebula

    These commands take the Oracle service groups, including all their configured resources, offline.

Using the uninstallDBAC Script

The uninstallDBAC script removes packages installed by installDBAC on all systems in the cluster. This script stops VCS and takes all service groups in the VCS configuration offline on each node.

  1. As root user, change to the directory containing the uninstallDBAC program.
      # cd /opt/VRTSvcs/install
  2. Start uninstallDBAC:
      # ./uninstallDBAC
  3. The script begins by referring you to the appropriate chapters in this document and describing the packages it is to remove:
      Thank You for using the VERITAS Database Edition/Advanced
      Cluster. Please ensure that you have read the uninstallation
      chapter (to uninstall from the entire cluster) or the chapter 
      on removing DBE/AC cluster nodes (to uninstall from selected
      nodes) in the DBE/AC Installation and Configuration Guide.
      The following packages will be removed:
        VRTScavf    VRTSdbac    VRTSgab     VRTSglm     VRTSgms
        VRTSllt     VRTSodm     VRTSperl    VRTSvcs     VRTSvcsag
        VRTSvcsdc   VRTSvcsmg   VRTSvcsmn   VRTSvcsor
      The uninstallation procedure is interactive and requires
      responses to queries.
      Continue? [Y/N] :y
    Note   Note    The following packages (and associated patches) used by DBE/AC are not removed by the uninstallDBAC script: VRTSvxvm, VRTSvmpro, VRTSfspro, VRTSob, VRTSobgui, and VRTSvxfs.
  4. The script lists the systems in order from which it is to remove the packages, and creates files for the logging of the uninstallation activities:
      The packages will be removed on following nodes in the order
       given below:
  5. Note that the installation actions are recorded in a log:
      The output of the operations are temporarily being logged to
  6. The script verifies communications between the local system and the remote systems:
      Checking communication with nebula
      Pinging nebula
      Checking remsh connectivity............................... OK
      Communication check completed successfully
  7. The script stops VCS and unconfigures DBE/AC drivers on each system:
      Stopping VCS on all systems..
      VCS successfully stoppped on system galaxy
      VCS successfully stoppped on system nebula

      Unconfiguring DBE/AC drivers on galaxy
        Unconfiguring CM driver ............................. Done
        Unconfiguring VXFEN driver ...........................Done
        Unconfiguring ODM  ...................................Done
        Closing CFS Port .................................... Done
        Closing QLOG Port ................................... Done
      Unconfiguring DBE/AC drivers on nebula
        Unconfiguring CM driver ..............................Done
        Unconfiguring VXFEN driver ...........................Done
        Unconfiguring ODM  ...................................Done
        Closing CFS Port .................................... Done
        Closing QLOG Port ................................... Done
  8. The script verifies whether the packages to be uninstalled are required or depended upon by other packages. It copies scripts and checks for packages on each node:
      Checking galaxy 
      Checking nebula 
  9. The script removes VRTScavf, VRTSglm, VRTSgms, and VRTSodm packages:
    Removing VRTScavf VRTSglm VRTSgms VRTSodm from galaxy
      Removing VRTScavf ...................................... Done
      Removing VRTSglm ....................................... Done
      Removing VRTSgms ....................................... Done
      Removing VRTSodm ....................................... Done
     Removing VRTScavf VRTSglm VRTSgms VRTSodm from nebula
      Removing VRTScavf ...................................... Done
      Removing VRTSglm ....................................... Done
      Removing VRTSgms ....................................... Done
      Removing VRTSodm ....................................... Done
  10. The script displays the cluster information and prompts you to indicate that you want VCS packages uninstalled:
      VCS configuration files exist on this system with the following 

            Cluster Name: vcs_racluster
            Cluster ID Number: 7
            Systems: galaxy nebula
            Service Groups: cvm oradb1_grp oradb2_grp
      Do you want to uninstall VCS from all of the systems in this
      cluster? (Y) y
  11. The script checks for the operating system level and for system-to-system communications:
      Checking OS version on galaxy ................... HP-UX B.11.11
      Verifying communication with nebula ........... ping successful
      Attempting remsh with nebula ................. remsh successful
      Checking OS version on nebula ................... HP-UX B.11.11
      Creating /tmp subdirectory on nebula../tmp subdirectory created
      Using /usr/bin/remsh and /usr/bin/rcp to communicate with

      Communication check completed successfully
  12. The script checks currently installed DBE/AC packages on each system:
      Checking current installation on galaxy:

        Checking product mode ..................... DBE/AC licensed
        Checking VRTSdbac ................... version 3.5 installed
        Checking VRTSdbac dependencies ....................... none
        Checking VRTSvcsor .................. version 3.5 installed
        Checking VRTSvcsor dependencies ...................... none
        Checking VRTSvcsmn .................. version 3.5 installed
      Checking current installation on nebula:

        Checking VRTSdbac ................... version 3.5 installed
        Checking VRTSdbac dependencies ....................... none
        Checking VRTSvcsor .................. version 3.5 installed
        Checking VRTSvcsor dependencies ...................... none
        Checking VRTSvcsmn .................. version 3.5 installed
        Checking VRTSvcsmn dependencies ...................... none

      Uninstallation check completed successfully
  13. The DBE/AC processes are stopped on each node:
      Stopping DBE/AC processes on galaxy:

        Checking DBE/AC ............................... not running
        Checking CmdServer ................................ running
        Killing CmdServer .................................... Done
        Checking Web GUI processes .................... not running
        Checking notifier processes ................... not running
        Checking VCSMM ................................ not running
        Checking VXFEN ................................ not running
        Checking LMX .................................. not running
        Checking GAB ............................ GAB module loaded
        Stopping GAB ......................................... Done
        Unloading GAB module on galaxy ........................Done
        Checking LLT ............................ LLT module loaded
        Stopping LLT ......................................... Done
        Unloading LLT module on galaxy ....................... Done

    Stopping DBE/AC processes on nebula:

        Checking DBE/AC ............................... not running
        Checking CmdServer ................................ running
        Killing CmdServer .................................... Done
        Checking Web GUI processes .................... not running
        Checking notifier processes ................... not running
        Checking VCSMM ................................ not running
        Checking VXFEN ................................ not running
        Checking LMX .................................. not running
        Checking GAB ............................ GAB module loaded
        Stopping GAB ......................................... Done
        Unloading GAB module on nebula ....................... Done
        Checking LLT ............................ LLT module loaded
        Stopping LLT ......................................... Done
        Unloading LLT module on nebula ....................... Done
  14. VCS and DBE/AC related packages are removed from each system:
      Uninstalling DBE/AC on galaxy:

        Removing VRTSdbac package ............................ Done
        Removing VRTSvcsor package ........................... Done
        Removing VRTSvcsmn package ........................... Done
        Removing VRTSvcsdc package ........................... Done
        Removing VRTSvcsag package ........................... Done
        Removing VRTSvcsmg package ........................... Done
        Removing VRTSvcs package ............................. Done
        Removing VRTSgab package ............................. Done
        Removing VRTSllt package ............................. Done
        Removing VRTSperl package ............................ Done

      Uninstalling DBE/AC on nebula:

        Removing VRTSdbac package ............................ Done
        Removing VRTSvcsor package ........................... Done
        Removing VRTSvcsmn package ............................Done
        Removing VRTSvcsdc package ........................... Done
        Removing VRTSvcsag package ........................... Done
        Removing VRTSvcsmg package ........................... Done
        Removing VRTSvcs package ............................. Done
        Removing VRTSgab package ..............................Done
        Removing VRTSllt package ............................. Done
        Removing VRTSperl package ............................ Done

      DBE/AC configuration files are backed up with a 
      .prev.vcs_racluster extension

      A DBE/AC uninstall report has been saved at:


      DBE/AC uninstallation completed successfully
      End of DBE/AC Uninstallation: Tue Jun 24 09:32:04 PDT 2003

      IMPORTANT: Check the following log files for any errors/warnings:
            /var/adm/sw/swremove.log (on all cluster nodes)
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation