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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Verifying and Copying the to Cluster Nodes

  1. Save and close the edited file after completing the required changes.
  2. Verify the syntax of the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ file:
      # hacf -verify /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config
  3. Using rcp or another utility, copy the VCS configuration file from a node (for example, slpas06) to the remaining cluster nodes. On each remaining node, type:
    # rcp slpas06:/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation