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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Unmounting Storage Checkpoints Using sfrac_ckptumount

You can use the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC sfrac_ckptumount command from the command line to unmount a Storage Checkpoint for an Oracle database.

Usage Notes

  • The sfrac_ckptumount command is used to unmount a mounted Storage Checkpoint from the file system namespace. Mounted Storage Checkpoints appear as any other file system on the machine and can be accessed using all normal file system based commands. When mounted Storage Checkpoints are not required, they can be unmounted.
  • See the sfrac_ckptumount(1M) manual page for more information.

  To unmount Storage Checkpoints

Use the sfrac_ckptumount command as in the following example:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/sfrac_ckptumount -S DB12 \
-c Checkpoint_971672042_wr001
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation