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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Before the Installation: Reviewing Shared Disk Groups and Volumes

This section highlights general information to refer to when dealing with disk groups and volumes. Refer to the VERITAS Volume Manager Administrator's Guide for complete details on creating and managing shared disk groups.

Viewing Information on a Disk Group

To display information about a specific disk group, type:

vxdg list disk_group

Checking the Connectivity Policy on a Shared Disk Group

By default, the connectivity policy for a shared disk group is set to "global." This setting protects against possible data corruption and causes all nodes in the cluster to detach from the disk group when any node reports a disk failure.

The output of the vxdg list shared_disk_group command includes the following line:

detach-policy: global

To change the connectivity policy for a disk group from "local" to "global," type:

vxedit set diskdetpolicy=global shared_disk_group

Determining Whether a Node is CVM Master or Slave

On one node (nebula), determine whether the node is the master or slave:

vxdctl -c mode

If nebula is the slave and galaxy is the master, the output shows:

mode: enabled: cluster active - SLAVE
master: galaxy

Enabling Write Access to Volumes in the Disk Groups

By default, the activation mode for shared disk groups is inactive (set to off). To create databases on the shared volumes, enable the write access to the volumes:

On the CVM master node, enter:

vxdg -s import shared_disk_group
vxvol -g shared_disk_group startall
vxdg -g shared_disk_group set activation=sw

On the slave nodes, enter:

vxdg -g shared_disk_group set activation=sw

Refer to the description of disk group activation modes in the VERITAS Volume Manager Administrator's Guide for more information.

Deporting and Importing Shared Disk Groups

Shared disk groups in an SFRAC environment are configured for "Autoimport" at the time of CVM startup. If the user manually deports the shared disk group on the CVM master, the disk group is deported on all nodes. To reimport the disk group, the user must import the disk group as a shared group from the CVM master.

To deport a shared disk group, use the following command on the CVM master:

vxdg deport shared_disk_group

To import a shared disk group, use the following command on the CVM master:

vxdg -s import shared_disk_group

To import a disk group as a standalone disk group, deport it from the CVM master and use the following command on any node:

vxdg -C import shared_disk_group

To reimport a disk group as a shared disk group, deport it from the standalone node and use the following command on the CVM master node:

vxdg -C -s import shared_disk_group
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation