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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration   

Example of VCS Configuration File After SFRAC Installation

To verify the installation, you can examine the VCS configuration file,, in the directory /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config. See Sample After SFRAC Installation and Before Oracle9i Installation, for an example of a configuration file.

Note the following information about the VCS configuration file after the SFRAC installation:

  • The "include" statements list types files for VCS (, CFS (, and CVM ( These files are in the /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config directory. The types file for the Oracle enterprise agent ( is also located in /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config. These files define the agents that control the resources in the cluster.
    • The VCS types include all agents bundled with VCS. Refer to the VERITAS Bundled Agents Reference Guide for information about VCS agents.
    • The CFS types include CFSMount and CFSfsckd.
      • The CFSMount agent mounts and unmounts the shared volume file systems.
        The CFSfsckd types are defined for cluster file system daemons and do not require user configuration.
    • The CVM types include the CVMCluster, CVMVxconfigd, and CVMVolDg.
      • The CVMCluster agent, which is automatically configured during installation, starts CVM in the cluster by autoimporting shared disk groups, controls node membership in the cluster, and defines how nodes communicate the state of volumes. Refer to CVMCluster, CVMVxconfigd, CVMVolDg, and CFSMount Agents.
        The CVMVxconfigd agent starts and monitors the vxconfigd daemon; this daemon maintains disk and disk group configurations, communicates configuration changes to the kernel, and modifies configuration information stored on disks.
        The CVMVolDg agent starts the volumes in a shared disk group, sets activation modes, and monitors specified critical volumes.
    • The Oracle enterprise agent types includes definitions for the Oracle agent and the Netlsnr agent. The Oracle agent monitors the resources for an Oracle database, and the Netlsnr agent manages the resources for the listener process.

  • The cluster definition, with the cluster name provided during installation (for example, rac_cluster1), includes the names of users and administrators of the cluster. The UseFence = SCSI3 attribute is not automatically present; you must manually add it after the installation. See Editing the UseFence Attribute in VCS Configuration.
  • The now includes the cvm service group. This group includes definitions for monitoring the CFS and CVM resources. The CVMCluster agent resource definition indicates the nodes use GAB for messaging operations.
  • The cvm group has the parallel attribute set to 1. This value enables the resources to run in parallel on each node in the system list.

Sample After SFRAC Installation and Before Oracle9i Installation

The configuration file created on your node is located in /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ Review the sample VCS configuration file below:

include ""
include ""
include ""
include ""

cluster racclus69 (
      HacliUserLevel = COMMANDROOT
      CounterInterval = 5

system slpas06 (

system slpas07 (

system slpas08 (

system slpas09 (

group cvm (
SystemList = { slpas06 = 0, slpas07 = 1, slpas08 = 2,
slpas09 = 3 }

      AutoFailOver = 0
      Parallel = 1
      AutoStartList = { slpas06, slpas07, slpas08, slpas09 }

      CFSfsckd vxfsckd (

      CVMCluster cvm_clus (
           CVMClustName = racclus69
CVMNodeId = { slpas06 = 0, slpas07 = 1,
slpas08 = 2, slpas09 = 3 }

           CVMTransport = gab
           CVMTimeout = 200

      CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd (
           Critical = 0
           CVMVxconfigdArgs = { syslog }

      cvm_clus requires cvm_vxconfigd

      // resource dependency tree
      //     group cvm
      //     {
      //     CFSfsckd vxfsckd
      //         {
      //         CVMCluster cvm_clus
      //             {
      //             CVMVxconfigd cvm_vxconfigd
      //             }
      //          }
      //     }
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Product: Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle RAC Installation and Configuration  
VERITAS Software Corporation