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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

How Oracle Disk Manager Improves Database Performance

Oracle Disk Manager improves database I/O performance to VxFS file systems by:

  • Supporting kernel asynchronous I/O
  • Supporting direct I/O and avoiding double buffering
  • Avoiding kernel write locks on database files
  • Supporting many concurrent I/Os in one system call
  • Avoiding duplicate opening of files per Oracle instance
  • Allocating contiguous datafiles

Supporting Kernel Asynchronous I/O

Asynchronous I/O performs non-blocking system level reads and writes, allowing the system to perform multiple I/O requests simultaneously. Kernel asynchronous I/O is better than library asynchronous I/O because the I/O is queued to the disk device drivers in the kernel, minimizing context switches to accomplish the work.

Supporting Direct I/O and Avoiding Double Buffering

I/O on files using read() and write() system calls typically results in data being copied twice: once between the user and kernel space, and the other between kernel space and the disk. In contrast, I/O on raw devices is copied directly between user space and disk, saving one level of copying. As with I/O on raw devices, Oracle Disk Manager I/O avoids the extra copying. Oracle Disk Manager bypasses the system cache and accesses the files with the same efficiency as raw devices. Avoiding double buffering reduces the memory overhead on the system. Eliminating the copies from kernel to user address space significantly reduces kernel mode processor utilization freeing more processor cycles to execute the application code.

Avoiding Kernel Write Locks on Database Files

When database I/O is performed by way of the write() system call, each system call acquires and releases a kernel write lock on the file. This lock prevents simultaneous write operations on the same file. Because database systems usually implement their own locks for managing concurrent access to files, write locks unnecessarily serialize I/O writes. Oracle Disk Manager bypasses file system locking and lets the database server control data access.

Supporting Many Concurrent I/Os in One System Call

When performing asynchronous I/O, an Oracle process may try to issue additional I/O requests while collecting completed I/Os, or it may try to wait for particular I/O requests synchronously, as it can do no other work until the I/O is completed. The Oracle process may also try to issue requests to different files. All this activity can be accomplished with one system call when Oracle uses the Oracle Disk Manager I/O interface. This interface reduces the number of system calls performed to accomplish the same work, reducing the number of user space/kernel space context switches.

Note   Note    With Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2) or later, you can use the FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS initialization parameter to enable or disable asynchronous I/O, direct I/O, or Concurrent I/O on file system files. This parameter is applicable to JFS and JFS2 files only. This parameter is not applicable to VxFS files, ODM files, or QIO files. For further information, please refer to Oracle Disk Manager documentation provided by Oracle.

Avoiding Duplicate File Opens

Oracle Disk Manager allows files to be opened once, providing a "file identifier." This is called "identifying" the files. The same file identifiers can be used by any other processes in the Oracle instance. The file status is maintained by the Oracle Disk Manager driver in the kernel. The reduction in file open calls reduces processing overhead at process initialization and termination, and it reduces the number of file status structures required in the kernel.

Allocating Contiguous Datafiles

Oracle Disk Manager can improve performance for queries, such as sort and parallel queries, that use temporary tablespaces. Without Oracle Disk Manager, Oracle does not initialize the datafiles for the temporary tablespaces. Therefore, the datafiles become sparse files and are generally fragmented. Sparse or fragmented files lead to poor query performance. When using Oracle Disk Manager, the datafiles are initialized for the temporary tablespaces and are allocated in a contiguous fashion, so that they are not sparse.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation