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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Adding Disks to a Disk Group

When a disk group is first created, it contains only a single disk. You may need to add more disks to the disk group. This section describes how to add disks to a disk group using the vxdg command or the GUI. If you have many disks to add to the disk group, it is easier to use the vxdg command.

Usage Notes

  • By default, the GUI assigns default disk names by appending numbers to the disk group name so that each disk name is unique within its disk group. After the disk is under VxVM control, you can rename it.
  • When you place a disk under VxVM control, the disk is initialized. Initialization destroys any existing data on the disk.
  • Disks must be under VxVM control and in a disk group before they can be used to create volumes.
  • Disks must be online before they can be added to a disk group.
  • Disks that already belong to a disk group cannot be added to another disk group.

  To add disks to a disk group using the command line

Use the vxdg command as follows:

 # /opt/VRTS/bin/vxdg -g disk_group adddisk [disk_name=disk_device]


To add disks named PRODdg02, PRODdg03, and PRODdg04 to the disk group PRODdg:

/opt/VRTS/bin/vxdg -g PRODdg adddisk PRODdg02=
/opt/VRTS/bin/vxdg -g PRODdg adddisk PRODdg03=
/opt/VRTS/bin/vxdg -g PRODdg adddisk PRODdg04=

  To add a disk to a disk group using the GUI

  1. Select the uninitialized disk to be placed under VxVM control.
  2. Click the Disk group to which you wish to add a disk.
  3. Choose Actions > Add Disk to Disk Group. The Add Disk to Disk Group wizard appears. Click Next to continue.
  4. Complete the Add Disk to Dynamic Group wizard as follows:

    Disk group name:

    From the pull-down menu, select the group you want to add the disk to.

    To add the disk to a new disk group, click the New disk group button and enter the name of the new disk group in the dialog box.

    Available disks:

    Selected disks:

    Move the disk to be added from Available disks to Selected disks.

  5. When you have provided all the necessary information in the dialog box, click Next.
  6. When the confirmation window appears, click Yes to confirm your selection.
  7. Click Finish to add the disk to the selected disk group.
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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation