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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Maintaining Your System Configuration

VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle maintains a repository that stores the pertinent information needed to display configuration information. This repository is located at /etc/vx/vxdba/$ORACLE_SID. When the database configuration changes, the information stored in the repository may not be up-to-date. You can rescan, or refresh, database instances, datafiles, and tablespaces to make sure system information is up-to-date.

The GUI also allows you to check and save the configuration of each Oracle database instance on your system. Information on all volumes, file systems and their types, and disk groups can be displayed.

Rescanning the Database Instance

  1. Click the Oracle databases icon in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.)
  2. Select one of the following methods to rescan the database instance.

    • From the menu bar, select Oracle > Rescan.
      • or

    • Right click the Oracle database instance icon to bring up a pop-up menu. Then click Rescan.

  3. If the rescan was successful, you will receive a confirmation message. Click OK to continue.

Displaying and Rescanning Tablespace Information

  To display tablespace information

Click a tablespace in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.) The tablespace information is displayed on the right side of the window.

  To rescan tablespace information

  1. Click the Tablespaces icon in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.)
  2. Select one of the following methods to refresh the tablespace information.

    • From the menu bar, select Tablespace > Rescan.
      • or

    • Right click the Tablespaces icon to bring up a pop-up menu. Then click Rescan.

  3. If the refresh was successful, you will receive a confirmation message. Click OK to continue.

Viewing Oracle Datafile Topology

VERITAS Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle provides an enhanced Topology display option. The Topology display represents Storage Mapping as a balanced tree. Objects such as files, directories, volumes, plexes etc. are represented by specific icons.

In the toolbar on the Topology page,

    • The + and - buttons are used to zoom in and zoom out. You can also manually select the scale size. The Fit in Window button helps you adjust the display size of the tree to the size of the window.
    • The Show Level drop-down allows you to select the level of nodes that you want to view.
    • The Search bar allows you to search for the entered text or device name.
    • The Expand/Collapse button expands or collapses the selected datafile. The nodes can expand and collapse if it has child nodes. The Expand/Collapse button is also used to display the complete or brief device path name. For example, if you click Collpase, the path /dev/vx/dsk/SharedDg1/fsvol displays as /dev...fsvol.
    • The Show Properties button displays the properties of the selected node.
    • The Statistics button displays the statistics of the selected datafile.
    • The Print button prints the displayed tree to a physical printer.

Other features of the Topology page include:

  • Scroll keys - Using scroll keys make it easy for the user to maneuver the tree. You can use the Up, Down, Left, and Right keys on your keyboard to scroll up/down and left/right.
  • The + next to a node represents the children of that node. You may click the + sign to expand or collapse the tree.
  • Context-sensitive shortcut menu - Right clicking a node displays a context-sensitive menu. The menu includes the following options:
    • Help - Displays related online help.
    • Expand - If collapsed, this option expands the tree. The Expand menu option is disabled if the tree is fully expanded or if the selected datafile does not have any children.
    • Collapse - If expanded, this option collapses the tree. The Collapse menu option is disabled if the node is already collapsed or if the selected datafile does not have any children.
    • Properties - Displays a pop-up with the properties of the selected datafile.

  To view the topology of a Datafile

  1. Click a datafile in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.)
  2. Select one of the following methods to generate datafile statistics.

    • From the menu bar, select Datafiles > Topology.
      • or

    • Right click the datafile to bring up a pop-up menu. Then click Topology. The storage Topology is displayed. For a detailed description of the Topology page, refer to Viewing Oracle Datafile Topology.

  3. When you are through, click the Close button to quit.

Viewing Oracle Datafile Statistics

VERITAS Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle provides an enhanced Statistics display option. The Statistics page displays a dynamically refreshed summary of statistics for the selected datafile.

In the toolbar on the Statistics page,

    • The Search for... bar allows you to search for the entered text or device name.
    • The Show Properties button displays the properties of the datafile.
    • The Topology button displays the topology tree of the selected datafile.
    • The Print button prints the displayed statistics.

  To view the Statistics of a Datafile

  1. Click a datafile in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.)
  2. Select one of the following methods to generate datafile statistics.

    • From the menu bar, select Datafiles > Statistics.
      • or

    • Right click the datafile to bring up a pop-up menu. Then click Statistics.
    • The Statistics page is displayed.

  3. You are required to enter the number of times you wish to sample the data. You can enter a value from 0 to 9999.
  4. Enter the interval, in minutes, between sampling points. You can enter a value from 0 to 9999.
    Note   Note    The Get Statistics button remains disabled until you fill in the above two fields.
  5. The Total Sampling Period (in hours) displays the time used to perform the sampling of the data.
  6. The Display accumulated data checkbox is checked by default.
  7. The Time Elapsed (in minutes) displays the amount of time it took to sample the data. The progress status bar displays the percentage of sampling that is being completed.
  8. After successful completion, a Confirmation dialog is displayed, indicating that the data was successfully collected for the specified time. Click OK, to continue.
  9. When you are through, click the Close button to quit.

Determining the Datafile File Type

You can view the datafile properties to determine if the datafile is a Quick I/O file, an Oracle Disk Manager file, or a regular VxFS file.

  To determine the datafile file type

  1. Click a datafile in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.)
  2. Select one of the following methods to view datafile properties.

    • From the menu bar, select File > Properties.
      • or

    • Right click the datafile to bring up a pop-up menu. Then click Properties.
    • The Properties pop-up window is displayed.

  3. Click OK when you have finished viewing the datafile properties.

Converting Regular Datafiles to Quick I/O Files

VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle provides an option to convert your regular datafiles to Quick I/O files to improve performance.


  • Files you want to convert must be regular datafiles on VxFS file systems or links that point to regular VxFS files.

Usage Notes

  • Converting existing datafiles to be Quick I/O files may not be the optimal thing to do if these files are fragmented.

  To convert Oracle datafiles to Quick I/O files

  1. Shut down the database from the GUI.
  2. Click a datafile in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.)
  3. Select one of the following methods to generate datafile statistics.

    • From the menu bar, select Datafiles > Conversion.
      • or

    • Right click the datafile to bring up a pop-up menu. Then click Conversion.

  4. At the prompt, click Yes to convert the datafile to a Quick I/O file.

    If the datafile was successfully converted to a Quick I/O file, you will receive a confirmation message. Click OK to view the information.

Converting Quick I/O Files to Regular Datafiles

VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle provides an option to convert your Quick I/O files to regular Oracle datafiles. Use this option only if you are running Oracle9i and VERITAS Extension for Oracle Disk Manager.


  • Files you want to convert must be Quick I/O files on VxFS file systems or links that point to Quick I/O files.

  To convert Quick I/O files to regular datafiles

  1. Shut down the database from the GUI.
  2. Click a Quick I/O file in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.)
  3. Select one of the following methods to generate datafile statistics.

    • From the menu bar, select Datafiles > Conversion.
      • or

    • Right click the Quick I/O file to bring up a pop-up menu. Then click Conversion.

  4. At the prompt, click Yes to convert the Quick I/O files to a regular datafile.

    If the Quick I/O file was successfully converted to a regular datafile, you will receive a confirmation message. Click OK to view the information.

Updating Rescan Intervals

VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle periodically scans the system for updated information. You can modify the rescan intervals to be faster or slower. A partial scan is a scan of existing known objects and a full scan is a scan of known and unknown objects, meaning that a search for new information is performed.

  To update a rescan interval

  1. Click the Oracle Databases icon in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.)
  2. Select one of the following methods to update the rescan interval times.

    • From the menu bar, select Oracle > Update Rescan Intervals.
      • or

    • Right click the Oracle Databases icon to bring up a pop-up menu. Then click Update Rescan Intervals.

  3. To update a partial rescan interval, enter a new time (in minutes) in the appropriate field.
  4. To update a full rescan interval, enter a new time (in minutes) in the appropriate field.
  5. Click Save to save your changes. A confirmation dialog is displayed. Click OK to continue.

Checking the System Configuration

You can check the System Configuration only when using VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Enterprise Edition.

  To scan the system configuration of a database

  1. Click the Oracle database in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.)
  2. Select one of the following methods to view the database configuration information.

    • From the menu bar, select Oracle > Check System Configuration.
      • or

    • Right click the database to bring up a pop-up menu. Then click Check System Configuration.

  3. When the system has scanned the database, it will display a confirmation message. Click Yes or No to continue. The Scan Configuration Output window then displays. You should see output similar to the following:
       Examining file system attributes.
       NOTICE: All file systems are VxFS.
       NOTICE: All file systems are VxFS Version 4 layout.
       Examining Quick I/O settings.
       NOTICE: All datafiles are Quick I/O files.
       NOTICE: It appears that your system is ODM enabled.
       NOTICE: All Quick I/O files should be converted to regular
       files to use the ODM features.
       Examining Cached Quick I/O settings.
       NOTICE: No file systems have Cached Quick I/O enabled.
       Examining datafiles fragmentation.
       NOTICE: 0 files are fragmented.
       Examining File System tunable settings.
       NOTICE: Parameters for all VxFS file systems used by TEST9i.
       Filesystem i/o parameters for /oracle9i
       read_pref_io = 65536
       read_nstream = 2
       read_unit_io = 65536
       write_pref_io = 65536
       write_nstream = 2
       write_unit_io = 65536
       pref_strength = 20
       buf_breakup_size = 262144
       discovered_direct_iosz = 262144
       max_direct_iosz = 2097152
       default_indir_size = 8192
       qio_cache_enable = 0
       write_throttle = 127232
       max_diskq = 2097152
       initial_extent_size = 8
       max_seqio_extent_size = 2048
       max_buf_data_size = 8192
       hsm_write_prealloc = 0
       Examining Oracle volume and file system layout.
       NOTICE: Data for database TEST9i is contained in one volume
       Examining Oracle internal information.
       Oracle Version is
       Control file /oracle9i/control1 is on file system /oracle9i.
       WARNING: Control file is not mirrored using VxVM.
       Control file /oracle9i/control2 is on file system /oracle9i.
       WARNING: Control file is not mirrored using VxVM.
       Total of 2 control files over 1 file systems.
       WARNING: Control files are not spread over multiple file
       systems. Spread control files over multiple file systems
       for better redundancy.
       Examining Oracle automatic extension of datafiles.
       Total of 0 datafiles are configured to autoextend.
       Total of 2 datafiles are defined to the database.
       Examining Oracle log modes.

       The database is running in archivelog mode.
       The database is running in automatic log archiving mode.
  4. Click OK to return to the main window.

Saving the System Configuration

You can save the System Configuration only when using VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Enterprise Edition.

  To save the system configuration of a database

  1. Click the Oracle database in the object tree. (You may need to expand the tree view to find the icon.)
  2. Select one of the following methods to view the database configuration information.

    • From the menu bar, select Oracle > Save System Configuration.
      • or

    • Right click the database to bring up a pop-up menu. Then click Save System Configuration.
    • The System Configuration wizard is then displayed.

  3. Enter a path name, or directory, in the Path field to indicate where you would like to save the system configuration information.
  4. Click Save to save the configuration information. A confirmation dialog is displayed. Click OK to continue.
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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation