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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Opening the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle GUI from a UNIX Client

  To start the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle GUI from a UNIX client

  1. From an open terminal window, type /opt/VRTSob/bin/vea and press Enter.
    Note   Note    You can run this command only from root.
  2. In the Connection pop-up window, enter the host name for the server to which you are connecting and press the Tab key.
  3. Enter your login name and password. Then click OK.
    Note   Note    VEA Service must be running on the server. If you need to start VEA Service, see Starting the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service.

Closing the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle GUI

  To close the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle GUI

  1. From the menu bar, select File > Exit.
  2. The GUI displays a message indicating that you will be disconnected from the host if you continue. Click Yes to continue or, click No to keep the GUI running.
    Note   Note    Stopping the GUI is the same for a Windows or UNIX client.
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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation