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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Validating a Snapplan (dbed_vmchecksnap)

After creating a snapplan, the next steps are to validate the snapplan parameters and check whether the snapshot volumes have been configured correctly for creating snapshots. If validation is successful, the snapplan is copied to the repository. The snapplan is validated using the dbed_vmchecksnap command with the -o validate option.


  • The database must be up and running while executing the dbed_vmchecksnap command.

Usage Notes

  • The dbed_vmchecksnap command must be run as the Oracle database administrator.
  • After validating the snapplan, you have the option of modifying the snapplan file to meet your storage configuration requirements.
  • When using dbed_vmchecksnap to validate the snapplan and storage, you can save the validation output. The system administrator can use this information to adjust the storage setup if the validation fails.
  • If a snapplan is updated or modified, you must re-validate it. It is recommended that snapplans are revalidated when changes are made in the database disk group.
  • The dbed_vmchecksnap command can be used on the primary or secondary host.
  • See the dbed_vmchecksnap(1M) manual page for more information.

  To validate a snapplan

  1. Change directories to the working directory your snapplan is stored in:
      $ cd /working_directory
  2. Validate the snapplan using the dbed_vmchecksnap command:
    $ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_vmchecksnap -S ORACLE_SID \
    -H ORACLE_HOME -f SNAPPLAN -o validate

    Note   Note    In HA environment, you must modify the default snapplan, use the virtual host name defined for the resource group for the PRIMARY_HOST and/or SECONDARY_HOST, and run validation.

For information on validating a snapplan using the GUI, see Validating or Modifying a Snapplan.


In the following example, a snapplan, snap1, is validated for a snapshot image in a single-host configuration. The primary host is host1 and the working directory is /export/snap_dir.

cd /export/snap_dir
/opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_vmchecksnap -S PROD -H /oracle/product/9i \
-f snap1 -o validate
The version of PRIMARY_DG-PRODdg is 110.
The database is running in archivelog mode.
ARCHIVELOG_DEST=/prod_ar is mount on /dev/vx/dsk/PRODdg/prod_ar.
Examining Oracle volume and disk layout for snapshot
Volume prod_db on PRODdg is ready for snapshot. 
Original plex and DCO log for prod_db is on PRODdg01. 
Snapshot plex and DCO log for prod_db is on PRODdg02. 
SNAP_PRODdg for snapshot will include: PRODdg02
The snapplan snap1 has been created.


In the following example, a snapplan, snap2, is validated for a snapshot image in a two-host configuration. The primary host is host1, the secondary host is host2, and the working directory is /export/snap_dir.

cd /export/snap_dir
$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_vmchecksnap -S PROD -H \
/oracle/product/9i -f snap2 -o validate

The version of PRIMARY_DG-PRODdg is 110.
The database is running in archivelog mode.
ARCHIVELOG_DEST is /mytest/arch
ARCHIVELOG_DEST=/mytest/arch is mount on /dev/vx/dsk/PRODdg/arch.
Examining Oracle volume and disk layout for snapshot.
Volume arch on PRODdg is ready for snapshot. 
Original plex and DCO log for arch is on PRODdg01. 
Snapshot plex and DCO log for arch is on PRODdg02.
Volume prod_db on PRODdg is ready for snapshot.
Original plex and DCO log for prod_db is on PRODdg01.
Snapshot plex and DCO log for prod_db is on PRODdg04.
SNAP_PRODdg for snapshot will include: PRODdg02
The snapplan snap2 has been created.
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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation