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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Upgrading from VERITAS Database Edition 3.5 for Oracle with Database FlashSnap

In this release of VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle, Database FlashSnap does not support snapshots of vxdbavol and ORACLE_HOME. If you have upgraded from VERITAS Database Edition 3.5 for Oracle with Database FlashSnap, you must remove the volume plexes for vxdbavol and ORACLE_HOME, and revalidate the snapplan before using Database FlashSnap with this release of VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle.

  To remove the volume plexes for vxdbavol and ORACLE_HOME

  1. As root, snapback the snapshot plexes.
    vxsnap [-g diskgroup] snapback snapvol
  2. Turn off FastResync.
    vxvol [-g diskgroup] set fastresync=off volume
  3. Remove the DCO object.
    vxassist [-g diskgroup] remove log volume logtype=dco
  4. Remove the volume plexes for vxdbavol and ORACLE_HOME.
    vxplex -g diskgroup -o rm dis plex_name
  5. Log in as the DBA user and revalidate your snapplan.
    /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_vmchecksnap -S ORACLE_SID -H ORACLE_HOME \
    -f SNAPPLAN -o validate

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation