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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Performing Storage Rollback Using dbed_ckptrollback

You can use the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle dbed_ckptrollback command to rollback an Oracle database to a Storage Checkpoint.


  • You may be logged in as either the database administrator or root.

Usage Notes

  • The dbed_ckptrollback rolls an Oracle database back to a specified Storage Checkpoint. You can perform a Storage Rollback for the entire database, a specific tablespace, or list of datafiles.
  • Database rollback for the entire database requires that the database be inactive before Storage Rollback commences. The dbed_ckptrollback command will not commence if the Oracle database is active. However, to perform a Storage Rollback of a tablespace or datafile, only the tablespace or datafile to be rolled back must be offline (not the entire database).
  • You must run the dbed_update command after upgrading to VERITAS Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle from a previous release. This will allow you to roll back to a Storage Checkpoint that was created with an earlier version of this product.
  • See the dbed_ckptrollback(1M) manual page for more information.

  To roll back an Oracle database to a Storage Checkpoint

Use the dbed_ckptrollback command as follows:

 $ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptrollback -S PROD -H /oracle/product/9i \
  -c Checkpoint_903937870

  To rollback a tablespace to a Storage Checkpoint

Use the dbed_ckptrollback command with the -T option as follows:

 $ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptrollback -S PROD -H /oracle/product/9i \
  -T DATA01 -c Checkpoint_903937870
Note   Note    If the Oracle database is running, you must take the tablespace offline before running this command. If the tablespace is online, the command will fail.

Note   Note    In the case of an instant Storage Checkpoint, rolling back a tablespace does not apply.

  To rollback datafiles to a Storage Checkpoint

Use the dbed_ckptrollback command with the -F option as follows:

 $ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptrollback -S PROD -H /oracle/product/9i \
 -F /share/oradata1/data01.dbf /share/oradata2/index01.dbf \
 -c Checkpoint_903937870
Note   Note    If the Oracle database is running, you must take the datafile offline before running this command. If the datafile is online, the command will fail.

Note   Note    In the case of an instant Storage Checkpoint, rolling back datafiles does not apply.
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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation