Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: VERITAS Array Integration Layer 4.2 Array Configuration Guide   



vaildiag - configures VAIL providers to manage storage arrays


vaildiag /command


vaildiag configures VERITAS Array Integration Layer (VAIL) providers to manage storage arrays.



Displays help for vaildiag.

/CONNECT -server serverName [-username UserName

-password Password]

Connects the machine where vaildiag is running to the specified server. Use this option with another option.

-server serverName specifies the server to connect to, where serverName is the name of the server. If this option is not specified, the connection is to the local host.

-username UserName specifies the operating system username to log on to the server.

-password password specifies the password to log on to the server.

If you specify -username and -password, the password will be displayed when you enter it. To avoid displaying the password, omit -username and -password. vaildiag then prompts for the username and the password, which it does not echo

The following is an example of using /CONNECT to display a list of VAIL providers installed on a different host:

# ./vaildiag /CONNECT -server targetHost /PROVIDERS

Enter User name: Administrator

Enter Password:

Sample client connected successfully...

Connecting to server: targetHost

Provider            : vx_sun_t300

Provider            : vx_ibmshark

Provider            : vx_hp_eva

Provider            : vx_hicommand

Provider            : vx_hds_9900

Provider            : vx_hp_512

Provider            : vx_cisco_mds

Provider            : vx_emc_symmetrix

Provider            : vx_emc_clariion

Provider            : vx_cpq_ra8000



Lists the VAIL providers loaded on the server.

/RESCAN [-provider ProviderName] [-all] [-array ArrayID]

Rescans the specified storage arrays for updated status information. You can rescan all arrays attached to the server and the SCSI bus, a single array, or all arrays managed by one VAIL provider. Issue RESCAN to discover a storage array that you added, modified, or removed from a VAIL provider.

-provider ProviderName rescans storage arrays for updated status. The storage arrays that are rescanned are those that are managed by the VAIL provider specified by ProviderName. Issue vaildiag /PROVIDERS to obtain the names of the providers loaded on the host.

-all rescans all storage arrays attached to the server for updated status and rescans the SCSI bus for devices.

-array ArrayID rescans the array specified by ArrayID. When you specify an array ID, you must also specify -provider ProviderName. You can obtain Array IDs for the discovered storage arrays by issuing the vaildiag /SHOWARRAYS command. You can obtain provider names for the providers loaded on the host by issuing the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.


Rescans the SCSI bus for devices.

/SHOWARRAYS -all | -normal | -unhealthy | -configured

[-provider ProviderName]

Displays a list of storage arrays attached to the server that match the specified criteria. You can display all arrays, arrays in a normal or unhealthy state or configured arrays. You can display arrays for all providers or, optionally, arrays managed by a specified VAIL provider.

-configured lists all configured storage arrays attached to the server. A configured array is an in-band storage array that is discovered by a VAIL provider or an out-of-band array that is added to a VAIL provider for management. An out-of-band array could be configured but not yet discovered by the VAIL provider.

You can optionally specify -provider ProviderName for a list of configured arrays managed by a specific VAIL provider.

-all lists all discovered storage arrays attached to the server. A configured out-of-band array is not discovered by the VAIL provider until a rescan is issued for the array or the provider.

You can optionally specify -provider ProviderName for a list of all discovered arrays managed by a specific VAIL provider.

-normal lists all discovered storage arrays that are not in an error or warning state.

You can optionally specify -provider ProviderName for a list of normal arrays managed by a specific VAIL provider.

-unhealthy lists all discovered storage arrays that are in an error or warning state.

You can optionally specify -provider ProviderName for a list of unhealthy arrays managed by a specific VAIL provider.

-provider ProviderName lists all configured storage arrays managed by the VAIL provider specified by ProviderName. The names of the VAIL providers loaded on the host can be obtained by issuing the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

/ADDARRAY -provider ProviderName [-arrayid ArrayID]

[-username UserName] [-password Password]

[-encoding EncodingMethod] [-pollinginterval minutes]

[-optionalparam OptionalParameters]

Adds a storage array to be managed by the specified VAIL provider. You can specify a user name and password to log on to the array, if required, and any optional parameters used by the storage array. You can also specify a polling interval, which determines how often the VAIL provider queries this array for status changes. After you add the array, issue the vaildiag /RESCAN command to discover the added array.

-provider ProviderName specifies the VAIL provider to manage the storage array. To obtain a list of VAIL providers on the host, issue the PROVIDERS command.

-arrayid ArrayID specifies the array to add. ArrayID can be either the IP address or the name of the array being added. If the storage array requires the VAIL provider to specify a port number to communicate with the array, you can optionally specify -arrayid ArrayID:PortNumber where PortNumber identifies the port the provider uses for communication.

-username UserName specifies the user name to log on to the storage array.

-password Password specifies the password to log on to the storage array. The password is displayed if you use this option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify the -password option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.

-encoding EncodingMethod specifies the encoding used for the password. Currently unused.

-pollinginterval minutes specifies, in minutes, how often the VAIL provider queries this storage array for status changes. If you do not specify this parameter, if you enter 0, or if you enter an invalid value, the default polling interval for the VAIL provider is used. The minimum interval is 1 minute. Use the provider default value unless your array requires a longer polling interval.

-optionalparam OptionalParameters specifies optional parameters used by some storage arrays. For example:

-optionalparam "SNMPReadCommunity=public,SNMPWriteCommunity=public"

/MODIFYARRAY -provider ProviderName

[-orgarrayid OriginalArrayId] [-arrayid ArrayID]

[-username UserName] [-pollinginterval minutes]

[-optionalparam OptionalParameters]

Changes information about a storage array that is managed by a provider. You can use this command to change the user name to log on to the storage array, to change the polling interval for the array, or change optional parameters. You can also use this command to change the array ID. After you modify the array, issue the vaildiag /RESCAN command to rediscover the array.

-provider ProviderName specifies the provider that is managing the storage array. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

-orgarrayid OriginalArrayId identifies the array whose information you are changing. This is the array ID that you specified when you added the storage array to the provider using the vaildiag /ADDARRAY command. OriginalArrayId can be either the IP address or the name of the array. You can get a list of array IDs for managed arrays by using the SHOWARRAYS command.

-arrayid ArrayID if you are changing the array ID, this parameter specifies the new array ID. ArrayID can be either the IP address or the name of the array. If the storage array requires the provider to specify a port number to communicate with the array, you can optionally specify -arrayid ArrayID:PortNumber where PortNumber identifies the port the provider uses for communication.

-username UserName specifies the new user name to log on to the storage array if you are changing the user name. Issue the vaildiag /CHANGEPASSWORD command if the new user name has a different password.

-pollinginterval minutes specifies, in minutes, how often the provider queries this storage array for status changes. The minimum interval is 1 minute. Use the provider default value unless your array requires a longer polling interval.

-optionalparam OptionalParameters specifies new optional parameters used by some storage arrays if you are changing a storage array's optional parameters.

-optionalparam "SNMPReadCommunity=public,SNMPWriteCommunity=public" 

/REMOVEARRAY -provider ProviderName [-arrayid ArrayID]

Removes the specified out-of-band storage array from management by the specified provider. After you issue the REMOVE option, issue the vaildiag /RESCAN command to remove the array.

-provider ProviderName specifies the provider that is managing the storage array. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

-arrayid ArrayID specifies the array to remove. ArrayID can be either the IP address or the name of the array being removed. An ArrayID list for the managed storage arrays attached to the server can be obtained by issuing the vaildiag /SHOWARRAYS command.

/SETDEFPOLLINGINT -provider ProviderName

-pollinginterval minutes

Sets the default polling interval, in minutes, used by the specified provider. This interval is used if you do not set a polling interval, enter 0, or enter an invalid interval for a storage array that is managed by this provider. The minimum interval is 1 minute; if you enter 0, or an invalid value, or do not set this parameter, the provider built-in interval of 30 minutes is used. Use the built-in value unless your arrays requires a longer polling interval.

-provider ProviderName specifies the provider whose default polling interval you are setting. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

-pollinginterval minutes specifies the default polling interval for the provider.

The minimum interval is 1 minute; the built-in value is 30 minutes.

/SHOWDEFPOLLINGINT -provider ProviderName

Displays the default polling interval, in minutes, for the specified provider. This interval is used if you do not set a polling interval or enter an invalid interval for a storage array that is managed by this provider.

-provider ProviderName specifies the provider whose default polling interval you are displaying. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

/CHANGEPASSWORD -provider ProviderName [-arrayid ArrayID]

[-password Password] [-encoding EncodingMethod]

Changes the password to log on to the specified array.

-provider ProviderName specifies the provider that manages the storage array whose password you are changing. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

-arrayid ArrayID specifies the array ID of the storage array whose password you are changing. ArrayID can be either the IP address or the name of the array. An ArrayID list for the managed storage arrays attached to the server can be obtained by issuing the vaildiag /SHOWARRAYS command.

-password Password the new password to log on to the storage array. The password is displayed if you use this option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify the -password option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.

-encoding EncodingMethod specifies the encoding used for the password. Currently unused.

/SETOPTIONALPROVPARAM -provider ProviderName [-parameter1

Value1] [-parameter2 Value2][...]

Enables setting optional parameters for a provider. Optional parameters are specific to each provider. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

-provider ProviderName specifies the provider whose parameters you are setting.

-parameter1 Value1 -parameter2 Value2 ... specify parameter key/value pairs that you are setting for the specified provider.

The following example specifies a CLI path for an array provider that uses a CLI to communicate with storage arrays:

C:/vaildiag.exe /SETOPTIONALPROVPARAM -provider vxExampleProvider -cliexepath "C:/ExampleProvider CLI1"

/GETOPTIONALPROVPARAM -provider ProviderName

Displays the optional parameters for the specified provider. You can issue GETOPTIONALPROVPARAM to display a list of the optional parameter names.

-provider ProviderName specifies the provider whose parameters you are displaying. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

/SHOWTASKS -all | -done | -inprogress [-provider ProviderName]

Displays the specified task types for all providers or, optionally, for the specified provider. Generally, tasks are array management functions that take a noticable time to complete. You can use this command to check the progress of tasks.

-all displays all tasks

-done displays only tasks that have completed

-inprogress displays only tasks that have started, but not completed

-provider ProviderName specifies a provider to display tasks for. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

/SETPURGEPERIOD -period minutes

Specifies how long to retain information about a task after the task has completed. You cannot display information about a completed task after the purge period expires for that task.

-period minutes specifies time, in minutes, to retain information about a task after it completes.

/ADDARRAYMANAGER -provider ProviderName -arraymanager

ArrayManagerName -address ArrayManagerAddress [-username

Username] [-password Password] [-encoding EncodingMethod]

[-port ArrayManagerPort] [-pollinginterval minutes]

[-namespace Namespace] [-ignoreflag IgnoreArrayManager]

[-optionalparam OptionalParameters]

Caution  Caution    Currently unimplemented.

Adds an array manager for discovery. Some arrays are managed by a vendor management appliance or management server. This command configures the array manager, rather than individual arrays, for discovery. When the array manager is discovered, all of the arrays that it manages are also discovered. Some legacy storage arrays have a management appliance or server which is configured for discovery as if it is an array rather than a management appliance or server. See the configuration example for your array in EXAMPLES to determine whether to configure the array or an array manager for discovery.

-provider ProviderName specifies the provider that manages the array manager that is added with this command. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

-arraymanager ArrayManagerName specifies a user selected name for the array manager

-address ArrayManagerAddress specifies the IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the array manager

-username Username specifies username to log on to the array manager

-password Password specifies password to log on to the array manager. The password is displayed if you use this option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify the -password option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.

-encoding EncodingMethod specifies the encoding used for the password. Currently unused.

-port ArrayManagerPort specifies the array manager port that the provider uses to communicate with the array manager

-pollinginterval minutes specifies, in minutes, how often the provider queries this array manager for status changes in the arrays it is managing. If you do not specify this parameter, if you enter 0, or if you enter an invalid value, the default polling interval for the provider is used. The minimum interval is 1 minute. Use the provider default value unless your array manager requires a longer polling interval.

-namespace Namespace specifies the namespace used by the array manager. Not all array managers use namespace.

-ignoreflag IgnoreArrayManager specifies whether to configure and use the information in this command or to configure the information and ignore it. Provides the ability to create registry entries, but not use them immediately. Valid values are 1 and 0 where 1 means ignore the information and 0 means use the configuration information specified by /ADDARRAYMANAGER for array discovery. If you do not specify ignoreflag the default value is 0.

-optionalparam OptionalParameters specifies optional parameters used by some storage array managers.

/REMOVEARRAYMANAGER -provider ProviderName -arraymanager


Caution  Caution    Currently unimplemented.

Removes the specified array manager from management by the specified provider. After you issue the REMOVE option, issue the vaildiag /RESCAN command to remove the array manager.

-provider ProviderName specifies the provider that is managing the array manager. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

-arraymanager ArrayManagerName specifies the user selected name for the array manager to remove

/MODIFYARRAYMANAGER -provider ProviderName -arraymanager

ArrayManagerName -address ArrayManagerAddress [-username

Username] [-password Password] [-encoding EncodingMethod]

[-port ArrayManagerPort] [-pollinginterval minutes]

[-namespace Namespace] [-ignoreflag IgnoreArrayManager]

[-optionalparam OptionalParameters]

Caution  Caution    Currently unimplemented.

Changes information about a storage array manager that is managed by a provider. You can use this command to change the user name to log on to the array manager, to change the polling interval for the array manager, or change optional parameters. You can also use this command to change the array manager address. After you modify the array manager, issue the vaildiag /RESCAN command to rediscover the arrays controlled by the array manager.

-provider ProviderName specifies the provider that manages the array manager that is modified with this command. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

-arraymanager ArrayManagerName specifies the user selected name for the array manager

-address ArrayManagerAddress specifies the new IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the array manager

-username Username specifies the new username to log on to the array manager

-password Password specifies the new password to log on to the array manager. The password is displayed if you use this option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify the -password option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.

-encoding EncodingMethod specifies the new encoding used for the password. Currently unused.

-port ArrayManagerPort specifies the new array manager port that the provider uses to communicate with the array manager

-pollinginterval minutes specifies, in minutes, how often the provider queries this array manager for status changes in the arrays it is managing. The minimum interval is 1 minute. Use the provider default value unless your array manager requires a longer polling interval.

-namespace Namespace specifies the new namespace used by the array manager. Not all management array managers use namespace.

-ignoreflag IgnoreArrayManager specifies whether to configure and use the information in this command or to configure the information and ignore it. Provides the ability to create registry entries, but not use them immediately. Valid values are 1 and 0 where 1 means ignore the information and 0 means use the configuration information specified by /ADDARRAYMANAGER for array discovery. If you do not specify ignoreflag the default value is 0.

-optionalparam OptionalParameters specifies optional parameters used by some storage array managers.

/SHOWARRAYMANAGERS -configured|-all [-provider ProviderName]

Caution  Caution    Currently unimplemented.

Displays a list of storage array managers attached to the server that match the specified criteria. You can display all array managers that have been discovered or array managers that are configured for discovery. You can display array managers for all providers or, optionally, array managers for a specified provider.

-configured lists all configured array managers. A configured array manager is an array manager that is added to a provider for discovery. An array manager could be configured but not yet discovered by the provider.

You can optionally specify -provider ProviderName for a list of configured array managers for a specific provider.

-all lists all discovered array managers. A configured array manager is not discovered by the provider until a rescan is issued for the array manager or the provider.

You can optionally specify -provider ProviderName for a list of all discovered arrays managed by a specific provider.

-provider ProviderName lists all configured array managers for the provider specified by ProviderName. The names of the providers loaded on the host can be obtained by issuing the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

/SHOWARRAYMANAGER -provider ProviderName -arraymanager


Caution  Caution    Currently unimplemented.

Displays information about the specified array manager.

-provider ProviderName specifies the provider that manages the array manager. To obtain a ProviderName list for all providers on the host, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.

-arraymanager ArrayManagerName specifies the user selected name for the array manager

/ADDARRAYTYPEFILTERS -filterName filtername -vendorTokenList

vendortokenlist -modelTokenList modeltokenlist

Creates a filter that specifies which arrays are or are not managed

-filterName filtername user specified filter name that is used for a registry key name

-vendorTokenList vendortokenlist comma delimited list of array vendors that specify whether the vendor's arrays are or are not managed

-modelTokenList modeltokenlist comma delimited list of array models that specify whether these arrays are or are not managed

/REMOVEARRAYTYPEFILTERS -filterName filtername

Deletes the array management filter specified by filtername.

-filterName filtername specifies the filter to delete


Displays the array type filters.


-vendorToken vendortoken

Adds a new vendor token to the specified array type filter

-filterName filtername filter to add the vendor token to

-vendorToken vendortoken array vendor token to add to the specified array type filter


-vendorToken vendortoken

Removes the specified vendor token from the specified array type filter

-filterName filtername filter to remove the vendor token from

-vendorToken vendortoken array vendor token to remove from the specified array type filter


-modelToken modeltoken

Adds a new array model token to the specified array type filter

-filterName filtername filter to add the array model token to

-modelToken modeltoken array model token to add to the specified array type filter


-modelToken modeltoken

Removes the specified array model token from the specified array type filter

-filterName filtername filter to remove the array model token from

-modelToken modeltoken array model token to remove from the specified array type filter


Displays the drvconfigflag setting in the lddl provider. If the flag is TRUE, the lddl provider issues the drvconfig command on UNIX hosts to rescan hardware and build device nodes.


Sets the drvconfigflag in the lddl provider.

-flag specifies whether to enable or disable lddl running drvconfig. Set flag to TRUE to enable the lddl provider to issue the drvconfig command on UNIX hosts. Set flag to FALSE to disable the lddl provider from running drvconfig. Default value is FALSE.


Example 1: Adding an HP xp48 or xp512 array for discovery

Specify the following parameters to add an xp array for discovery:

provider - provider managing the array
arrayid - IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the array host
optionalparam - value of SNMP Read Community and SNMP Write Community strings in the storage array. The default value used is public, so do not specify this parameter unless the values in the array are not public.

Issue a command similar to the following to add an array for discovery:

vaildiag /ADDARRAY -provider vx_hp_512 -arrayid -optionalparam "SNMPReadCommunity=public,SNMPWriteCommunity=public"

Example 2: Adding Hewlett-Packard StorageWorks EVA arrays for discovery

Specify the following parameters to add HP EVA arrays for discovery:

provider - provider managing the OpenView Storage Operations Manager (CommandView EVA)
arrayid - IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the host where OpenView Storage Operations Manager (CommandView EVA) is installed
username - username to log on to OpenView Storage Operations Manager (CommandView EVA), which is always "administrator" for the HP EVA.
password - password to log on to OpenView Storage Operations Manager (CommandView EVA)

Note   Note    You do not add an individual HP EVA array for discovery. Instead you add the OpenView Storage Operations Manager (CommandView EVA) that is managing one or more HP EVA arrays. After you add the OpenView Storage Operations Manager (CommandView EVA), all arrays that it manages are discovered.

Issue a command similar to the following to add arrays for discovery:

vaildiag /ADDARRAY -provider vx_hp_eva -arrayid -username administrator -password <password_to_log_onto_CommandView_EVA>

Note   Note    The password is displayed if you use the -password option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify this option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.

If you have more than one OpenView Storage Operations Manager (CommandView EVA), add all of them for discovery.

Example 3: Adding an EMC CLARiiON array for discovery

Specify the following parameters to add an EMC CLARiiON array for discovery:

provider - provider managing the array
arrayid - IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of one of the array Storage Processors. Each CLARiiON array can have up to two Storage Processors with two different IP addresses. The CLARiiON VAIL provider can use the second IP address if the first IP address stops responding. To enable this capability, add the second IP address as if you are adding another CLARiiON array.

Issue a command similar to the following to add an array for discovery:

vaildiag /ADDARRAY -provider vx_emc_clariion -arrayid

Example 4: Adding a Hitachi Freedom Storage Lightning 9900 Series 9910 or 9960 array for discovery

Note   Note    If you are not managing these arrays through the Hitachi HiCommand framework, follow the procedure in this example. If you are managing these arrays through the HiCommand framework, see Example 5: Adding Hitachi HiCommand Arrays for discovery for information about how to add the arrays for discovery.

Specify the following parameters to add a Hitachi Freedom Storage Lightning 9900 Series 9910 or 9960 array for discovery:

provider - provider managing the array
arrayid - IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the array host
optionalparam - value of SNMP Read Community and SNMP Write Community strings in the storage array. The default value used is public, so do not specify this parameter unless the values in the array are not public.

Issue a command similar to the following to add an array for discovery:

vaildiag /ADDARRAY -provider vx_hds_9900 -arrayid -optionalparam "SNMPReadCommunity=public,SNMPWriteCommunity=public"

Example 5: Adding Hitachi HiCommand Arrays for discovery

The following Hitachi arrays are managed through the HiCommand framework:

Hitachi Freedom Storage Lightning 9900V Series 9970V and 9980V Storage Arrays
Hitachi Freedom Storage Thunder 9500V Series Storage Arrays
Hitachi Freedom Storage Thunder 9200 Storage Arrays

Specify the following parameters to add Hitachi HiCommand arrays for discovery:

provider - provider managing the HiCommand server
arrayid - IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the HiCommand server. If you want to change the default port (2001) that the provider uses to communicate with the HiCommand server, specify IPAddress:NewPortNumber.
username - username to log on to the HiCommand server
password - password to log on to the HiCommand server

Note   Note    You do not add an individual HiCommand array for discovery. Instead, you add the HiCommand server that is managing one or more HiCommand arrays. After you add the HiCommand server, all arrays that it manages are discovered.

Issue a command similar to the following to add arrays for discovery:

vaildiag /ADDARRAY -provider vx_hicommand -arrayid myHicommandServer:2002 -username HiCommandServerLogin -password <password_to_log_onto_HiCommand_server>

Note   Note    The password is displayed if you use the -password option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify this option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.

If you have more than one HiCommand server managing arrays, add all of the HiCommand servers.

Example 6: Adding SUN StoreEdge Sun T3 and T3+ arrays for discovery

Specify the following parameters to a add SUN T3 or T3+ array for discovery:

provider - provider managing the SUN T3 or T3+ arrays
arrayid - IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the T3 or T3+ array
username - username to log on to the array
password - password to log on to the array

Issue a command similar to the following to add an array for discovery:

vaildiag /ADDARRAY -provider vx_sun_t300 -arrayid -username loginName -password <password_to_log_onto_T3_array>

Note   Note    The password is displayed if you use the -password option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify this option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.

Example 7: Adding IBM TotalStorage Enterprise Storage Server (ESS/Shark) arrays for discovery

Note   Note    Shark arrays are managed by the IBM ESS Specialist, which can be installed in each array. You can have one ESS Specialist manage one or more storage arrays. If you are managing more than one array through a single Specialist, add that Specialist only for discovery; do not add the individual arrays that the Specialist is managing. After you add an ESS Specialist, all arrays that it manages are discovered.

Note   Note    The ESS Specialist has the capability to failover to a second IP address in case of a failure in the Specialist. To use the failover capability, specify the Specialist failover IP address (with the optionalparam argument) when you add the Specialist for discovery.

Specify the following parameters to add Shark arrays for discovery:

provider - provider managing the Shark arrays
arrayid - IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the ESS Specialist
username - username to log on to the ESS Specialist
password - password to log on to the ESS Specialist
optionalpara - ESS Specialist failover IP address

Issue a command similar to the following to add arrays for discovery. This command also shows how to specify the failover IP address:

vaildiag /ADDARRAY -provider vx_ibmshark -arrayid -username SpecialistUser -password <password_to_log_onto_Specialist> -optionalparam ""

Note   Note    The password is displayed if you use the -password option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify this option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.

If you have more than one ESS Specialist, add all of them.

Example 8: Adding Virtual Enclosures in Cisco MDS switches for discovery

VERITAS Storage Foundation for Networks creates Virtual Enclosures, which are analogous to storage arrays, in Cisco MDS switches.

Specify the following parameters to add Virtual Enclosures for discovery:

provider - provider managing the Virtual Enclosures
arrayid - IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the host where Storage Foundation for Networks is installed
username - username to log on to the host where Storage Foundation for Networks is installed
password - password to log on to the host where Storage Foundation for Networks is installed

Issue a command similar to the following to add Virtual Enclosures for discovery:

vaildiag /ADDARRAY -provider vx_cisco_mds -arrayid -username NVMUser -password <password_to_log_onto_NVMhost>

Note   Note    The password is displayed if you use the -password option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify this option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.

If you have more than one host running Storage Foundation for Networks, add all of the hosts.

Example 9: Adding a Network Appliance array for discovery

Specify the following parameters to add a NetApp array for discovery:

provider - provider managing the NetApp arrayss
arrayid - IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the array
username - username to log on to the array
password - password to log on to the array

Issue a command similar to the following to add a NetApp array for discovery:

vaildiag /ADDARRAY -provider vx_netapp -arrayid -username User -password <password_to_log_onto_NetApp>

Note   Note    The password is displayed if you use the -password option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify this option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.

Example 10: Adding HP xp128 and xp1024 CIM arrays for discovery

Specify the following parameters to add an xp128 or 1024 array for discovery:

provider - provider managing the xp128 or 1024 arrays
arrayid:port - arrayid is the IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the host where Command View XP and the SMI-S XP provider are installed. port optionally specifies the port that the CIM provider uses to communicate with the SMI-S XP provider, where the default port is 5988.
username - username to log on to the host where the Command View XP and the SMI-S provider are installed
password - password to log on to the host where the Command View XP and the SMI-S XP provider are installed
optionalparam - specify the namespace that the SMI-S XP provider is configured to use (see vendor documentation for this information) and a unique user determined name for the registry entry under which the CIM provider stores configuration information for the SMI-S XP.

Issue a command similar to the following to add an xp128 or 1024 array for discovery:

vaildiag /ADDARRAY -provider vx_vrts_cimvail -arrayid -username User -password <password_to_log_onto_XPSMIS> -optionalparam Namespace=root,FriendlyName=HPXPCIMOMInfo

Note   Note    The password is displayed if you use the -password option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify this option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.

Example 11: Adding LSI Logic, IBM FastT, or StorageTek BladeStore CIM arrays for discovery

Specify the following parameters to add supported LSI Logic, IBM FastT, or StorageTek BladeStore arrays for discovery:

provider - provider managing these arrays
arrayid:port - arrayid is the IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name of the host where the vendor SMI-S provider is installed. port optionally specifies the port that the CIM provider uses to communicate with the SMI-S provider, where the default port is 5988.
username - username to log on to the host where the the SMI-S provider is installed
password - password to log on to the host where the SMI-S provider is installed
optionalparam - specify the namespace that the SMI-S provider is configured to use (see vendor documentation for this information) and a unique user determined name for the registry entry under which the CIM provider stores configuration information for the SMI-S.

Issue a command similar to the following to add a supported array for discovery:

vaildiag /ADDARRAY -provider vx_vrts_cimvail -arrayid -username User -password <password_to_log_onto_LSISMIS> -optionalparam Namespace=root/lsissi,FriendlyName=LSICIMOMInfo

Note   Note    The password is displayed if you use the -password option. To avoid displaying the password, do not specify this option. vaildiag then prompts for the password, which it does not echo.


By default, vaildiag resides in /opt/VRTSvail/bin on UNIX and in c:\Program Files\VERITAS\VERITAS Array Providers\bin on Windows

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: VERITAS Array Integration Layer 4.2 Array Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation