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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: VERITAS Array Integration Layer 4.2 Array Configuration Guide   

Setting Array Provider Optional Parameters

You can use vaildiag to set optional parameters for array providers that use them. Syntax for this command is:

    /SETOPTIONALPROVPARAM [-provider ProviderName] [-parameter1\ Value1] [-parameter2 Value2][...]
    provider ProviderName specifies the array provider whose optional parameters you are setting. To obtain a ProviderName list for all array providers on the machine, issue the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.
    -parameter1 Value1 -parameter2 Value2 ... specify key/value pairs for the optional parameters

Optional parameters can be used to specify the location of a CLI or API that an array provider uses to communicate with a storage array, or for other purposes. To get a list of a provider's optional parameters, issue the /GETOPTIONALPROVPARAM command on the provider.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: VERITAS Array Integration Layer 4.2 Array Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation