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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: VERITAS Array Integration Layer 4.2 Array Configuration Guide   

Rescanning Array Providers

The vaildiag tool has two commands that you can use to update status information for storage arrays. The following rescan commands are available:

  • /RESCAN [-provider ProviderName|-all] |[-array ArrayID -provider ProviderName]
  • Rescans the specified storage arrays for updated status information. You can rescan the SCSI bus and all arrays attached to the machine, a single array, or all arrays managed by the VAIL provider.
    provider ProviderName rescans the storage arrays that are managed by the VAIL provider specified by ProviderName. The names of the providers loaded on the machine can be obtained using the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.
    all- rescans all storage arrays attached to the machine for updated status and rescans the SCSI bus for devices.
    array ArrayID-rescans the array specified by ArrayID. When you specify an array ID, you must also specify -provider ProviderName. You can obtain Array IDs for the discovered storage arrays by issuing the vaildiag /SHOWARRAYS command. You can obtain provider names for the providers loaded on the machine by issuing the vaildiag /PROVIDERS command.
  • Rescans the SCSI bus for devices.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: VERITAS Array Integration Layer 4.2 Array Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation