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Manual: VERITAS Array Integration Layer 4.2 Array Configuration Guide   

Verifying CLI/API Functionality

This section describes how to verify EMC Solutions Enabler functionality.

Installing and Verifying Solutions Enabler Licenses

To enable EMC Symmetrix discovery, install and enable the following set of EMC licenses on the host where Solutions Enabler is installed:

EMC Solutions Enabler Licenses

License Purpose Representative Command to Determine Presence or Absence of License


Enables the Base component, which includes routine commands such as symdev, symcfg, and symdisk

symdev list

Configuration Mgr

Enables the symconfigure command, which is used for management operations such as LUN binding and LUN creation and deletion

symconfigure query

Dev Masking

Enables the symmask and symmaskdb commands, which are used for management operations for LUN masking

symmaskdb list database


Enables the symmir command, which is used for discovery and management of Timefinder snapshots

symmir -sid someSymArayID -f textFileName attach

someSymArayID is the ID of a Symmetrix array

textFileName is a text file containing the device numbers of an STD and BCV device pairin the specified array that have no TimeFinder relationship

If the attach operation succeeds, you can restore the original STD-BCV relationship by issuing the following command:

symmir -sid someSymArayID -f textFileName detach

Verifying EMC Solutions Enabler licenses are installed

Before performing any license verification, verify that EMC Solutions Enabler is installed on the host where the EMC Symmetrix VAIL provider is installed.

  To determine whether the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed

  • EMC Solutions Enabler (SYMCLI) creates soft links for all SYMCLI binaries at /usr/symcli/bin. If these links are not present, issue the following command at the root directory:
    • find . -name symcfg -print
      The path to where Solutions Enabler is installed is displayed. For example:
      If Solutions Enabler is not installed, a path is not returned. If no path is displayed, see EMC Solutions Enabler (SYMCLI).

  To determine what Solutions Enabler licenses are installed and enabled

  1. To determine what Solutions Enabler licenses are installed and enabled, look at the contents of the symapi_licenses.dat file. The file is located at /usr/emc/API/symapi/config. The following is an example of the contents of the symapi_licenses.dat file:
          License Key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX WIDESKY Feature: TimeFinder / Symmetrix
          License Key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX WIDESKY Feature: BASE / Symmetrix
          License Key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX WIDESKY Feature: ConfigChange / Symmetrix
          License Key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX WIDESKY Feature: SERVER / Symmetrix
          License Key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX WIDESKY Feature: DevMasking / Symmetrix 

    Licenses can be bundled together, in which case you might not see all installed and enabled licenses in the symapi_licenses.dat file. If all of the required licenses are listed, continue at Verifying CLI/API Functionality; otherwise, continue at the next step.

  2. Change to the directory where the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed and run the commands shown in EMC Solutions Enabler Licenses. If the license for the command is not installed an error message is displayed. If that occurs, install the license following the procedure in To Install the EMC Solutions Enabler licenses.

  To Install the EMC Solutions Enabler licenses

  1. Change to the directory where the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed. See To determine whether the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed.
  2. Invoke the WideSky License Management Facility (LMF):


      The following is displayed:

            E M C    W I D E S K Y
                                   WIDESKY LICENSE MANAGEMENT FACILITY
            Register WIDESKY License Key (y/[n]) ?
  3. Enter y to input a license key.

    The following is displayed:

      Enter WIDESKY License Key :

  4. Enter the license key in the format specified by EMC documentation. If you enter a valid key, a message similar to the following is displayed:

      The WideSky License Key for the BASE feature was successfully registered.

      Register WIDESKY License Key (y/[n]) ?

  5. To enter more license keys, continue at step 3.

    To exit, enter n.

Verifying CLI/API Functionality

To verify that the required CLI/APIs are installed and functioning, perform the following tasks on the host where the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed. Install all specified software on the host and storage array and perform any specified configuration before performing these tasks. Log on as "root."

  To determine where the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed

  • EMC Solutions Enabler (SYMCLI) creates soft links for all SYMCLI binaries at /usr/symcli/bin. If these links are not present, issue the following command at the root directory:
    • find . -name symcfg -print
      The path to where Solutions Enabler is installed is displayed. For example:
      If Solutions Enabler is not installed, a path is not returned. If no path is displayed, see EMC Solutions Enabler (SYMCLI).

  To determine the EMC Solutions Enabler version

  1. At the command line, change to the directory where Solutions Enabler is installed. See To determine where the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed.
  2. Enter the following at the command line:


      The SYMCLI version number and other information is displayed. For example:

      Symmetrix Command Line Interface (SYMCLI) Version V5.2.0.0 (Edit Level: 425)

      built with SYMAPI Version V5.2.0.0 (Edit Level: 425)

  3. Verify the EMC Solutions Enabler version is supported.

  To determine the array firmware version

  1. At the command line, change to the directory where Solutions Enabler is installed. See To determine where the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed.
  2. Enter the following at the command line:

      ./symcfg list

      A list of all connected Symmetrix arrays is displayed. For example:

                                     S Y M M E T R I X
                                                Mcode    Cache      Num Phys  Num Symm
                SymmID       Attachment  Model  Version  Size (MB)  Devices   Devices
                000182504558 Local       3400   5266      2048      1    755
  3. Determine the microcode version, which is 5266 in this example; verify that the version is supported.

  To determine whether the Symmetrix arrays and physical devices are visible to the host

  1. At the command line, change to the directory where Solutions Enabler is installed. See To determine where the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed.
  2. Enter the following at the command line:

      ./symcfg discover

      A message similar to the following is displayed:

      This operation may take up to a few minutes. Please be patient... 

  3. If the previous command did not return an error message, enter the following at the command line:

      ./symcfg list

      A list of all connected Symmetrix arrays is displayed. For example:

                                     S Y M M E T R I X
                                                Mcode    Cache      Num Phys  Num Symm
                SymmID       Attachment  Model  Version  Size (MB)  Devices   Devices
                000182504558 Local       3400   5266      2048      1    755
  4. Verify that all connected Symmetrix arrays are listed. If a connected array is not listed, this could mean that no device in that array is visible to the host. See LUN Visibility for more information.
  5. If the previous command returned a list of arrays, enter the following at the command line for each array listed:

      ./sympd -sid symmetrixId list

      symmetrixId is one of the IDs returned by the symcfg list command.

      A list of all devices in the specified array that are visible to the host is displayed. For example:

            ./sympd -sid 000182504558 list
            Symmetrix ID: 000182504558
                    Device Name           Directors                  Device
            ---------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------
            Physical                Sym  SA :P DA :IT  Config      Attribute     Sts   (MB)
            ---------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------
            /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2    0000 01B:0 02A:D1 2-Way Mir   N/Grp'd VCM    WD     8
  6. For each connected Symmetrix array, verify that at least one physical device is listed. If you see an error message similar to "Gatekeeper not found," this means that no LUNs in the specified array are visible to the host. If this occurs, see LUN Visibility.

  To determine whether a VCMDB device for each array is visible to the host

Note   Note    To enable full discovery and management of a Symmetrix array, the VCMDB in that array must be visible to the host where the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed.
  1. At the command line, change to the directory where Solutions Enabler is installed. See To determine where the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed.
  2. Determine the VCMDBs that are visible to the host. Enter the following at the command line:


      Information is returned for each VCMDB that is visible to the host. For example:

            # ./vcmfind
            @(#) vcmfind, Copyright EMC Corp. 2002 Revision: V5.2-425 $
             ADAPTER           WWN               PATHNAME                  FA
             pci@1f,0          20000001730027b0  /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2        1ba
  3. Determine the VCMDB for each Symmetrix array that is attached to the host. Enter the following at the command line:

      ./sympd list -vcm

      Information is returned listing the VCMDB for each array that is visible to the host. For example:

            C:\Program Files\EMC\WideSky\bin>sympd list -vcm
            Symmetrix ID: 000182504558
            Device Name           Directors                  Device
            --------------------------- ------------- ---------------------------------
            Physical               Sym  SA :P DA :IT  Config        Attribute  Sts (MB)
            --------------------------- ------------- ---------------------------------
            /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2   0000 01B:0 02A:D1  2-Way Mir   N/Grp'd VCM WD  8
  4. Verify that each VCMDB listed in the step 3 display is also listed in the step 2 display.

  To determine whether a VCMDB device for each array is in the ready state

  1. At the command line, change to the directory where Solutions Enabler is installed. See To determine where the EMC Solutions Enabler is installed.
  2. Determine the state of each VCMDB that is visible to the host where Solutions Enabler is installed. Enter the following at the command line:

      ./symdev list -vcm

      Information is returned listing the state of each VCMDB that is visible to the host. For example:

            # ./symdev list -vcm
            Symmetrix ID: 000182504558
                    Device Name           Directors                  Device
            --------------------------- ------------- ---------------------------------
            Sym  Physical               SA :P DA :IT  Config        Attribute    Sts (MB)
            --------------------------- ------------- ---------------------------------
            0000 /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2     01B:0 02A:D1  2-Way Mir     N/Grp'd  VCM WD  8
  3. Notice that the status (Sts) of the VCMDB (VCM) is WD (Write Disabled), meaning the device is ready. If the status is NR, meaning Not Ready, the VCMDB cannot be used. If the VCMDB status is NR, make the device ready. Issue the following command:

      symdev -sid symmetrixId ready symDeviceID

      symmetrixId is the array ID and symDeviceID is the Symmetrix device ID

      To make ready the VCMDB in the proceeding example (whose symDeviceID is 0000), issue the following at the command line:

      ./symdev -sid 000182504558 ready 000

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: VERITAS Array Integration Layer 4.2 Array Configuration Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation