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Oracle® OLAP Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1)


Package oracle.olapi.syntax

Contains classes that represent data types, functions, commands, and data objects.


Interface Summary
Buildable A marker interface for metadata objects that an application can specify when it creates a BuildItem.
ConsistentSolveCommand A marker interface implemented by some SimpleCommand classes.
FunctionArgument A marker interface for the Expression and other objects that can be function arguments.


Class Summary
AggregationCase A SyntaxObject that represents an aggregation case for an AggregationCommand.
AggregationCommand A SolveStepCommand that represents an aggregation command in a BuildSpecification.
AllocationCommand A SolveStepCommand that represents an allocation command in a BuildSpecification.
AnalyzeCommand A SimpleCommand that directs Oracle OLAP to analyze the procedures that a BuildProcess performs as it builds an MdmCube or an MdmPrimaryDimension.
BaseQuery A Query for an object that implements the MdmQuery interface, such as an MdmCube or an MdmPrimaryDimension.
BetweenCondition A Condition that represents a BETWEEN condition, which determines whether a value is in a specific range of values.
BinaryOperatorCondition A Condition that represents a logical AND or OR condition that operates on two component Condition objects.
BinaryOperatorExpression A RowExpression that represents a binary operator and two expressions that are the operands of the expression.
BuildCommand An abstract base class that represents a command to execute in a BuildProcess.
BuildItem A SyntaxObject that specifies a Buildable object and optionally a BuildSpecification.
BuildProcess A SyntaxObject that contains one or more BuildItem objects, each of which specifies a database object to build and how to build it.
BuildSpecification A SyntaxObject that contains commands that specify how to build a BuildItem.
CaseExpression A RowExpression that is the abstract base for classes that represent expressions that are similar to CASE expressions in SQL.
ClearCommand A SimpleCommand that deletes the specified data during a build process.
ColumnExpression A TypedExpression that represents a column in a relational table or view.
ComparisonCondition An abstract base class for a Condition that represents a comparison condition, which compares one expression to another expression or to a list of expressions.
CompileCommand A SimpleCommand that represents a compile command in a BuildSpecification.
Condition An abstract base class for an Expression that represents a condition, which specifies a combination of one or more expressions and logical (Boolean) operators and evaluates to true, false, null, or UNKNOWN.
ConsistentSolveSpecification A SyntaxObject that represents a specification for generating data for an MdmMeasure or for all of the MdmMeasure objects of an MdmCube.
DataObject An abstract base class for Query, Expression and other classes.
DataType An object that represents an Oracle Database data type without precision information.
DateExpression A LiteralExpression that represents a date.
DimensionArgument A DataObject that represents an MdmDimension as a function argument.
Expression An abstract base class for the Condition and TypedExpression classes.
FunctionCondition A Condition that represents a condition that evaluates a FunctionArgument that produces a Boolean value.
FunctionDescriptor An object that describes the structure of an Expression function.
FunctionDescriptorArgument The abstract base for classes that represent descriptors for the arguments for a FunctionDescriptor.
FunctionDescriptorCatalog A catalog of functions that are represented by Expression objects.
FunctionDescriptorChoiceArgument A FunctionDescriptorArgument that represents arguments that are alternative choices for arguments to a function.
FunctionDescriptorConditionArgument A FunctionDescriptorArgument that represents an argument to a condition function.
FunctionDescriptorDimensionArgument A FunctionDescriptorArgument for a function argument that is a DimensionArgument.
FunctionDescriptorGroupArgument A FunctionDescriptorArgument that is a container for the FunctionDescriptorArgument objects for a function that takes a group of arguments.
FunctionDescriptorIdentifierArgument A FunctionDescriptorArgument for an function argument that is an IdentifierArgument.
FunctionDescriptorKeywordArgument A FunctionDescriptorArgument for an function argument that is a KeywordArgument.
FunctionDescriptorTypedExpressionArgument A FunctionDescriptorArgument for a function that takes a TypedExpression as an argument.
GroupCommand A BuildCommand that represents a group of SimpleCommand objects that operate on the specified MdmBaseMeasure objects when the condition specified by a SymmetricCondition is true.
HierarchicalCondition A Condition that tests whether a member of a hierarchy has the specified hierarchical relationship to another member of the hierarchy.
IdentifierArgument A DataObject that represents a metadata object indentifier as a function argument.
IntervalExpression A RowExpression that represents an interval expression, which is similar to a SQL interval expression.
IntervalLiteralExpression A RowExpression that represents an interval literal expression, which is similar to a SQL interval literal expression.
IsCondition A Condition that represents a special condition.
KeywordArgument A DataObject that represents a keyword as a function argument.
KeywordCatalog A catalog of keywords that an application can use as arguments to Expression functions.
LikeCondition A Condition that represents a pattern-matching condition that compares the values of StringExpression objects.
ListComparisonCondition A ComparisonCondition that represents a group comparison condition, which compares one expression to a list of expressions.
LiteralExpression A TypedExpression that is the abstract base for classes that represent a literal expression.
LoadCommand A SimpleCommand that loads data into measures from the source tables that are mapped to the measures.
ModelCommand A SimpleCommand that represents an MdmDimensionCalculationModel in a BuildSpecification.
NotCondition A Condition that represents a NOT condition, which negates, or reverses, the Boolean value of the base condition.
NullExpression A LiteralExpression that represents null.
NumberExpression A LiteralExpression that represents a number.
OLAPDMLCommand A SimpleCommand that represents an OLAP DML command in a BuildSpecification.
OLAPDMLExpression A TypedExpression that represents an Oracle OLAP DML expression.
OLAPFunctionExpression A TypedExpression that represents an Oracle OLAP function.
OrderByClause A DataObject that represents an ordering of the results of the evaluation of an Expression.
OrderByElement A DataObject that represents an expression of an OrderByClause.
PlaceholderExpression A TypedExpression that represents a placeholder for a measure value.
PLSQLCommand A SimpleCommand that represents a PL/SQL command in a BuildSpecification.
QDRExpression A TypedExpression that represents a qualified data reference (QDR).
Qualifier A DataObject that represents a dimension member for a QDRExpression.
Query A DataObject that represents a multi-row, multi-column result set that is similar to a relational table, a SQL SELECT statement, or an OLAP function.
RowExpression A TypedExpression that is the abstract base for classes that represent a row-based expression.
RowFunctionExpression A RowExpression that represents a row function, which is similar to a SQL single-row function.
SearchedCase A DataObject that contains a WHEN condition and a THEN expression for a SearchedCaseExpression.
SearchedCaseExpression A CaseExpression that represents an expression that is similar to the searched case expression clause and the ELSE clause of a CASE expression in SQL.
SimpleCase A DataObject that contains a pair of WHEN and THEN expressions for a SimpleCaseExpression.
SimpleCaseExpression A CaseExpression that represents an expression that is similar to the simple case expression and the ELSE clauses of a CASE expression in SQL.
SimpleCommand An abstract base class for simple build commands.
SolveCommand A SimpleCommand in a BuildSpecification that initiates the operations that calculate the data for a BuildItem.
SolveStepCommand An abstract SimpleCommand that contains arguments for one step in the operations that calculate the data for a BuildItem.
SQLDataType An object that represents an Oracle Database data type with precision information.
StarArgument A DataObject that represents a * (asterisk) argument.
StringExpression A LiteralExpression that represents a literal text expression.
SymmetricCondition A SyntaxObject that represents a condition where the members of a collection of MdmDimension objects are specified by a corresponding collection of Condition objects.
SyntaxObject An abstract base class for objects that specify tables or columns in an Oracle Database instance, and that represent selections of data and operations on the data.
SyntaxObjectVisitor An visitor class for the SyntaxObject class hierarchy.
TimeZoneExpression A RowExpression that represents a date with a time zone.
TypedExpression An Expression that is a combination of one or more values, operators, and functions that evaluates to a value.
UnaryOperatorExpression A RowExpression that represents a unary operator and an operand.
UnresolvedExpression A TypedExpression that represents an invalid or unresolvable identifier.
UnresolvedQuery A Query that represents an invalid or unresolvable identifier.
ValueComparisonCondition A ComparisonCondition that represents a simple comparison condition, which compares one expression to another expression.


Exception Summary
SyntaxException Indicates that part of the specification of an SyntaxObject is invalid.


Package oracle.olapi.syntax Description

Contains classes that represent data types, functions, commands, and data objects. Data objects include classes that represent arguments, conditions, and other expressions.

Subclasses of SyntaxObject have methods that convert the object to or from text in Oracle OLAP expression syntax. The text can be SQL statements, or PL/SQL or OLAP DML functions or commands.

An application uses instances of objects from this package in mapping metadata objects to data in the database. Some objects, such as subclasses of Query and Expression, have a getSource method that returns an for which an can retrieve data.

BuildCommand objects specify actions that affect an analytic workspace. An application associates a BuildCommand object with a BuildItem and a BuildProcess.

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