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Oracle Data Mining Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1)


Oracle Data Mining Java API Reference

This document is the API specification for the Oracle Extensions to the Java Data Mining (JDM) standard API, JDM standard API specification can be either downloaded from or viewed from
Oracle Extensions include: Non-JDM standard mining function called feature extraction, oracle proprietary algorithms such as Generalized linear models (GLM), Adaptive Bayes Networks (ABN), Orthogonal Clustering (OCluster) , and non-JDM standard feature extraction algorithm Non-Negative MatrixFactorization (NMF).


oracle.dmt.jdm This package contains oracle specific function and algorithm extensions enumerations and execution handle extension method.
oracle.dmt.jdm.algorithm.abn This package contains definitions for describing the oracle specific Adaptive Bayes Network (ABN) algorithm settings to build a  classification model.
oracle.dmt.jdm.algorithm.glm This package contains definitions for describing the oracle JDM extension Generalized Linear Models (GLM) algorithm settings to build a  regression and classification model.
oracle.dmt.jdm.algorithm.kmeans This package contains oracle extensions like split criterion and additional clustering distance functions for k-means algorithm settings  to build a clustering model.
oracle.dmt.jdm.algorithm.nmf This package contains definitions for describing the oracle specific Non-negative Matrix Factorization algorithm settings to build a  feature extraction model.
oracle.dmt.jdm.algorithm.ocluster This package contains definitions for describing the oracle specific Orthogonal Partitioning Clustering (O-Cluster) algorithm settings specific to build a clustering model.
oracle.dmt.jdm.algorithm.svm.classification This package contains extensions for describing the oracle specific Support Vector Machine algorithm settings extensions to build a  classification model.
oracle.dmt.jdm.algorithm.svm.regression This package contains extensions for describing the oracle specific Support Vector Machine algorithm settings extensions to build a  regression model.
oracle.dmt.jdm.algorithm.tree This package contains extensions for describing the oracle specific decision tree algorithm settings extensions to build a  classification model.This package contains definitions for describing the algorithm settings specific to building a model.
oracle.dmt.jdm.association This package contains oracle specific extensions like rule id and itemset id retrieval for the applications.
oracle.dmt.jdm.base This package contains OraModel extension method to set the oracle specific transformation details. This package contains oracle specific extension classes OraPairProbability and OraAttributeCoefficient.
oracle.dmt.jdm.featureextraction This package contains Java classes describing the settings and model for the feature extraction mining function  Feature Extraction analysis has been used in text analysis and the extraction of text features of the text.consumer behavior for the discovery of relationships of co-occurrences among a set of items, e.g., the presence of one pattern implies the presence of another pattern.
oracle.dmt.jdm.modeldetail.abn This package contains Java classes describing the model details of a Adaptive Bayes Network model.
oracle.dmt.jdm.modeldetail.glm This package contains Java classes describing the model details of a Adaptive Bayes Network model.
oracle.dmt.jdm.resource This package contains OraConnectionFactory calss that can create a DME Connection to Oracle Database.
oracle.dmt.jdm.supervised This package contains OraTestTask extension class to javax.datamining.supervised.TestTask.
oracle.dmt.jdm.supervised.regression This package contains oracle exectensions for regression apply settings and test metrics to specify the target normalization details to allow the denormalization of predictions and test metrics values.
oracle.dmt.jdm.task This package contains oracle specific extension tasks i.e., OraPredictTask, OraExplainTask, OraTransformationTask
oracle.dmt.jdm.task.apply This package contains OraDataSetApplyTask extension class to javax.datamining.task.apply.DataSetApplyTask.
oracle.dmt.jdm.transform This package contains base class OraTransform for all transformations supported by Oracle.
oracle.dmt.jdm.transform.binning This package contains binning transformation related classes.
oracle.dmt.jdm.transform.clipping This package contains clipping transformation related classes.
oracle.dmt.jdm.transform.normalize This package contains normalize transformation related classes.
oracle.dmt.jdm.transform.text This package contains text transformation related classes.


This document is the API specification for the Oracle Extensions to the Java Data Mining (JDM) standard API, JDM standard API specification can be either downloaded from or viewed from

Oracle Extensions include:

See Also:
JDM Standard Specification, JDM Standard API Specification

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Oracle Data Mining Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (11.1)


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