- access log, 6-7
- access.conf, A-2
- AccessConfig, 8-5
- AccessFileName, 2-7
- ACKS, 5-4
- AddCertHeader, 7-5
- AddType, A-4
- Advanced Queuing, A-5
- aqxml.conf, A-5
- Al16UTF-16, 7-17
- alert, 6-4, 6-6
- AllowOverride, 2-7
- always_desc, 7-28
- Apache, 2-2, Glossary-1
- 2.0 support, 9-3
- security patches, 9-3
- Apache HTTP Server, 1-2
- license, B-2
- Apache SOAP
- license, B-3
- Apache software
- license, B-2
- apachectl, 1-6
- ApacheStyle, 7-40
- application-specific error pages, 9-2
- aqxml.conf, A-5
- authentication, 8-2, Glossary-1
- AuthGroupFile, 8-10
- AuthName, 8-9
- authorization, 8-2
- AuthType, 8-9
- AuthUserFile, 8-9
- availability, Glossary-1
- BindAddress, 5-3
- block directives, 2-7
- BrowserMatch, 8-8
- CA, Glossary-1
- cache, 9-2
- cache.conf, 7-22
- CacheRoot, 9-2
- CERN, 7-4
- certificate, Glossary-1
- digital, Glossary-3
- management, 8-12
- X.509, 8-21
- certificate authority, Glossary-2
- certificate revocation list, 8-14
- CGI, Glossary-2
- environment variables, 7-6
- scripts, 1-2
- changing
- port, 5-2
- child process, 4-2
- cipher suite, Glossary-2
- ciphertext, Glossary-2
- classes
- directives, 2-3
- cleartext, Glossary-2
- client authentication, 8-32
- commands
- -f, 3-6
- restartproc, 1-7
- startproc, 1-6
- stopproc, 1-7
- CompatEnvVars, 8-22
- components, 1-3
- CondPattern, 7-54
- conf, 3-6
- confidentiality, 8-2
- configuration files, 2-2, A-1
- access.conf, A-2
- aqxml.conf, A-5
- cache.conf, 7-22
- dads.conf, 7-22
- dms.conf, A-4
- httpd.conf, A-2
- file structure, A-2
- iaspt.conf, A-2
- mime.types, A-4
- ojsp.conf, A-5
- opmn.xml, A-7
- oracle_apache.conf, A-5
- plsql.conf, 7-21, A-5
- srm.conf, A-2
- ssl.conf, A-6
- syntax, 2-2
- xml.conf, A-6
- configuring
- client authentication, 8-32
- load balancers, 5-6
- reverse proxies, 5-6
- server logs, 6-1
- connection persistence, 5-5
- container directives, 2-4
- controlling access
- domain name, 8-7
- environment variables, 8-8
- IP address, 8-6
- netmask, 8-7
- network, 8-7
- CoreDumpDirectory, 3-4
- creating
- DAD, 7-20
- crit, 6-4
- critical, 6-6
- cryptography, Glossary-2
- custom log, 6-7
- DAD, Glossary-2
- creating, 7-20
- parameters, 7-26
- password
- obfuscation, 7-36
- dads.conf, 7-22, 7-26
-, 7-36
- database access descriptor, 7-22, Glossary-3
- database usage notes, 7-16
- DBI module
- license, B-5
- debug, 6-4, 6-6
- DebugStyle, 7-41
- decryption, Glossary-3
- Define, 7-8
- DES, 8-12, Glossary-3
- Diffie-Hellman key negotiation algorithm, 8-15, Glossary-3
- digital certificate, Glossary-3
- digital wallet, Glossary-3
- directives, 2-2
- AccessFileName, 2-7
- AddCertHeader, 7-5
- AddType, A-4
- AllowOverride, 2-7
- AuthGroupFile, 8-10
- AuthName, 8-9
- AuthType, 8-9
- AuthUserFile, 8-9
- BindAddress, 5-3
- block, 2-7
- IfDefine, 2-7
- IfModule, 2-7
- CacheRoot, 9-2
- classes, 2-3
- global, 2-3
- per-directory, 2-3
- per-server, 2-3
- container, 2-4
- Directory, 2-4
- DirectoryMatch, 2-5
- Files, 2-5
- FilesMatch, 2-5
- Limit, 2-6
- LimitExcept, 2-6
- Location, 2-5
- LocationMatch, 2-6
- VirtualHost, 2-7
- CoreDumpDirectory, 3-4
- create name space, 9-4
- Define, 7-8
- DocumentRoot, 3-4
- ErrorLog, 3-5
- Group, 4-2, 4-4
- KeepAlive, 5-5
- KeepAliveTimeOut, 5-5
- Listen, 5-3
- ListenBackLog, 5-4
- LoadModule, 2-3
- LockFile, 3-5
- LogFormat, 6-5
- MaxClients, 4-5
- MaxKeepAliveRequests, 5-5
- MaxRequestsPerChild, 4-6
- MaxSpareServers, 4-6
- MinSpareServers, 4-6
- mod_ossl, 8-10
- mod_ssl, 8-10
- OpmnHostPort, 7-14
- OraLogDir, 6-5
- OraLogMode, 6-2
- OraLogSeverity, 6-3
- module_name, 6-3
- msg_level, 6-3
- msg_type, 6-3
- PidFile, 3-5
- PlsqlCacheDirectory, 4-3
- Port, 5-3
- ProxyRequests, 9-2
- RewriteBase, 7-56
- RewriteEngine, 7-55
- RewriteLog, 7-55
- RewriteLogLevel, 6-9, 7-55
- RewriteOptions, 7-55
- scope, 2-4
- ScoreBoardFile, 3-5
- SendBufferSize, 5-4
- ServerAdmin, 3-3
- ServerAlias, 3-3
- ServerName, 3-2
- ServerRoot, 3-6
- ServerSignature, 3-3
- ServerTokens, 3-3
- ServerType, 4-4
- SimulateHttps, 7-7
- SSLCACertificateFile, 8-13
- SSLCACertificatePath, 8-13
- SSLCertificateChainFile, 8-13
- SSLCertificateFile, 8-13
- SSLCertificateKeyFile, 8-13
- SSLLogFile, 6-9
- SSLRandomSeed, 8-13
- SSLVerifyDepth, 8-13
- StartServers, 4-5
- ThreadsPerChild, 4-5
- TimeOut, 5-4
- UseCanonicalName, 3-2
- User, 4-2, 4-4
- directories
- Apache, 2-2
- Directory directive, 2-4
- directory information tree, Glossary-3
- directory structure, 2-2
- DirectoryMatch directive, 2-5
- distinguished name, 8-21, Glossary-3
- DIT, Glossary-4
- dms.conf, A-4
- DN, Glossary-4
- DocumentRoot, 3-4, 7-58
- domain name
- controlling access, 8-7
- Dynamic Monitoring Service, 1-2, 7-24, A-4
- emerg, 6-4
- emergency, 6-6
- enabling
- SSL, 8-10
- encryption, Glossary-4
- entry, Glossary-4
- environment variables
- controlling access, 8-8
- error, 6-4, 6-6
- error log, 6-8
- ErrorLog, 3-5
- Expat
- license, B-22
- ExportCertData, 8-21
- Extended API, 7-8
- -f option, 3-6
- failover, Glossary-4
- FakeBasicAuth, 8-21
- FAQ, 9-1
- Apache 2.0 support, 9-3
- Apache security patches, 9-3
- offering HTTPS to ISP customers, 9-2
- Oracle HTTP Server
- version number, 9-3
- protecting Web site
- hackers, 9-5
- proxy sensitive requests, 9-3
- supporting
- PHP, 9-4
- FastCGI
- license, B-17
- features, 1-2
- file locations, 3-4
- Files directive, 2-5
- FilesMatch directive, 2-5
- frequently asked questions, 9-1
- GET, 5-4
- global environment, A-2
- graceful restart, 1-7
- Group, 4-2, 4-4
- hackers, 9-5
- host-based access control, 8-4
- domain name, 8-7
- environment variables, 8-8
- IP address, 8-6
- mod_access, 8-6
- mod_setenvif, 8-6
- netmask, 8-7
- network, 8-7
- .htaccess files, 2-7
- HTTP, Glossary-4
- HTTP listener, 1-3
- httpd parent process, 4-2
- httpd.conf, A-2
- global environment, A-2
- main server configuration, A-3
- virtual hosts parameters, A-3
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Glossary-4
- iasobf, 8-33
- usage, 8-33
- iaspt.conf, A-2
- identd, 6-5
- IdentityCheck, 6-5
- IfDefine directive, 2-7
- IfModule directive, 2-7, 6-3
- info, 6-4
- InfoDebug, 7-43
- information, 6-6
- IP address
- controlling access, 8-6
- Jaxen
- license, B-20
- Keep Alive, 5-5
- KeepAliveTimeOut, 5-5
- key, Glossary-4
- LDAP, Glossary-4
- lightweight directory access protocol, Glossary-5
- Limit directive, 2-6
- LimitExcept directive, 2-6
- limiting
- connection number, 4-5
- process number, 4-5
- Listen, 5-3
- ListenBackLog, 5-4
- listener addresses, 5-2
- listener ports, 5-2
- load balancers, 5-6
- LoadModule directive, 2-3, 7-5, 7-21, 7-24
- Location directive, 2-5
- LocationMatch directive, 2-6
- LockFile, 3-5
- log, 3-6
- log files, 6-7, 6-8
- locations, 6-7
- log formats, 6-5
- authuser, 6-5
- bytes, 6-5
- Common Log Format, 6-5
- data, 6-5
- host, 6-5
- ident, 6-5
- request, 6-5
- status, 6-5
- log level, 6-6
- alert, 6-6
- critical, 6-6
- debug, 6-6
- emergency, 6-6
- error, 6-6
- information, 6-6
- notice, 6-6
- warning, 6-6
- log rotation, 6-7
- LogFormat, 6-5
- logging
- errors, 6-8
- LogLevel, 6-4
- LogLoader, 6-2
- main server configuration, A-3
- management, 1-6
- managing
- connection persistence, 5-5
- network connection, 5-1
- server network interaction, 5-4
- server processes, 4-1
- MaxClients, 1-7, 4-5
- MaxKeepAliveRequests, 5-5
- MaxRequestsPerChild, 4-6
- MaxSpareServers, 1-7, 4-6
- MD5, 8-12, Glossary-5
- message digest, Glossary-5
- mime.types, A-4
- MinSpareServers, 1-7, 4-6
- mod_access, 7-3, 8-2, 8-6
- host-based access control, 8-6
- mod_actions, 7-3
- mod_alias, 7-3
- mod_asis, 7-3
- mod_auth, 7-3, 8-2, 8-9
- authenticate users, 8-9
- mod_auth_anon, 7-4
- mod_auth_db, 7-4
- mod_auth_dbm, 7-4
- mod_auth_digest, 7-4
- mod_autoindex, 7-4
- mod_cern_meta, 7-4
- mod_certheaders, 7-5
- environment variables, 7-6
- mod_cgi, 7-8
- mod_dav
- license, B-15
- mod_define, 7-8
- mod_digest, 7-8
- mod_dir, 7-9
- mod_dms, 7-9, 8-3
- mod_env, 7-9
- mod_example, 7-9
- mod_expires, 7-10
- mod_fastcgi, 7-10
- mod_headers, 7-10
- mod_imap, 7-10
- mod_include, 7-10
- mod_info, 7-11
- mod_isapi, 7-11
- mod_log_agent, 7-11
- mod_log_config, 7-11
- mod_log_referer, 7-11
- mod_mime, 7-12
- mod_mime_magic, 7-12
- mod_mmap_static, 7-12
- mod_negotiation, 7-12
- mod_onsint
- benefits, 7-13
- implementation differences, 7-14
- modules
- mod_onsint, 7-13
- mod_oradav, 7-15
- mod_ossl, 7-15, 8-2, 8-10, 8-12
- authenticate users, 8-10
- directives, 8-13
- client authentication, 8-32
- SSLAccelerator, 8-14
- SSLCARevocationFile, 8-14
- SSLCARevocationPath, 8-15
- SSLCipherSuite, 8-15
- SSLEngine, 8-18
- SSLLog, 8-18
- SSLLogLevel, 8-19
- SSLMutex, 8-20
- SSLOptions, 8-21
- SSLPassPhraseDialog, 8-23
- SSLProtocol, 8-23
- SSLRequire, 8-24
- SSLRequireSSL, 8-26
- SSLSessionCache, 8-27
- SSLSessionCacheTimeout, 8-27
- SSLVerifyClient, 8-28
- SSLWallet, 8-28
- SSLWalletPassword, 8-29
- usage, 8-12
- mod_ossl directives
- client authentication, 8-32
- mod_perl, 1-3, 7-15, 8-3
- database usage notes, 7-16
- testing database connection, 7-17
- mod_plsql, 2-2, 7-19
- always_desc, 7-28
- bind_bucket_lengths, 7-31
- cache.conf, 7-49
- PlsqlCacheCleanupTime, 7-50
- PlsqlCacheDirectory, 7-50
- PlsqlCacheEnable, 7-51
- PlsqlCacheMaxAge, 7-51
- PlsqlCacheMaxSize, 7-52
- PlsqlCacheTotalSize, 7-52
- configuration files, 7-21
- cache.conf, 7-22
- dads.conf, 7-22
- plsql.conf, 7-21
- configuration parameters, 7-22
- CustomOwa, 7-29
- dads.conf, 7-26
- DAD parameters, 7-26
- PlsqlAfterProcedure, 7-28
- PlsqlAlwaysDescribeProcedure, 7-28
- PlsqlAuthenticationMode, 7-29
- PlsqlBeforeProcedure, 7-30
- PlsqlBindBucketLengths, 7-30
- PlsqlBindBucketWidths, 7-31
- PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList, 7-32
- PlsqlCompatibilityMode, 7-33
- PlsqlDatabaseConnectString, 7-34
- PlsqlDatabasePassword, 7-36
- PlsqlDatabaseUserName, 7-38
- PlsqlDefaultPage, 7-38
- PlsqlDocumentPath, 7-39
- PlsqlDocumentProcedure, 7-39
- PlsqlDocumentTablename, 7-40
- PlsqlErrorStyle, 7-40
- PlsqlExclusionList, 7-41
- PlsqlFetchBufferSize, 7-42
- PlsqlInfoLogging, 7-43
- PlsqlMaxRequestPerSession, 7-44
- PlsqlNLSLangage, 7-44
- PlsqlPathAlias, 7-45
- PlsqlPathAliasProcedure, 7-45
- PlsqlSessionCookieName, 7-46
- PlsqlSessionStateManagement, 7-47
- PlsqlTransferMode, 7-48
- PlsqlUploadAsLongRaw, 7-48
- document_path, 7-39
- document_proc, 7-40
- document_table, 7-40
- pathaliasproc, 7-46
- PerPackageOwa, 7-29
- plsql.conf, 7-24
- PlsqlDMSEnable, 7-24
- PlsqlIdleSessionCleanupInterval, 7-26
- PlsqlLogDirectory, 7-25
- PlsqlLogEnable, 7-25
- sncookiename, 7-46
- stateful, 7-47
- upload_as_log_raw, 7-49
- mod_proxy, 7-53, 8-30
- directives, 8-30
- SSLProxyCache, 8-30
- SSLProxyCipherSuite, 8-30
- SSLProxyProtocol, 8-30
- SSLProxyWallet, 8-31
- SSLProxyWalletPassword, 8-31
- mod_rewrite, 7-53
- CondPattern, 7-54
- directives, 7-55
- RewriteBase, 7-56
- RewriteEngine, 7-55
- RewriteLog, 7-55
- RewriteLogLevel, 7-55
- RewriteOptions, 7-55
- redirection examples, 7-58
- rules hints, 7-57
- rules processing, 7-53
- TestString, 7-54
- mod_setenvif, 7-59, 8-6
- host-based access control, 8-6
- mod_so, 7-59
- mod_speling, 7-59
- mod_ssl, 7-15, 8-10
- mod_status, 4-7, 7-59
- mod_unique_id, 7-60
- mod_userdir, 7-60
- mod_usertrack, 7-60
- mod_vhost_alias, 7-60
- modplsql, 2-2
- ModplsqlStyle, 7-40
- modules, 1-3, 2-3, 7-1, Glossary-5
- mod_access, 7-3
- mod_actions, 7-3
- mod_alias, 7-3
- mod_asis, 7-3
- mod_auth, 7-3
- mod_auth_anon, 7-4
- mod_auth_db, 7-4
- mod_auth_dbm, 7-4
- mod_auth_digest, 7-4
- mod_autoindex, 7-4
- mod_cern_meta, 7-4
- mod_certheaders, 7-5
- mod_cgi, 7-8
- mod_define, 7-8
- mod_digest, 7-8
- mod_dir, 7-9
- mod_dms, 7-9
- mod_env, 7-9
- mod_example, 7-9
- mod_expires, 7-10
- mod_fastcgi, 7-10
- mod_headers, 7-10
- mod_imap, 7-10
- mod_include, 7-10
- mod_info, 7-11
- mod_isapi, 7-11
- mod_log_agent, 7-11
- mod_log_config, 7-11
- mod_log_referer, 7-11
- mod_mime, 7-12
- mod_mime_magic, 7-12
- mod_mmap_static, 7-12
- mod_negotiation, 7-12
- mod_oradav, 7-15
- mod_ossl, 7-15
- mod_perl, 7-15
- mod_plsql, 7-19
- mod_proxy, 7-53
- mod_rewrite, 7-53
- mod_setenvif, 7-59
- mod_so, 7-59
- mod_speling, 7-59
- mod_ssl, 7-15
- mod_status, 7-59
- mod_unique_id, 7-60
- mod_userdir, 7-60
- mod_usertrack, 7-60
- mod_vhost_alias, 7-60
- multiviews, 9-3
- netmask
- controlling access, 8-7
- network
- controlling access, 8-7
- nFast, 8-14
- notice, 6-4, 6-6
- ojsp.conf, A-5
- one-way hash function, Glossary-5
- OPMN, Glossary-5
- OpmnHostPort, 7-14
- opmn.xml, 8-10, A-7
- ias-component, A-7
- process-set, A-7
- process-type, A-7
- OptRenegotiate, 8-22
- ORA_NCHAR, 7-18
- Oracle Diagnostic Logging, 6-2
- configuring
- Oracle HTTP Server, 6-2
- directives
- OraLogDir, 6-5
- OraLogMode, 6-2
- OraLogSeverity, 6-3
- legacy Apache message format, 6-2
- LogLoader, 6-2
- overview, 6-2
- Oracle HTTP Server
- cache, 9-2
- components, 1-3
- HTTP listener, 1-3
- modules, 1-3
- Perl interpreter, 1-3
- concepts, 2-1
- configuration files, 2-2, A-1
- configuration files syntax, 2-2
- directives class, 2-3
- directives scope, 2-4
- directory structure, 2-2
- FAQ, 9-1
- features, 1-2
- management, 1-6
- modules, 1-3, 2-3, 7-1
- overview, 1-1
- process model, 4-2
- security considerations, 4-3
- restarting, 1-7
- security
- access control for virtual hosts, 8-5
- authentication, 8-4
- authorization, 8-4
- host-based access control, 8-4
- overview, 8-2
- protected resources, 8-3
- user authentication, 8-9
- user authorization, 8-9
- user class, 8-3
- user privilege, 8-3
- starting, 1-6
- stopping, 1-7
- support, 1-5
- third party licenses, B-1
- Apache HTTP Server, B-2
- Apache SOAP, B-3
- DBI module, B-5
- Expat, B-22
- FastCGI, B-17
- Jaxen, B-20
- mod_dav, B-15
- Perl, B-9
- SAXPath, B-23
- utilities
- iasobf, 8-33
- version, 1-2
- version number, 9-3
- Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server, 1-2, A-7, Glossary-5
- oracle_apache.conf, A-5
- OraLogDir, 6-5
- OraLogMode, 6-2
- OraLogSeverity, 6-3
- order, 8-4
- overview, 1-1
- pathaliasproc, 7-46
- PEM, 8-14, Glossary-5
- performance monitor, 4-7
- Perl
- access database, 7-16
- license, B-9
- Perl interpreter, 1-3
- PHP, 9-4
- PID, 6-8
- PID file, 6-8
- PidFile, 3-5
- piped log, 6-8
- plaintext, Glossary-6
- PL/SQL, Glossary-6
- PlsqlAfterProcedure, 7-28
- PlsqlAlwaysDescribesProcedure, 7-28
- PlsqlAuthenticationMode, 7-29
- PlsqlBeforeProcedure, 7-30
- PlsqlBindBucketLengths, 7-30
- PlsqlBindBucketWidths, 7-31
- PlsqlCacheCleanupTime, 7-50
- PlsqlCacheDirectory, 7-50
- PlsqlCacheEnable, 7-51
- PlsqlCacheMaxAge, 7-51
- PlsqlCacheMaxSize, 7-52
- PlsqlCacheTotalSize, 7-52
- PlsqlCGIEnvironmentList, 7-32
- PlsqlCompatibilityMode, 7-33
- plsql.conf, 7-21, 7-24, A-5
- PlsqlDatabaseConnectString, 7-34
- PlsqlDatabasePassword, 7-36
- PlsqlDatabaseUserName, 7-38
- PlsqlDefaultPage, 7-38
- PlsqlDMSEnable, 7-24
- PlsqlDocumentPath, 7-39
- PlsqlDocumentProcedure, 7-39
- PlsqlDocumentTablename, 7-40
- PlsqlErrorStyle, 7-40
- ApacheStyle, 7-40
- DebugStyle, 7-41
- ModplsqlStype, 7-40
- PlsqlExclusionList, 7-41
- PlsqlFetchBufferSize, 7-42
- PlsqlIdleSessionCleanupInterval, 7-26
- PlsqlInfoLogging, 7-43
- InfoDebug, 7-43
- PlsqlLogDirectory, 7-25
- PlsqlLogEnable, 7-25
- PlsqlMaxRequestPerSession, 7-44
- PlsqlNLSLanguage, 7-44
- PlsqlPathAlias, 7-45
- PlsqlPathAliasProcedure, 7-45
- PlsqlSessionCookieName, 7-46
- PlsqlSessionStateManagement, 7-47
- PlsqlTransferMode, 7-48
- PlsqlUploadAsLongRaw, 7-48
- Port, 5-3
- port, Glossary-6
- changing, 5-2
- POST, 5-4
- private key, Glossary-6
- PROC_READY, 7-13
- process connections, 4-5
- process information, 4-7
- mod_status, 4-7
- performance monitor, 4-7
- ps utility, 4-7
- process numbers, 4-5
- protected resources, 8-3
- protecting
- Web site, 9-5
- proxy server, Glossary-6
- ProxyRequests, 9-2
- ps utility, 4-7
- public key, Glossary-6
- public-key cryptography, Glossary-6
- public-key encryption, Glossary-6
- public/private key pair, Glossary-7
- PUT, 5-4
- restarting, 1-7
- restartproc, 1-7
- reverse proxies, 5-6
- rewrite log, 6-9
- RewriteBase, 7-56
- RewriteEngine, 7-55
- RewriteLog, 7-55
- RewriteLogLevel, 6-9, 7-55
- RewriteOptions, 7-55
- root, 4-2
- RSA, 8-12, Glossary-7
- running
- root, 4-2
- SAXPath
- license, B-23
- scalability, Glossary-7
- scope, 2-4
- ScoreBoardFile, 3-5
- script log, 6-9
- Secure Hash Algorithm, Glossary-7
- Secure Shell, Glossary-8
- Secure Sockets Layer, 1-2, Glossary-8
- secure sockets layer, 8-10
- security
- authentication, 8-2
- authorization, 8-2
- confidentiality, 8-2
- protected resources, 8-3
- user class, 8-3
- user privilege, 8-3
- SendBufferSize, 5-4
- server logs, 6-1
- server processes, 4-1
- ServerAdmin, 3-3
- ServerAlias, 3-3
- ServerName, 3-2, 5-6
- ServerRoot, 3-6
- ServerSignature, 3-3
- ServerTokens, 3-3
- ServerType, 4-4
- set_default_form, 7-19
- set_form, 7-19
- SetEnvIf, 8-8
- setupinfo.txt, 5-2
- SHA, 8-12, Glossary-7
- SimulateHttps, 7-7
- specifying, 3-4
- file locations, 3-1
- listener addresses, 5-2
- listener ports, 5-2
- log file locations, 6-7
- log files, 6-7
- access log, 6-7
- custom log, 6-7
- lot rotation, 6-7
- PID file, 6-8
- piped log, 6-8
- rewrite log, 6-9
- script log, 6-9
- SSL log, 6-9
- transfer log, 6-9
- log formats, 6-5
- log level, 6-6
- server location, 3-1
- SQL NCHAR datatypes, 7-17
- SQLNCHAR, 7-18
- srm.conf, A-2
- SSH, Glossary-8
- SSL, 8-10, Glossary-8
- enabling, 8-10
- log, 6-9
- version 3.0, 8-12
- ssl_engine_log, 6-9
- ssl_request_log, 6-9
- SSLAccelerator, 8-14
- nFast, 8-14
- SSLCACertificateFile, 8-13
- SSLCACertificatePath, 8-13
- SSLCARevocationFile, 8-14
- SSLCARevocationPath, 8-15
- SSLCertificateChainFile, 8-13
- SSLCertificateFile, 8-13
- SSLCertificateKeyFile, 8-13
- SSLCipherSuite, 8-15
- tags, 8-16
- ssl.conf, A-6
- SSLEngine, 8-18
- SSLLog, 8-18
- SSLLogFile, 6-9
- SSLLogLevel, 8-19
- SSLMutex, 8-20
- SSLOptions, 8-21
- CompatEnvVars, 8-22
- ExportCertData, 8-21
- FakeBasicAuth, 8-21
- OptRenegotiate, 8-22
- StdEnvVars, 8-21
- StrictRequire, 8-22
- SSLPassPhraseDialog, 8-23
- SSLProtocol, 8-23
- SSLProxyCache, 8-30
- SSLProxyCipherSuite, 8-30
- SSLProxyProtocol, 8-30
- SSLProxyWallet, 8-31
- SSLProxyWalletPassword, 8-31
- SSLRandomSeed, 8-13
- SSLRequire, 8-24
- variables
- SSL, 8-25
- standard, 8-25
- SSLRequireSSL, 8-26
- SSLSessionCache, 8-27
- SSLSessionCacheTimeout, 8-27
- SSLVerifyClient, 8-28
- SSLVerifyDepth, 8-13
- SSLWallet, 8-28
- SSLWalletPassword, 8-29
- starting, 1-6
- startproc, 1-6
- StartServers, 4-5
- StdEnvVars, 8-21
- stopping, 1-7
- stopproc, 1-7
- StrictRequire, 8-22
- support, 1-5
- supporting
- PHP, 9-4
- TCP, 5-4
- TCP buffer, 5-4
- TCP SYN, 5-4
- TestString, 7-54
- third party licenses, B-1
- ThreadsPerChild, 4-5
- TimeOut, 5-4
- transfer log, 6-9
- UseCanonicalName, 3-2
- User, 4-2, 4-4
- user authentication, 8-9
- mod_auth, 8-9
- mod_ossl, 8-10
- user authorization, 8-9
- USR1, 1-7
- UTF8, 7-17
- utilities
- iasobf, 8-33
- version, 1-2
- virtual hosts
- access control, 8-5
- host-based, 2-7
- IP-based, 2-7
- name-based, 2-7
- non-IP, 2-7
- virtual hosts parameters, A-3
- VirtualHost directive, 2-7
- wallet, 8-12, Glossary-8
- digital, Glossary-3
- Wallet Resource Locator, Glossary-8
- warn, 6-4
- warning, 6-6
- WRL, Glossary-8
- X.509, Glossary-9
- xml.conf, A-6
- .xsql, A-6
- XSQL servlet, A-6