
Use the userperm command to set or change permission levels for a specified user account. By default, the initial setup procedure creates the ALOM admin account. This account cannot be deleted, nor can you change the user permissions for the account.

Permission Levels

All users can read ALOM information, but you need authorization to perform ALOM functions or to change settings. There are four permission levels that increase a user's authorization. You can specify zero through four permission levels.

Permission Level Description
a Administrative. This user is authorized to change the state of ALOM configuration variables and reboot ALOM.
u User administration. This user is authorized to add users and delete users, change user permissions, and change the authorization level of other users. 
c Console permission. This user is authorized to connect to the host server system console.
r Reset/power permission. This user is authorized to reset the host server, and power the server on and off.

If you do not assign a permission level to the specified user (that is, you assign zero permission levels), then that user has read-only permission. This is the default level for a new ALOM user account.

Note: The default user permission for the account that you use when you start ALOM for the first time is read-only. After you set a password for the default admin account, the permissions change to cuar (full authorization).

To see a user's permission levels, use the usershow command.


How to Use the userperm Command

Note: You must have u level user permission to use this command.

At the sc> prompt, type the following command:

sc> userperm username permission(s)

where username is the name of the user to whom you want to assign permissions, and permission(s) is the permission(s) you want to assign to that user.

For example, to assign c and r user permissions to user msmith, type the following at the ALOM command prompt:

sc> userperm msmith cr

To see a user's permission levels, use the usershow command.

A user with read-only permission can use only the following commands:

A user who has read-only permissions would appear similar to the user jeremy in the following example:

sc> usershow
admin cuar Assigned
jeremy ---- Assigned

ALOM configuration commands

ALOM shell commands

Types of ALOM commands