Compaq Fortran
User Manual for
Tru64 UNIX and
Linux Alpha Systems


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-1 option
3f routine
3hpf routine
-66 option
a.out file #1
a.out file #2
    specifying different name for
abort library routine
Absolute pathname
abstract_to_physical library routine
ACCEPT statement
    See also Language Reference Manual
access library routine
Access mode
Access modes
    limitations by file organization and record type
    OPEN statement specifiers
    requirement for direct access to sequential files
ACCESS specifier #1
ACCESS specifier #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
    and dummy aliases
    and numerical data I/O
    -assume noaccuracy_sensitive option
    floating-point constants
    -fpconstant option
    -fprm keyword options
    -fp_reorder option
    hoisting divide operations
    -intconstant option
    integer constants
    -math_library fast option
    rounding during calculations
    when converting OpenVMS Fortran unformatted data
ACTION specifier
    See also Language Reference Manual
Actual arguments
Adjusting the run-time parallel environment
ADVANCE specifier #1
ADVANCE specifier #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
Advancing I/O
Affine subscripts
AIMAG intrinsic function
    options controlling size returned
    See also Language Reference Manual
alarm library routine
ALIAS directive
    See cDEC$ ALIAS directive
-align all option
-align commons option #1
-align commons option #2
-align dcommons option #1
-align dcommons option #2
    effect of -fast option
-align nocommons option
-align none option
-align norecords option #1
-align norecords option #2
-align recnbyte option
-align records option
    effect of -vms option
-align sequence option #1
-align sequence option #2
    argument passing
        Compaq Fortran and C structures
    array elements
    cDEC$ directives and -align options
    checking for unaligned data #1
    checking for unaligned data #2
    common block data
    derived-type data
    effect of declaration statements
    effect of -vms option
    locating unaligned data (debugger)
    of data types
    options controlling
        common block data #1
        common block data #2
        common block data #3
        common block data #4
        derived-type data #1
        derived-type data #2
        record structures #1
        record structures #2
        warnings for unaligned data
    record structures
    SEQUENCE statement
        effect on derived-type data
    unaligned data
        checking for
        effect on performance #1
        effect on performance #2
        locating in debugger
        options #1
        options #2
        ordering data declarations
        warning messages for #1
        warning messages for #2
Allocating and freeing virtual memory (library routine)
Alpha processor generation
    specifying to compiler #1
    specifying to compiler #2
    specifying to compiler #3
Alternate entry points
-altparam option
and function
-annotations all option
-annotations code option
-annotations detail option
-annotations feedback option
-annotations inlining option
-annotations keyword option
-annotations loop_transforms option
-annotations loop_unrolling option
-annotations none option
-annotations prefetching option
-annotations shrinkwrapping option
-annotations software_pipelining option
-annotations tail_calls option
-annotations tail_recursion option
APPEND specifier
    See also Language Reference Manual
ar command
-arch host option
    effect of -fast option
-arch option #1
-arch option #2
Archive library
    creating and maintaining
    linker searching options
    list searched by f90 command
    nonshared optimizations
    obtaining information about
    recognized file name suffix
    specifying with f90
Argument passing
    alignment of data passed
    C and Compaq Fortran #1
    C and Compaq Fortran #2
    C and Compaq Fortran #3
        alignment of structures
        cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES C directive
        changing default mechanisms #1
        changing default mechanisms #2
        changing default mechanisms #3
        character data
        character data example
        character null terminator
        common block values
        complex data example
        data types
        examples #1
        examples #2
        examples #3
        examples #4
        integer data example
        passing arrays
        pointer data #1
        pointer data #2
        using C conventions
    checking for mismatches at compile-time
    checking for temporary arguments at run-time
    Compaq Fortran
        array temporary creation
        by address (%LOC)
        by reference (%REF)
        by value (%VAL)
        changing default mechanisms #1
        changing default mechanisms #2
        default passing mechanism
        descriptor format
        explicit interface
        hidden length #1
        hidden length #2
        hidden length #3
        hidden length #4
        implicit interface #1
        implicit interface #2
        omitted arguments (extra comma)
        rules #1
        rules #2
    Compaq Fortran 77 and Compaq Fortran
        alignment options
        common block values
        data type sizes
        data types to avoid
        function values #1
        function values #2
        I/O compatibility
        passing target or pointer data
        pointer data
        using Compaq Fortran 77 features
    efficient array use
    from USEROPEN function and Compaq Fortran RTL
    when temporary array copy is created
        differences between Compaq Fortran 77 and Compaq Fortran
        aliasing and accuracy
        and implied-DO loop collapsing
        option for aliasing
    maximum allowed in CALL statement
    maximum allowed in function reference
    See also Argument passing; Language Reference Manual
Arithmetic exception handling
    controlling floating-point exceptions
    controlling reporting
        -check nopower option
        -check underflow option
        -fpe options
        -speculate option
        -synchronous_exceptions option
    debugger handling
    defaults and applicable options
    effect of speculative execution optimization
    effect of using fast math library routines
    example program
    exceptional events
    exceptional values
    floating-point data #1
    floating-point data #2
        -check nopower option
        -check underflow option
        -fpe options
        -synchronous_exceptions option
    floating-point exceptional values
    floating-point exceptions
    floating-point underflow #1
    floating-point underflow #2
    floating-point underflow #3
    floating-point underflow #4
    forcing core dump at run time
    FP_CLASS intrinsic #1
    FP_CLASS intrinsic #2
    FP_CLASS intrinsic #3
    IEEE NaN values (quiet and signaling)
    infinity values
    integer overflow
    ISNAN intrinsic #1
    ISNAN intrinsic #2
    options for
    See also Data types; Ranges
        caught by Compaq Fortran RTL
        handling in debugger #1
        handling in debugger #2
        handling in debugger #3
Arithmetic operators
    for efficient run-time performance
Array dimension
    arguments #1
    arguments #2
    arguments #3
        Compaq Fortran and Compaq Fortran 77 similarities
        example #1
        example #2
        example #3
        example #4
        example #5
        See also Language Reference Manual
    array sections
        viewing in debugger
    assumed-shape #1
    assumed-shape #2
    bounds checking
        arguments passed with hidden length
    column-major order
        See Language Reference Manual
    differences between Compaq Fortran and C
    dimension limits
    efficient array syntax in I/O list #1
    efficient array syntax in I/O list #2
    efficient combinations of input and output arguments
    element sequence association
    explicit-shape arguments
        example (C and Compaq Fortran)
        example (Compaq Fortran 77 and Compaq Fortran)
    expression syntax for debugger
    HPF_LOCAL_LIBRARY routines
    natural storage order
    nesting limits
    optimizations #1
    optimizations #2
    passed by descriptor
    passing as arguments
    pointers to
    row-major order
    See also Argument passing; Language Reference Manual
        library routines for
    syntax for run-time efficiency
    temporary creation of
    using efficiently
    when temporary copy is created for argument passing #1
    when temporary copy is created for argument passing #2
    writing for efficiency
Assembler file
    passed to cc or ccc
    See also Language Reference Manual
    procedure interface
        procedure interface block #1
        procedure interface block #2
-assume accuracy_sensitive option
-assume bigarrays option
    effect of -fast option
-assume buffered_io option
-assume byterecl option
-assume cc_omp option
-assume dummy_aliases option #1
-assume dummy_aliases option #2
-assume dummy_aliases option #3
-assume gfullpath option
-assume minus0 option
-assume no2underscores option
-assume noaccuracy_sensitive option
    effect of -fast option
-assume nogfullpath option
-assume nominus0 option
-assume noprotect_constants option
-assume nopthreads_lock option
-assume nosource_include option
-assume nounderscore option
-assume nozsize option
    effect of -fast option
-assume protect_constants option
-assume pthreads_lock option
-assume source_include option
Atom toolkit
ATOMIC directive #1
ATOMIC directive #2
ATTRIBUTES directives
    See cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES directives
Automatic inlining
-automatic option #1
-automatic option #2
    effect on -recursive
BACKSPACE statement #1
BACKSPACE statement #2
Balancing the workload
    manual optimization
    SCHEDULE clause
BARRIER directive #1
BARRIER directive #2
BARRIER directive #3
BARRIER directive #4
bash shell
    fortn environment variables
    process limits
    setting and unsetting environment variables
Basic block
Basic block counting
Basic linear algebra routines (Compaq Extended Math Library)
besj0 function
besj1 function
besjn function
bessel function
Bessel functions
    library routines (3f)
besy0 function
besy1 function
besyn function
Big endian storage
Binding of parallel compiler directives
    rules checking
bit function
Bit manipulation procedures
    intrinsic functions and 3f routines
    See also Language Reference Manual
BLANK specifier
    effect of -vms option
    See also Language Reference Manual
BLAS routines (Compaq Extended Math Library)
Block IF statement
    nesting limit
BLOCKED option
    for PDO directive
BLOCKSIZE specifier #1
BLOCKSIZE specifier #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
    reduction of I/O
Bourne Again shell
    See bash shell
Bourne shell (sh)
    fortn environment variables
Bourne shell (sh)
    process limits
Bourne shell (sh)
    setting and unsetting environment variables
BUFFERCOUNT specifier #1
BUFFERCOUNT specifier #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
Buffered output
    for record I/O
Built-in functions (%LOC, %REF, %VAL)
    See also Language Reference Manual; cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES
BWX extension
Byte/Word manipulation instruction extension
c$CHUNK directive
C compiler
c$COPYIN directive
c$DOACROSS directive
C language
    appending underscore for external names
    C main program
        -nofor_main option
    calling between Compaq Fortran and C #1
    calling between Compaq Fortran and C #2
    calling between Compaq Fortran and C #3
    example function called by Compaq Fortran #1
    example function called by Compaq Fortran #2
    function to open file (USEROPEN)
    See also cc command; cpp preprocessor; Language interfaces
c$MPSCHEDULE directive
-c option #1
-c option #2
-c option #3
    and creating shared libraries
    effect of -o option
    example #1
    example #2
c$ prefix
C shell (csh)
    process limits
    setting and unsetting environment variables
Cache size
Call graph
CALL statement
    maximum arguments allowed
    See also Language Reference Manual
Calling interface
    See Argument passing; Language interface
Calling other language programs
-call_shared option #1
-call_shared option #2
Carriage control
    effect of -vms option
    effect of -ccdefault option
    effect of -vms option
    See also Language Reference Manual
Case sensitive
    external names in C
        controlling with cDEC$ directives #1
        controlling with cDEC$ directives #2
    file name differences with OpenVMS Fortran
    file names (OPEN statement)
        in the debugger
        options controlling
Case sensitivity #1
Case sensitivity #2
cc command
    options and files passed by f90
    options available from f90 command
    using f90 command with
ccc command
    options available from f90 command
    using fort command with
-ccdefault option
cDEC$ ALIAS directive
    ALIAS directive
    C directive
    EXTERN directive
    REFERENCE directive
    STDCALL directive
    VALUE directive
    VARYING directive
cDEC$ directives #1
cDEC$ directives #2
cDEC$ directives #3
    in relative organization files
CHAR intrinsic procedure
    using to null-terminate a C string
    data type
        See Language Reference Manual
Character arguments
    passing between Compaq Fortran and C
        null terminator
    passing from USEROPEN function and Compaq Fortran RTL
Character bounds checking
Character data
    using whole character string operations for run-time efficiency
Character I/O
    library routines
Character set
    See Language Reference Manual
chdir library routine
-check arg_temp_created option
-check bounds option
-check noformat option
    effect of -vms option
-check nooutput_conversion option
    effect of -vms option
-check nopower option
-check omp_bindings option
-check overflow option
-check underflow option
chmod library routine
CHUNK directive #1
CHUNK directive #2
CHUNK option
    for PDO directive
Chunk size
    specifying a default
CIX extension
CLOSE statement #1
CLOSE statement #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
CMPLX intrinsic function
    options controlling size returned
    See also Language Reference Manual
Code hoisting
    in divide operations
    in optimization
Code instruction generation, for specific Alpha processors
Code motion
Code replication
Coding restrictions
-col72 option
Column-major order
Combined parallel/worksharing constructs
    Compaq Fortran parallel
Command line arguments
    returning (library routine) #1
    returning (library routine) #2
Comment lines
    -d_lines option
    See also Language Reference Manual
Common blocks
    accessing variables in the debugger
    alignment of data in
    causes of unalignment
        maximum allowed
    options controlling alignment #1
    options controlling alignment #2
    options controlling alignment #3
    order of data in
    See also Language Reference Manual
    sharing across processes
COMMON statement
    and data flow and split lifetime analysis
    causes of unalignment
    data alignment #1
    data alignment #2
    options controlling alignment
    See also Language Reference Manual
Common subexpression elimination
Compaq Extended Math Library (CXML)
    example program
    groups of routines
    INCLUDE statement
    types of libraries provided
Compaq Fortran
    array temporary creation
    for OpenVMS systems
        comparison of floating-point data types
        compatibility #1
        compatibility #2
        data porting
        equivalent record types
        extensions not supported #1
        extensions not supported #2
        options for VAX compatibility (f90)
        record type compatibility
        VAX floating-point data types
    online release notes
        contents of
    other platforms
        language compatibility (summary)
    record type portability
    version number
        obtaining from listing
        obtaining from object file
Compaq Fortran 77
    for Compaq Tru64 UNIX systems
        argument passing
        calling between Compaq Fortran
        compiler diagnostic detection differences
        I/O to same unit number
        language features not supported
        mixed language example
        passing aligned data
        passing common block values
        passing pointers
        passing same size data
Compaq Fortran directives
Compaq Fortran parallel directives
    BARRIER #1
    BARRIER #2
    CHUNK #1
    CHUNK #2
    END PDO #1
    END PDO #2
    PDO #1
    PDO #2
    PDONE #1
    PDONE #2
        fixed source form
        free source form
    SECTION #1
    SECTION #2
    See also OpenMP parallel directives
    summary descriptions
Compaq FUSE
    -fuse_xref option
Compaq Math Libraries Web site
Compaq MPI #1
Compaq MPI #2
Compaq Visual Fortran, language compatibility with
    with Compaq Fortran 77 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX systems
        language features
    with Compaq Fortran for OpenVMS systems
        converting data #1
        converting data #2
        porting data
        record types
    with Compaq Fortran on other platforms
    with Compaq Visual Fortran
Compilation control
Compile-time operations #1
Compile-time operations #2
    and linker #1
    and linker #2
    coding restrictions summary of
    data format assumptions
    default file names #1
    default file names #2
    default file names #3
    driver program
    effect of optimization level on compilation time
    effect of optimizations on program size
    messages issued by
        general description
    output listing summary section
        options for displaying
    process file descriptor limit
    process stack size
    request threaded run-time execution #1
    request threaded run-time execution #2
    See also f90 command
    specifying directory for temporary files
    using latest version for run-time efficiency
Compiler directives
    and OPTIONS statement
    See also Language Reference Manual; Directives; cDEC$
Compiler options
    See f90 command
Compiling C language programs
    examples #1
    examples #2
    examples #3
    file name suffix
    use with f90
    use with fort
Compiling, linking, and running parallelized programs
Complex data types #1
Complex data types #2
    declarations and options #1
    declarations and options #2
    native IEEE representation
    See also Language Reference Manual
    VAX representation
COMPLEX declarations
    options to control size of
Complex variables
Condition symbols, Fortran
    summary of
Conditional compilation
    defining preprocessor symbols
    undefining preprocessor symbols
Conditional operators
    use in debugging
Conformable array
    to logical I/O units by system default
Constant pooling
        See Language Reference Manual
        double precision
    maximum size
    combined parallel/worksharing
        Compaq Fortran parallel
        Compaq Fortran parallel
        Compaq Fortran parallel
CONTAINS statement
    See also Language Reference Manual
Continuation lines
    column placement
        See Language Reference Manual
    maximum allowed
Controlling data scope attributes #1
Controlling data scope attributes #2
Controlling the data environment #1
Controlling the data environment #2
-convert big_endian option #1
-convert big_endian option #2
-convert big_endian option #3
-convert cray option #1
-convert cray option #2
-convert cray option #3
-convert fdx option #1
-convert fdx option #2
-convert fgx option #1
-convert fgx option #2
-convert ibm option #1
-convert ibm option #2
-convert ibm option #3
-convert little_endian option #1
-convert little_endian option #2
-convert little_endian option #3
-convert native option #1
-convert native option #2
-convert native option #3
CONVERT specifier #1
CONVERT specifier #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
-convert vaxd option #1
-convert vaxd option #2
-convert vaxd option #3
-convert vaxg option #1
-convert vaxg option #2
-convert vaxg option #3
COPYIN clause
    for PARALLEL directive #1
    for PARALLEL directive #2
    for PARALLEL DO directive #1
    for PARALLEL DO directive #2
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive #1
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive #2
COPYIN directive
COPYIN option
    for PARALLEL directive
    for PARALLEL DO directive
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive
    related commands and f90 options
    related f90 options #1
    related f90 options #2
-cord option #1
-cord option #2
    with -feedback option #1
    with -feedback option #2
Core file
    for severe errors #1
    for severe errors #2
Count extension
Counted loop
-cpp option
    effect of -p option
cpp preprocessor
    compilation process
    effects of .f and .f90 file name suffixes
    f90 command
    macros defined
    options for #1
    options for #2
    options for #3
    retaining temporary files
    searching for include files #1
    searching for include files #2
    undefining macros
create system call
    using to open file
CRITICAL directive #1
CRITICAL directive #2
CRITICAL directive #3
CRITICAL directive #4
    using for locks
Critical section
Cross-reference file
    Compaq FUSE
ctime library routine
    See Compaq Extended Math Library

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