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Product: Volume Replicator Guides   
Manual: Volume Replicator 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Administering Replication

VVR VEA enables you to administer replication using the following tasks:

Changing the Replication Settings

The Change Replication Settings task enables you to set up or change the replication settings for the selected Secondary in an RDS. You can change the following replication settings:

  • Mode of Replication
  • Latency Protection
  • SRL Overflow Protection
  • Network Transport Protocol
  • Packet Size
  • Bandwidth Limit

Each replication setting affects performance and must be set up with care.

  To change the replication settings for a Secondary

  1. Select the Secondary host name from the tree view, and then choose Replication > Change Replication Settings. To use the pop-up menu, right-click the name of the Secondary from the tree view, and then select Change Replication Settings.
  2. Complete the Change Replication Settings dialog box. For instructions on how to complete the box, see step 12.
  3. Click OK.

Pausing Replication to a Secondary

Pausing replication to a Secondary prevents new and already-queued updates on the Primary from reaching the Secondary, and pauses communication between the Primary and Secondary.

Use the Pause Replication task to pause replication to a specific Secondary in an RDS. The Pause Replication task temporarily pauses replication between the Primary and Secondary. Pausing replication from the Primary enables you to perform administrative tasks, such as making changes to the network connecting the Primary and Secondary hosts. The Pause Replication task can be used when other applications on the host are required to use the entire network bandwidth.

  To pause replication to a Secondary

  1. Select the Secondary host name from the tree view, and then choose Replication > Pause Replication. To use the pop-up menu, right-click the name of the Secondary, and then select Pause Replication.
  2. In the Pause Replication box, click OK. A message indicates whether the pause replication task succeeded or failed.
    • When replication is paused, the RDS View displays the replication status for the Secondary RVG as paused by user (primary paused).

Resuming Replication to a Secondary

The Resume Replication task enables you to resume replication that was paused between the Primary and a Secondary.

  To resume replication to a Secondary

  1. Select the Secondary host name from the tree view, and then choose Replication > Resume Replication. To use the pop-up menu, right-click the name of the Secondary, and then select Resume Replication.
  2. Click OK. A message indicates whether the resume replication task succeeded or failed.
    • The RDS View displays the replication status for the Secondary RVG as replicating (connected) after replication resumes.

Stopping Replication to a Secondary

The Stop Replication task enables you to stop replication to a Secondary in an RDS.

Caution  Caution    Do not use the Stop Replication task to temporarily stop replication; instead, use the Pause Replication task.

  To stop replication to a Secondary

  1. Select the Secondary host name from the tree view, and then choose Replication > Stop Replication. To use the pop-up menu, right-click the name of the Secondary.
  2. In the Stop Replication box, click OK. A message indicates whether the stop replication task succeeded or failed.
    • The Stop Replication task fails if the Primary and Secondary are not up-to-date.
    • To stop replication even when the Primary and Secondary are not up-to-date, select Force Stop in the Stop Replication dialog box.
    • When replication is stopped, the RDS View displays the replication status for the Secondary RVG as stopped (primary detached).

Changing the Replication Network for a Secondary

You may need to change the host name or IP address of the Primary or the Secondary used for replication if you move the Primary or Secondary to a new location or if you want to use a different network for replication.

You can change the host name or IP address even after replication is established. The Change Replication Network task enables you to change the replication network between the Primary and a Secondary in an RDS. Note that you can change the replication network for either the Primary or the Secondary or both.

  To change the replication network for a Secondary

  1. Select the Secondary host name from the tree view.
  2. Choose Replication > Change Replication Network. To use the pop-up menu, right-click the name of the Secondary.
  3. Complete the Change Replication Network dialog box as follows:



    The current or existing name of the Primary is displayed.


    Enter a new host name or IP address for the Primary, which can be used for replication. The new Primary host name or IP address must be resolvable and reachable from the Secondary host.



    The current or existing name of the Secondary is displayed.


    Enter a new host name or IP address for the Secondary, which can be used for replication. This new Secondary host name or IP address must be resolvable and reachable from the Primary host.

  4. Click OK.
    • If the Secondary name is changed, then the column Replication IP in the table in the Primary RVG View is updated with the new name.
    • If the Primary name is changed, then the column Replication IP in the table in the Secondary RVG View is updated with the new name.
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Product: Volume Replicator Guides  
Manual: Volume Replicator 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation