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Product: Volume Replicator Guides   
Manual: Volume Replicator 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Getting Started with VVR VEA

This section explains how to start VVR VEA from a Windows client and from a UNIX client.

Launching VEA

You can start the VEA console from a UNIX or Windows client.

From a UNIX Client

To start VEA from the command line:

  1. Go to the directory /opt/VRTSob/bin where the VEA client is installed.
  2. Start the VEA client by running the vea script from this location. While starting the VEA client from the command line, the following options are available:

    -v: Shows the version of client console

    -c: Specifies the configuration file for advanced settings

    -host: Specifies the host to connect to. If the username and password for the host is already stored, the stored information is used by VEA; otherwise, VEA prompts you to enter the user name and password.

From a Windows Client

From the Windows client, you can start VEA either from the Start menu or from the command line.

  To start VEA from the Start menu

Choose Start > Programs > VERITAS > VERITAS Enterprise Administrator.

  To start VEA from the command line

  1. Go to the directory where the VEA client is installed. For example,
    c:\Program Files\VERITAS\VERITAS Object Bus\Bin
  2. Start the VEA client by running the vea.exe file from this location. While starting the VEA client from the command line, the following options are available:

    -v: Shows the version of client console

    -c: Specifies the configuration file for advanced settings

    -host: Specifies the host to connect to. If the username and password for the host is already stored, the stored information is used by VEA; otherwise, VEA prompts you to enter the user name and password.

Connecting to the Hosts

Choose File > Connect and complete the Connection dialog box to connect to the host on which you want to create or view VVR configurations.

Closing VVR

To exit the VVR VEA, do the following:

Choose File > Exit or click the close box in the upper right corner of the VEA console.

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Product: Volume Replicator Guides  
Manual: Volume Replicator 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation