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Product: Volume Replicator Guides   
Manual: Volume Replicator 4.1 Support for HP Serviceguard Administrator's Guide   

Configuring the Cluster

This section describes the procedure to set up a cluster.

Perform the following steps on the node seattle1

  1. Create the ASCII cluster template file.
    # cmquerycl -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster.ascii -n seattle1 \
    -n seattle2
  2. Modify the cluster.ascii file to include your cluster environment details.
  3. Verify the cluster configuration.
    # cmcheckconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster.ascii \
        -n seattle1 -n seattle2
  4. Create the cluster by applying the configuration file.
    cmapplyconf -v -C /etc/cmcluster/cluster.ascii

    This command will create the cmclconfig binary file and distribute it to the nodes seattle1 and seattle2.

  5. Start the cluster.
    cmruncl -v -n seattle1 -n seattle2
  6. Check the cluster status.
    cmviewcl -v
  7. Halt and restart the cluster using the following commands, to test whether it works correctly.

    Halt the cluster.

    cmhaltcl -f -v

    Restart the cluster.

    cmruncl -v -n seattle1 -n seattle2
  8. Repeat step 1 to step 7 on node london1, replacing the node names seattle1 by london1 and seattle2 by london2.
    Note   Note    For more details on the cluster configuration, refer to the HP Serviceguard documentation available on the HP-UX documentation site.
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Product: Volume Replicator Guides  
Manual: Volume Replicator 4.1 Support for HP Serviceguard Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation