A P P E N D I X  D

Boot Information

This appendix shows a display of the information to the serial console during boot. This information may vary among different SSL proxy blade versions or upgrades, but the information will be similar to that shown in CODE EXAMPLE D-1.


CODE EXAMPLE D-1 Boot Information
          Preboot Version [ 1872 ] Oct 1  2003
              Serial port [ OK ]
                System ID [ 1100001FEF09 ]
         Preboot Checksum [ OK ]
                 Data Bus [ OK ]
             Memory Chips [ 256 Mbit ]
              Address Bus [ OK ]
                 L3 Cache [ none ]
                   Tamper [ OK ] 
              Start Cause [ Hardware Reset ]
               Start Type [ 00000000 ]
             Loading Boot [ OK ]
             Boot Version [ 1872 ]
                  Created [ Oct 1 2003, 19:34:53 ]
            Board Version [ 66 ]
          Spartan Version [ 65 ]
                 Revision [ 22 ]
                Cpu Speed [ 600 MHz ]
              Memory Size [ 400 MB ]
   PCI Boot Configuration [ OK ] 
                      RTC [ OK ] 
                     Date [ OK ] 
     Loading Application  [ OK ]
              Test Memory [ OK ] 
                      RTC [ OK ] 
                     Date [ OK ] 
        Flash File System [ OK ] 
               Product ID [ SF B10p ]
                Load Mash [ OK ] 
                  Version [ MASH1005.GZ ]
                Load Buff [ OK ] 
                  Version [ BUFF3108.GZ ]
        Resetting Pci Bus [ OK ]
        PCI Configuration [ OK ] 
               ISC Driver [ OK ]
                 BootLine [ default ]
                Test Mash [ OK ] 
                Test Buff [ OK ] 
                 Test Zoo [ OK ] 
                Mash Date [ 2002/06/03 ]
                Buff Date [ 2003/07/22 ]
                     Date [ 2003/10/11 ]
                     Time [ 16:16:24 UTC ]
                DIMM Size [ 512 MB ]