C H A P T E R  8

Configuring a Sun Fire B100x Linux Server Blade

This chapter describes how to configure a server blade with the Linux operating system, and contains the following sections.

Sun Fire B100x Linux Server Blades

Sun Fire B100x server blades can be configured to use the Linux operating system.

procedure icon  To Configure a B100x Server Blade With Linux

1. At the sc prompt, check the blade server module software:

sc> console Sn

Where S indicates a slot and n is the slot number.

2. At the Linux prompt, enter the following command:

# rpm -q sun-clb-admin

The response indicates the module version. If the module is loaded, type the following command:

# modinfo sun-clb | grep description

The following example checks the version on a Linux server blade installed in slot 10:

sc> console S10
Connected with input enabled on fru S10 
Escape Sequence is '#' (#.)	
# rpm -q sun-clb-admin
# modinfo sun-clb | grep description:
description: "CLB (Sun Connection Load Balancing), v. 1.35"

procedure icon  To Set Up a Sun Fire B100x/B200x Linux Server Blade

1. Download the software appropriate for your system available at:


2. Unzip the Linux module zip file.

# /usr/bin/unzip SunFire_B10n-1_2_Update-LinuxModule.zip

Similar subdirectories of Linux versions are available, that is, RHAS_2.1 and SLES 8.0, and hardware platforms such as Scimitar1P, Scimitar2P and V60/65x which this software supports.

3. Install the Linux image for RHAS 2.1 Update 2.

# rpm -i sun-clb-k2_4_9_e_24-1.41-1.i386.rpm
# rpm -i sun-clb-admin-1.41-1.i386.rpm

Or, you may use the following commands to upgrade to a newer version of an already installed package.

# rpm -U sun-clb-k2_4_9_e_24-1.41-1.i386.rpm
# rpm -U sun-clb-admin-1.41-1.i386.rpm

4. Find the kernels that are installed on your system:

# ls /lib/modules

5. For each kernel you will use (for example, 2.4.20-6) find a package with a matching name and install it.

# rpm -i sun-clb-k2_4_9_e_3-1.36-1.i386.rpm

Or you may use the following command to upgrade an already installed package.

# rpm -U sun-clb-k2_4_9_e_3-1.36-1.i386.rpm

6. Connect to the configuration directory.

# cd /etc/sun-clb

7. Check your ethernet interfaces.

# /sbin/ifconfig -a

If you do not see entries for eth0 and eth1, edit the clb.conf file and change the vnames0 and vnames1 parameters so that they contain the appropriate interfaces to use for Switch 0 and Switch 1 of the chassis respectively. If multiple interfaces are connected to a switch, list all as the value for the corresponding vnames variable, using a colon (:) as a separator. For example, vnames0 = eth0 or
vnames0 = eth0:eth2.

On Scimitar 2P systems, even interface numbers use Switch 0 and odd interface numbers use Switch 1. Also, on some Scimitar Linux releases, the names eth0, eth1, eth2, and eth3 have been replaced with snet0, snet1, snet2, and snet3 respectively. In this case, the default values must be changed. The ifconfig -a command shows which names your system uses.

8. Edit the vip.conf file in the /etc/sun-clb directory.

For each VIP address, place the address on its own line. One address not in use should have the word ARP after it as shown in the following example. ARP

It is best to use a different ARP address for each server, although this is not required. The main issue is whether a router notices and generates error or warning messages.

9. Set up VLANs if needed, using the Linux vconfig program.

10. Set the VLAN name type to DEV_PLUS_VID if the same VLAN ID is used on two interfaces.

# vconfig set_name_type DEV_PLUS_VID

11. Use the vconfig program to add a VLAN to a particular interface.

In the following example, vlanID 10 is on the physical interface eth0.

# vconfig add eth0 10

12. Configure a management IP address using the ifconfig command.

# ifconfig eth0 inet netmask arp broadcast
# ifconfig eth0 up

If you are using VLANs, configure the VLAN as in the following example.

# ifconfig eth0.5 inet netmask arp broadcast
# ifconfig eth0.5 up

13. Start the service with the following command.

# /etc/init.d/sun-clb start

14. Use the following command to verify that the service is running.

# /etc/init.d/sun-clb status

15. Use the following command to list the VIP addresses.

# /etc/init.d/sun-clb lsvip

The ifconfig command shows logical interfaces for names that start with clb on the loopback interface, with one entry per VIP address.

# ifconfig 
lo:clb0   Link encap: Local Loopback

16. Use the following command to print statistics.

# /etc/init.d/sun-clb stats

Statistics are printed with one entry per line.

17. Use the following command to print the module configuration.

# /etc/init.d/sun-clb showconf

This command outputs the same information in the /etc/sun-clb/clb.conf file unless the /etc/sun-clb/clb.conf file was edited after the sun-clb service was started or unless parameters were also provided on the command line when the service was started.

18. Use the following command to start sun-clb automatically after booting.

# chkconfig --add sun-clb

19. Use the following commnad to stop sun-clb from automatically starting after the system boots.

# chkconfig --del sun-clb

Online Documentation

There are online manual pages for the clb.conf, vip.conf, files and the sun-clb script. The two configuration files in the /etc/sun-clb directory, clb.conf, and vip.conf, are also self-documented. Blank lines are ignored and anything after a pound character (#) up to and including the end of line is treated as a comment.

Use the following commands to view the online manual pages.

# man sun-clb
# man clb.conf
# man vip.conf

The sun-clb script has some additional features not described in the online manual page, including the ability to provide configuration changes on the command line as the module starts. Other than a change to the vnames0 and vnames1 variables, the defaults provided in clb.conf work well.

Differences Between Linux Distributions.

Check the online manual pages for rpm, chkconfig, vconfig, and ifconfig as the implementations are not identical between distributions. Some versions of the Linux kernel do not support VLANs.

On Linux Redhat systems, use the following command instead of
# /etc/init.d/sun-clb ...

# service sun-clb ...

Most Linux distributions allow Ethernet interfaces to be specified as eth0, eth1, and so on. Some distributions, however, either do not do this or do not do this by default.