C H A P T E R  8

Using Linux Server Blade Utilities

This chapter provides information on using the following utilities with Linux server blades:

Use this utility to detect memory problems on a server blade. See Performing Memory Diagnostics on a Server Blade.

Use this utility to upgrade the BIOS. See Upgrading the BIOS.

8.1 Performing Memory Diagnostics on a Server Blade

This section tells you how to use the memdiag utility to detect memory problems on a server blade.

The memdiag utility uses ECC functionality to report any errors on DIMMs installed in the server blade. If a fault is reported by memdiag, you may need to replace the faulty DIMM. It is recommended that you run memdiag on any server blade that is experiencing problems.

Note - The memdiag utility is installed on the server blade as part of the PXE boot installation process. See Chapter 4 for information on performing a PXE boot installation.

8.1.1 Running a Memory Test on a Server Blade

1. Log into the blade for which you want to perform a memory test.

At the SC prompt, type:

sc> console sn

where n is the number of the slot containing the blade.

2. Run memdiag from the /usr/local/bin directory:


Starting Tests
        Starting Memory Test
                Testing 512M
        PASS    Memory Test
        Starting ECC Test
                Testing 512M
        PASS    ECC Test
Ending Tests

In this example no ECC errors were reported on the server blade.

3. Check the output for memory and ECC failures.

8.1.2 Example memdiag Output for Faulty DIMMs