C H A P T E R 6 |
Using the scadm Utility |
This chapter introduces the System Controller Administration (scadm) utility, and shows how to use it in managing the system. The chapter consists of:
The System Controller Administration (scadm) utility, which is part of the Solaris Operating System, enables you to perform many ALOM tasks while logged in to the host server.
The scadm commands control several functions, and some allow you to view or set ALOM environment variables. See List of scadm Commands for an overview of the commands, and Using ALOM Configuration Variables for an explanation of configuration variables.
You must be logged in to the host as superuser before you can use the scadm utility.
Note - The scadm utility does not work when you are running SunVTS |
The scadm utility sends its output to stdout. You can use scadm in scripts to manage and configure ALOM from the host system. See Creating a Script to Send Alerts From ALOM.
For more information about the scadm utility, refer to the scadm man page. Type man scadm at the system prompt. The man page for scadm is located on the Solaris HW Supplement CD for your version of the Solaris Operating System.
1. Set your path to the scadm utility.
See To Set Your Path to the scadm Utility.
2. Log in to the host system as root.
3. Type scadm at the superuser prompt, and then type the command you want to use.
Note - The scadm utility does not work when you are running SunVTS software on the server. |
To set your path to the scadm utility, perform these two steps:
1. Find out the proper platform name for your system.
See To Find Your System's Platform Name.
2. Set the path to scadm on your system.
Refer to your Solaris Operating System documentation for more information about how to set the path. The procedure differs depending on which command shell you are using in the Solaris Operating System, as well as which file you want to use to contain path information.
The scadm utility resides in the following directory:
Where platform-name is the platform name for your system.
At the system prompt, type uname -i.
The system returns a result similar to the following:
The result you see depends on your server model. This example has the default installation directory for the ALOM software in:
/usr/platform/SUNW,Netra x40/sbin
where Netra x40 is either Netra 240 or Netra 440, depending on your system.
The scadm commands provide equivalent functionality to that of the ALOM commands.
The following list describes the commands for the scadm utility.
Displays a list of scadm commands and brief descriptions and syntax for each command. |
Displays the current value of the specified ALOM configuration variable. |
scadm resetrsc [- s] |
Resets ALOM immediately. The -s option specifies a soft reset. |
Sets the specified ALOM configuration variable to the assigned value. |
Communicates with the modem on supported platforms. The Netra does not support outgoing modem transactions. |
scadm send_event [- c] |
Sends a custom message as an event. The -c option assigns a critical level to the event. |
scadm version [-v] |
Displays ALOM version information. The -v option provides verbose output. |
Make sure that you have set your path to the scadm utility and have logged in to the host system as root; or use the cd command to move to the /usr/platform/platform/sbin directory, where platform is the platform name for your host server. See To Set Your Path to the scadm Utility to set your path and find out the platform name of your server.
To use a command, type the following at the host system's superuser prompt. Substitute the command you want to use for command.
Use the scadm date command to show the ALOM date and time. This command works like the ALOM shell command showdate.
Note - Your host server uses local time, but ALOM uses Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). ALOM does not accept time zone conversions or daylight time changes. |
1. Log in to the host server as root.
2. At the system's superuser prompt, type the following command:
The date command accepts values in the mmddHHMMccyy.SS format as described below.
Use the download command to program the ALOM firmware. This command works like the ALOM shell command flashupdate. See flashupdate for more on that command.
You can find the links to the download sites on the ALOM product page at: http://www.sun.com/servers/alom.html
The ALOM firmware contains two parts: the main image and the boot monitor (bootmon).
1. Log in to the host server as root.
2. To program the main image, at the superuser prompt, type the following command:
Where filename is the name of the main image file you want to download.
To download the ALOM main firmware:
Where platform-name is the platform name for your host server.
3. To program the boot monitor (bootmon), at the superuser prompt, type the following command:
Where filename is the name of the boot monitor file you want to download.
To download the bootmon image:
Where platform-name is the platform name for your host server. See To Set Your Path to the scadm Utility to set your path and find out the platform name of your server.
The download command uses one option: boot.
This option directs the download command to program the boot monitor with the downloaded file you specify.
Note - Downloading the main firmware image may take up to 10 minutes. The bootmonitor download process can take several minutes to complete. |
Use the help command to list the available commands for the scadm utility and shows their syntax.
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the system's superuser prompt, type the following command:
Use the scadm loghistory command to display the history of all events logged in the ALOM event buffer. These events include server reset events and all ALOM or scadm commands that change the state of the system (such as reset, poweroff, and poweron in the ALOM command shell). This command is similar to the ALOM shell command showlogs.
Each event recorded in the log has the following format:
Where date time is the date and time at which the event occurred, as recorded by ALOM, errorcode is the code for the logged event, and message is a short description of the event.
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the superuser prompt, type the following command:
The following example shows an event log entry:
Note - Timestamps recorded in console logs reflect server time. Timestamps shown in the ALOM event log reflect UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). |
The scadm modem_setup command is not supported on the Netra server. For information about how to set up an external modem to support incoming transactions, see the description of the if_modem variable (see if_modem).
Use the scadm resetrsc command to reset ALOM. This command works like the ALOM shell command resetsc. See resetsc for more information on that command.
![]() |
Caution - Do not use the scadm resetrsc command while a firmware update (scadm download or flashupdate) is in progress. If you need to reset ALOM, wait until after the update is complete. Otherwise, you could corrupt the ALOM firmware and render it unusable. Seescadm download and flashupdate for more information. |
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the superuser prompt, type the following command:
Where option is -s, if desired.
This command causes ALOM to reset immediately.
Note - The host server does not respond after you type the scadm resetrsc command; the reset occurs immediately. |
The resetrsc command uses one option: -s.
This option causes a soft reset to occur. If you type scadm resetrsc without using the -s option, a hard reset occurs.
All events recorded in the ALOM event log can be sent as email alerts.
Use the scadm send_event command to send the events to the following destinations:
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the superuser prompt, type the following command:
Where message is your customized message.
Using the -c option sends a critical event:
Using the send_event without the -c option sends a major event:
Use the scadm set command to set an ALOM configuration variable to the desired value. This command works like the ALOM shell command setsc. See Overview of the ALOM Command Shell for more information.
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the superuser prompt, type the following command:
Where variable is the name of the variable you want to set, and value is its value.
Use the scadm show command to view the value for the specified ALOM configuration variable. This command works like the ALOM shell command showsc. See Overview of the ALOM Command Shell for more information on that command.
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the superuser prompt, type the following command:
Where variable is the name of the variable.
Typing scadm show with no variables displays the values for all variables.
Use the scadm shownetwork command to display the current network configuration. This command is similar to the ALOM shell command shownetwork. See shownetwork for more on that command.
The command output appears similar to the following example, with the actual IP addresses, netmask, and Ethernet addresses in your network configuration in place of XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the superuser prompt, type the following command:
# scadm shownetwork SC network configuration is: IP address: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Gateway Address: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Netmask: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Ethernet Address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX |
Use the scadm useradd command to add a user account to ALOM. This command is similar to the ALOM shell command useradd. See useradd for more on that command.
You can add a maximum of 15 unique user accounts to ALOM.
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the superuser prompt, type the following command:
Where username is the name of the user you want to add.
username has the following restrictions:
To assign a password to a user name, use the scadm userpassword command. See scadm userpassword.
To set permission levels for a user name, use the scadm userperm command. See scadm userperm.
Use the scadm userdel command to delete a user account from ALOM. This command is similar to the ALOM shell command userdel. See userdel for more on that command.
Note - You cannot delete the default admin account from ALOM. |
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the superuser prompt, type the following command:
Where username is the name of the user you want to delete.
The scadm usershow command shows a specified user's ALOM account, along with each user's permissions and whether a password has been assigned. See scadm userperm, and scadm userpassword for more on permissions and passwords. To see this information for a particular user, type the desired user name after the usershow command. If you do not enter any user names, usershow displays all of the accounts. This command is similar to the ALOM shell command usershow. Refer to usershow for more on that command.
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. To see the information for one user, type the following command at the superuser prompt:
Where username is the name of the specified user whose information you want to show, if desired. If you do not any user names, usershow displays all of the accounts.
#scadm usershow Username Permissions Password? ---------------------------------------- admin cuar Assigned wwilson cuar Assigned jadams --cr None |
#scadm usershow wwilson Username Permissions Password? ---------------------------------------- wwilson cuar Assigned |
Use the scadm userpassword command to set or change the password for the specified user account. This command is similar to the ALOM shell command userpassword. See userpassword for more on that command.
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the superuser prompt, type the following command:
Where username is the name of the user for whom you want to set or change the password.
This command does not prompt you for the existing password.
Passwords have the following restrictions:
Use the userperm command to set or change permission levels for a specified user account. This command is similar to the ALOM shell command userperm. See userperm for more information.
Note - If there is only one account on ALOM (admin account), that account cannot be deleted, nor can you remove the a or u user permissions from that account. |
All users can read ALOM information, but you need authorization to perform ALOM functions or change settings. There are four permission levels that increase a user's authorization.
Administrative. This user is authorized to change the state of ALOM configuration variables. See Using ALOM Configuration Variables. |
User administration. This user is authorized to add users and delete users, change user permissions, and change the authorization level of other users. See scadm useradd and scadm userdel for more information. |
Console permission. This user is authorized to connect to the host server system console. See console for more information on the console command. |
Reset/power permission. This user is authorized to reset the host server, power the server on and off, and reboot ALOM. See reset, poweron, poweroff, and scadm resetrsc for detailed information of these processes. |
If you do not assign a permission level to the specified user (that is, you assigned zero permission levels), then that user has read-only permission. This is the default level for a new ALOM user account.
To see a user's permission levels, use the usershow command. See scadm usershow.
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the superuser prompt, type the following command:
Where username is the specified user account and perms is the permission level(s) you want to set or change (if any).
For example, to assign c and r user permissions to user msmith, you would type the following from the system superuser prompt:
Use the scadm version command to display ALOM version information.
1. Log in to the host server as superuser (root).
2. At the superuser prompt, type the following command:
Where option is -v, if desired.
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