C H A P T E R  2

Initial Software Configuration

To set up your Sun Fire V20z or Sun Fire V40z server the first time, you should perform some initial configuration tasks. This chapter explains these initial steps:

Note - An operating system can be installed on the server without configuring the service processor (SP) or the network share volume (NSV). However, if you choose to skip the SP and NSV setup, you will not be able to use the remote-management capabilities of the system or the diagnostics.

Configuring the Service Processor

Caution - The service processor (SP) must be secured with a user name and password when the server is first deployed. Failure to secure the SP can expose the server to security and availability risks through the SP network interface.

The Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z servers include a dedicated SP for complete server independence and maximum availability of server management. The SP is an embedded PowerPC that provides the following functions:

After supplying AC power to the server, you are ready to begin configuring the SP by setting an IP address and associated network settings for the SP. You can configure the SP network settings by using DHCP or by using a static IP address.

Defining SP Network Settings

This section contains two alternate methods you can use to define SP network settings:

Assigning SP Network Settings Using DHCP

The following procedure describes how to set the SP network settings using DHCP from the Operator Panel. If your network does not use DHCP, or you want to assign a static IP address to the SP, follow the instructions in Assigning Static SP Network Settings.

1. Press any operator panel button on the server front panel (see FIGURE 2-1).

The LCD panel displays the first menu option:

Server Menu

FIGURE 2-1 Operator Panel Buttons

Graphic showing three operator panel buttons: from left to right, Back, Select, and Cancel. Push Back plus Select for Cancel, Forward plus Select for Enter.

2. Press the Forward button until you reach the SP menu:

SP menu

3. Press the Select button to display the SP menu options.

SP Menu:
Set SP IP info?

4. Press the Select button.

The following prompt appears with the default response:

SP use DHCP?

5. Press the Forward button to change to Yes, then press the Select button.

6. Press the Select button at the confirmation prompt.

SP use DHCP:

The server attempts to contact a DHCP server for an IP address. Once a DHCP server is contacted, the LCD panel displays the default SP settings. The SP address is configured and the server is ready for use.

7. Continue with Creating the Initial Manager Account for instructions on creating the initial manager account.

Note - A prompt appears that asks if you want to perform autoconfiguration. As an alternative to configuring an SP manually, you can run autoconfiguration, which replicates the configuration of one SP to another. Refer to the Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers--Server Management Guide for instructions on autoconfiguration.

Assigning Static SP Network Settings

Follow these steps to set the SP network settings using a static IP address. You must specify a subnet mask and default gateway. This example uses the following sample settings:

IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:

1. Press any operator panel button on the server front panel (see FIGURE 2-1).

The LCD panel displays the first menu option:

Server Menu

2. Press the Forward operator panel button until you reach the SP menu:

SP menu

3. Press the Select operator panel button to display the SP menu options.

SP Menu:
Set SP IP info?

4. Press the Select operator panel button. The following prompt displays with the default response:

SP use DHCP?

5. Press the Select operator panel button.

The LCD displays as follows:

SP IP Address:

6. With the cursor in the first field, increase or decrease the value using the Back and Forward operator panel buttons.

This field can hold a value between 0 and 255.

SP IP Address:

7. After reaching your desired value, press the Select operator panel button to advance the cursor to the next field.

SP IP Address:

Note - The Back and Forward operator panel buttons automatically scroll, repeating the action as long as the button is held down.

8. Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 for each field until the desired IP address is displayed, then use the Enter button combination to save the IP Address.

The process continues to the next network setting, the Subnet Mask. The LCD displays as follows:

SP netmask:

9. Edit the subnet mask setting in the same manner as you did for the IP address. When finished, use the Enter button combination to save the subnet mask.

The process continues to the next network setting, the default gateway. The LCD displays as follows:

SP IP Gateway

10. Edit the default gateway setting in the same manner as you did for the IP address and the subnet mask. When finished, use the Enter button combination to save the default gateway.

The LCD displays the following confirmation prompt:

Use new IP data:

11. Press the Select operator panel button to use the new data, or use the Cancel button combination to disregard.

The SP address is now configured and the server is ready for use.

Note - A prompt appears that asks if you want to perform autoconfiguration. As an alternative to configuring an SP manually, you can run autoconfiguration, which replicates the configuration of one SP to another. Refer to the Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers--Server Management Guide for instructions on autoconfiguration.

12. Continue with Creating the Initial Manager Account.

Creating the Initial Manager Account

After you install the server and configure the SP, you must create the initial manager account to access the server. You can then perform initial configuration of the server and create additional user accounts.

A setup account is included with each server. This setup account has no password. When you log in to the SP the first time using the setup account, you are prompted to define the initial manager account with a password and an optional public key.

Log in to the setup account and create the initial manager account by following this procedure:

1. Using an SSHv1 or SSHv2 client, connect to the IP address of the SP.

2. Authenticate as the user setup with no password required:

# ssh sp_ip_address -l setup

3. Follow the on-screen prompts to create the initial manager account.

After you create the initial manager account, the setup account is deleted and you are logged out of the server. You can then log in using the new manager account, from which you can create other user accounts.

Note - If you are prompted for a password, this indicates that the SP has already been secured with an account. If you do not know the management user name and password, you can reset the SP from the operator panel by navigating to the SP menu and selecting the Use defaults option. Note that all current settings for users and networks will be lost and the SP will reboot.

After you create the initial manager account, continue with Defining a Name for the Server or Server Management and Platform Software.

Defining a Name for the Server

If desired, you can define a name for the server that will be displayed in the operator-panel LCD when the SP is idle. After you define a name, the name and the IP address of the SP alternate every few seconds in the LCD.

Note - This is a descriptive name for the server, for your convenience only. It is not a DNS host name for the server on the network.

1. When the server is in background state, press any operator-panel button (see FIGURE 2-1).

After you press a button, the LCD panel displays the first menu option:

Server Menu

2. Press the Forward button until you reach the Panel menu:

Panel menu

3. Press the Select button to display the Panel menu options.

4. Press the Forward button until the Name for LCD menu option displays:

Panel Menu:
Name for LCD?

5. Press the Select button to enable data entry.

6. Enter an alphanumeric string to display on the first line of the LCD.

You can enter letters A through Z, digits 0 through 9, hyphen and space.

a. Use the Forward and Reverse buttons to locate the character you wish to enter in each field.

b. Press the Select button when you locate the character you want.

c. Repeat this process until the entire name is complete.

7. Use the Enter button combination (Forward plus Select) to save your entry.

Server Management and Platform Software

This section includes descriptions of the network share volume (NSV) structure that is included with your server on CD, and a procedure for extracting and installing the software (see Installing and Mounting the NSV Software).

Although the SP functions normally without access to an external file system, a file system is required to enable several features, including event log files, software updates, diagnostics and the troubleshooting dump utility. You can configure the NSV to be shared among multiple SPs. Admin- and manager-level users can configure the external file system; however, monitor users can only view the current configuration with read-only access.

The following software components are included with your server:

All of these software packages are packaged with the NSV and are installed on the file server when the external file system is installed and configured, as described in Installing and Mounting the NSV Software.

Network Share Volume Structure

The following compressed packages are included with your server on the Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers Network Share Volume CD:

TABLE 2-1 Network Share Volume Compressed Packages

File Name

File Contents


SP and platform diagnostics with some support for the SP software


Drivers for Red Hat Linux OS


Drivers for Solaris 9 OS


Drivers for SUSE Linux OS

When extracted, the compressed packages in TABLE 2-1 populate the following files on the NSV:

sw_images (this folder appears after you extract one of the OS-specific Zip files)

TABLE 2-2 Extracted Files on the Network Share Volume

File Name



Offline location of the server diagnostics.


Offline location of the log files for the SP.


Sample scripts that can be used for scripting commands.


SNMP MIBS. Refer to the Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide for details.


The server for updating the SP. Refer to the Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers, Server Management Guide for details.


Contains a directory hierarchy of platform and SP components, including subdirectories for each version.

Installing and Mounting the NSV Software

Equipment Needed For This Procedure

Note - The NFS server can be any server that supports NFS and that is connected to the same network as the server's SP ports. The following procedure assumes that your NFS server is running Linux or UNIX. If you are using a different OS, consult the documentation for that OS for the exact commands to use.

To install and configure the NSV, follow these steps:

1. Connect the SP of the server to the same network as your NFS server.

See Cabling for the location of the SP connectors and guidelines for connecting servers to management LANs.

2. Insert the Sun Fire V20z and Sun Fire V40z Servers Network Share Volume CD into the NFS server and mount the CD.

3. Copy the folder that contains the NSV packages from the CD to the NFS server by typing the following command:

# cp -r /mnt/cdrom/NSV_file_directory /mnt/nsv/

4. Change to the directory on the server that now contains the compressed NSV packages and extract them by typing the following commands:

# cd /mnt/nsv/
# unzip -a *.zip

Note - When unzipping a compressed file on a Linux platform, use the -a switch as shown to force text files to convert to the target operating system's appropriate end-of-line termination.

The extracted packages populate these files:


5. If you will be running the server diagnostics, run the following commands to create the appropriate permissions within the diags directories:

# chmod 777 /mnt/nsv/diags/NSV_version_number/scripts
# chmod -R 755 /mnt/nsv/diags/NSV_version_number/mppc

6. Log in to the Sun Fire V20z or Sun Fire V40z server SP via SSH by typing the following command at the NFS server's command prompt:

# ssh -l admin_or_higher_login SSH_hostname

Note - Verify that NFS is enabled on the network before going to the next step. On systems running Linux, this must be done manually. Refer to the documentation for the version of Linux you are running for the instructions on enabling NFS.

7. Mount the NSV onto the Sun Fire V20z or Sun Fire V40z server SP by typing the following command:

# sp add mount -r NFS_server_hostname:/directory_with_NSV_files -l /mnt

Note - If you did not set up the SP on a DHCP network, you must use the
NFS_server_IP_address, rather than the NFS_server_hostname.

8. Continue with Setting up the Platform Operating System and Drivers.

Setting up the Platform Operating System and Drivers

Note - An operating system can be installed on the server without configuring the SP or the NSV. However, if you choose to skip the SP and NSV setup, you will not be able to use the remote-management capabilities of the system, or the diagnostics.

After setting up the SP and NSV software, you can install the platform operating system (OS) and drivers.


http://www.sun.com/products-n-solutions /hardware/docs/Servers/Workgroup_Servers/Sun_Fire_V20z/index.html


http://www.sun.com/servers/entry/v20z/. Click on the Documentation link on the right side. On the next page, click on `Sun Fire V20z and V40z Servers' in the list.