C H A P T E R  2

SMS DR Procedures

This chapter contains procedures that describe how to use the DR feature on the Sun Fire high-end server system controller (SC), which runs the system management services (SMS) software. The following procedures are included:

Showing Device Information

Before you attempt to perform any DR operation, use the showdevices(1M) command to display the device information, especially when you are removing devices.

procedure icon  To Show Device Information

single-step bulletUse the showdevices(1M) command to display the device information for the domain.

% showdevices -v -d A

The above command displays the device information for all of the devices in the domain and produces output such as the following:

domain   board   id   state     speed    ecache    usage
A        SB1     40   online    400      4
A        SB1     41   online    400      4
A        SB1     42   online    400      4
A        SB1     43   online    400      4
A        SB2     55   online    400      4
A        SB2     56   online    400      4
A        SB2     57   online    400      4
A        SB2     58   online    400      4

The following output represents an example of the memory output for the showdevices(1M) command above.

drain in progress:
               board   perm    base     domain  target deleted remaining
domain  board  mem MB  mem MB  addr     mem MB  board  MB      MB
A       SB1    2048    933     0x600000 4096    C2     250     1500
A       SB2    2048    0       0x200000 4096

The following output represents an example of the I/O devices output for the showdevices(1M) command above.

IO Devices
domain   board   device  resource             usage
A        IO1     sd0
A        IO1     sd1
A        IO1     sd2
A        IO1     sd3     /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0    mounted filesystem "/"
A        IO1     sd3     /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1    dump device (swap)
A        IO1     sd3     /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s1    swap area
A        IO1     sd3     /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s3    mounted filesystem "/var"
A        IO1     sd3     /var/run             mounted filesystem "/var/run"
A        IO1     sd4
A        IO1     sd5

Refer to the section showdevices(1M) for more information about the showdevices(1M) command. Refer to the showdevices(1M) man page for a complete list of the options and arguments for this command, and for more information about displaying device-specific information.

Showing Platform Information

Before you attempt to add, move, or delete a board to or from a specific domain, use the showboards(1M) command to determine the domain ID, the boards available to the domain, and the status of the domain.

You can use the domain ID in all of the DR commands. You can use the board list to determine the domain to which a specific board is assigned, and you can use the domain status to determine whether or not you can add, delete, or move a board to or from the domain. Use the showplatforms(1M) command to determine whether the component is in the available component list.

You must have the appropriate privileges to use the showplatforms(1M) command. See the section showplatform(1M) for more information about the showplatforms(1M) command, including a table showing which user groups can use it. Also, refer to the showplatform(1M) man page for more information.

procedure icon  To Show Platform Information

single-step bulletUse the showplatform(1M) command to obtain the domain information.

% showplatform

The showplatform(1M) command displays the domain ID, the available component list, and the status of the domain, as in the following example.

ACLs for domain domainA:
        slot0: SB0, SB1, SB2, SB3
        slot1: IO0, IO1, IO2, IO3
ACLs for domain domainB:
        slot0: None
        slot1: None
Domain        Solaris Nodename      Domain Status
domainA       sms3-b0               Powered Off
domainB       sms3-b1               Running Solaris

Showing Board Information

Before you attempt to delete or move a system board, you must query the board to determine the state of the board and the domain to which it is assigned.

SC State Models

On the Sun Fire high-end server SC, a board can be in one of four states: unavailable, available, assigned, or active.

Note - The state of a board on the SC is not the same as the state of a board on the domain. For more information about board states on the domain, refer to the Sun Fire 15K/12K Dynamic Reconfiguration User Guide.

The following table contains descriptions of board states on the SC.




The board is unavailable to the domain. The board has not been added to the available component list for the specified domain, or the board is currently assigned to another domain. Note that boards that are not in the available component list are invisible to the domain. In the unavailable state, the board is not considered part of the specified domain.


The board is available to be added to the domain. The board is in the available component list for the domain. Note that the board can be available to any number of domains. In the available state, the board is not considered to be part of the logical domain.


The board has been assigned to the domain, and may be in the domain's available component list. The board is unavailable to any other domain. In the assigned state, the board is considered to be part of the logical domain.


The board has been connected. Or, the board has been connected and configured into the Solaris operating environment and is available for use by the operating system. In the active state, the board is considered part of the physical domain.

The showboards(1M) command

After you have determined the domain ID that contains the board that you want to delete or move, or after you have determined that a particular board has already been assigned to a specific domain, use the showboards(1M) command to determine the state of the board. The board may be in a state that makes it impossible for you to delete or move it.

Note - The output of the showboards(1M) command depends on the privileges of the user. For instance, the platform administrator can obtain information about all of the boards in the server. The domain administrator and domain configurator, however, can obtain the information about only those boards that are assigned and available to the domain(s) to which they have access. Refer to the section showboards(1M) for more information.

procedure icon  To Show Board Information

single-step bulletUse the showboards(1M) command to display the board information for the domain.

% showboards -d A

The above command displays the device information for domain A. The following example contains the information that would be displayed.

Slot	Pwr	Type of Board				   Board Status					Test Status	   Domain
SB0	On	CPU Board					Active				Passed        A
SB1	-	Empty Slot					Assigned				-				A

You can use the showboards(1M) command to display all of the assigned system boards, all of the available system boards, and all of the CPU/memory and I/O boards in the domain. Refer to the showboards(1M) man page for more information about showing board information.

Adding Boards

Adding a board to a domain moves the board through several state changes. If it is not already assigned, it is first assigned to the domain. Then, it is connected to the domain and configured into the Solaris operating environment. After it is connected, it is considered part of the physical domain and available for use by the operating system.

You must have the appropriate privileges to add a board to a domain. See the section addboard(1M) for more information, including a description of the privileges needed to use this command.

Note - Whenever you use DR to add a COD board into a domain, make sure that enough RTU licenses are available to the target domain to enable each active CPU on the COD board. If there are not enough RTU licenses available to a target domain when you add a COD board to it, DR displays a message for each CPU that cannot be enabled in the domain. For more information about the COD option, see the System Management Services (SMS) 1.4 Administrator Guide.

procedure icon  To Add a Board to a Domain

single-step bulletUse the addboard(1M) command to add the board to the domain.

The following example of the addboard(1M) command adds system board 2 (SB2) to the domain specified by domain_id. Two retries are performed, if necessary, with a wait time of 10 minutes (600 seconds) between retries.

% addboard -d domain_id -r 2 -t 600 SB2

Note - If the addboard(1M) command fails during a DR operation, the board does not return to its original state. A dxs or dca error message is logged to the domain. If the error is recoverable, you can retry the command. If the error is unrecoverable, you will need to reboot the domain to use the board.

Deleting Boards

Deleting a board from a domain removes the board from the domain to which it is currently assigned, and in which it may be active. To delete a board, it must be in the assigned or active state.

Always check the usage of the components on a board before you delete it from a domain. If the board hosts permanent memory, the memory is moved to another board within the same domain before the board is deleted from the domain. Likewise, if any busy devices are present, you must wait or ensure that the device is no longer being used by the system before you attempt to remove the board.

A domain administrator can unconfigure and disconnect a board, but cannot unassign a board from the a domain unless the board is in the available component list. See deleteboard(1M) for more information, including a description of privileges required to use this command.

procedure icon  To Delete a Board From a Domain

single-step bulletUse the deleteboard(1M) command to delete the board from the domain.

The following example of the deleteboard(1M) command deletes system board 2 (SB2) from its current domain. Two retries are performed, if necessary, with a wait time of 15 minutes (900 seconds) between retries.

% deleteboard -r 2 -t 900 SB2

Note - If the deleteboard(1M) command fails during a DR operation, the board does not return to its original state. A dxs or dca error message is logged to the domain. If the error is recoverable, you can retry the command. If the error is unrecoverable, you will need to reboot the domain to use the board.

Moving Boards

Moving a board from one domain to another domain is performed in several steps. First, the board is removed from the domain to which it is currently assigned, and in which it may be active; the board must be in the assigned or active state. Next, it is assigned to the target domain. Then, it is connected to the target domain and configured into the Solaris operating environment, where it becomes available for use.

You should always check the usage of the memory and devices on a board before you move it out of a domain. If the board hosts permanent memory, the memory must be moved to another board within the same domain before the board can be moved to another domain. Likewise, if any busy devices are present, you must wait or ensure that the device is no longer being used by the system before you attempt to move the board.

See the section moveboard(1M) for more information, including a description of privileges required to use the moveboard(1M) command.

Note - Whenever you use DR to move a COD board into a domain, make sure that enough RTU licenses are available to the target domain to enable each active CPU on the COD board. If there are not enough RTU licenses available to a target domain when you add a COD board to it, DR displays a message for each CPU that cannot be enabled in the domain. For more information about the COD option, see the System Management Services (SMS) 1.4 Administrator Guide.

procedure icon  To Move a Board

single-step bulletUse the moveboard(1M) command to move the board from one domain to another domain.

The following example of the moveboard(1M) command moves system board 2 (SB2) from its current domain to the domain specified by domain_id. Two retries are performed, if necessary, with a wait time of 15 minutes (900 seconds) between retires.

% moveboard -d domain_id -r 2 -t 900 SB2

Note - If the moveboard(1M) command fails during a DR operation, the board does not return to its original state. A dxs or dca error message is logged to the domain. If the error is recoverable, you can retry the command. If the error is unrecoverable, you will need to reboot the domain to use the board.

Replacing Active System Boards

This section describes how to replace a system board that is active in a domain with another system board.

procedure icon  To Replace an Active System Board

In the following steps, system board 2 (SB2) is removed from its current domain and replaced by system board 3 (SB3).

1. Use the deleteboard(1M) command to delete system board 2 (SB2) from the domain.

This step deletes system board 2 from its current domain. Two retries are performed, if necessary, with a wait time of 15 minutes (900 seconds) between retries.

% deleteboard -r 2 -t 900 SB2

2. Use the addboard(1M) command to add system board 3 (SB3) to the domain.

This step adds system board 3 to the domain specified by domain_id. Two retries are performed, if necessary, with a wait time of 15 minutes (900 seconds) between retries.

% addboard -d domain_id -r 2 -t 900 SB3