C H A P T E R  4

Command-Line Options

This chapter describes the management and control interfaces available through the Sun Fire B10n blade command line interface (CLI). It lists the CLI commands under the various management categories with the appropriate options.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Note - While you can enter multiple commands in the CLI, no command can be longer than 255 characters. Hence, commands longer than that must be divided into as many commands as necessary to stay within the 255 character limitation.

Typographic Conventions Specific to the Sun Fire B10n Command Line Interface

Command descriptions use these conventions:

Note - Keywords are not case-sensitive, but user-specified values are.

User Access

The Sun Fire B10n blade has two levels of user access:

TABLE 4-1 describes the user commands.Table describing user commands.

TABLE 4-1 user Commands



user password

Changes the password. System responds with a prompt for the new password. Then prompts for confirmation of the new password.

user access

Access level assigned to a user.

1 = the general access level with read-only permission.

2 = the highest access level with access to all commands.

user add

Adds a user.

user delete

Deletes a particular user's ability to access the system.

user show

show user

Lists all users currently existing in the system, along with their respective access levels.

Using the login Command

The login command is used to log in initially as the administrator. It can also be used to log in as another user with a different access level than the one you currently have.

The login command has no defaults and can be used at any access level. The corresponding command is logout.

Note - For security reasons, always logout before you leave the console.

procedure icon  To Log In as Administrator

1. Access the console for the blade:

sc> console Sn

Where S indicates the slot and n is the number of the slot containing the blade you you want to configure.

2. Log in as admin to access the command-line interface:

Login: admin
Password: admin

Note - The default admin password is admin. To ensure security, change the default password before configuring the content load balancing blade.

3. Change the admin password:

puma{admin}# user password admin
Enter new password: 
Confirm new password:

Adding Users

Only the administrator (Supervisor) with Level 2 access can add new users who can be given all the privileges of the administrator or limited privileges, depending on the assigned access level. By default, the user is created with Level 1 access.

Note - If you do not specify the access level when you add a user, the default access (Level 1) will be used.

TABLE 4-2 lists the parameters for user access command:Table describing user access parameters.

TABLE 4-2 Parameter Description for User Access




Login name of the user.


Qualifier for the access level assigned to the new user.


General (intermediate) access level.


Supervisor (highest) access level.

procedure icon  To Add a User

single-step bulletAs admin, you can add new users, assign access level, and a default password:

puma{admin}# user add name username [access {1|2}]
puma{admin}# user access name username access {1|2}
puma{admin}# user password login-name

procedure icon  To Change the User Access Level

single-step bulletAs admin, you can change a user's access level:

puma{admin}# user access name username access {1|2}

The following example changes the access level of user1 to 1.

puma{admin}# user access name user1 access 1

procedure icon  To Change the User Password

single-step bulletAs admin, you can change a user's password level:

puma{admin}# user password username
Enter new password:******
Confirm new password:******

procedure icon  To Remove a User

single-step bulletAs admin, you can remove a user:

puma{admin}# user delete username

procedure icon  To List All Users

single-step bulletAs admin, you can list all users:

puma{admin}# user show

You can also list all users with the show user command:

single-step bulletAs admin, you can list all users:

puma{admin}# show user

Both commands list all users currently existing in the system, along with their respective access levels.

Configuring the Networking

This section describes how to configure the network for the Sun Fire B10n blade

procedure icon  To Configure the Management IP Address

1. As admin, enter config mode:

puma{admin} # config

2. Set up the IP address:

puma(config){admin}# ip interface {0|1} ip-addr mask netmask

The config ip interface command configures the IP address on the content load balancing blade to be used for management and control. Use this IP address for tasks such as opening a telnet session on the content load balancing blade.

TABLE 4-3 describes the parameters for setting the real IP addresses.Table describing parameters for setting the real IP addresses.

TABLE 4-3 Parameters for Setting the IP Address




Qualifier for the interface


Interface 0


Interface 1


IP address.


Qualifier for the subnet mask.


Subnet mask for the real address.


The first example sets the IP address on interface 0 as and the subnet mask as

puma(config){admin}# ip interface 0 mask

The following example sets the IP address on interface 1 as and the subnet mask as

puma(config){admin}# ip interface 1 mask

Note - The IP addresses shown in Examples 1 and 2 are different from virtual IP (VIP) addresses. The Sun Fire B10n blade does not load balance traffic destined to these IP addresses.

procedure icon  To Send a ping Request

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the ping command along with the specific IP address or hostname you want to ping and the packet count:

puma{user} # ping {ip-addr | hostname} [packet_count]

The ping command determines whether the Sun Fire B10n blade has connectivity or whether a host is available on the network. The command output shows whether the response was received, that is, the host exists on the network.

If the host is not responding then ping displays this message:

no answer from hostname

If the host is available on the network then ping displays this message:

hostname is alive

TABLE 4-4 describes the parameters for sending a ping request.Table describing the parameters for sending a ping request.

TABLE 4-4 Parameters for Sending a ping Request




IP address of a host on the network


Name of a host on the network


Number of tries

procedure icon  To Unconfigure a Network Interface

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, unconfigure the network interface:

puma(config){admin}# no ip interface {0|1}

This command unconfigures a network interface on the Sun Fire B10n blade.

procedure icon  To Configure a DNS Server

You can configure both a primary and a secondary Domain Name Server (DNS) for the Sun Fire B10n blade. When supplied with a hostname, the DNS server resolves it and obtains the corresponding IP address.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, configure a DNS server:

puma(config){admin}# dns server ip-addr {primary|secondary}

procedure icon  To Remove a DNS Server

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, remove a DNS server:

puma(config){admin}# remove dns server ip-addr 

procedure icon  To Configure the DNS Suffix

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, configure the DNS suffix:

puma(config){admin}# dns suffix suffix_name

This sets the suffix to be added to the hostnames before resolution with a DNS resolver to get the IP address.

Note - For example, a DNS suffix might be mycompany.com.

procedure icon  To Show DNS Use

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the show network command:

puma{user}# show network

procedure icon  To Unconfigure the DNS Suffix

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, remove the DNS suffix:

puma(config){admin}# no dns suffix 

procedure icon  To Configure the Default Gateway

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, set the default gateway:

puma(config){admin}# default gateway ip-addr

Where ip-addr is the gateway IP address.

procedure icon  To Unconfigure the Default Gateway

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, unset the default gateway:

puma(config){admin}# no default gateway 

procedure icon  To Set the Default Hostname

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, set the default hostname:

puma(config){admin}# default hostname hostname

This example configures the default hostname as B10n-no-1:

puma(config){admin}# default hostname B10n-no-1

After you set up the hostname, your CLI prompt takes the hostname:



procedure icon  To Show the Network Configurations

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the show network command:

puma{user} # show network

This command returns the following information:

procedure icon  To Show ARP Entries

1. As admin, enter the show arp command:

puma{admin}# show arp

The output from this command shows all the entries in the ARP table.

The following example shows a typical output from the show arp command:

destination      gateway            flags Refcnt  Use           Interface
--------------------------------------------------------------------------     00:03:af:26:73:07405    0       35330         iq0     00:03:af:26:97:fb405    1       16653         iq0

Note - In the ARP table the gateway and flags columns are improperly shown. In the example above, 405 should align under the flags heading. However, the gateway and flags fields are merged. The incorrect merging is a limitation of the underlying software.

To Configure the Subnet Mask for a VIP

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, configure the subnet mask for a VIP:

puma(config){admin} # vip-netmask {ip-addr | hostname} mask netmask

TABLE 4-5 describes the parameters for configuring the subnet mask for a VIP.

TABLE 4-5 Parameters for Configuring the Subnet Mask for a VIP




VIP address.


Host name for the VIP.


Qualifier for the net mask.


Subnet mask. This should be in the xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format.

procedure icon  To List the VIPs Configured

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the show vip command:

puma{user}# show vip

This command lists all the VIPs configured on the Sun Fire B10n blade.


The blade servers are monitored for health and connectivity. This involves collecting data such as server response time (or server load), network latency to a server, whether the server is up, whether the network (either the network connection between the content load balancing blade and the server or the network interface on the server) is up, and so on. The actual data collection on each server is performed by a control module residing on the server. The statistics are obtained by the management module on the Sun Fire B10n blade using SNMP. You can check network connectivity by issuing a ping to each blade server from the monitoring module in the content load balancing blade.

procedure icon  To Set Up Server Monitoring

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, set the server for monitoring:

puma(config){admin} # server-monitor [interval monitoring_interval] [max-try max_try_count]

The config server-monitor command configures the monitoring parameters for detecting loss of connectivity to a back end server or a failure of the server itself.

TABLE 4-6 describes the parameters for setting up a server for monitoring.Table describing the parameters for setting up a server for monitoring.

TABLE 4-6 Parameters and Variables for Setting Up a Server for Monitoring

Parameters and Variables



(Optional) Qualifier for the value specified in the monitoring_interval argument.


(Optional) The time interval (in milliseconds) in which the monitoring messages are sent.


(Optional) Qualifier for the value specified in the max_try_count argument.


(Optional) The maximum number of tries for the monitoring messages before marking a server down.

Configuring SSL Device Entries

The Sun Fire B10n blade can be configured to work in conjunction with one or more SSL proxy blades for content load balancing SSL traffic. You must configure an SSL entry on the content load balancing blade for each SSL proxy blade in the system.


procedure icon  To Add an SSL Device

The config ssl name command adds an entry for an SSL proxy blade on the content load balancing blade with at least one interface configured.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the ssl name command and the parameters:

puma(config){admin}# ssl name ssl_device_name {ssl_ip_1 | hostname_1} [{ssl_ip_2 | hostname_2}]


The first example creates an SSL device ssl1, with an IP address of

puma{config}{admin}# ssl name ssl1

The second example creates an SSL device ssl2, with an IP address of and

puma{config}{admin}# ssl name ssl1

TABLE 4-7 describes the parameters for adding SSL device configurations.Table describing the variables for adding SSL blade configurations.

TABLE 4-7 Parameters for Adding SSL Device Configurations




Name of the SSL device entry.


IP address of the SSL device on one interface.


Host name of the SSL device on the same interface.


(Optional) IP address of the SSL device on the other interface.


(Optional) Host name of the SSL device on the same interface.

procedure icon  To Remove an SSL Device

The remove ssl name command removes an SSL device entry.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the remove ssl name command and the parameters:

puma(config){admin}# remove ssl name {ssl_device_name}


The following example removes an SSL device ssl3.

puma{config}{admin}# remove ssl name ssl3

Note - If the SSL device has either of its interfaces included in any service, then this command fails.

procedure icon  To Add a Port Pair to an SSL Device Entry

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# ssl port-pair ssl_device_name secureport secure_port_num clearport clear_port_num


The following example adds a port pair to an SSL device ssl1, with secure port as 443 and clear port as 880.

puma{config}{admin}# ssl port-pair ssl1 secureport 443 clearport 880

The ssl port-pair command configures an SSL device entry with a secure port and the corresponding clear port, that is, a port pair configuration.

Note - A maximum of four such port pairs can be added to an SSL device entry. Each of the eight ports must be unique. Maximum value of each port is 1023.

TABLE 4-8 describes the parameters for adding and removing port pairs.Table describing the parameters for adding and removing port pairs.

TABLE 4-8 Parameters for Adding and Removing Port Pairs




Name of the SSL device entry.


Qualifier for the secure port.


The secure port number. This is the port at which a secure service configured with this SSL device accepts SSL encrypted traffic from the client.


Qualifier for the clear port.


The clear port number. This is the port to which this SSL device sends the traffic after decryption.

procedure icon  To Remove a Port Pair from an SSL Device Entry

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# remove ssl port-pair {ssl_device_name} secureport {secure_port_num} clearport {clear_port_num}


The following example removes a port pair from an SSL device ssl1.

puma{config}{admin}# remove ssl port-pair ssl1 secureport 443 clearport 880

The remove ssl port-pair command removes a port pair configuration from an SSL device entry.

Note - If the SSL device has either of its interfaces included in any service, then this command fails.

procedure icon  To Add an Interface to an SSL Device Entry

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# ssl if ssl_device_name {ssl_ip|hostname}


The following example adds interface to an existing SSL device ssl1.

puma{config}{admin}# ssl if ssl1

The ssl if command configures an interface for an SSL device entry.

Note - A maximum of two interfaces can be configured for an SSL device entry at any time.

TABLE 4-9 describes the variables for adding or removing an interface.Table describing the variables for adding or removing an SSL blade interface.

TABLE 4-9 Parameters for Adding or Removing an SSL Device Interface




Name of the SSL device entry.


The IP address of the SSL device interface.


The host name of the SSL device interface.

procedure icon  To Remove an Interface from an SSL Device Entry

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# remove ssl if ssl_device_name {ssl_ip|hostname}


The following example removes an interface from an SSL device ssl1.

puma{config}{admin}# remove ssl if ssl1

The remove ssl if command removes an interface from an SSL device entry.

Note - An SSL device entry must have at least one interface configured. It is not possible to remove an interface that is included in one or more services.

procedure icon  To Enable an SSL Device Entry

The enable ssl name command enables an SSL device entry.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the enable ssl name command:

puma(config){admin}# enable ssl name {ssl_device_name}

By default, an SSL entry is enabled when it is created.

procedure icon  To Disable an SSL Device Entry

The no enable ssl name command disables an SSL device entry.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the no enable ssl name command:

puma(config){admin}# no enable ssl name {ssl_device_name}

procedure icon  To Show the Configured SSL Devices

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the show ssl command:

B10n {user} # show ssl [ssl_device_name]

You can use this command to display the SSL devices configured for the content load balancing blade. By specifying the ssl_device_name, you can show one specific blade.

Configuring Multiple SSL Devices

To configure multiple SSL devices, repeat the steps under Configuring SSL Device Entries for each SSL device to be added. All the configured SSL devices can be displayed using the show ssl command.

Configuring the Content Load Balancing Blade

For Layer 7 load balancing, some TCP parameters must be configured on the content load balancing blade. The TCP stack in each of the blade servers being load balanced must be configured with the same parameters.

Note - For each of these parameters, the content load balancing blade starts up with a set of defaults that match those on the servers at the time of deployment.

procedure icon  To Set the TCP Parameters

The config default tcp-params command sets the TCP parameters on the content load balancing blade to be used for TCP connections that are Layer 7 load balanced. These parameters must be set for each blade and serve as defaults. They can be overwritten for each individual service if required.)

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, set the default TCP parameters.:

puma(config){admin}# default tcp-params [window tcp_window] [window-scale tcp_ws_factor] [ts] [sack]

The following example sets the TCP default window to 2048, the window scaling factor to 1, and the TCP timestamp and SACK options:

puma(config){admin}# default tcp-params window 2048 window-scale 1 ts sack

TABLE 4-10 describes the options for setting the TCP parameters for the content load balancing blade.Table describing the options for setting the TCP parameters.

TABLE 4-10 Options for Setting the TCP Parameters




(Optional) Qualifier for the value specified in the tcp_window argument.


(Optional) The TCP window size to use in the SYN.


(Optional) Qualifier for the value specified in the tcp_ws_factor argument.


(Optional) The TCP window scaling factor to advertise in the SYN.


(Optional) TCP timestamp option is supported.


(Optional) TCP SACK option is supported.


tcp_window defaults to 8192. tcp_ws_factor defaults to 0, that is, the window scaling option is not supported. The SACK option is supported by default, but the timestamp option is not.


The first example sets the TCP window to 2048:

puma(config){admin}# default tcp-params window 2048

The following example scales the window to 1 and includes the timestamp option:

puma(config){admin}# default tcp-params window-scale 1 ts

The third example adds only the timestamp and SACK options:

puma(config){admin}# default tcp-params ts sack

procedure icon  To Set Parameters for TCP Connection Handoff

For TCP load balancing services, the Sun Fire B10n blade performs a connection handoff to the back end servers. The maximum number of times the handoff message is to be retransmitted to a server before trying a new server is a parameter that is set to a default value on the content load balancing blade. The default can be changed as needed. This feature applies to Layer 7 load balancing services only.

The default tcp-handoff-params command sets the default TCP connection handoff parameters on the content load balancing blade. These parameters are set for each blade and serve as defaults. They can be overwritten for a service if required.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, set the default TCP handoff parameters:

puma(config){admin}# default tcp-handoff-params {max-open-resend}

Where max_open_resends is the maximum number of times the OPEN message is retransmitted to the same server before load balancing again. The default value for max_open_resends is 5.


The following example sets the value for the maximum retransmissions of the handoff message.

puma(config){admin}# default tcp-handoff-params 7

procedure icon  To Show All the Default TCP Parameters Settings

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the show default tcp command:

B10n {user} # show default tcp

The show default tcp command shows default TCP parameters, TCP DoS defense parameters, and TCP connection handoff parameters configured on the content load balancing blade.

Load Balancing Service Configuration and Management

A load balancing service on Sun Fire B10n blade is characterized by a VIP, a port, and a protocol, the interface on content load balancing blade to which the service is bound, SSL support, the load balancing layer and, if applicable, the load balancing protocol. Other configurations can be added incrementally to a service.

Creating a Load Balancing Service

The service command creates an entry for a load balancing service on the blade. Once you have created the service, you can add more configurations to it as needed.

Note that before a created service can be functional, a minimum of two commands must be executed for the service. First, a default group of servers and a load balancing scheme must be specified by using the config service lb-group default command. Second, the service (which is created in a disabled state) must be enabled by the enable service command.

For rule-based load balancing, the service must be linked to one or more blade servers, a load balancing scheme, and optionally, a load balancing rule by the config service lb-group command.

procedure icon  To Create a Load Balancing Service

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, create the load balancing service, using the parameters needed:

puma(config){admin}# service name service_name vip {VIP_address | hostname}:port_num:{tcp|udp} [ssl decrypted-port] interface {0|1} [lb-layer {4|7}] [L7-proto {http|ftp}]

Note - When adding an SSL service, using the same VIP address with a different port, but the same SSL port is not allowed. The new SSL service must have a unique port number. For example, if an initial SSL service is running on SSL port 880, you must specify a different SSL port number for each new SSL service such as SSL port 881, 882, and so on.

TABLE 4-11 describes the parameters for creating a load balancing service.Table describing the parameters for creating a load balancing service.

TABLE 4-11 Parameters for Creating a Load Balancing Service




Qualifier for the service name.


Configured name of the service (ASCII string).


Qualifier for the virtual service address.


Destination IP address for the service.


Destination host name for the service.


Destination TCP/UDP port number for the service.


The Layer 4 protocol is TCP.


The Layer 4 protocol is UDP.


(Optional) Specifies this service end point as an SSL end point.


(Optional) Specifies the decrypted port number for traffic coming back from the SSL device. The maximum allowed value is 1023.


Uses the value specified in the following argument.


This service point is bound to network interface number 0 on the content load balancing blade.


This service point is bound to network interface number 1 on the content load balancing blade.


(Optional) Qualifier for the OSI layer at which load balancing is to be performed.


Load balancing is performed based on the Layer 4 fields of the incoming packets.


Load balancing is performed based on the Layer 7 fields of the incoming packets.


(Optional) Qualifier for the protocol that is Layer 7 load balanced.


The Layer 7 protocol to be load balanced is HTTP.


The Layer 7 protocol to be load balanced is FTP.


The default load balancing is at Layer 4. The default Layer 7 protocol is HTTP. Each service must have a unique 3-tuple (vip, port_num, {tcp|udp}). If your service is an SSL service, it should also have a unique decrypted 3-tuple (vip,
decrypted-port, {tcp|udp}).


The first example creates a service named SVC0, with a VIP of, on port 80, using the TCP scheme. SVC0 is a Layer 4 load balanced TCP service.

puma(config){admin}# service name SVC0 vip interface 0

The second example, creates a service named svc2, which is a Layer 4 load balanced SSL service bound to interface 0 of the content load balancing blade. The SSL decrypted port is 880.

puma(config){admin}# service name svc2 vip ssl 880 interface 0

The last example creates a service named SVC1, which is a Layer 7 load balanced HTTP service.

puma(config){admin}# service name SVC1 vip interface 1 lb-layer 7 L7-proto http

procedure icon  To Add SSL Devices to a Service

The service ssl command adds one or more SSL devices to the SSL load balancing group of a service.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, type the following command, using the parameters needed:

puma(config){admin}# service ssl service_name ssl ssl_device_name:{active|standby} [ssl_device_name:{active|standby}....]


The following example adds an SSL device named ssl1 to the Service SVC1.

puma{config}{admin}# service ssl SVC1 ssl ssl1:active

To add a second SSL device to the same service, the command should be invoked again for the second SSL device.

puma{config}{admin}# service ssl SVC1 ssl ssl2:active

Both devices can be added in one command also.

puma{config}{admin}# service ssl SVC1 ssl ssl1:active ssl2:active

One device can be added as Active and another device can be added as Standby.

puma{config}{admin}# service ssl SVC1 ssl ssl1:active ssl2:standby

TABLE 4-12 describes the parameters for adding one or more SSL devices to the SSL load balancing group of a service. Table describing the parameters for adding SSL devices to a service.

TABLE 4-12 Parameters for Adding SSL Devices to a Service




Name of the load balancing service.


Qualifier for the SSL device argument.


Name of the SSL proxy blade.


The SSL proxy blade is added in the active mode.


The SSL proxy blade is added in the standby mode.

Usage Guidelines

The service ssl command should be invoked at least once for any service that has one or more end points enabled for SSL.

If additional SSL devices are created after executing the service ssl command, execute this command again with the new SSL device name.

puma(config){admin}# service ssl service_name ssl ssl_device_name:{active|standby} [ssl_device_name:{active|standby}]

procedure icon  To Remove SSL Devices From a Service

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, type the following command, using the parameters needed:

puma(config){admin}# remove service ssl service_name ssl ssl_device_name [ssl_device_name]


The following example removes an SSL device ssl1 from the service SVC1.

puma{config}{admin}# remove service ssl SVC1 ssl ssl1

This command removes one or more SSL devices from the SSL load balancing group of a service.

TABLE 4-13 describes the parameters for removing one or more SSL devices from the SSL load balancing group of a service.

TABLE 4-13 Parameters for Removing SSL Devices from a Service




Name of the load balancing service.


Qualifier for the SSL device argument.


Name of the SSL proxy blade.

Note - Table describing the parameters for removing SSL devices from a service.If a service is SSL enabled, it should have at least 1 active SSL device. So it is not possible to remove the last SSL device from an SSL enabled service.

procedure icon  To Set SSL Devices in a Service as Active or Standby

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, type the following command, using the parameters needed:

puma(config){admin}# modify service ssl mode service_name ssl ssl_device_name [ssl_device_name...] mode {active|standby}

This command sets one or more SSL devices in the SSL load balancing group of a service as either active or standby.

TABLE 4-12 describes the parameters for modifying one or more SSL devices in the SSL load balancing group of a service as either active or standby.

TABLE 4-14 Parameters for Modifying SSL Devices in a Service




Name of the load balancing service.


Qualifier for the SSL device argument.


Name of the SSL proxy blade.


Qualifier for the device mode.


Set the device as active for the service.


Set the device as standby for the service.

Note - Table describing the parameters for modifying SSL devices in the SSL load balancing group of a service as either active or standby.If a service is SSL enabled, it should have at least 1 active SSL device. So it is not possible to configure the last SSL device as stand by in an SSL enabled service.

procedure icon  To Add a Default Load Balancing Group to a Load Balancing Service

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, type the service lb-group default command, using the parameters needed:

puma(config){admin}# service lb-group default service_name server {ip-addr | hostname}:port:protocol:weight:active [{ip-addr| hostname}:port:protocol:weight:active...] [scheme {round-robin|wt-round-robin|static}] 

The service lb-group default command configures one or more servers to which a request for a service is directed if it does not match any of the rules in any of the load balancing groups configured for that service. The load balancing scheme is also configured. This is the default load balancing group for the service. All the load balancing group commands can be applied to this group with the load balancing group name specified as the default.

TABLE 4-15 describes the parameters for adding a default load balancing group to a load balancing service.Table describing the parameters for adding a default load balancing group to a load balancing service.

TABLE 4-15 Parameters for Adding a Default Load Balancing Group to a Service




Name of the load balancing service.


Qualifier for the server or real service argument.


IP address of the back end server.


Host name of the back end server.


Port on the back end server where this service can be provided. If specified as 0, it means that this is just a server and not a real service protocol.


Corresponding protocol on the back end server.


Weight for this blade server. Valid only if the load balancing scheme used is weighted round robin. Otherwise, this is ignored. 65535 is the maximum weight supported.


Specifies the blade server as active for this load balancing group if the value is 1, standby if the value is 0.


(Optional) Qualifier for the load balancing scheme.


(Optional) Load balancing scheme is round robin.


(Optional) Load balancing scheme is weighted round robin.


(Optional) Load balancing scheme is static load balanced, where the server is chosen by a hash function. Used when the service is configured for UDP.

Note - Port NAT is not supported at this time. So the port and protocol field values are ignored.


The default load balancing scheme is round robin for a TCP service. When the load balancing scheme is weighted round robin and the weight is specified as 0 for a server, then the default weight is 1. For round robin and static load balancing schemes the weight field is ignored.

Usage Guidelines

Invoke this command at least once for any service after the service is created and before it starts accepting connections.

For a UDP service, the only load balancing scheme supported is static.


The first example uses the default scheme and only one server.

puma(config){admin}# service lb-group default SVC1 server

The following example sets three servers, uses the TCP protocol, and specifies the scheme as weighted round robin.

puma(config){admin}# service lb-group default SVC1 server scheme wt-round-robin

procedure icon  To Set the TCP Parameters for a Service

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the service tcp-params command, using the TCP parameters for a service:

puma(config){admin}# service tcp-params service_name [window tcp_window] [window-scale tcp_ws_factor] [ts] [sack] 

TABLE 4-16 describes the TCP parameters to set for a service.Table describing the TCP parameters to set for a service.

TABLE 4-16 TCP, Parameters for a Service




The name of the service to set the TCP parameters.


Qualifier for the value specified in the tcp_window argument.


The TCP window size to use in the SYN.


(Optional) Qualifier for the value specified in the tcp_ws_factor argument.


(Optional) The TCP window scaling factor to advertise in the SYN.


(Optional) TCP timestamp option is supported.


(Optional) TCP SACK option is supported.

The service tcp-params command overwrites the default TCP settings on the load balancer and is valid only if the protocol for the service is TCP and the load balancing is done at Layer 7.

For most cases, use the TCP parameters set by the config default tcp-params command for each content load balancing blade since those are the parameters with which all the back end servers served by the content load balancing blade are configured. If this command is invoked for any service to change these defaults, the network administrator must modify the TCP parameters of the servers accordingly. But if any one of these servers is included in another service with different TCP parameters, then this command fails.

Defaults are the values configured for the content load balancing blade.

Usage Guidelines

For most cases, the TCP parameters set by the default tcp-params command on each content load balancing blade should be used. Those are the parameters with which all the back end servers served by the content load balancing blade are configured. If this command is invoked at all for any service to change these defaults, the network administrator should ensure that the servers added to this service have their TCP parameters modified accordingly. But if any one of these servers is included in another service with different TCP parameters, then this command fails.

puma(config){admin}# service tcp-params SVC1 window 2048 window-scale 1 ts

procedure icon  To Set Parameters for TCP Connection Handoff for a Service

The service tcp-handoff-params command modifies the default TCP connection handoff parameters for a service. This command is valid only if the protocol for the service is TCP.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the service tcp-handoff-params command:

puma(config){admin}# service tcp-handoff-params service_name max-open max_open_resends 


service_name is the name of the service

max_open uses the value specified in the max_open_resends argument.

max_open_resends is the maximum number of times the OPEN message is retransmitted to the same server before load balancing again.


The default is the same as that set for the content load balancing blade.


The following example sets the maximum number of times the OPEN message is retransmitted to the same server before load balancing again to four times for the service SVC1.

puma(config){admin}# service tcp-handoff-params SVC1 max-open 4

procedure icon  To Add a Service Point to a Service

The service point command adds one or more IP address, port, and protocol combinations to a given service, making the service multihomed.

If the VIP is already bound to an interface in any service, be sure to specify that interface. Two service end points on a given service cannot have the same VIP. The protocol for every added end point should be the same as the service protocol.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the service point command:

puma(config){admin}# service point service_name point {ip-addr | hostname}:port_num:proto:ssl:decrypted-portber:interface [{ip-addr | hostname}:port_num:proto:ssl:ssl_ port_number:interface...] 

TABLE 4-17 describes the service point parameters available for a service.Table describing the service point parameters available for a service.

TABLE 4-17 Service Point Parameters




Name of the service.


Qualifier for the service point.


IP address of the service point.


Host name of the service point.


Corresponding port number of the service point. The valid range of this parameter is 0-65535.


Corresponding protocol of the service point: TCP or UDP.


If 1, specifies the added service end point as SSL enabled, if 0, no SSL support provided for service point.


The decrypted port number to which the traffic from the SSL device is destined. Maximum allowed value is 1023.


Specifies the interface on the content load balancing blade on which this service point is bound. Can have the following values:

0: The service point bound to network interface number 0 on a content load balancing blade blade.

1: The service point bound to network interface number 1 on a content load balancing blade.

Note - A maximum of three end points are allowed for each service. This includes the end point with which the service was created.

Note - If the service was originally non-SSL and SSL is enabled with the end point added using the service point command, an SSL device should be added to the service using the conf service ssl command.


The first example adds two service points to the service SVC1, both using TCP protocol, on port 80, with no SSL support.

puma(config){admin}# service point SVC1 point

The following example adds one service point to the service svc2 on interface 0, port 80, protocol TCP, with SSL support and the decrypted port specified as 880.

puma(config){admin}# service point svc2 point

procedure icon  To Remove a Service Point From a Service

The remove service point command removes one or more service points from a given service.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the remove service point command:

puma(config){admin}# remove service point service_name point {ip-addr | hostname}:port_num:proto [{ip-addr | hostname}:port_num:proto...] 

TABLE 4-18 describes the service point parameters to be removed from a serviceTable describing service point parameters to be removed from a service..

TABLE 4-18 Service Point Parameters




Name of the service.


Qualifier for the service point.


IP address of the service point.


Host name of the service point.


Corresponding port number of the service point.


Corresponding protocol of the service point.


This example removes a service point with VIP, port 80, and protocol TCP from the service SVC1.

puma(config){admin}# remove service point SVC1 point

procedure icon  To Configure a Service for Client IP or Subnet-Based Persistence

The service ip-persist command configures a service for persistence based on the client IP address or subnet.

If configured for client IP persistence, all traffic to this service coming from the same client IP (or same subnet in case a mask is specified) is sent to the same back end server. The timer specifies the inactivity interval after which this persistence ceases to exist, that is, subsequent traffic from the same client IP (or subnet) to this service is load balanced to another blade server.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the service ip-persist command:

puma(config){admin}# service ip-persist service_name [mask mask_len] [timeout timeout_val]

TABLE 4-19 describes the parameters for configuring a service for persistence.Table describing the parameters for configuring a service for persistence

TABLE 4-19 Parameters for Configuring a Service for Persistence




The name of the service entry to be configured for client IP persistence.


(Optional) The client IP mask used for persistence.


(Optional) The number of bits to be masked from the right. The valid range is 0 to 31.


(Optional) Uses the value specified in the timeout_val argument.


(Optional) The inactivity time (in minutes) after which a persistence is removed. The valid range is 0 to 1092.


The default behavior is IP persistence for a specific client IP (when a subnet is not specified, that is, mask_len = 0). The default timeout value is the same as that configured for service point tracking if such a configuration exists, otherwise the timeout is five minutes.


The first example sets service IP persistence for the service named SVC1.

puma(config){admin}# service ip-persist SVC1

The following example sets service IP persistence for the service SVC1 using mask 16 and a timeout of 10 minutes.

puma(config){admin}# service ip-persist SVC1 mask 16 timeout 10

procedure icon  To Remove Client IP or Subnet Based Persistence from a Service

When client IP persistence is removed from a service, then any new connections to the service are load balanced again.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the no service ip-persist command:

puma(config){admin}# no service ip-persist service_name 

puma(config){admin}# no service ip-persist SVC1

Configuring a Service for Service Point Tracking

The service tracking command configures a service for tracking one or more service points with or without the destination VIPs specified.

If configured for service point tracking, all traffic to this service coming from the same client IP and destined to any of the tracking service points specified in the configuration is sent to the same back end server. The timer specifies the inactivity interval after which this persistence ceases to exist, that is, subsequent traffic from the same client IP, destined to any of the tracking service points configured is load balanced to another back end server. Service point tracking is a special case of client IP-based persistence.

Note - The timeout value may overwrite the one specified by the config service ip-persist command if that has been already invoked for this service as only one persistence timer is maintained for each service.

In case the VIP to track is not specified (that is, specified as 0), the service performs port tracking on the specified service points.

Note - End point tracking is added only to the primary VIP, that is, the VIP end point with which the service was created. Port tracking is added to all the VIP end points of a multihomed service.

Note - The maximum number of service points that can be added for tracking is five.

procedure icon  To Configure a Service for Service Point Tracking

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the service tracking command:

puma(config){admin}# service tracking service_name track {ip-addr | hostname}:port:proto [{ip-addr | hostname}:port:proto] timeout timeout_val

TABLE 4-20 describes the parameters for configuring a service for service point tracking.

TABLE 4-20 Parameters for Configuring a Service for Tracking




Name of the service entry to be configured for service point tracking.


Qualifies the service point that should track the primary service point.


VIP address of the service point to track the primary. If 0, then only the port (and protocol) is tracked.


Host name of the service point to track the primary. If 0, then only the port (and protocol) is tracked.


Port number of the service point to track the primary.


Protocol of the service point to track the primary.


(Optional) Uses the value specified in the timeout_val argument.


(Optional) The inactivity time (in minutes) after which tracking stops.


The default behavior is port tracking on the specified service points (when the VIP is specified as 0). The default timeout value is the same as that configured for client IP persistence if such a configuration exists, else five minutes.


The first example sets port tracking for the service named SVC1, at port 443, using the TCP protocol.

puma(config){admin}# service tracking SVC1 track 0:443:tcp

The following example sets end point tracking entries for the service named SVC1: One tracking end point is given by VIP, port 9090, protocol TCP. The other end point has VIP port 80, using the TCP protocol.

puma(config){admin}# service tracking SVC1 track timeout 20

procedure icon  To Remove Tracking Service Point from a Service

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the remove service tracking command:

puma(config){admin}# remove service tracking service_name track {ip-addr | hostname}:port:proto

This command removes a tracking service point from a service. See TABLE 4-20 for descriptions of the parameters.


The first example removes port tracking for the service named SVC1, at port 443, using the TCP protocol.

puma(config){admin}# remove service tracking SVC1 track 0:443:tcp

The following example removes two end point tracking end points from the service SVC1.

puma(config){admin}# remove service tracking SVC1 track

procedure icon  To Configure a Service for Cookie-Based Persistence

The purpose of the service cookie-persist command is to handle cookies embedded in a packet and ensure persistence across connections for an application offered by a particular blade server in this service.

1. As admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# service cookie-persist service_name cookie cookie_name offset offset_len delim delimiter_character

2. Enter the build rules command:

puma(config){admin}# build rules

Note - Don't run traffic to this service yet, wait for the build to return with completion status.

3. Check the build status:

puma(config){admin}# show build status

When the build is completed, the completion message is printed out. Then you can run traffic to this service.

TABLE 4-21 describes the parameters for configuring a service for cookie-based persistence.Table describing the parameters for configuring a service for cookie-based persistence.

TABLE 4-21 Parameters for Configuring a Service for Cookie-Based Persistence




Name of the service entry to be configured for cookie persistence.


Qualifies the cookie name.


Name of the cookie on which the persistence is enforced.


Qualifies the offset.


Number of characters/bytes from the start of the cookie value from which the server name string begins.


Qualifies the delimiter.


Character used as delimiter to mark the end of the server name string. The only currently available character is a colon (:).


The following example sets the service for cookie-based persistence for the service named SVC1, for the cookie named Car, the offset length is set for 10 and the delimiter character is a colon.

puma(config){admin}# service cookie-persist SVC1 cookie Car offset 10 delim :

procedure icon  To Remove Cookie Persistence From a Service

The remove service cookie-persist command removes cookie based persistence from a service for a specific cookie name.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command.

puma(config){admin}# remove service cookie-persist service_name cookie_name

Where service_name is the name of the service entry and cookie_name is the name of the cookie.


The following example removes the service for cookie-based persistence for the service named SVC1, for the cookie named Car:

puma(config){admin}# remove service cookie-persist SVC1 cookie Car

procedure icon  To Enable a Load Balancing Service

When a service is created, it is disabled by default. For the service to accept traffic, it must be enabled by invoking the enable service command. When a service is enabled, all the load balancing groups it contains get enabled too.

Note - This command fails if the default load balancing group for the service is not configured with at least one active backend server. For an SSL service, this command fails if the service is not configured with at least one active SSL device. For an FTP service, this command fails if the service is not configured with IP persistence.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command.

puma(config){admin}# enable service name service_name

Where service_name is the name of the service to be enabled.


The following example enables the service named SVC1.

puma(config){admin}# enable service name SVC1

procedure icon  To Disable a Load Balancing Service

The no enable service command disables a specified load balancing service. When a service is disabled, all the load balancing groups it contains are disabled. By default all services are disabled upon creation.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the no enable service command.

puma(config){admin}# no enable service name service_name

Where service_name is the name of the service to be disabled.

procedure icon  To Remove a Load Balancing Service

The remove service name command removes one or more load balancing services.

single-step bulletAs admin, enter the remove service name command.

puma(config){admin}# remove service name service_name

Where service_name is the name of the service to be removed.


The first example removes one service named SVC1.

puma(config){admin}# remove service name SVC1

The following example removes two services: SVC1 and svc2.

puma(config){admin}# remove service name SVC1 svc2

Server Configuration

procedure icon  To Enable a Server

The enable server command enables a specific back end server on all services or on a specified service. By default the server is enabled on all services.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the enable server command:

puma(config){admin}# enable server {ip-addr | hostname} [service service_name]

TABLE 4-22 describes the parameters for enabling a server.Table describing the parameters for enabling or disabling a server.

TABLE 4-22 Parameters for Enabling or Disabling a Server




Server IP address.


Server host name.


Qualifier for the service name.


Name of the load balancing service on which the back end server is enabled or disabled.


The first example enables the server at the IP address of in all services.

puma(config){admin}# enable server

The following example enables the server at the IP address of in the service SVC1.

puma(config){admin}# enable server service SVC1

procedure icon  To Disable a Server

The no enable server command disables a specific back end server on all services or on a specified service. By default, the server is enabled on all services.

Note - If the server is the only active server on any load balancing group, then any subsequent traffic to that server is still sent to the server instead of being dropped.

If the server is the only one in any load balancing group, then this command fails.

single-step bulletAs admin, enter the no enable server command:

{puma(config){admin}# no enable server {ip-addr | hostname} [service service_name]


The first example disables the server at the IP address of in all services.

puma(config){admin}# no enable server

The following example disables the server at the IP address of in the service SVC1.

puma(config){admin}# no enable server service SVC1

Load Balancing Rule Configuration

Creating an IP Load Balancing Rule

The config ip-rule command creates a load balancing rule for IP traffic. By default, the rule has low priority.

An IP rule with a high priority gets a higher priority for a given service than IP rules specified with low priority or no priority. When an IP rule is used in conjunction with Layer 7 rules such as HTTP rules in a service, then a high priority puts it at a priority higher than static URLs and a low priority puts it at a priority lower than dynamic URLs. Within multiple IP rules of the same priority class (that is, high or low), the relative priority is determined by the number of bits specified in the IP address and port masks, that is, fewer number of bits masked out results in a higher priority.

Note - The configured rule name must be unique across all types of rules (IP rules, HTTP rules, and so on).

procedure icon  To Create an IP Load Balancing Rule

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the ip-rule command:

puma(config){admin}# ip-rule name rule ip-addr:port mask ip-addr_mask:port_mask priority [{high | low}]

TABLE 4-23 describes the parameters for creating an IP load balancing rule.Table describing the parameters for creating an IP load balancing rule.

TABLE 4-23 Parameters for Creating an IP Load Balancing Rule




Name of the IP rule created.


Uses the value specified in the ip-addr:port argument.


Source IP address to be matched, for example,


Source port to be matched, for example, 21.


Uses the value specified in the ip-addr_mask:port_mask argument.


Source IP address mask to be used for lookup, for example,


Source port mask to be used for lookup, for example 0 (for masked) or 1 (specified).


(Optional) Qualifier for the rule priority.


(Optional) Specifies the priority of an IP rule as high.


(Optional) Specifies the priority of an IP rule as low.


The first example adds an IP rule named IPRule1 and sets the priority at high.

puma(config){admin}# ip-rule IPRule1 rule mask priority high

The following example adds ip-rule IPRule2 and uses the default priority.

puma(config){admin}# ip-rule IPRule2 rule mask

Creating an HTTP Load Balancing Rule

The config http-rule command creates a load balancing rule for HTTP traffic.

Depending on the rule type, the HTTP rules are assigned different priority classes within a service. Listed in order of decreasing priority, these classes are, static URL, cookie, CGI, and dynamic URLs. Within a particular priority class, individual rules are further prioritized based on the actual rule string, for example, a fully specified rule has a higher priority than a rule with wildcards.

Note - The configured rule name must be unique across all types of rules (IP rules, HTTP rules and such).

procedure icon  To Create an HTTP Load Balancing Rule

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the http-rule command:

puma(config){admin}# http-rule name {static | dynamic | cgi | cookie} string rule_string

TABLE 4-24 describes the parameters for creating an HTTP load balancing rule.Table describing the parameters for creating an HTTP load balancing rule.

TABLE 4-24 Parameters for Creating an HTTP Load Balancing Rule




Name of the HTTP rule created.


Rule is of the static URL type.


Rule is of the dynamic URL type.


Rule is CGI based.


Rule is cookie-based.


Uses the value specified in the rule_string argument.


Actual rule string. For example, *.gif can be the rule for a static URL type. The length of the string is restricted to 256 bytes.


The first example adds an HTTP rule named HttpR1 of the static URL type with a *.gif rule_string.

puma(config){admin}# http-rule HttpR1 static string *.gif

The following example adds the HTTP rule HttpCgiR1, which is CGI-based with server=server1 as the rule_string.

puma(config){admin}# http-rule HttpCgiR1 cgi string server=server1

The final example adds the HTTP rule HttpCookieR1, which is cookie-based with a server=server2 as the rule_string.

puma(config){admin}# http-rule HttpCookieR1 cookie string server=server2

procedure icon  To Remove a Load Balancing Rule

The remove rule command removes one or more a load balancing rules of any type, including IP, HTTP, and others.

If the rule is part of one or more load balancing groups, it cannot be removed.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the remove rule command:

puma(config){admin}# remove rule rule_name [rule_name.....] 

Where rule_name is the name of the load balancing rule to be removed.


The following example removes the rules HttpR1 and HttpCgiR1 from the system:

puma(config){admin}# remove rule HttpR1 HttpCgiR1

procedure icon  To Build Load Balancing Rules

The build rules command creates a new build for the load balancing rules on the content load balancing blade. This command must be invoked before any modifications made to rules associated with load balancing groups can take effect.

Note - You cannot add, modify, or delete configurations related to the service, lb-group, or rules while the rule building is in progress.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the build rules command:

puma(config){admin}# build rules 

Note - Even though the CLI for the command returns success immediately, the rules are built by a background task and do not take effect until that task reports successful completion. The status of this background build task can be queried with the show build status command.

procedure icon  To Get the Status for the Build for Load Balancing Rules

The show build status command displays the status of the current build for the load balancing rules on the content load balancing blade.

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the show build status command:

puma{user}# show build status 

procedure icon  To Get the Status for the Last Build for Load Balancing Rules

The show last build status command displays the status of the last build for the load balancing rules on content load balancing blade.

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the show last build status command:

puma{user}# show last build status 

procedure icon  To Stop the Build for Load Balancing Rules

If a build is in progress, the no build rules command stops the current build for the load balancing rules on the content load balancing blade.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the no build rules command:

puma(config){admin}# no build rules 

Load Balancing Group Configuration and Management

Before a load balancing service can be functional, it must be associated with one or more blade servers, a load balancing scheme, and a load balancing rule. This association is called a load balancing group which is a complete functional unit required for load balancing with the Sun Fire B10n blade.

procedure icon  To Create a Default Load Balancing Group

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, create a default load balancing group:

puma(config){admin}# service lb-group default service_name server {ip-addr | hostname}:port:protocol:weight:active [{ip-addr| hostname}:port:protocol:weight:active...] [scheme {round-robin|wt-round-robin|static}] 

procedure icon  To Create a Load Balancing Group

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, create a load balancing group:

puma(config){admin}# service lb-group lb_group_name service service_name server {ip-addr | hostname}:port:protocol:weight:active [{ip-addr | hostname}:port:protocol:weight:active...] rule rule_name [scheme {round-robin | wt-round-robin | static}]

This command must be followed by the build rules command at the completion of which the new rule added becomes effective.

Whenever a service is created, a default load balancing group is associated with it. So, "default" is not an acceptable value for the group name as it is reserved for the default load balancing group.

An IP rule can be added to a Layer 4 service as well as a Layer 7 service, but HTTP rules can be added only to Layer 7 services.

If the service protocol is configured as UDP, then the only load balancing scheme allowed is static and only IP (Layer 4) rules can be associated with the service.

If the load balancing scheme is static or round-robin, then the weight field is ignored.

If you are configuring a service for UDP, the only load balancing scheme allowed is static.

Whenever a service is created, a default load balancing group is associated with it. See TABLE 4-25.

Note - While you can enter multiple commands in the CLI, no command can be longer than 255 characters. Hence, commands longer than that must be divided into as many commands as necessary to stay within the 255 character limitation.

For example, the following command would fail if you tried to enter it on one line:

puma(config){admin}# config service lb-group default lb4rr_8 server 1 scheme wt-round-robin


While the example shows the scheme being defined as weighted round robin, you might prefer some other scheme. Note that weighted round robin can be weighed either by server load or response time.

puma(config){admin}# service lb-group name GRP1 service SVC1 server rule HttpR1 scheme wt-round-robin

TABLE 4-25 describes the parameters for creating load balancing groups.Table describing the parameters for creating load balancing groups.

TABLE 4-25 Parameters for Creating Load Balancing Groups




Qualifier for the LB group name.


Name of this load balancing group.


Uses the value specified in the service_name argument.


Name of the service.


Qualifier for the back end server argument.


IP address of the back end server.


Host name of the back end server.


Port on the back end server where this service can be provided. If specified as 0, it means that this is just a server and not a real service.


Corresponding protocol on the back end server. If specified as 0, it means that this is just a server and not a real service.


Weight for this blade server. Valid only if the load balancing scheme used is weighted round robin. Otherwise, specify as 0.


Specifies the blade server as active for this load balancing group if the value is 1, standby if the value is 0.


Qualifier for the rule name argument.


Name of the load balancing rule to be added to this LB group.


(Optional) Qualifier for the load balancing scheme.


(Optional) Load balancing scheme is round robin.


(Optional) Load balancing scheme is weighted round robin.


(Optional) Load balancing scheme is static load balanced, where the server is chosen by a hash function. Used when the service is configured for UDP.

Note - Port NAT is not supported at this time. So the port and protocol field values are ignored.

procedure icon  To Add Rules to a Load Balancing Group

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, add a rule to a load balancing group:

puma(config){admin}# service lb-group rule service_name:lb_group_name rule rule_name [rule_name.....]

The service lb-group rule command adds one or more rules to a load balancing group. When a request matches this service, it is matched against all the rules linked with the service and if any rule matches the request, then it is load balanced to the servers configured for this load balancing group.

This command should be followed by the build rules at the completion of which the new rule(s) added becomes effective.

A rule (with a given content) can be added to a service only once, that is, it can appear only once in at most one load balancing group for a given service. Addition of duplicate rules to a service fails.

An IP rule can be added to a Layer 4 service as well as a Layer 7 service, but HTTP rules can be added only to Layer 7 services.

Note - This command cannot be used to add rules to the default group.

TABLE 4-26 describes the parameters for adding rules to a load balancing group.Table describing the parameters for adding rules to a load balancing group.

TABLE 4-26 Parameters for Adding Rules to a Load Balancing Group




Name of the load balancing service to which this LB group belongs.


Name of the load balancing group to which one or more rules are being added.


Uses the value specified in the rule_name argument.


Name of the rule to be added to this LB group.


The first example adds an HTTP cookie rule to SVC1 and GRP1.

puma(config){admin}# service lb-group rule SVC1:GRP1 rule HttpCookieR1

The following example adds a CGI rule to SVC1.

puma(config){admin}# service lb-group rule SVC1:GRP1 rule HttpCgiR1

procedure icon  To Remove Rules From a Load Balancing Group

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, remove a rule from a load balancing group:

puma(config){admin}# remove service lb-group rule service_name rule rule_name [rule_name.....]

The remove service lb-group rule command removes one or more rules from a load balancing group.

This command should be followed by a build rules command after the completion of which the rule removal becomes effective.

If the rule being removed from the load balancing group is the last rule present and the service is configured for Layer 7 load balancing, then this command fails.

puma(config){admin}# remove service lb-group rule SVC1 rule HttpCgiR1

procedure icon  To Add Servers to a Load Balancing Group

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, add a server to a load balancing group:

puma(config){admin}# service lb-group server service_name:lb_group_name server {ip-addr | hostname}:port:protocol:weight:active [{ip-addr | hostname}:port:protocol:weight:active...]

The service lb-group server command adds one or more servers to a load balancing group.

If the load balancing scheme is weighted round robin and the weight is specified as 0 for a server, then the default weight is 1.

TABLE 4-27 describes the parameters for adding servers to a load balancing group.

TABLE 4-27 Parameters for Adding Servers to a LB Group




Name of the load balancing service to which this LB group belongs.


Name of the load balancing group to which one or more server-port pairs are being added.


Qualifier for the blade server argument.


Server IP address.


Server host name.


Port on the back end server where this service can be provided.


Corresponding protocol on the blade server.


Weight for this blade server. Valid only if the load balancing scheme used is weighted round robin. Otherwise, this is ignored.


Specifies the back end server as active for this load balancing service group if the value is 1, standby if the value is 0.

Note - Port NAT is not supported at this time. So the port and protocol field values are ignored.

puma(config){admin}# service lb-group server SVC1:default server

procedure icon  To Remove Servers From a Load Balancing Group

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, remove a server from a load balancing group:

puma(config){admin}# remove service lb-group server service_name:lb_group_name server {ip-addr | hostname}:port:protocol [{ip-addr | hostname}:port:protocol...]

The remove service lb-group server command removes one or more servers from a load balancing group.

If the server being removed from the load balancing group is the last one present, then this command fails.

TABLE 4-28 describes the parameters for removing servers from a load balancing group.

TABLE 4-28 Parameters for Removing Servers to a LB Group




Name of the load balancing service to which this LB group belongs.


Qualifier for the back end server argument.


Server IP address.


Server host name.


Port on the back end server where this service can be provided.


Corresponding protocol on the back end server.


The following example removes the service SVC1 from lb-group server with the IP address of on port 80.

puma(config){admin}# remove service lb-group server SVC1:default server

procedure icon  To Set Servers for a Load Balancing Group as Active or Standby

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, set a server for a load balancing group as active or standby:

puma(config){admin}# modify service lb-group server service_name:lb_group_name server {ip-addr | hostname}:port:protocol [{ip-addr | hostname}:port:protocol...] mode {active|standby}

This command sets one or more servers for a load balancing group as active or standby.

Note - A load balancing group must have at least one active server.

TABLE 4-29 describes the parameters for setting servers for a load balancing group to active or standby.Table describing the parameters for setting servers for a load balancing group to active or standby.

TABLE 4-29 Parameters for Setting Servers to Active or Standby




Name of the load balancing service to which this load balancing group belongs.


Name of the load balancing group.


Qualifier for the server or service.


Server IP address.


Server host name.


Port number on the server where this service is being offered.


Corresponding protocol on the back end server.


Qualifier for the server mode.


Server or service set as active for this LB group.


Server or service set as standby for this LB group.

Note - Port NAT is not supported at this time. So the port and protocol field values are ignored.


The following example, modifies service SVC1 on the server with the IP address of at port 80 and places it in standby mode.

puma(config){admin}# modify service lb-group server SVC1:default server mode standby

procedure icon  To Remove Load Balancing Groups

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, remove one or more load balancing service groups:

puma(config){admin}# remove service lb-group name service_name:lb_group_name [service_name:lb_group_name]

The remove service lb-group command removes one or more load balancing groups from a service.

The default load balancing group cannot be removed by this command.

This command should always be followed by a build rules command before the removal of the rules contained in this load balancing group is effective.


The following example removes the load balancing group GRP1 from the service SVC1.

puma(config){admin}# remove service lb-group name SVC1:GRP1

Load Balancing Configuration Listings

The Sun Fire B10n blade enables you to list load balancing configurations by service, rule, group, or servers.

procedure icon  To List Load Balancing Services

The show service command lists the configurations of a particular service if specified. Otherwise this command lists the configurations of all the load balancing services that have been created. By default, all services are listed.

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the show service command.

B10n {user}# show service service_name

Where service_name is the name of the service to be retrieved.


Table of services listed by name with the values of the following basic parameters listed against each service, or the configurations of a single service if specified:

procedure icon  To List Load Balancing Rules

The show rule command lists a particular load balancing rule if specified. Otherwise the command lists all the load balancing rules that have been created so far. By default, all rules are listed.

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# show rule [rule_name]

Where rule_name is the name of the rule to be retrieved.

The command provides output showing a list of load balancing rule names with their respective type and content specified (or the type and content of a single rule if specified).


A list of load balancing rule names with their respective type and content specified (or the type and content of a single rule if specified).


To show all load balancing rule names and their respective type and content, use the following example:

puma{user}# show rule

To see specific rule type and content, specify the rule name:

puma{user}# show rule HttpCookieR1

procedure icon  To List Load Balancing Groups

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# show service-lb-group service_name [lb_group_name]


service_name is the name of the load balancing service to which this load balancing group belongs.

lb_group is the name of the load balancing group entry to be retrieved.

The show service-lb-group command lists the information about a particular load balancing group if specified. Otherwise this command lists the information about all the load balancing groups for a given service.


Table containing all the relevant load balancing groups. Each group has a row containing the following information:

If a load balancing group is specified, then all this information is listed for that particular group.



puma{user}# show service-lb-group SVC1


puma{user}# show service-lb-group SVC1 default

procedure icon  To List All Servers in the System

The show server command lists all the servers in the system that are included in one or more load balancing service associations for all the services configured on the content load balancing blade.

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# show server 

The following information is listed for each server entry:

Configuring the System

The Sun Fire B10n blade can be loaded with three different images and booted. The three images are image 1, image 2, and diag.

The image can be upgraded interactively or non interactively.

procedure icon  To Configure the Image for the Next Reboot

1. As admin in config mode, set the boot image:

puma(config){admin}# boot image {1|2|diag}

Options for the boot image are 1, 2, or diag.


This example sets the diagnostics image to be used for the next reboot.

1. Set the diagnostics image to be used for the next reboot:

puma(config){admin}# boot image diag 

2. To make this the permanent setting, use the commit command:

puma(config){admin}# commit 

3. Reboot the system:

puma(config){admin}# reboot 

procedure icon  To Download a New Boot Image Over the Network

1. As admin, download the new boot image:

puma{admin}# update image {hostname|ip-addr} file filename image {1|2|diag}

This command downloads a new boot image over the network and writes it into flash PROM. The new image takes effect after a system reboot. This command is available in interactive and noninteractive modes.


The following example updates image 2 using the file pkgname command from the remote server at IP address

1. As admin, update the image:

puma{admin}# update image file pkgname image 2

2. Reboot the system:

puma{admin}# reboot

procedure icon  To Configure the Diagnostics Level

The diag level command configures the diagnostics level and also the level of verbosity of the diagnostics.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# diag level {0|1|2} verbose {0|1|2}

TABLE 4-30 describes the parameters for configuring the diagnostic and verbosity level.

TABLE 4-30 Parameters for Configuring the Diagnostic and Verbosity Level




Minimum level of diagnostics and verbosity.


Intermediate level of diagnostics and verbosity.


Maximum level of diagnostics and verbosity.

By default, the diagnostics level is 0 and the verbosity level is 0.

These values are used whenever the system boots with the diag image.


The following example configures the diagnostic level as 1 and the verbosity as 2:

puma(config){admin}# diag level 1 verbose 2

procedure icon  To Configure the Debug Level for Specific Modules

The debug module command configures the debug level for a specified module in the system.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# debug module module_name level {0-5}

TABLE 4-31 describes the parameters for configuring the debug level for specified modules:Table describing the parameters for configuring the debug level for specific modules.

TABLE 4-31 Parameters for Configuring the Debug Level for Specific Modules




Name of the module.


Allowed range of values for the debug level. A debug level of 0 means debug is turned off while a level of 5 means all debug messages are activated. The default level is 0.

TABLE 4-32 describes the module names to use for configuring the debug level:Table describing the module names to use for configuring the debug level.

TABLE 4-32 Module Names to Use for Configuring the Debug Level

Module Name



Load balancing module.


Networking module.


Failover module.


Management module.


System-level modules.


Module interfacing with the NPU.


Module interfacing with the Classifier.


The following example configures the load balancing module at level 2.

puma(config){admin}# debug module lb level 2

procedure icon  To Shutdown the System

The shutdown command does a graceful shutdown of the system. This command is available in both interactive and non-interactive mode. By default, this command is in the interactive mode and asks for confirmation before shutting down the system.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# shutdown [force]

Where force forces the shutdown without asking for confirmation.


The first example shuts down the system using the interactive mode.:

puma(config){admin}# shutdown

The following example shuts down the system using the non-interactive mode:

puma(config){admin}# shutdown force

procedure icon  To Reboot the System

The reboot command resets the system. It is available in both interactive and non-interactive mode. By default, this command is in the interactive mode and asks the user for confirmation before rebooting the system.

single-step bulletAs admin, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# reboot [force]

Where force forces the reboot without asking for confirmation. This command checks if there is a difference between the running configuration and the saved configuration. This command gives a warning for unsaved configurations before rebooting.


The first example reboots the system using the interactive mode.:

puma(config){admin}# reboot

The following example reboots the system using the non-interactive mode:

puma(config){admin}# reboot force

procedure icon  To Show the Date and Time

Shows the current system date and time.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the following comma nd:

puma{user}# show date

procedure icon  To Show the System Settings on the B10n

The show system command shows the current system settings. It gives information about the current image, its version, the current configuration file in flash being used, and so on.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the following command:

puma{user}# show system

procedure icon  To Show the System Uptime

The show uptime command shows the uptime for the system.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the following comma nd:

puma{user}# show uptime

procedure icon  To Show All of the Blade Configurations on the B10n

The show configuration command lists all of the blade configurations as the collective output from commands: show network, show service, show server, show rule and show vip.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the following command:

puma{user}# show configuration

procedure icon  To Compare the Running Configuration With the Saved Configuration

The show compare-config command compares the configuration in running memory with its correpondent configuration saved in the Flash File System. This helps you determine if the configuration has been changed and if the need to save the configuration is required.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the following command:

puma{user}# show compare-config

procedure icon  To Show the Configuration in Running Memory

The show running-config command displays the configuration that is in the running memory.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the following command:

puma{user}# show running-config

procedure icon  To Show the Configuration Saved in Flash Memory

The show saved-config command shows the configuration saved in the Flash File System with the option of 1 or 2. 1 indicates config_1 and 2 indicates config_2.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the following command:

puma{user}# show saved-config

procedure icon  To Show Memory

The dump memory command dumps the system memory to the screen. By default 32 bytes are dumped starting from the specified memory location.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the following comma nd:

puma{user}# dump memory addr [size]

TABLE 4-33 describes the parameters for the dump memory command:Table describing the parameters for the dump memory command.

TABLE 4-33 Parameters for the dump memory Command




Address on the system memory to dump from (in hex without the leading `0x').


Number of bytes to dump.


The first example dumps memory from address 56789abc using the default size.

puma{user1}# dump memory 56789abc

The following example dumps memory from address 56789abc, but specifies the size of 8 bytes:.

puma{user1}# dump memory 56789abc 8

procedure icon  To Show Modules

The dump module command dumps the information regarding a specific module to the screen.

single-step bulletAs any user, type the following comma nd:

puma{user}# dump module module_name [index]

TABLE 4-34 describes the parameters for the dump module command:Table describing the parameters for the dump module command.

TABLE 4-34 Parameters for the dump module Command




Name of the module.


(Optional) Index of the sub-module.

TABLE 4-35 describes the valid module names to use with dump module command:Table describing the valid module names to use with the dump module command.

TABLE 4-35 Module Names to Use with the dump module Command

Module Name



Displays all the module names available.


Displays the NPU hardware and driver information.


Displays the classifier device registers.


Displays the system controller registers.


Displays the vxworks tasks information.


Displays the registers and stack trace for vxworks



Displays the vxworks network tables/statistics.


Displays failover information.


Displays debug information.


Displays the statistics.

The following table lists the modules in the NPU by index:Table listing the modules in the NPU by index.

TABLE 4-36 Modules in the NPU Listed by Index


Sub-Module Name


Lists the sub modules available by index






















































Server Table Allocator


LB Group Allocator


Server Entry Allocator




Displays the Registers and Memory for all PPEs


Displays the Registers and Memory for PPE A


Displays the Registers and Memory for PPE B


Displays the Registers and Memory for PPE C


Displays the Registers and Memory for PPE D


Displays NPU statistics per PPE (in hexadecimal)


The following example displays the Order Manager (OM) module in the NPU.

puma{user1}# dump module npu 4

The following table lists the tasks available for display by index in the dump module task command.

TABLE 4-37 Tasks Listed by Index for the dump module task Command


Available Tasks


Lists the tasks available by index.


Displays tNetTask.


Displays tPerUpdates.


Displays tClbRx.


Displays tClbRetx.


Displays tSrvrMon.


Displays tCleanup.


Displays tSlowCleanup.


Displays tBuildRules.


Displays tFoSync.


Displays tFoMonitor.


Displays tRpcSvc.


Displays TELNETD.


Displays tExcTask.


Displays tLogTask.


Displays CONSOLE.

The following table lists the VxWorks network tables/statistics for display by index in the "dump module network" command.

TABLE 4-38 VxWorks Network Statistics/Tables by Index


Network Statistics


Lists the statistics/tables available by index


Displays the IP stats.


Displays net pool stats.


Displays stack data pool stats.


Displays stack system pool stats.


Displays mbuf stats.


Displays the ARP table.


Displays routing stats.


Displays routes.


Displays the host table.


Displays active connections.


Displays the interface information.

The following table lists the failover sub-modules available by index in the dump module failover command.

TABLE 4-39 Failover Sub-modules by Index


Failover Sub-modules


Lists the sub-modules available by index.


Displays the failover monitoring module information.


Lists the ramdisk directory.


Displays the failover state information.

The following table lists the statistics available by index in the dump module stats command.

TABLE 4-40 Statistics Listed by Index for the dump module stats Command




Lists the statistics available by index.


Displays the NPU Statistics.


Displays the Host Statistics.

procedure icon  To Export a Configuration to a Remote Host

The export config command exports a configuration file to another machine. After you specify the user name for logging into the remote host, the content load balancing blade responds to this command with a prompt for the password.

This interactive command prompts you for the hostname/IP address of the remote host to export the configuration to, the configuration file to export, the path on the remote host to export the file to, the username, and the password.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# export config 

procedure icon  To Import a Configuration From a Remote Host

The import config command imports a configuration file from another machine. After you specify the user name for logging into the remote host, the content load balancing blade responds to this command with a prompt for the password.

This interactive command prompts you for the hostname/IP address of the remote host to import the configuration from, the configuration file to import, the path on the remote host to import the file from, the username, and the password.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

{admin}# import config

procedure icon  To Commit the Current Configuration

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# commit [force] 

This command saves all the configuration writes into nonvolatile memory so that the writes can be recovered upon a restart. This is an interactive command and it prompts you for confirmation. To bypass the interactive mode, use the force option.

procedure icon  To Show the Current Configuration in Flash

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command to show the current configuration in Flash:

puma{user}# dump config 

This command displays all the configurations saved in the flash memory.

procedure icon  To Save this Current Configuration in Flash

1. Copy the config that gets printed to the screen.

2. Paste the config into a file to keep it for future use.

procedure icon  To Remove the Current Configuration in Flash

The erase config-files command erase the current configuration in flash. By default, the command is interactive and asks for confirmation before removing the configuration in flash memory.

A maximum of two configuration files can be in flash memory. The configuration file that will be removed by the erase config-files command is the current configuration file, which you can obtain with the show system command.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# erase config-files [force]

Where force forces the removal of the current configuration file.


The following example forces the removal of the current configuration file:

puma(config){admin}# erase config-files force

procedure icon  To Specify the Configuration in Flash to Use After a System Reboot

There can be two configuration files in flash. The boot config command specifies which configuration file to use the next time the load balancing blade comes up after a system reboot.

single-step bulletAs admin in config mode, enter the following command:

puma(config){admin}# boot config {1|2}

Where 1 is configuration 1 and 2 is configuration 2.


The following example specifies that configuration file 2 be used when the system reboots:

puma(config){admin}# boot config 2

Flash File System Commands

procedure icon  To Check or Repair the Flash File System

The chkdsk {check|repair}command verifies that the Flash File System is in good condition. The check option determines the condition of the Flash File System. The repair option fixes problems found in checking process.

single-step bulletAs admin, type the following command:

puma{user}# chkdsk {check|repair}

procedure icon  To Output a File to the Screen

single-step bulletAs admin, enter the following command:

puma{admin}# cat filename

The cat command outputs a file in the flash file system to the screen.

procedure icon  To Change the Current Directory

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# cd new_directory

procedure icon  To Copy a File

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# cp src_file dst_file

procedure icon  To Rename a File

single-step bulletAs admin in non-config mode, enter the following command:

puma{admin}# mv old_file new_file

procedure icon  To Delete a File

single-step bulletAs admin in non-config mode, enter the following command:

puma{admin}# rm filename

This command allows the star (*) wildcard as its argument, for example: *.* or *.x or x.* or *.

procedure icon  To Create a New Directory

single-step bulletAs admin in non-config mode, enter the following command:

puma{admin}# mkdir dir_name

procedure icon  To Remove a Directory

single-step bulletAs admin, enter the following command:

puma{admin}# rmdir dir_name

This command can remove the directory recursively if the top level directory has children directories. However, this command cannot remove any system level directories such as the config directory and boot image directory.

procedure icon  To List Files

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# ls

procedure icon  To Print the Current Working Directory

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# pwd 

procedure icon  To Compress All Files in a Directory

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# tar tar_filename dir_name

Where tar_filename is the name of the tar file created and dir_name is the name of the file or directory to be compressed.

procedure icon  To Uncompress Files

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# untar tar_filename

Where, tar_filename is the name of the compressed file.

procedure icon  To Display Contents of a Compressed File

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# tarinfo tar_filename

Where, tar_filename is the name of the compressed file whose contents you want to display.

Other Useful Commands

procedure icon  To Clear the Screen

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command

puma{user}# clear

procedure icon  To Create an Alias for Any Command

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# alias alias_name <command for which alias is created>

procedure icon  To Send a Message to All Logged-on Users

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# broadcast "mesg"

Where mesg is the message string to be broadcast. The string must be surrounded by double quotes.

Use this command to send a message to all the users logged into the Sun Fire B10n blade.

procedure icon  To Echo a String on the Screen

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command

puma{user}# echo string

procedure icon  To View the Command-Line Interface Tree

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# tree

Returns the command-line interface tree.

sc0> console s1
[connected with input enabled]
puma{admin}# tree
|   |
|   +---boot
|   |   |
|   |   +---config
|   |   |
|   |   +---image
|   |
|   +---build
|   |   |
|   |   +---rules
|   |                                 
|   +---data
|   |   |
|   |   +---vlan
|   |
|   +---debug
|   |
|   +---default
|   |   |
|   |   +---gateway
|   |   |
|   |   +---hostname
|   |   |
|   |   +---qos
|   |   |
|   |   +---tcp-dos-params
|   |   |
|   |   +---tcp-handoff-params
|   |   |
|   |   +---tcp-params
|   | 
|   +---diag
|   |
|   +---dns 
|   |   |
|   |   +---server
|   |   |
|   |   +---suffix
|   |
|   +---enable
|   |   |
|   |   +---failover-monitor
|   |   |
|   |   +---path-failover
|   |   |
|   |   +---server
|   |   |
|   |   +---service
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---app-monitor
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---name
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---tcp-dos
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---vlan
|   |   |
|   |   +---ssl
|   |   |   | 
|   |   |   +---name
|   |   |
|   |   +---vlan
|   |
|   +---erase
|   |   |
|   |   +---config-files
|   |   |
|   |   +---failover
|   |       |
|   |       +---config-lb-memory
|   |       |
|   |       +---state-file
|   |
|   +---failover
|   |   |
|   |   +---config-sync
|   |   |
|   |   +---force-failover
|   |   |
|   |   +---peer
|   |   |
|   |   +---start
|   |   |
|   |   +---stop
|   |
|   +---failover-monitor
|   |
|   +---http-rule
|   |
|   +---ip
|   |
|   +---ip-rule
|   |
|   +---management
|   |   |
|   |   +---vlan
|   |
|   +---modify
|   |   |
|   |   +---service
|   |       |
|   |       +---lb-group
|   |       |   |
|   |       |   +---server
|   |       |
|   |       +---ssl
|   |           |
|   |           +---mode
|   | 
|   +---path-failover
|   |   |
|   |   +---target
|   |
|   +---path-failover-monitor
|   |
|   +---remove
|   |   |
|   |   +---dns
|   |   |
|   |   +---failover-config
|   |   |
|   |   +---path-failover
|   |   |
|   |   +---rule
|   |   |
|   |   +---service
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---cookie-persist
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---lb-group
|   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   +---name
|   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   +---rule 
|   |   |   |   |
|   |   |   |   +---server
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---name
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---point
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---ssl
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---tracking
|   |   |
|   |   +---ssl
|   |       |
|   |       +---if
|   |       |
|   |       +---name
|   |       |
|   |       +---port-pair
|   |
|   +---server-monitor
|   |
|   +---service
|   |   |
|   |   +---cookie-persist
|   |   | 
|   |   +---ip-persist
|   |   |
|   |   +---lb-group
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---default
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---name
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---rule
|   |   |   |
|   |   |   +---server
|   |   |
|   |   +---name
|   |   |
|   |   +---point
|   |   |
|   |   +---qos
|   |   |
|   |   +---ssl
|   |   |
|   |   +---tcp-dos-params
|   |   |
|   |   +---tcp-handoff-params
|   |   |
|   |   +---tcp-params 
|   |   |
|   |   +---tracking
|   |   |
|   |   +---vlan
|   |
|   +---ssl
|   |   |
|   |   +---if
|   |   |
|   |   +---name
|   |   |
|   |   +---port-pair
|   |
|   +---vip-broadcast
|   |
|   +---vip-netmask
|   |
|   +---config
|   |
|   +---memory
|   | 
|   +---module
|   |
|   +---file
|   |
|   +---file
|   |
|   |
|   +---build
|   |   |
|   |   +---status
|   |
|   +---network
|   |
|   +---rule
|   |
|   +---running-config
|   |
|   +---saved-config   
|   |
|   +---server
|   |
|   +---service
|   |
|   +---service-lb-group
|   |
|   +---ssl
|   |
|   +---system
|   |
|   +---uptime
|   |
|   +---user
|   |
|   +---vip
|   |
|   +---vlan
|   |
|   +---hardwrap
|   |
|   +---status
|   |
|   +---image
|   |
|   +---access
|   |
|   +---add
|   |
|   +---delete
|   |
|   +---password
|   |
|   +---show

procedure icon  To Print the History of All Executed Commands

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# history 

Prints out all the commands executed till now in this session.

procedure icon  To Get Help for CLI Commands

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# help command

Using the help command alone gets help on all commands. Entering a specific command, such as set service lb-group server, returns help for that specific command.

You can also get help by entering the command name and a question mark (?), for example:

puma{user}# service ?

procedure icon  To Logout

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# logout 

Logs out from the current console session.

procedure icon  To Exit From a Script

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# exit 

procedure icon  To Retrieve the Current User Information

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# whoami 

procedure icon  To Retrieve Information About All Users

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# who

procedure icon  To Display Console Settings

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# stty status 

Use this command to display the console settings.

procedure icon  To Turn On Hardwrap on the Console

single-step bulletAs any user, enter the following command:

puma{user}# stty hardwrap