C H A P T E R  2

Using Dynamic Reconfiguration

This chapter provides detailed instructions for Dynamic Reconfiguration procedures on a Sun Fire V890 system. Topics covered in this chapter include:

How to Display Card Status

You can use the cfgadm command to display status information about cards and slots. Refer to the cfgadm(1M) man page for options to this command.

Accessing the Basic Status Display

Many DR operations require that you specify a card or slot.

single-step bulletTo obtain the system names for cards or slots, as superuser, type:

# cfgadm

When used without options, the cfgadm command displays information about all known cards and slots. The following display shows a typical output.


# cfgadm
Ap_Id      Type          Receptacle    Occupant        Condition
PCI0       unknown       empty         unconfigured    unknown
PCI1       unknown       empty         unconfigured    unknown
PCI2       unknown       empty         unconfigured    unknown
PCI3       mult/hp       connected     configured      ok
PCI4       ethernet/hp   connected     configured      ok
PCI5       pci-pci/hp    connected     configured      ok
PCI6       unknown       empty         unconfigured    unknown
PCI7       unknown       empty         unconfigured    unknown
PCI8       unknown       empty         unconfigured    unknown
SBa        cpu/mem       connected     configured      ok
SBb        cpu/mem       connected     configured      ok
SBc        cpu/mem       connected     configured      ok
SBd        none          empty         unconfigured    ok

The first column, Ap_Id, lists the system's attachment points. An attachment point is a collective term for a card and its associated slot. There are two types of system names for attachment points.

For example, in the cfgadm output shown previously, the logical attachment point ID of the PCI card in the first slot is PCI0.

Note - The cfgadm status display shows attachment points for both PCI cards and CPU/Memory boards. However, DR operations for Sun Fire V890 CPU/Memory boards are not supported.

The following table lists the attachment point IDs for all of the Sun Fire V890 PCI slots.


Attachment Point ID

PCI slot 0


PCI slot 1


PCI slot 2


PCI slot 3


PCI slot 4


PCI slot 5


PCI slot 6


PCI slot 7


PCI slot 8


The following table describes the values that may appear in the Type, Receptacle, Occupant, and Condition columns of the basic status display. The values listed for the Type column represent the most common board and card types.






Multifunction (hot-pluggable PCI card)



Gigabit Ethernet (hot-pluggable PCI card)



Quad Ethernet (hot-pluggable PCI card)



SCSI (hot-pluggable PCI card)



Hardware RAID (hot-pluggable PCI card)



Token Ring (hot-pluggable PCI card)



FDDI (hot-pluggable PCI card)



ATM (hot-pluggable PCI card)



Network interface (unspecified type, hot-pluggable PCI card)



Storage interface (unspecified type, hot-pluggable PCI card)



Graphics interface (unspecified type, hot-pluggable PCI card)



PCI card (unspecified type, hot-pluggable PCI card)



Board or card type cannot be determined



CPU/Memory board



Slot is empty


Slot is electrically connected


Slot is not electrically connected



Board or card is logically attached to the operating system


Board or card is logically detached from the operating system



Board or card is ready for use


Board or card condition cannot be determined


A board or card that was in the OK condition has developed a problem


Board or card has failed


Either an attachment point has incompatible hardware or an empty attachment point lacks power or precharge current

Accessing the Detailed Status Display

You can use the -v (verbose) option to access expanded descriptions.

single-step bulletFor a more detailed status report, as superuser, type:

# cfgadm -v

In addition to the information provided by the basic status display, the detailed status information includes the physical attachment point of each card.

The following is an example of the display produced by the cfgadm -v command.


# cfgadm -v
Ap_Id  Receptacle  Occupant      Condition  Information           When            Type         Busy  Phys_Id
PCI0   empty       unconfigured  ok         pci8b:5 Slot 0        Dec 31 19:05   unknown      n     /devices/pci@8,700000:hpc1_slot0
PCI1   empty       unconfigured  ok         pci8b:4 Slot 1        Dec 31 19:05   unknown      n     /devices/pci@8,700000:hpc1_slot1
PCI2   empty       unconfigured  ok         pci8b:3 Slot 2        Dec 31 19:05   unknown      n     /devices/pci@8,700000:hpc1_slot2
PCI3   connected   configured    ok         pci8b:2 Slot 3        Dec 31 19:05   mult/hp      n     /devices/pci@8,700000:hpc1_slot3
PCI4   connected   configured    ok         pci9b:4 Slot 4        Dec 31 19:05   ethernet/hp  n     /devices/pci@9,700000:hpc2_slot4
PCI5   connected   configured    ok         pci9b:3 Slot 5        Dec 31 19:05   pci-pci/hp   n     /devices/pci@9,700000:hpc2_slot5
PCI6   empty       unconfigured  ok         pci9b:2 Slot 6        Dec 31 19:05   unknown      n     /devices/pci@9,700000:hpc2_slot6
PCI7   empty       unconfigured  ok         pci9a:1 Slot 7        Dec 31 19:05   unknown      n     /devices/pci@9,600000:hpc0_slot7
PCI8   empty       unconfigured  ok         pci9a:2 Slot 8        Dec 31 19:05   unknown      n     /devices/pci@9,600000:hpc0_slot8
SBa    connected   unconfigured  ok         powered-on, assigned  Dec 31 19:05   cpu/mem      n     /devices/pseudo/gptwo@0:SBa
SBb    connected   configured    ok         powered-on, assigned  Dec 31 19:05   cpu/mem      n     /devices/pseudo/gptwo@0:SBb
SBc    connected   configured    ok         powered-on, assigned  Dec 31 19:05   cpu/mem      n     /devices/pseudo/gptwo@0:SBc
SBd    empty       unconfigured  ok         assigned              Dec 31 19:05   none         n     /devices/pseudo/gptwo@0:SBd

About the Status LEDs

Inside the Sun Fire V890 system, status LEDs provide power, fault, and hot-plug indications for each PCI card slot. Each LED is labeled with an icon as shown below:


The following tables summarize how to interpret the LEDs for various hot-plug scenarios. In each table, the LED states are represented as follows:


TABLE 2-1 Removing a Card






Slot occupied; Power LED on; card is logically connected



Start hot-plug removal via push button or cfgadm command



Fault LED blinks during unconfigure operation



Operation successful; OK-to-Remove LED turns on



Remove card; OK-to-Remove LED turns off

TABLE 2-2 Removing a Card - Card Busy






Slot occupied; Power LED on



Start hot-plug removal via push button or cfgadm command



Fault LED blinks briefly during unconfigure operation



Card busy; check system console messages

TABLE 2-3 Adding a Card






Slot empty; all LEDs off



Insert new card; OK-to-Remove LED turns on upon insertion



Start hot-plug addition via push button or cfgadm command



Power LED lights; Fault LED blinks during configure operation



Operation successful; Power LED remains on

TABLE 2-4 Adding a Card - Fault Encountered






Slot empty; all LEDs off



Insert new card; OK-to-Remove LED turns on upon insertion



Start hot-plug addition via push button or cfgadm command



Fault LED blinks during configure operation



Fault encountered; Fault LED turns on



Remove faulty card



Slot empty; all LEDs off


How to Identify Cards and Slots

Note - Internal access to the Sun Fire V890 system is restricted to qualified service personnel. Installation procedures for internal components are covered in the Sun Fire V890 Server Service Manual, which is included on the Sun Fire V890 Server Online Documentation CD.

caution icon

Caution - Hazardous energy levels are present inside the system when the system remains connected to a power source, regardless of the keyswitch position. Also, hazardous energy levels are present in the system's batteries even when all AC power cords are disconnected. Follow the safety procedures in your system Owner's Guide or Service Manual.

caution icon

Caution - Avoid keeping doors open for extended periods of time while the system is operating. All doors must be closed to prevent automatic thermal shutdown.

Identifying a Card Inside the System

1. Check the system front panel LEDs.

If a card is faulty, a directional LED on the front panel display turns on and points to the side of the system where the card is located. If a card is ready for you to remove after a successful DR operation, the OK-to-Remove LED turns on and a directional LED indicates the location of the card. For additional details on the system front panel LEDs, see the Sun Fire V890 Server Owner's Guide.

2. Open the appropriate side access door and check the interior status LEDs.

Inside the system, a Fault LED turns on to indicate which slot contains the faulty card. After a successful DR remove operation, an OK-to-Remove LED turns on to indicate which slot contains the card to be removed. For more information, see About the Status LEDs.

Identifying a Card or Slot From a System Console

1. Log in to the system as superuser.

2. Type the cfgadm command to display detailed status information for the system's PCI slots.

# cfgadm

The command output identifies each slot and any cards occupying those slots. For more information, see How to Display Card Status.

3. Determine the attachment point ID for the card to be removed, or the slot where you will add the new card.

To identify a faulty card, look in the Condition column of the cfgadm output for cards marked failed, failing, or unusable. The Ap_Id column indicates the slot's attachment point ID.

How to Prepare a PCI Card for Removal

What to Do

1. Terminate usage of all devices on the card.

All I/O devices must be closed before they can be unconfigured. Ensure that any networking interfaces on the card are not in use. All storage devices attached to the card must be unmounted and closed.

2. Use the ifconfig command to terminate usage of any network interfaces on the card.

Note - You cannot terminate the usage of network interfaces if the network interface is the primary network interface and no alternate path is available.

3. If any disk partitions that the card controls are used for swap space, remove them from the swap configuration.

4. Use the umount(1M) command to unmount any file systems, including Solstice DiskSuitetrademark metadevices, residing on disk partitions controlled by the card.

Note - Use the lockfs command to place a hard lock on the file systems before unmounting them.

caution icon

Caution - Unmounting file systems may affect NFS client systems.

5. Remove any Solstice DiskSuite databases from disk partitions that the card controls.

The location of Solstice DiskSuite databases is chosen by the system user and can be changed.

6. For any process that directly opens a device or raw partition that the card controls, either kill the process using the kill command, or direct the process to close the open device on the card.

7. If a detach-unsafe device is present on the card, close all instances of the device and use modunload(1M) to unload the driver.

See How to Remove PCI Cards That Use Detach-Unsafe Drivers

What Next

To remove a PCI card, see How to Remove a PCI Card.

How to Remove a PCI Card

Note - Internal access to the Sun Fire V890 system is restricted to qualified service personnel. Installation procedures for internal components are covered in the Sun Fire V890 Server Service Manual, which is included on the Sun Fire V890 Server Online Documentation CD.

caution icon

Caution - Hazardous energy levels are present inside the system when the system remains connected to a power source, regardless of the keyswitch position. Also, hazardous energy levels are present in the system's batteries even when all AC power cords are disconnected. Be sure to follow the safety procedures in your system Owner's Guide or Service Manual.

caution icon

Caution - Avoid keeping doors open for extended periods of time while the system is operating. All doors must be closed to prevent automatic thermal shutdown.

Before You Begin

What to Do

1. A qualified service professional should open the appropriate side access door.

See "How to Open the Side Access Doors" in the Sun Fire V890 Server Owner's Guide.

If you are replacing a faulty card a Fault LED inside the system illuminates to indicate which slot contains the faulty card. See About the Status LEDs.

2. Use a hot-plug push button or the cfgadm command to initiate the hot-plug operation.

Note - You can also initiate hot-plug operations through a graphical user interface using a version of Sun Management Center software that supports DR operations. For more information, refer to the Sun Management Center Software User's Guide and the Sun Management Center Software Supplement for High-End Entry Servers (Workgroup Servers).

The Fault LED for the slot blinks while the card is being unconfigured.

3. When the OK-to-Remove LED illuminates, remove the card from its slot.

caution icon

Caution - Do not remove a card until the OK-to-Remove LED illuminates; otherwise, the system will crash.

Refer to the Sun Fire V890 Server Service Manual for removal and replacement procedures. If the OK-to-Remove LED never turns on, the process has failed.

If a replacement card is not immediately available, you can leave the failed card in the system until a replacement arrives.

Note - After a card is removed, the DR software automatically executes the Solaris devfsadm command. The devfsadm command updates the /etc/path_to_inst file to remove any physical path names for devices associated with the card. The same path names are removed from the /devices hierarchy and associated links are removed from the /dev directory.

4. If you unloaded any detach-unsafe drivers before removing a PCI card, reload any drivers that are required by other devices in the system.

What Next

To add a new PCI card, see How to Add a PCI Card.

How to Remove PCI Cards That Use Detach-Unsafe Drivers

Some drivers do not yet support DR on Sun Fire V890 systems. DR cannot detach these drivers, but you can remove some undetachable drivers manually using the following procedure.

What to Do

1. Stop usage of all detach-unsafe devices on the card to be removed.

2. Stop usage of all other devices of the same type used throughout the entire system.

The system can use these devices after the DR unconfigure operation is complete.

3. Use the appropriate UNIX commands to manually close all instances of the affected drivers.

4. Use the modinfo(1M) command to find the module IDs of the drivers, then use the modunload(1M) command to unload them.

Note - Many third-party drivers (those purchased from vendors other than Sun Microsystems) do not support the standard Solaris modunload(1M) interface. Conditions that invoke the driver functions occur infrequently during normal operation, and these functions may sometimes be missing or work improperly. Sun Microsystems suggests that you test these driver functions on a development system during the qualification and installation phases of any third-party device.

What Next

To remove a PCI card, see How to Remove a PCI Card.

How to Add a PCI Card

Note - Internal access to the Sun Fire V890 system is restricted to qualified service personnel. Installation procedures for internal components are covered in the Sun Fire V890 Server Service Manual, which is included on the Sun Fire V890 Server Online Documentation CD.

caution icon

Caution - Hazardous energy levels are present inside the system when the system remains connected to a power source, regardless of the keyswitch position. Also, hazardous energy levels are present in the system's batteries even when all AC power cords are disconnected. Be sure to follow the safety procedures in your system Owner's Guide or Service Manual.

caution icon

Caution - Avoid keeping doors open for extended periods of time while the system is operating. All doors must be closed to prevent automatic thermal shutdown.

Before You Begin

caution icon

Caution - Inserting a faulty card may cause a system crash. Use only cards that are known to function properly.

What to Do

1. Verify that the selected slot is ready to receive the new card.

Confirm in the cfgadm output that the selected slot's status in the Receptacle column is empty or disconnected and that in the Occupant column it shows unconfigured.

2. Physically install the card into the slot.

Refer to the Sun Fire V890 Server Service Manual for removal and replacement procedures.

3. Connect any cables or interface modules to the card.

4. Use a hot-plug push button or the cfgadm command to initiate the hot-plug operation.

If you are working near the system, press the push button for the slot that contains the new card.

If you are working at a console, enter the following cfgadm command and the attachment point ID for the selected slot:

# cfgadm -c configure ap_id

Note - You can also initiate hot-plug operations through a graphical user interface using a version of Sun Management Center software that supports DR operations. For more information, refer to the Sun Management Center Software User's Guide and the Sun Management Center Software Supplement for High-End Entry Servers (Workgroup Servers).

The Fault LED for the slot blinks while the card is being configured. When the Fault LED stops blinking, the process is complete. If the Fault LED turns on instead, the process has failed.

Note - If the process fails, the slot is automatically powered off. In order to power up the slot and execute the card's on-board diagnostics, you must first use the -x poweron option of the cfgadm command.

Note - After a card is added, the DR software automatically executes the Solaris devfsadm command to reconfigure all of the card's devices. The devfsadm command updates the /etc/path_to_inst file with physical path names for the new devices. The same path names are added to the /devices hierarchy and appropriate links are created in the /dev directory.

5. Perform any final configuration steps as needed.

a. Activate the devices on the card using the mount and ifconfig commands, as appropriate.

b. Restore or create any desired swap partitions.

c. Restore or create any desired multipathing and/or volume management configurations.