C H A P T E R  7

Installing Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter

This chapter provides steps on installing Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on a Solaris, Linux, HP-UX, IBM AIX, Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows 2003 host. Topics covered in this chapter include:

System Requirements

TABLE 7-1 lists the system requirements for each of the supported platforms.

TABLE 7-1 System Requirements for Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter

OS Version


Disk Space


Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 on SPARC platfoms

Solaris 9 x86 Platform Edition (9 08/03)

256 Mbyte minimum

512 Mbyte recommended

40 Mbyte minimum

100 Mbyte recommended

Windows NT 4.0

Windows 2000

Windows 2003

64 Mbyte minimum

512 Mbyte recommended

40 Mbyte minimum

400 Mbyte recommended

Sun Linux 5.0 on a Suntrademark LX50 server (SCSI only)
Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1

256 Mbyte minimum

512 recommended

40 Mbyte minimum

100 Mbyte recommended

HP-UX 11.0 and 11i

256 Mbyte minimum

512 recommended

40 Mbyte minimum

100 Mbyte recommended

IBM AIX 4.3.3 and 5.1L

256 Mbyte minimum

512 Mbyte recommended

40 Mbyte minimum

100 Mbyte recommended

Installing Software

This section lists the installation packages and provides steps for installing Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter.

Note - Before installing Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter, be sure to read the release notes for your array.

Note - You must be superuser to install Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter.

Installation Packages

Installation packages are contained on the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Professional Storage Manager CD. TABLE 7-2 specifies which files are required for which OS. Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on a Solaris OS also offers language support for French, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean. TABLE 7-2 specifies which files are required for each language.

If the translated software and documentation for Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter version 1.5 are not available on the CD, or if you need to access the translated software and documentation for Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter version 1.3, go to: http://www.sun.com/products-n-solutions/hardware/docs/Network_Storage_Solutions/EOL_Products/index.html.

TABLE 7-2 Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Installation Packages

Solaris OS


Microsoft Windows OS

Linux OS













Config Tool (UI)





Language Support for the Solaris Host

In addition to the English-only installation packages listed in TABLE 7-2, language support in French, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, and Korean is provided for the Solaris host. TABLE 7-3 lists the required installation packages for these languages.

Note - Each language requires the English installation package for the Sun StorEdge agent and the Config Tool.

TABLE 7-3 Required Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Installation Packages for Solaris OS Language Support





















Config Tool (UI)








procedure icon  To Install Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on a Solaris Host

If you are installing only the English version of the package, follow only the instructions for English. If you are adding language support, you must install the English version of the program first.

Note - You must install the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agent before installing the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter agent and Config Tool.

Note - Make sure that Java runtime environment software is installed on the computer or workstation on which you are installing Sun StorEdge Configuration Service. The earliest release of Java runtime environment software that is compatible with Sun StorEdge Configuration Service on a Solaris 2.6 host is 1.3.1. The earliest release of Java runtime environment software that is compatible with Sun StorEdge Configuration Service on a Solaris 8 or 9 host is 1.2.

1. Insert the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Professional Storage Manager CD and type:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/product/solaris

2. To install the agent (English), type:

# pkgadd -d SUNWscsa

To add language support, type:

# pkgadd -d SUNWxscs

where x is f, j, c, t, or k, depending on what language you are installing. See TABLE 7-3, Required Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Installation Packages for Solaris OS Language Support for package names.

3. To install the Config Tool (UI) (English), type:

# pkgadd -d SUNWscui

To add French, Japanese, or Simplified Chinese language support, type:

# pkgadd -d SUNWxscui

where x is f, j, c, t, or k, depending on what language you are installing. See Required Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Installation Packages for Solaris OS Language Support for package names.

4. Provide appropriate responses to each of the standard installation prompts.

The installation prompts are standard pkgadd -d prompts regarding which packages to install and how to process scripts (with superuser privileges).

5. When the installation procedure is complete, reboot to activate the driver and the server daemons.

The agent is installed in /opt/SUNWsscs/ssdiagreporterd. The Config Tool is installed in /opt/SUNWsscs/ssdiagreporterui.

procedure icon  To Install Diagnostic Reporter on a Microsoft Windows Host

Note - You must install the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agent before installing the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter agent and Config Tool.

Note - Make sure that Java runtime environment software is installed on the computer or workstation on which you are installing Sun StorEdge Configuration Service. The earliest release of Java runtime environment software that is compatible with Sun StorEdge Configuration Service is 1.2.

1. To make sure the software installation utility functions optimally, close all open applications.

2. Insert the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Professional Storage Manager CD and change to the \product\windows directory.

3. Double-click setup.exe and select SUNWsscs Diag Reporter.

4. In the Choose Destination Location window, install the default folder,
C:\Program Files\Sun\ssdgrpt, and click Next.

To install to a different folder, click Browse, select another folder, and click Next.

5. When the next window is displayed, click Full Installation and click Next.

Note - If you are not the administrator or you did not install Java runtime environment software, error messages that the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Service is not running or is failing are displayed and you are unable to complete installation.

6. After the components are installed, click Finish to complete the installation.

procedure icon  To Install Diagnostic Reporter on a Linux Host

Note - You must install the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agent before installing the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter agent and Config Tool.

Note - Make sure that Java runtime environment software is installed on the computer or workstation on which you are installing Sun StorEdge Configuration Service. The earliest release of Java runtime environment software that is compatible with Sun StorEdge Configuration Service is 1.2.

1. Insert the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Professional Storage Manager CD and type:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/product/linux

2. To install the agent, type:

# rpm -ivh SUNWscsa.rpm

3. To install the Config Tool (UI), type:

# rpm -ivh SUNWscui.rpm

4. When the installation procedure is complete, the agent starts automatically.

The agent is installed in /opt/SUNWsscs/ssdiagreporterd. The Config Tool is installed in /opt/SUNWsscs/ssdiagreporterui.

procedure icon  To Install Diagnostic Reporter on an HP-UX Host

Note - You must install the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agent before installing the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter agent and Config Tool.

Note - Make sure that Java runtime environment software is installed on the remote login host. The earliest release of Java runtime environment software that is compatible with Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter is 1.2. If you are not using a remote login host environment, it must be installed on the HP-UX machine on which you are installing Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter.

1. If Java runtime environment software is not installed on the remote login host or computer or workstation on which you are installing Sun StorEdge Configuration Service, install it now.

2. Make sure that a mounting point has been created for the CD.

3. Insert the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Professional Storage Manager CD.

4. Determine the device entry for the CD:

# ioscan -fnC disk

Note the device entry, for example:


5. Mount the CD on your file system if it is not already mounted.

# mount -r device-entry mounting-point

6. To install the agent, type:

# swinstall -s /cdrom/product/hpux/SUNWscsa.depot

7. To install the Config Tool (UI), type:

# swinstall -s /cdrom/product/hpux/SUNWscui.depot

The agent is installed in /opt/SUNWsscs/ssdiagreporterd. The Config Tool is installed in /opt/SUNWsscs/ssdiagreporterui.

procedure icon  To Install Diagnostic Reporter on an IBM AIX Host

Note - Make sure that Java runtime environment software is installed on the computer or workstation on which you are installing Sun StorEdge Configuration Service. The earliest release of Java runtime environment software that is compatible with Sun StorEdge Configuration Service is 1.3.

1. If Java runtime environment software is not installed on the computer or workstation on which you are installing Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter, install it now.

To check the Java runtime environment software version, type:

# java -version

2. Insert the Sun StorEdge Professional Storage Manager CD and type:

# mount -v cdrfs -o ro CD-drive

3. To install the agent, type:

# installp -a -d /cdrom/product/aix/SUNWscsd.bff

4. To install the Config Tool (UI), type:

# installp -a -d /cdrom/product/aix/SUNWscui.bff

After the agent or console is installed successfully, "SUCCESS" is displayed in the Result column of the Installation Summary.

The agent is installed in /usr/SUNWsscs/ssdiagreporterd. The Config Tool is installed in /usr/SUNWsscs/ssdiagreporterui.

Manually Stopping and Starting Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter

This section explains how to manually stop and start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter.

Note - You must be superuser to start and stop the agents (daemons).

procedure icon  To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on a Solaris or Linux Host


# /etc/init.d/ssdgrptd stop
# /etc/init.d/ssdgrptd start

procedure icon  To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on a Windows NT Host

To stop the Sun StorEdge Configuration Service agents, choose Settings right arrow Control Panel right arrow Services, select the agent you want to stop, and click Stop.

To start the agent software on the server, you must either reboot the server or start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Service under Settings right arrow Control Panel right arrow Services.

procedure icon  To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on a Microsoft Windows Host

1. On a Windows NT or Windows 2000 host, choose Start right arrow Programs right arrow Administrative Tools right arrow Computer Management.

On a Windows 2003 host, choose Start right arrow Administrative Tools right arrow Computer Management.

Alternatively, you can right-click My Computer and select Manage.

2. Click Services & Applications.

3. Select the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Server, and right-click the service you want to start or stop.

procedure icon  To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on an HP-UX Host


# /sbin/init.d/ssdgrptd stop
# /sbin/init.d/ssdgrptd start

procedure icon  To Stop and Start Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on an IBM AIX Host


# /usr/sbin/ssdgrptd stop
# /usr/sbin/ssdgrptd start

Uninstalling Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter

This section explains how to uninstall Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter.

procedure icon  To Uninstall Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on a Solaris Host

Note - If you added French, Japanese, or Simplified Chinese language support, you need to uninstall them before uninstalling the English version.

Use pkgrm (with the package names) to remove either or both portions of Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter. See Required Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter Installation Packages for Solaris OS Language Support for package names.

procedure icon  To Uninstall Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on a Linux Host

Use the rpm -e command followed by the package you want to uninstall, SUNWscsa (agent) or SUNWscui (Config Tool).

# rpm -e SUNWscsa
# rpm -e SUNWscui

procedure icon  To Uninstall Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on a Microsoft Windows Host

Use the Windows Add/Remove Programs utility to remove Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter.

1. For Windows NT and Windows 2000, choose Start right arrow Settings right arrow Control Panel right arrow Add/Remove Programs.

For Windows 2003, choose Start right arrow Control Panel right arrow Add/Remove Programs.

2. Select the Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter application and select Add/Remove.

Respond appropriately to the prompts.

procedure icon  To Uninstall Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on an HP-UX Host

Use the swremove command followed by the package you want to uninstall, SUNWscsa (agent) or SUNWscui (Config Tool).

# swremove SUNWscsa
# swremove SUNWscui

procedure icon  To Uninstall Sun StorEdge Diagnostic Reporter on an IBM AIX Host

Use the installp -u command followed by the package you want to uninstall, SUNWscsa (agent) or SUNWscui (Config Tool).

# installp -u SUNWscsa
# installp -u SUNWscui