C H A P T E R  7

Viewing and Editing SCSI Channels

This chapter explains how to view and edit SCSI channels for Fibre Channel and SCSI arrays.

Note - Where procedures vary between FC and SCSI arrays, headings are marked "SCSI Only" or "FC Only."

Topics covered in this chapter include:

SCSI Channel Status Table

The SCSI channel status table provides an easy way to view SCSI channel parameters.

procedure icon  To Check and Configure SCSI Channels

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

The status of all SCSI channels for this controller is displayed.

caution icon

Caution - Do not change the PID and SID values of drive channels.

Note - Each controller has a separate RS-232 port, as well as an Ethernet chip. This architecture ensures continuous communication should a controller fail. Since the connection is established to only one controller (even when the array is in redundant mode), the CurSyncClk and CurWid settings are displayed for that individual controller. Therefore, if a user maps one LUN to the primary controller, and another LUN to a secondary controller, only the established connection to that individual controller is displayed through the serial and Ethernet port menu.

Note - On SCSI arrays, a mapped SCSI host channel sometimes shows the current sync clock as "Async/Narrow" and correctly identifies the change in speed. The host adapter driver is designed to downgrade the negotiation rate on certain errors (predominantly parity errors). There is little or no performance change.

2. Select a SCSI channel to view the additional menu options available for that channel.

Note - SCSI channel menu options differ substantially between Fibre Channel and SCSI arrays. In this chapter, menu options or procedures that apply to only one of these arrays are noted in the section headings as (FC Only) or (SCSI Only).

TABLE 7-1 Parameters Displayed in the Channel Window




Channel's ID


Channel mode:


RCC or RCCom

Redundant controller communication channel.



The channel is functioning as a host channel.



The channel is functioning as a drive channel.


Primary controller's ID mapping:



Multiple IDs were applied (host channel mode only).



The ID for host LUNs mapped to this channel in host channel mode. ID for the primary controller in drive channel mode.



No ID applied.


Secondary controller's ID mapping:



Multiple IDs (host channel mode only).



The ID for host LUNs mapped to this channel in host channel mode. ID for the secondary controller in drive channel mode.



No ID applied.


Default SCSI bus synchronous clock:



Maximum synchronous transfer rate set to xx.x.



Channel is set for asynchronous transfers.


Default bus width:



Channel is set to allow wide (16-bit) transfers.



Channel is set to allow narrow (8-bit) transfers.



Fibre Channel loops do not use narrow or wide bus widths.
















Terminator status:



Termination is enabled.




Termination is disabled.




For a redundant controller communications channel (RCCOM).


Current SCSI bus synchronous clock:


xx.x MHz

The current speed at which the channel is communicating.



The channel is communicating asynchronously or no device is detected.



The default SCSI bus synchronous clock has changed. Reset the controller for changes to take effect.


Current SCSI bus width:



The channel is currently servicing wide 16-bit transfers.



The channel is currently servicing wide 8-bit transfers.



Fibre Channel loops do not use narrow or wide bus widths.



The default SCSI bus width has changed. Reset the controller for the changes to take effect.

Configuring SCSI Channels as Host or Drive

All Sun StorEdge RAID arrays are preconfigured when they arrive from the factory.

Fibre Channel Default Channel Settings (FC Only)

Sun StorEdge 3510 FC RAID arrays are preconfigured when they arrive from the factory. Default channel settings and rules are specified as follows.

SCSI Default Channel Settings (SCSI Only)

The most common reason to change a host channel to a drive channel is when you attach an expansion unit to a RAID array and need only one host channel.

procedure icon  To Change the SCSI Channel Assignments (FC and SCSI)

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

Note - For SCSI arrays, the Mode column for at least one channel must include the RCC or RCCOM abbreviation for redundant controller communications.

2. Select the channel that you want to modify.

3. Choose "channel Mode."

For SCSI arrays, you can only toggle between Host and Drive modes.

4. For FC arrays, select the channel mode menu option to which you want to change the selected channel from these available menu options:

A confirmation prompt is displayed:

 Screen capture showing the "Change Node to Host Channel?" prompt.

5. Choose Yes if you want to change the host or drive assignment.

A confirmation message asks if you want to reset the controller so that the change takes effect now.

 Screen capture showing the "Do you want to reset the controller now?" prompt.

6. Choose Yes to reset the controller.

caution icon

Caution - The channels of redundant controllers must be the same. For example, if the primary controller uses channel 2 to connect to a group of drives, the secondary controller must also use channel 2 to connect to the same group of drives. Changes to the primary controller are automatically made to the secondary controller.

Creating Additional Host IDs

This section describes how to create host IDs for Fibre Channel and SCSI arrays.

Note - To map 1024 partitions on a Fibre Channel array, you must add additional host IDs so that 32 IDs are mapped to the array's channels. Several such configurations are possible, such as eight IDs mapped to each of the four host channels or sixteen IDs mapped to two channels and none to the other two. For more information, see Planning for 1024 LUNs on FC Arrays.

Note - To map 128 partitions into 128 LUNs on a SCSI array, you must add additional host IDs. A minimum of four host IDs is required; a maximum of six host IDs is possible. For details on mapping 128 LUNs, see Planning for 128 LUNs on SCSI Arrays.

Default Fibre Channel Host IDs (FC Only)

In loop mode, up to 16 IDs can be assigned to each Fibre Channel. In point-to-point mode, only one ID should be assigned to each channel. The array can have a maximum of 32 IDs.

Typically, host IDs are distributed between the primary and secondary controllers to load-balance the I/O in the most effective manner for the network. For more information, refer to the Sun StorEdge 3000 Family Best Practices Manual for more information.

Default host channel IDs are displayed in TABLE 7-2.

TABLE 7-2 Default Host Channel IDs



Primary Controller ID (PID)

Secondary Controller ID (SID)

Channel 0



Channel 1



Channel 4



Channel 5



Each ID number must be a unique number within the host channel. You can:

Note - To map 1024 partitions on a Fibre Channel array, you must add other host IDs. A minimum of eight host IDs per channel are required. For more information, see Planning for 1024 LUNs on FC Arrays.

Default SCSI Host IDs (SCSI Only)

Default host channel IDs are:

Each host channel might have two editable ID numbers:

Each ID number must be a unique number within the host channel. You can:

Adding a Host ID

This section describes how to add a host channel SCSI ID to Fibre Channel and SCSI arrays.

procedure icon  To Select a Unique ID Number for a Host Channel

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the host channel on which you want to edit the Primary or Secondary ID.

3. Choose "view and edit scsi Id."

The existing primary and secondary IDs (if both exist) are displayed.

4. Select the ID you want to edit.

5. Choose "Add Channel SCSI ID."

Note - For a Fibre Channel array, by default channel 0 has a primary ID (PID) and no secondary ID (SID), while channel 1 has a SID but no PID.

6. Select the primary or secondary controller to which you want to assign the ID.

7. Select an ID number for that controller.

A confirmation prompt is displayed.

 Screen capture shows the "Yes" option highlighted underneath the "Add Primary Controller SCSI ID" confirmation message

Note - On a SCSI array, to create a total of 128 LUNs you must have a minimum of four host IDs (two each for Channels 1 and 3) and might have a maximum of six host IDs (two each for Channels 1 and 2, and 3). Each host ID can have up to 32 partitions, which are then mapped to LUNs to create a total not to exceed 128.

8. Choose Yes to confirm.

A confirmation prompt informs you that the controller must be reset for the change to take effect.

9. Choose Yes to reset the controller.

The configuration change takes effect only after the controller is reset.

Deleting a Host Channel SCSI ID

This section describes how to delete a host channel SCSI ID.

procedure icon  To Delete a Host Channel SCSI ID

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the host channel with the SCSI ID you want to delete.

3. Choose "view and edit scsi Id."

The existing primary and secondary IDs (if both exist) are displayed.

4. Select the ID you want to delete.

5. Choose "Delete Channel SCSI ID."

A "Delete Primary/Secondary Controller SCSI ID?" confirmation message is displayed.

 Screen capture showing a SCSI ID selected and the "Delete Secondary Controller SCSI ID1?" message displayed. "Yes" is chosen.

6. Choose Yes.

A confirmation prompt informs you that the controller must be reset for the change to take effect.

7. Choose Yes to reset the controller.

The configuration change takes effect only after the controller is reset.

Drive Channel SCSI IDs (Reserved)

When a drive channel or DRV+RCC channel is selected, the "view and edit Scsi channel" menu provides two choices used to change the default drive SCSI IDs:

Do not use these menu options. They are reserved for specific troubleshooting methods and should be used only by qualified technicians.

caution icon

Caution - If you edit a drive channel SCSI ID, you might create conflicts with the controller communication channels and create confusion tracking the status of drive IDs.

Setting SCSI Channel Termination (SCSI Only) (Reserved)

Do not use this menu option. It is reserved for specific troubleshooting methods and should be used only by qualified technicians.

Typically the default setting is not changed.

procedure icon  To Enable or Disable SCSI Channel Termination (SCSI Only)

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the channel for which you want the terminator enabled or disabled.

3. Choose "scsi Terminator."

A confirmation message is displayed.

 Screen capture showing "scsi Terminator" chosen with the message "Disable Channel Terminator?" displayed.

4. Choose Yes.

The controller is reset and the channel configuration is updated.

Setting Transfer Clock Speed (SCSI Only)

Typically, the default setting for "sync transfer clock" is not changed for the host or drive channel.

procedure icon  To View the Options for Host or Drive Transfer Clock Speed (SCSI Only)

Typically the default setting for "Host Channel Clock Speed" is not changed for the host channel.

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the drive channel or host channel.

3. Choose "sync transfer Clock."

A menu of sync transfer clock speeds is displayed.

4. Select a clock speed.

A confirmation prompt is displayed.

 Screen capture showing "sync transfer Clock" chosen with "Change Sync Transfer Clock?" message displayed.

5. Choose Yes.

A confirmation prompt informs you that you must reset the controller for the change to take effect.

6. Choose Yes to reset the controller.

Setting the SCSI Transfer Width (SCSI Only)

Typically the default setting for transfer speed is not changed for the host or drive channel.

procedure icon  To View the Transfer Speed Options (SCSI Only)

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the drive channel or host channel.

3. If you want to change the transfer width, choose "Wide transfer."

A confirmation message asks if you want to enable or disable wide transfer.

4. Choose Yes to confirm.

 Screen capture showing "Wide transfer" chosen with "Enable Wide Transfer? message displayed.

A confirmation prompt informs you that you must reset the controller for the change to take effect.

5. Choose Yes to reset the controller.

Viewing and Editing Drive Channel SCSI Targets (SCSI Only)

This section describes how to view and edit drive channel SCSI targets.

procedure icon  To View or Edit the SCSI Targets for a Selected Drive Channel (SCSI Only)

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the appropriate drive channel.

3. Choose "View and edit scsi target."

A list of all the SCSI targets and their current settings is displayed.

4. Select a SCSI target to display the "View and edit scsi target" menu.

 Screen capture showing "Slot number" chosen.

Procedures for changing these parameters are described in the following sections.

Note - Alter the SCSI target settings only when adjustments need to be made to specific devices on a drive channel. You can change the SCSI parameters for specific drives when mixing different drives or connecting other SCSI devices such as a CD-ROM on a drive channel. Neither mixing drives nor connecting a CD-ROM is recommended for the controller.

Providing a Slot Number (SCSI Only)

This section describes how to provide a slot number for a SCSI target.

procedure icon  To Provide a Slot Number (SCSI Only)

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the appropriate drive channel.

3. Choose "View and edit scsi target."

A list of all the SCSI targets and their current settings is displayed.

4. Select a SCSI target.

5. Choose "Slot number."

A text area is displayed.

6. Type a slot number in the text area and press Return.

Maximum Synchronous Transfer Clock (SCSI Only)

This section describes how to set a maximum synchronous transfer clock period.

procedure icon  To Set Maximum Synchronous Transfer Clock (SCSI Only)

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the appropriate drive channel.

3. Choose "View and edit scsi target."

A list of all the SCSI targets and their current settings is displayed.

4. Select a SCSI target.

5. Choose "maximum sync. xfer Clock."

A text area is displayed.

 Screen capture showing "maximum sync. xfer Clock" chosen and the "Synchronous Transfer Period Factor, Maximum Sync. Xfer Clock: 9__" prompt displayed.

6. Type a clock transfer period factor and press Return.

Maximum Transfer Width (SCSI Only)

This section describes how to set maximum transfer width. You can toggle between Wide and Narrow maximum transfer widths.

procedure icon  To Set Maximum Transfer Width (SCSI Only)

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the appropriate drive channel.

3. Choose "View and edit scsi target."

A list of all the SCSI targets and their current settings is displayed.

4. Select a SCSI target.

5. Choose "maximum xfer Width."

A confirmation prompt is displayed.

 Screen capture showing "maximum xfer Width" chosen and the "Set SCSI Target Maximum Xfer Wide Supported?" prompt displayed.

6. Choose Yes to change the setting from Wide to Narrow or from Narrow to Wide.

Enabling Parity Checking (SCSI Only)

The integrity of redundant data on fault-tolerant arrays (RAID 3 and 5) is verified with a parity check. The parity-checking procedure on a logical drive recalculates the parity of data stripes in each of the logical drive's RAID stripe sets and compares it with the stored parity. If a discrepancy is found, an error is reported and the new, correct parity is substituted for the stored parity.

You can toggle between enabling and disabling parity checking.

procedure icon  To Enable or Disable Parity Checking

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the appropriate drive channel.

3. Choose "View and edit scsi target."

A list of all the SCSI targets and their current settings is displayed.

4. Select a SCSI target.

5. Choose "Parity check."

A confirmation prompt is displayed.

 Screen capture showing "Parity check" chosen and the "Enable Parity Checking? prompted displayed.

6. Choose Yes to enable parity checking if it is currently disabled, or to disable parity checking if it is currently enabled.

Allowing Disconnect Support (SCSI Only)

When a target on a SCSI channel no longer responds to the controller, the controller disconnects that target. Use the Disconnecting Support menu option to toggle between allowing and disallowing automatic disconnect support.

procedure icon  To Allow or Disallow Disconnect Support (SCSI Only)

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the appropriate drive channel.

3. Choose "View and edit scsi target."

A list of all the SCSI targets and their current settings is displayed.

4. Select a SCSI target.

5. Choose "Disconnect support."

A confirmation prompt is displayed.

 Screen capture showing "Disconnect support" chosen and "Disallow target disconnect?" message displayed.

6. Choose Yes to allow disconnect support if it is currently disallowed, or to disallow disconnect support if it is currently allowed.

Maximum Tag Count (Reserved) (SCSI Only)

Do not use this menu option. To set maximum tag count, use the Maximum Tag Count menu option available from the "view and edit Configuration parameters" menu. See Maximum Tag Count (Tag Command Queuing) for more information.

Restoring a SCSI Target to Default Settings

Use this menu option to restore the default settings for this SCSI target.

procedure icon  To Restore Default SCSI Target Settings

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels" from the Main Menu.

2. Select the appropriate drive channel.

3. Choose "View and edit scsi target."

A list of all the SCSI targets and their current settings is displayed.

4. Select a SCSI target.

5. Choose "Restore to default setting."

A confirmation prompt is displayed.

6. Choose Yes to confirm.

The SCSI target settings are reset to default values.

Viewing Chip Information

Each controller has multiple channels (I/O paths) and each channel is powered by an I/O processor. The "view chip inFormation" menu option provides information about the host or drive channel's chip type and revision level, and the firmware identifier, which might include version information.

procedure icon  To View Chip Information

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels."

2. Select a host or drive channel.

3. Choose "view chip inFormation."

The channel's chip information is displayed.

 Screen capture showing SCSI channel chip information.

Viewing Channel Host-ID WWN Information (FC Only)

Each controller has multiple channels (I/O paths) and each channel is powered by an I/O processor. Use the "view channel host-id/Wwn" menu option to view the I/O processor's node name and port name for a selected host channel:

Some host-based management software requires these names in order to address storage devices.

procedure icon  To View a Channel's Host-ID/WWN (FC Only)

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels."

2. Select a host channel.

3. Choose "view channel host-id/Wwn."

The channel's worldwide node name and worldwide port name are displayed.

 Screen capture showing the channel's worldwide node name and worldwide port name displayed.

Viewing Device Port Names (WWPN) (FC Only)

The "View device port name list(wwpn)" menu option displays device port names for the host bus adapter (HBA) detected on a host loop. Device port names on the loop are displayed, with the exception of the controller's I/O processor itself.

Once you have displayed an HBA port name here, you can add it to the WWN list displayed when you choose the "Host-ID WWN name list" menu option from the "View and Edit Host LUN" menu. Adding port names to this list can speed the Host LUN mapping process.

You can also assign each port on the Host-ID WWN name list a name of your own, for ease of identification. This becomes especially useful when you want to set up multiple filtering entries so that you can grant or deny specific hosts access to logical drives. See Creating Host Filter Entries for more information.

procedure icon  To View a Channel's Device Port Name List

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels."

2. Select a host channel.

3. Choose "View device port name list(wwpn)."

A list of the device port names on the host loop are displayed.

 Screen capture showing a list of the device port names on the host loop displayed.

Setting a Channel's Data Rate (FC Only)

An FC channel communicates at a rate of either 1 GHz or 2 Ghz. You can set this data rate manually or use the default "Auto" setting to autosense the rate of communications.

procedure icon  To Set a Channel's Data Rate

1. Choose "view and edit Scsi channels."

2. Select a host or drive channel.

3. Choose "Data rate."

A menu of data rate choices is displayed:

4. Choose a data rate from the menu.

A confirmation message is displayed.

 Screen capture showing Set Fibre Channel Data Rate? prompt.

5. Choose Yes to continue.

A confirmation message asks if you wish to reset the controller so that your change takes effect.

 Screen capture showing "Do you want to reset the controller now?" prompt.

6. Choose Yes to continue.