C H A P T E R  5

Installing and Configuring Sun ONE Server Software

This chapter describes how to configure the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board for use with Sun ONE servers. This chapter includes the following sections:

Note - The Sun ONE servers described in this manual were previously named iPlanettrademark Servers.

Administering Security for Sun ONE Web Servers

This section provides an overview of the security features of the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board as it is administered with Sun ONE Web Servers.

Note - To manage keystores, you must have access to the system administrator account for your system.

Concepts and Terminology

Keystores and users must be created for applications that communicate with the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board through a PKCS#11 interface, such as the Sun ONE Web Server.

Note - The Apache Web Server (Chapter 6) does not use the keystore or user account features described in this chapter.

Within the context of the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board, users are owners of cryptographic keying material. Each key is owned by a single user. Each user may own multiple keys. A user might want to own multiple keys to support different configurations, such as a production key and a development key (to reflect the organizations the user is supporting).

Note - The term user or user account refers to Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 users created in vcaadm, not traditional UNIX user accounts. There is no fixed mapping between UNIX user names and Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 user names.

A keystore is a repository for key material. Associated with a keystore are security officers and users. Keystores provide not only storage, but a means for key objects to be owned by user accounts. This enables keys to be hidden from applications that do not authenticate as the owner. Keystores have three components:

Note - A single Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board must have exactly one keystore. Multiple Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 boards can be configured to collectively work with the same keystore to provide additional performance and fault-tolerance.

A typical installation contains a single keystore with three users. For example, such a configuration could consist of a single keystore sca4000-ks-1 and three users within that keystore, webserv, dirserv, and mailserv. This would enable the three users to own and maintain access control of their server keys within that single keystore. FIGURE 5-1 illustrates an overview of a typical installation.
Illustration overview of a typical installation of keystores and users
FIGURE 5-1 Keystore and Users Overview

An administrative tool, vcaadm, is used to manage Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 keystores and users. Refer to Managing Keystores With vcaadm.

Tokens and Token Files

Keystores appear to Sun ONE Web Servers as tokens. Token files enable Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 administrators to selectively present only specific tokens to a given application.


If three keystores are created, engineering, finance, and legal, by default, the three tokens are presented to the Sun ONE Web Server:

Token Files

To override the default case, a token file must exist. Some applications cannot handle multiple tokens. Token files are text files that contain one or more token names, one per line.

Note - Token names and keystore names are the same.

A Sun ONE Web Server presents only the tokens listed in the token file. The methods of specifying token files are as follows (in order of precedence):

1. The file named by the environment variable SUNW_PKCS11_TOKEN_FILE

Some application software suppresses environment variables, in which case this approach might not be feasible.

2. The file $HOME/.SUNWconn_cryptov2/tokens

This file must exist in the home directory of the UNIX user for which the Sun ONE Web Server runs. The Sun ONE Web Server may run as a UNIX user who has no home directory, in which case this approach might not be feasible.

3. The file /etc/opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/tokens

If no token file exists, the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 software presents all tokens to Sun ONE Web Servers.

The following is an example of a token file:

# This is an example token file
engineering # Comments are acceptable on the same line
# Because the finance keystore is not listed, the Sun Crypto
# Accelerator will not present it to the Sun ONE Web Server.

Note - Comments are preceded by a pound sign (#). Empty lines are acceptable.

If none of the files described in this subsection are found, then the default method described in Tokens and Token Files is used.

Enabling and Disabling Bulk Encryption

The bulk encryption feature for SunONE server software is disabled by default. You might want to enable this feature for securely transferring primarily large files.

To enable Sun ONE server software to use bulk encryption on the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board, you simply create an empty file in the /etc/opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/ directory named sslreg, and restart the server software.

# touch /etc/opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/sslreg

To disable the bulk encryption feature, you must delete the sslreg file and restart the server software.

# rm /etc/opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/sslreg

Configuring Sun ONE Web Servers

This section describes the following topics:


You are asked for several passwords in the course of enabling a Sun ONE Web Server. TABLE 5-1 provides a description of each. These passwords are referred to throughout this chapter.

TABLE 5-1 Passwords Required for Sun ONE Web Servers

Type of Password


Sun ONE Web Server Administration Server

Required to start up the Sun ONE Web Server Administration Server. This password was assigned during the Sun ONE Web Server setup.

Web Server Trust Database

Required to start the internal cryptographic module when running in secure mode. This password was assigned when creating a trust database through the Sun ONE Web Server Administration Server. This password is also required when requesting and installing certificates into the internal cryptographic module.

Security Officer

Required when performing vcaadm privileged operations.


Required to start the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 module when running in secure mode. This password is also required when requesting and installing certificates into the internal cryptographic module (keystore-name). This password consists of the username and password of a keystore user that was created in vcaadm. The keystore username and password are separated by a colon (:).

Populating a Keystore

Before you can enable the board for use with a Sun ONE Web Server, you must first initialize the board and populate the board's keystore with at least one user. The keystore for the board is created during the initialization process. You can also initialize Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 boards to use an existing keystore. Refer to Initializing the Board With vcaadm.

Note - Only one keystore per Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board can be configured and you must configure one keystore per board. You can configure multiple Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 boards to collectively work with the same keystore to provide additional performance and fault-tolerance.

procedure icon  To Populate a Keystore

1. If you have not already done so, place the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 tools directory in your search path, for example:

$ PATH=$PATH:/opt/SUNWconn/bin
$ export PATH

2. Access the vcaadm utility with the vcaadm command or enter vcaadm -h hostname to connect vcaadm to a board on a remote host.

See Using the vcaadm Utility.

$ vcaadm -h hostname

3. Populate the board's keystore with users.

These user names are known only within the domain of the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board and do not need to be identical to the UNIX user name that the web server process is using. Before attempting to create the user, remember that you must first log in as a vcaadm security officer.

4. Create a user with the create user command.

vcaadm{vcaN@hostname, sec-officer}> create user username
Initial password: 
Confirm password: 
User username created successfully.

The username and password created here collectively make the username:password (See TABLE 5-1). You must use this password when authenticating during a web server startup. This is the keystore password for a single user.

caution icon

Caution - Users must remember this username:password. Without this password, users cannot access their keys. There is no way to retrieve a lost password.

5. Exit vcaadm.

vcaadm{vcaN@hostname, sec-officer}> exit

Overview of Enabling Sun ONE Web Servers

To enable Sun ONE Web Servers you must complete the following procedures, which are explained in detail in the next two sections.

1. Install the Sun ONE Web Server.

2. Create a trust database.

3. Request a certificate.

4. Install the certificate.

5. Configure the Sun ONE Web Server.

caution icon

Caution - These procedures must be followed in the order given. Failure to do so could result in an incorrect configuration.

Configuring Sun ONE Web Servers to Start Up Without User Interaction on Reboot

You can enable the Sun ONE Web Servers to perform an unattended startup at reboot with an encrypted key.

procedure icon  To Create an Encrypted Key for Automatic Startup of Sun ONE Web Servers on Reboot

1. Navigate to the config subdirectory for your Sun ONE Web Server instance--for example, /usr/iplanet/servers/https-webserver-instance-name/config).

2. Create a password.conf file with only the following lines (See TABLE 5-1 for password definitions):


3. Set the file ownership of the password file to the UNIX user ID that the web server runs as, and set the file permissions to be readable only by the owner of the file:

# chown web-server-UNIX-user-ID password.conf
# chmod 400 password.conf

Installing and Configuring Sun ONE Web Server 4.1

This section describes how to install and configure Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 to use the board. You must perform these procedures in order. Refer to the Sun ONE Web Server documentation for more information about installing and using Sun ONE Web Servers. This section includes the following procedures:

procedure icon  To Install Sun ONE Web Server 4.1

1. Download the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 software.

You can find the web server software at the following URL:

2. Change to the installation directory and extract the web server software.

3. Install the web server with the setup script from the command-line.

The default path name for the server is /usr/netscape/server4.

This chapter refers to the default paths. If you decide to install the web server software in a different location, be sure to note where you installed it.

# ./setup

4. Answer the prompts from the installation script.

Except for the following prompts, you can accept the default.

a. Agree to accept the license terms by typing yes.

b. Enter a fully qualified domain name.

c. Enter the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server password twice.

d. Press Return when prompted.

Configuring Sun ONE Web Server 4.1

These procedures create a trust database for the web server instance; register the board with the web server; generate and install a server certificate; and enable the web server for SSL.

The Sun ONE Web Server Administration Server must be up and running during the configuration process.

procedure icon  To Create a Trust Database

1. Start the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server.

Instead of running startconsole as setup requests, start a Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server by typing the following command:

# /usr/netscape/server4/https-admserv/start
SunONE-WebServer-Enterprise/4.1SP9 BB1-08/23/2001 05:50
startup: listening to http://hostname.domain, port 8888 as root

The response provides the URL for connecting to your servers.

2. Start the Administration graphical user interface (GUI) by opening up a web browser and typing:


In the authentication dialog box enter the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server user name and password you selected while running setup.

Note - If you used the default settings during the Sun ONE Web Server setup, type admin for the user ID or the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Adminstration Server user name.

3. Select OK.

The Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server window is displayed.

4. Create the trust database for the web server instance.

a. Click the Servers tab in the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server window.

b. Select a server and click the Manage button.

c. Click the Security tab near the top of the page and click the "Create Database" link.

d. Enter a password (web server trust database; see TABLE 5-1) in the two dialog boxes and select OK.

Choose a password of at least eight characters. You use this password to start the internal cryptographic modules when the Sun ONE Web Server runs in secure mode.

You might want to enable security on more than one web server instance. If so, repeat Step 1 through Step 4 for each web server instance.

Note - If you want to run Secure Socket Layer (SSL) on the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server server as well, the process of setting up a trust database is similar. Refer to the iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition Administrator's Guide at http://docs.sun.com for more information.

procedure icon  To Register the Board With the Web Server

1. Execute the following script to register the board with the web server:

# /opt/SUNWconn/bin/iplsslcfg

This script prompts you to choose a server and installs the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 cryptographic modules for the Sun ONE server you choose. The script then updates the configuration files to enable the board.

2. Type 1 to configure the Sun ONE Web Server to use SSL and press Return.

Note - This procedure assumes that you choose option 1 at this prompt. If you want to choose options 2, 3 or 4, refer to Using the iplsslcfg Script.

Sun Crypto Accelerator Sun ONE Installation
This script will install the Sun Crypto Accelerator
cryptographic modules for Sun ONE Products.
Please select what you wish to do:
1. Configure Sun ONE Web Server for SSL
2. Configure Sun ONE Application Server for SSL
3. Export Sun ONE Web Server keys to PKCS#12 format
4. Import keys from PKCS#12 format for Sun ONE Web Server
Your selection (0 to quit): 1

3. Enter the path of the web server root directory when prompted and press Return.

Please enter the full path of the web server
root directory [/usr/netscape/server4]: /usr/netscape/server4

4. Type y and press Return when prompted.

This script will update your Sun ONE Web Server installation
in /usr/netscape/server4 to use the Sun Crypto Accelerator
You will need to restart your admin server after this has completed.
Ok to proceed? [Y/N]: y
Using database directory /usr/netscape/server4/alias...
Module "Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000" added to database.
/usr/netscape/server4 has been configured to use
the Sun Crypto Accelerator.
<Press ENTER to continue>

5. Type 0 to quit.

procedure icon  To Generate a Server Certificate

1. Restart the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server by typing the following commands:

# /usr/netscape/server4/https-admserv/stop
# /usr/netscape/server4/https-admserv/start

The response provides the URL for connecting to your servers.

2. Start the Administration GUI by opening up a web browser and typing:


In the authentication dialog box, enter the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server user name and password you selected while running setup.

Note - If you used the default settings during Sun ONE Web Server setup, type admin for the User ID or the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server user name.

3. Select OK.

The Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server window is displayed.

4. To request the server certificate, select the Security tab near the top of the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server window (FIGURE 5-2).

The Create Trust Database page is displayed.

5. Select the "Request a Certificate" link on the left panel (FIGURE 5-2).

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server Request a Server Certificate Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-2 Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server Request a Server Certificate Dialog Box

6. Fill out the form to generate a certificate request, using the following information:

a. Select a New Certificate.

If you can directly post your certificate request to a web-capable certificate authority or registration authority, select the "CA URL" (Certificate Authority URL) link. Otherwise, select "CA Email Address" and enter an email address where you would like the certificate request to be sent.

b. Select the "Cryptographic Module" you want to use.

Each keystore has its own entry in this pull-down menu. Be sure that you select the correct keystore. Do not select "SUNW acceleration only."

c. In the "Key Pair File Password" dialog box, provide the password for the user that will own the key.

This password is the username:password (TABLE 5-1).

d. Type the appropriate information for the requestor information fields in TABLE 5-2.

TABLE 5-2 Requestor Information Fields



Requestor Name

Contact information for the requestor

Telephone Number

Contact information for the requestor

Common Name

Web site domain that is typed in a visitor's browser

Email Address

Contact information for the requestor


Company name

Organizational Unit

(Optional) Department of the company


(Optional) City, county, principality, or country


(Optional) Full name of the state


Two-letter ISO code for the country (for example, the United States is US)

e. Click OK to submit the information.

7. Use a certificate authority to generate the certificate.

8. Once the certificate is generated, copy it, along with the headers, to the clipboard.

Note - The certificate is different from the certificate request and is usually presented to you in text form. Keep this data on the clipboard for Step 5 of the following procedure.

procedure icon  To Install the Server Certificate

1. Select the "Install Certificate" link on the left side of the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server window.

Once your request has been approved by a certificate authority and a certificate has been issued, you must install the certificate in the Sun ONE Web Server.

2. Click the Security tab.

3. On the left panel, choose the "Install Certificate" link.

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server Install a Server Certificate Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-3 Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server Install a Server Certificate Dialog Box

4. Fill out the form to install your certificate:

TABLE 5-3 Fields for the Certificate to Install



Certificate For

This server

Cryptographic Module

Each keystore has its own entry in this pull-down menu. Be sure to select the correct keystore name. To use the board, you must select a module with the same name you assigned the keystore.

Key Pair File Password

This password is the username:password (TABLE 5-1).

Certificate Name

In most cases, you can leave this blank. If you provide a name, it alters the name the web server uses to access the certificate and key when running with SSL support. The default for this field is Server-Cert.

5. Paste the certificate you copied from the certificate authority (in Step 8 of To Generate a Server Certificate) into the Message box.

You are shown some basic information about the certificate.

6. Click OK.

7. If everything looks correct, select the "Add Server Certificate" button.

On-screen messages tell you to restart the server. This is not necessary because the web server instance has been shut down the entire time.

You are also notified that in order for the web server to use SSL, the web server must be configured to do so. Use the following procedure to configure the web server.

Note - Refer to the mod_SSL and OpenSSL documentation for information on how to self-sign a certificate for testing.

Now that your web server and the server certificate are installed, you must enable the web server for SSL.

procedure icon  To Enable the Web Server for SSL

1. From the main Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server page, select the web server instance you want to work with and select Manage.

2. If the Preferences tab is not selected at the top of the page, click the Preferences tab.

3. Select the "Encryption On/Off" link on the left side of the page.

4. Set encryption to On.

The Port field in the dialog box should update to the default SSL port number 443. Alter the port number if necessary.

5. Click the OK button.

6. Apply these changes by clicking the Save button.

The web server is now configured to run in secure mode.

7. Edit the /usr/netscape/server4/https-hostname/config/magnus.conf file (hostname is the name of the web server) by adding the following line:

CERTDefaultNickname keystore-name:Server-Cert

By default, the certificate you generated is named Server-Cert. If your certificate has a different name, be sure to use the name you chose instead of Server-Cert.

8. Select the server you want to administer and click the Apply button in the far upper right corner of the page.

This selection applies the changes through the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server.

9. Click the "Load Configuration Files" button to apply the changes you just made to the magnus.conf file.

You are redirected to a page that enables you to start your web server instance.

If you select the Apply Changes button when the server is off, an authentication dialog box prompts you for the username:password. This window is not resizable, and you might have a problem submitting the change.

There are two workarounds for this problem:

10. In the Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 Administration Server window, select the On/Off link on the left side of the window.

11. Enter the passwords for the servers and select the OK button.

You are prompted for one or more passwords. At the Module Internal prompt, provide the password for the web server trust database.

At the Module keystore-name prompt, enter the username:password for that keystore.

Enter the username:password for other keystores as prompted.

12. Verify the new SSL-enabled web server at the following URL:


Note - The default server-port is 443.

Installing and Configuring Sun ONE Web Server 6.0

This section describes how to install and configure Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 to use the board. You must perform these procedures in order. Refer to the Sun ONE Web Server documentation for more information about installing and using Sun ONE Web Servers. This section includes the following procedures:

procedure icon  To Install Sun ONE Web Server 6.0

1. Download the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 software.

You can find the web server software at the following URL:

2. Change to the installation directory and extract the web server software.

3. Install the web server with the setup script from the command-line.

The default path name for the server is: /usr/iplanet/servers.

This chapter refers to the default paths. If you decide to install the software in a different location, be sure to note where you installed it.

# ./setup

4. Answer the prompts from the installation script.

Except for the following prompts, you can accept the defaults:

a. Agree to accept the license terms by typing yes.

b. Enter a fully qualified domain name.

c. Enter the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server password twice.

d. Press Return when prompted.

Configuring Sun ONE Web Server 6.0

These procedures create a trust database for the web server instance; register the board with the web server; generate and install a server certificate; and enable the web server for SSL.

The Sun ONE Web Server Administration Server must be up and running during the configuration process.

procedure icon  To Create a Trust Database

1. Start the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server.

To start a Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server, use the following command (instead of running startconsole as setup requests):

# /usr/iplanet/servers/https-admserv/start
SunONE-WebServer-Enterprise/6.0SP1 B08/20/2001 00:58
warning: daemon is running as super-user
[LS ls1] http://hostname.domain/port 8888 ready to accept requests
startup: server started successfully

The response provides the URL for connecting to your servers.

2. Start the Administration GUI by opening up a web browser and typing:


In the authentication dialog box, enter the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server user name and password you selected while running setup.

Note - If you used the default settings during Sun ONE Web Server setup, enter admin for the User ID or the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server user name.

3. Click OK.

The Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server window is displayed.

4. Create the trust database for the web server instance.

You might want to enable security on more than one web server instance. If so, repeat Step 1 through Step 4 for each web server instance.

Note - If you want to run SSL on the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server as well, the process of setting up a trust database is similar. Refer to the iPlanet Web Server, Enterprise Edition Administrator's Guide at http://docs.sun.com for more information.

a. Click the Servers tab in the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server dialog box.

b. Select a server and click the Manage button.

c. Click the Security tab near the top of the page and click the "Create Database" link.

d. Enter a password (web server trust database, see TABLE 5-1) in the two dialog boxes and click OK.

Choose a password of at least eight characters. This will be the password used to start the internal cryptographic modules when the Sun ONE Web Server runs in secure mode.

procedure icon  To Register the Board With the Web Server

1. Execute the following script to register the board with the web server:

# /opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/bin/iplsslcfg

This script prompts you to choose a server and installs the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 cryptographic modules for the Sun ONE server you choose. The script then updates the configuration files to enable the board.

2. Type 1 to configure your Sun ONE Web Server to use SSL and press Return.

Note - This procedure assumes that you choose option 1 at this prompt. If you want to choose options 2, 3 or 4, see Using the iplsslcfg Script.

Sun Crypto Accelerator Sun ONE Installation
This script will install the Sun Crypto Accelerator
cryptographic modules for Sun ONE Products.
Please select what you wish to do:
1. Configure Sun ONE Web Server for SSL
2. Configure Sun ONE Application Server for SSL
3. Export Sun ONE Web Server keys to PKCS#12 format
4. Import keys from PKCS#12 format for Sun ONE Web Server
Your selection (0 to quit): 1

3. Enter the path of the web server root directory when prompted and press Return.

Please enter the full path of the web server
root directory [/usr/iplanet/servers]: /usr/iplanet/servers

4. Type y and press Return when prompted, if you want to proceed.

This script will update your Sun ONE Web Server installation
in /usr/iplanet/servers to use the Sun Crypto Accelerator
You will need to restart your admin server after this has completed.
Ok to proceed? [Y/N]: y
Using database directory /usr/iplanet/servers/alias...
Module "Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000" added to database.
/usr/iplanet/servers has been configured to use
the Sun Crypto Accelerator.
<Press ENTER to continue>

5. Type 0 to quit.

procedure icon  To Generate a Server Certificate

1. Restart the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server by typing the following commands:

# /usr/iplanet/servers/https-admserv/stop
# /usr/iplanet/servers/https-admserv/start

The response provides the URL for connecting to your servers.

2. Start the Administration GUI by opening up a web browser and typing:


In the authentication dialog box enter the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server user name and password you selected while running setup.

Note - If you used the default settings during Sun ONE Web Server setup, enter admin for the user ID or the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server user name.

3. Click OK.

The Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server window is displayed.

4. To request the server certificate, select the Security tab near the top of Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server window.

The Create Trust Database window is displayed.

5. Click the "Request a Certificate" link on the left panel of the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server window.

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server Request a Server Certificate Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-4 Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server Request a Server Certificate Dialog Box

6. Fill out the form to generate a certificate request, using the following information:

a. Select a New Certificate.

If you can directly post your certificate request to a web-capable certificate authority or registration authority, select the CA URL link. Otherwise, select CA Email Address and enter an email address where you would like the certificate request to be sent.

b. Select the "Cryptographic Module" you want to use.

Each keystore has its own entry in this pull-down menu. Be sure that you select the correct keystore. Do not select "SUNW acceleration only."

c. In the "Key Pair File Password" dialog box, provide the password for the user that will own the key.

This password is the username:password (TABLE 5-1).

d. Type the appropriate information for the requestor information fields in TABLE 5-4.

TABLE 5-4 Requestor Information Fields



Requestor Name

Contact information for the requestor

Telephone Number

Contact information for the requestor

Common Name

Web site domain that is typed in a visitor's browser

Email Address

Contact information for the requestor


Company name

Organizational Unit

(Optional) Department of the company


(Optional) City, county, principality, or country


(Optional) Full name of the state


Two-letter ISO code for the country (for example, the United States is US)

e. Click OK to submit the information.

7. Use a certificate authority to generate the certificate.

8. Once the certificate is generated, copy it, along with the headers, to the clipboard.

Note - The certificate is different from the certificate request and is usually presented to you in text form. Keep this data on the clipboard for Step 5 of To Install the Server Certificate.

procedure icon  To Install the Server Certificate

1. Select the "Install Certificate" link on the left side of the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server window.

Once your request has been approved by a certificate authority and a certificate has been issued, you must install the certificate in the Sun ONE Web Server.

2. Click the Security tab.

3. On the left panel, click the "Install Certificate" link.

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server Install a Server Certificate Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-5 Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server Install a Server Certificate Dialog Box

4. Fill out the form to install your certificate:

TABLE 5-5 Fields for the Certificate to Install



Certificate For

This server

Cryptographic Module

Each keystore has its own entry in this pull-down menu. Ensure that you select the correct keystore name. To use the board, you must select a module in the form of keystore-name.

Key Pair File Password

This password is the username:password (TABLE 5-1).

Certificate Name

In most cases, you can leave this blank. If you provide a name, it alters the name the web server uses to access the certificate and key when running with SSL support. The default for this field is Server-Cert.

5. Paste the certificate you copied from the certificate authority (in Step 8 of the To Generate a Server Certificate) into the Message text box.

You are shown some basic information about the certificate.

6. Click OK.

7. If everything looks correct, click the "Add Server Certificate" button.

On-screen messages tell you to restart the server. This is not necessary because the web server instance has been shut down the entire time.

You are also notified that in order for the web server to use SSL, the web server must be configured to do so. Use the following procedure to configure the web server.

Note - Refer to the mod_SSL and OpenSSL documentation for information on how to self-sign a certificate for testing.

Now that your web server and the Server Certificate are installed, you must enable the web server for SSL.

procedure icon  To Enable the Web Server for SSL

1. Select the Preferences tab near the top of the page.

2. Select the "Edit Listen Sockets" link on the left panel.

The main panel lists all the listen sockets set for the web server instance.

a. Alter the following fields:

b. Click OK to apply these changes.

In the security field of the Edit Listen Sockets page, there should now be an Attributes link.

3. Select the Attributes link.

4. Enter the username:password to authenticate to the keystore on the system.

5. If you want to change the default set of ciphers, select the cipher suites under the Ciphers heading.

A dialog box is displayed for changing the cipher settings. You can select either "Cipher Default" settings, SSL2, or SSL3/TLS. If you select the "Cipher Default," you are not shown the default settings. The other two choices require you to select the algorithms you want to enable in a pop-up dialog box. Refer to your Sun ONE documentation on cipher selection.

6. Select the certificate for the keystore followed by: Server-Cert (or the name you chose).

Only keys that the appropriate keystore user owns appear in the Certificate Name field. This keystore user is the user that is authenticated with the username:password.

7. When you have chosen a certificate and confirmed all the security settings, click OK.

8. Select the Apply link in the far upper right corner to apply these changes before you start your server.

9. Select the "Load Configuration Files" link to apply the changes.

You are redirected to a page that allows you to start your web server instance.

If you click the "Apply Changes" button when the server is off, an authentication dialog box prompts you for the username:password. This window is not resizable, and you might have a problem submitting the change.

There are two workarounds for this problem:

10. In the Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 Administration Server window, select the On/Off link on the left side of the window.

11. Enter the passwords for the servers and click OK.

You are prompted for one or more passwords. At the Module Internal prompt, provide the password for the web server trust database.

At the Module keystore-name prompt, enter the username:password.

Enter the username:password for other keystores as prompted.

12. Verify the new SSL-enabled web server at the following URL:


Note - The default server-port is 443.

Installing and Configuring Sun ONE Application Server 7

This section describes how to install and configure Sun ONE Application Server 7 to use the board. The application server Add-Ons software must be installed in addition to the application server software. You must perform these procedures in order. Refer to the Sun ONE Application Server documentation for more information about installing and using Sun ONE Application Servers. This section includes the following procedures:

procedure icon  To Install Sun ONE Application Server 7

1. Download the Sun ONE Application Server 7 software.

You can find the application server software at the following URL:

There are different distributions of Sun ONE Application Server 7, each with unique features.

2. Change to the installation directory and extract the application server software.

The default path for the installation directory is different for each distribution of the Sun ONE Application Server 7 software.

3. Run the setup program to start the GUI-based installation.

Note - You can also run the setup -console program from a terminal window to start a command-line based installation. The examples in this procedure assume you are using the GUI-based installation.

# ./setup

4. Answer the prompts in the installation script.

Except for the following prompts, you can accept the defaults:

a. Agree to accept the license terms by typing yes.

b. When prompted for the location of the JDK (Javatrademark Development Kit), you can either choose: Use Existing Installation if it is supported, or Install From the Appserver Build.

c. Enter the Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server username (you can choose any name).

d. Enter the Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server password twice.

Note - Perform the following step only if you are using the Solaris 8 OE.

5. If you are using Solaris 8, install the Solaris 8 Sun ONE Application Server patch (109326-08).

This patch is not required for Solaris 9. Download the Solaris 8 Sun ONE Application Server patch from the SunSolve web site:

Add the patch as follows:

# cd patch-location/SUNWappserver7/patches
# cd patches/109326-08
# ./patchadd .

6. Reboot the system.

procedure icon  To Install the Sun ONE Application Server Add-Ons Software

1. Download the Sun ONE Application Server 7 Add-Ons software.

You can find the application server software at the following URL:


2. Extract the application server Add-Ons software.

3. Change to the ./AddOns/SSLUtils directory

4. Create the directory where the iplsslcfg script invokes the modutil security tool.

# mkdir /usr/bin/mps

This path is where the iplsslcfg script expects to find the modutil security tool.

5. Copy the modutil, certutil, and pk12util binaries to the /usr/bin/mps/ path.

# cp modutil /usr/bin/mps/
# cp certutil /usr/bin/mps/
# cp pk12util /usr/bin/mps/

6. Enable the execute permission to the binaries in the /usr/bin/mps/ directory.

# chmod 544 /usr/bin/mps/*

Configuring Sun ONE Application Server 7

These procedures create a trust database for the application server instance; register the board with the application server; generate and install a server certificate; and enable the application server for SSL and TLS.

The Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server must be up and running during the configuration process.

procedure icon  To Create a Trust Database

1. Start the Sun ONE Application Server and the Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server.

# installation-directory/bin/asadmin start-appserv

Note - Messages appear indicating that the application server is running.

2. Start the Administration GUI by opening up a web browser and entering the following URL.


In the authentication dialog box, enter the Sun ONE Application Server user name and password you created during the setup program.

Note - If you used the default settings during Sun ONE Application Server setup, enter admin for the User ID or the Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server user name.

3. Click OK.

4. Create the trust database for the application server instance.

You might want to enable security on more than one application server instance. If so, repeat Step 1 through Step 4 for each application server instance.

Note - If you want to run SSL on the Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server as well, the process of setting up a trust database is similar. Refer to the Sun ONE Application Server 7 Administrator's Guide at http://docs.sun.com/source/816-7158-10/ for more information.

a. Navigate to the "Manage Database" section of the Administration GUI.

Select the Security link on the left panel and click the Manage Database tab on the right panel.

b. Type a password of at least eight characters in the two text boxes and click OK.

This password is the trust database password of the Sun ONE Application Server. This password is used to start the internal cryptographic modules when the application server runs in secure mode.

procedure icon  To Register the Board With the Application Server

1. Execute the iplsslcfg script to register the board with the application server.

# /opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/bin/iplsslcfg

This script prompts you to choose a server and installs the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 cryptographic modules for the Sun ONE server you choose. The script then updates the configuration files to enable the board.

2. Type 2 for the Sun ONE Application Server, and enter the binary and domain paths.

Note - The procedures in this section assume that you choose option 1 at this prompt. If you wish to choose options 3 or 4, refer to Using the iplsslcfg Script.

Sun Crypto Accelerator Sun ONE Installation
This script will install the Sun Crypto Accelerator
cryptographic modules for Sun ONE Products.
Please select what you wish to do:
1. Configure Sun ONE Web Server for SSL
2. Configure Sun ONE Application Server for SSL
3. Export Sun ONE Web Server keys to PKCS#12 format
4. Import keys from PKCS#12 format for Sun ONE Web Server
Your selection (0 to quit): 2

3. Type the location of the binaries and domains, and the domain and server name.

You will now be prompted for four pieces of information:
 1. The location of the Sun ONE Application Server binaries
 2. The location where Sun ONE Server domains are stored
 3. The Application Server domain (e.g. domain1)
 4. The Application Server server name (e.g. server1)
Full path to Application Server binaries: [/opt/SUNWappserver7]: /opt/SUNWappserver7
Full path to Application Server domains: [/var/opt/SUNWappserver7]: /var/opt/SUNWappserver7
Application Server domain: domain1
Application Server server name: server1
This script will update your Sun ONE Application Server installation in /opt/SUNWappserver7 to use the Sun Crypto Accelerator.
You will need to restart your admin server after this has completed.
Ok to proceed? [Y/N]: y
Using database directory
Module "Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000" added to database.
/opt/SUNWappserver7 has been configured to use
the Sun Crypto Accelerator.
<Press ENTER to continue>

Note - The default installation directory might be different depending on your Sun ONE Application Server 7 distribution.

4. Type 0 to quit.

procedure icon  To Generate a Server Certificate

1. Navigate to the "Certificate Management" section of the Administration GUI.

Select the Security link on the left panel and select the "Certificate Management" tab on the right panel. You are now in the Request submenu window of the "Certificate Management" section of the Administration GUI.
Sceenshot of the Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server Request a Server Certificate Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-6 Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server Request a Server Certificate Dialog Box

2. Fill out the form to generate a certificate request, using the following information:

a. Select a new certificate.

If you can directly post your certificate request to a web-capable certificate authority or registration authority, select the CA URL link. Otherwise, select CA Email Address and enter an email address where you would like the certificate request to be sent.

b. Select the "Cryptographic Module" you want to use.

Each keystore has its own entry in this pull-down menu. Be sure that you select the correct keystore. Do not select "SUNW acceleration only."

c. In the "Key Pair File Password" dialog box, provide the password for the user that will own the key.

This password is the username:password (See TABLE 5-1).

d. Type the appropriate information for the requestor information fields in TABLE 5-6.

TABLE 5-6 Requestor Information Fields



Requestor Name

Contact information for the requestor

Telephone Number

Contact information for the requestor

Common Name

Web site domain that is typed in a visitor's browser

Email Address

Contact information for the requestor


Company name

Organizational Unit

(Optional) Department of the company


(Optional) City, county, principality, or country


(Optional) Full name of the state


Two-letter ISO code for the country (for example, the United States is US)

e. Click OK to submit the information.

3. Use a certificate authority to generate the certificate.

4. Once the certificate is generated, copy it, along with the headers, to the clipboard.

Note - The certificate is different from the certificate request and is usually presented to you in text form. Keep this data on the clipboard for Step 4 of To Install the Server Certificate.

procedure icon  To Install the Server Certificate

1. Select the Install link in the right panel of the "Certificate Management" section of the Administration GUI.

You are now in the Install submenu window of the "Certificate Management" section of the Administration GUI.Screenshot of the Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server Install a Server Certificate Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-7 Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server Install a Server Certificate Dialog Box

2. Fill out the form to install your certificate:

TABLE 5-7 Fields for the Certificate to Install



Certificate For

This server

Cryptographic Module

Each keystore has its own entry in this pull-down menu. Ensure you select the correct keystore name. To use the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 board, you must select the module with the same name that you chose when you requested the certificate.

Key Pair File Password

This password is the username:password.

Certificate Name

In most cases, you can leave this field blank. If you provide a name, it will alter the name the application server uses to access the certificate and key when running with SSL support. The default for this field is Server-Cert.

3. Select the Message text (with headers) radio button.

4. Click the "Message text (with headers):" radio button, and paste the certificate you copied from the certificate authority (in Step 4 of To Generate a Server Certificate) into the text box provided underneath the radio button.

5. Click OK.

You are shown some basic information about the certificate.

6. If everything looks correct, click "Add Server Certificate."

You are prompted to restart the application server. Do not restart the application server yet, it will be restarted after SSL configuration is complete. You are also notified that in order for the application server to use SSL, the application server must be configured to do so.

procedure icon  To Enable the Application Server for SSL

1. Type the following command in a terminal window.

You must also type the Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server password after executing this command.

Note - You can omit the --host hostname --port administration-server-port arguments if you are running the command on the local host, and if the Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server is configured to use the default port of 4848.

# installation-directory/bin/asadmin create-ssl --user app-admin --host 
hostname --port administration-server-port --type http-listener --certname 
keystore-name:server-certificate-name --instance server-name http-listener

2. In the left panel of the Administration GUI, select the expander icon to the left of the HTTP Server link.

The HTTP Server submenu items appear.

3. Select the "HTTP Listeners" submenu item under the "HTTP Server" link.

4. In the right panel, select the HTTP listener that you wish to configure for SSL/TLS and select the associated link of the HTTP listener.

A window appears in which you can edit the properties for the HTTP listener.
Screenshot of the Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server HTTP Listener Properties Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-8 Sun ONE Application Server Administration Server HTTP Listener Properties Dialog Box

5. For the SSL/TLS Settings, verify the Certificate Nickname matches the certificate nickname you chose with the --certname option of the command in Step 1 of To Enable the Application Server for SSL.

6. Check the following boxes at minimum:

7. Set the port--this is typically 443.

8. For rollback, TLS must also be enabled on the browser seeking access to your server.

9. Click Save.

10. Select "App Server Instances" and select your server instance in the left panel, then select "Apply Changes" in the right panel.

11. Stop and start the server to make the changes take effect.

The init.conf file is automatically modified to show security on, and all virtual servers are automatically assigned the default security parameters.

After you have enabled SSL on a server, its URLs use https instead of http. URLs that point to documents on an SSL-enabled server have the following format:


For example:


Note - If you use the default secure HTTP port number (443), you do not need to enter the port number in the URL.

Refer to the Enabling SSL/TLS section of the Sun ONE Application Server 7 Administrator's Guide to Security at:

Installing and Configuring Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2

This section describes how to install and configure Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 to use the board. You must perform these procedures in order. Refer to the Sun ONE Directory Server documentation for more information about installing and using Sun ONE Directory Servers. This section includes the following procedures:

Installing Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2

This procedure installs the directory server software from the command-line.

procedure icon  To Install Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2

1. Download the Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2 software.

You can find the directory server software at the following URL:

2. Change to the installation directory.

3. Execute the ./idsktune command to ensure the recommended patches are installed.

4. Extract the directory server software.

5. Execute the setup script to install the software.

Note - There is no need to install individual packages because the setup script installs all of them.

After installation, the Sun ONE Directory Server and Administration Server start automatically.

To Start the Directory Server Manually

1. Change to the startup directory.

# cd /var/Sun/mps

2. Execute the start-admin command.

# ./start-admin

3. Change to the slapd-servername directory.

# cd slapd-servername

Where servername is the instance name.

4. Type the start-slapd command.

# ./start-slapd

Configuring Sun ONE Directory Server 5.2

These procedures create a trust database for the directory server instance; register the board with the directory server; generate and install a server certificate; view and install root CA certificates; and enable the directory server for SSL.

The configuration directory and the Sun ONE Directory Server Administration Server must be up and running during the configuration process.

procedure icon  To Create a Trust Database

This procedure adds the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 module, and is the same for both 32-bit and 64-bit installations.

1. Start the directory server console.

2. Select the directory server instance you wish to configure and select Open in the main console window.

3. In the new window that appears, select Consoleright arrowSecurityright arrowManage Certificates.

This step creates a trust database for the directory server instance.

a. Select a password and place it in both boxes, then click OK (See FIGURE 5-9).

b. Close the "Manage Certificates" dialog box that follows.

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Directory Server Set Security Device Password Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-9 Sun ONE Directory Server Set Security Device Password Dialog Box

4. In the new window that pops up, select Consoleright arrowSecurityright arrowConfigure Security Modules.

a. Click Install.

b. Type the following path in the Enter the PKCS#11 module driver filename entry:


5. Type a name in the Enter an identifying name for this module entry, for example:

Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Directory Server Install Security Module Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-10 Sun ONE Directory Server Install Security Module Dialog Box

6. Click OK.

procedure icon  To Register the Board With the Directory Server (32-Bit)

This procedure adds the 32-bit board module from the command-line.

1. Type the following command to set the appropriate path.

# setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH server-inst/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

2. Add the board to the secmod.db database.

a. Change to the following directory:

# cd server-inst/alias

b. Add the library with the modutil utility.

# server-inst/shared/bin/modutil -dbdir . -nocertdb -add "Sun Crypto Acclerator 4000" -libfile /opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/lib/libvpkcs11.so

procedure icon  To Register the Board With the Directory Server (64-Bit)

This procedure adds the 64-bit board module from the command-line.

1. Obtain the 64-bit versions of the Netscape Security Services (NSS) utilities from http://www.mozilla.org.


Save the nss-3.3.2.tar.gz tar file.

2. Type the following command to set the appropriate path.

Note - Throughout this section server-inst refers to the root installation directory of the product, and nss64-inst refers to the location that you installed the 64-bit versions of the NSS tools.

# setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH server-inst/lib/64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

3. Add the board to the secmod.db database.

a. Change to the alias directory:

# cd server-inst/alias

b. Add the library.

# nss64-inst/bin/modutil -dbdir . -nocertdb -add "Sun Crypto Acclerator 4000"
-libfile /opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/lib/64/libvpkcs11.so

Generating and Installing a Server Certificate

With the exception of the different path variables described in TABLE 5-8, this procedure is the same for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the PKCS#11 library installed.

TABLE 5-8 32- and 64-Bit Path Variable Differences

Variable Definition






Location of the NSS tools


nss64-inst (wherever you installed the NSS tools)

TABLE 5-9 describes the variables used for the certutil commands in this section.

TABLE 5-9 certutil Variable Descriptions




Name of the PKCS#11 token; this is the name of the keystore you chose when you initialized the board.


Name asserted on the digital certificate, typically of the form:


Names may vary with the organization.


Location for the certificate request.


Location for the ASCII-encoded certificate.


Directory server instance name.


Server certificate friendly name chosen by the user.

procedure icon  To Generate a Server Certificate

1. Change to the following directory.

# cd server-inst/alias

2. Request a certificate.

# certutil -R -d . -h token-name -s "subject-name" -a -o output-file [-g key-size] -P slapd-instname-

3. Submit the certificate request in output-file to a Certificate Authority of your choice.

Place the base64-encoded certificate in a text file named certfile.

procedure icon  To Install the Server Certificate

1. Install the server certificate.

# certutil -A -d . -h token-name -t "Pu,Pu,Pu" -P slapd-instname- -a -i certfile -n nickname

Viewing and Installing Root CA Certificates

Sun ONE Directory Server includes several publicly known Root Certificate Authority certificates that are currently trusted. If your server certificate was issued by one of these well known Root CAs, skip this procedure.

procedure icon  To View Root CA Certificates Known to the Directory Server

1. From the directory server console window, open the directory server instance for the board.

2. From the menu at the top of the console window, select Consoleright arrowSecurityright arrowManage Certificates

3. Select the CA Certs tab at the top of the "Manage Certificates" window.

A list of CA certificates known to the Sun ONE Directory Server instance is displayed. You can view more detailed information about a given CA certificate by highlighting an entry and clicking the Detail button.

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Directory Server Managing Certificates Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-11 Sun ONE Directory Server Managing Certificates Dialog Box

procedure icon  To Install Root CA Certificates

Perform the following procedure only if you retrieve your certificates from a proprietary PKI. That is, do not perform this procedure if you use VeriSign, Thawte, or GTE. This procedure is for cases where certificates issued by major vendors have an intermediate CA that has not been installed in the Sun ONE default trusted CA list.

1. Change to the alias directory.

# cd server-inst/alias

2. Install the root CA certificate.

Note - If you are installing more than one CA certificate, use different -n values. If you use the same -n value, the certificates overwrite each other. Replace CA-Cert with the CommonName component of the CA certificate's subject name (look for CN= in the SubjectName).

# certutil -A -d . -P slapd-instname- -n "CA-Cert" -t "CT,CT,CT" -a -i path-to-ca-cert

procedure icon  To Enable the Directory Server for SSL

1. Start the directory server console if not started already.

# ./cd server-root
# ./startconsole

2. Open the directory server instance by double-clicking the directory server instance of the board in the left panel of the main console window.

3. Click the Directory tab in the main console window.

4. Open the cn=config entry in the left panel of the Directory tab and modify the following parameters (See FIGURE 5-12):

a. Set nsslapd-security to on.

b. Set nsslapd-secureport to the desired port (default 636).

c. Click OK.

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Directory Server cn=config Editor Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-12 Sun ONE Directory Server cn=config Editor Dialog Box

5. Open the cn=encryption,cn=config entry in the left panel of the main console window and modify the following parameters (See FIGURE 5-13):

a. Set nsssl3 to on.

b. Use the "Add Attribute" button to add nsCertFile with a value of alias/slapd-instname-cert8.db

c. Use the "Add Attribute" button to add nsKeyFile with a value of alias/slapd-instname-key3.db

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Directory Server cn=encryption,cn=config Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-13 Sun ONE Directory Server cn=encryption,cn=config Dialog Box

d. Click OK.

6. Create a new entry in the database under cn=encryption,cn=config

a. In the main window, right click on the encryption icon, and select Newright arrowOther from the menu.

b. Select nsEncryptionModule.

c. Change the value of the "Full Name" attribute to "RSA" (Remote Security Access) from "New" (See FIGURE 5-14).

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Directory Server nsEncryption Module Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-14 Sun ONE Directory Server nsEncryption Module Dialog Box

d. Use the "Add Attribute" button to add the following attributes and values:

nsssltoken                    token-name
nssslpersonalityssl           nickname
nssslactivation               on

e. Click OK.

Installing and Configuring Sun ONE Messaging Server 5.2

This section describes how to install and configure Sun ONE Messaging Server 5.2 to use the board. You must perform these procedures in order. Refer to the Sun ONE Messaging Server documentation for more information about installing and using Sun ONE Messaging Servers. This section addresses the following topics:

Installing Sun ONE Messaging Server 5.2

This procedure installs the Sun ONE Messaging Server 5.2 from the command-line.

procedure icon  To Install Sun ONE Messaging Server 5.2

1. Download the Sun ONE Messaging Server 5.2 software.

You can find the messaging server software at the following URL:

2. Change to the installation directory and extract the messaging server software.

3. Install the messaging server software with the setup script.

a. Type the install path when prompted.

b. Type the components you wish to install when prompted.

c. Execute the ./setup command to install the components.

Configuring Sun ONE Messaging Server 5.2

These procedures create a trust database for the messaging server instance; register the board with the messaging server; generate and install a server certificate; and enable the messaging server for SSL.

The configuration directory and the Sun ONE Messaging Server Administration Server must be up and running during the configuration process.

procedure icon  To Create a Trust Database

1. Start the messaging server console.

2. Open the Sun ONE Messaging server instance.

The menu in FIGURE 5-15 appears:

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Messaging Server Main Console Window
FIGURE 5-15 Sun ONE Messaging Server Main Console Window

3. Select Consoleright arrowCertificate Setup Wizard

The Certificate Setup Wizard appears.

a. Click Next.

b. Select the "internal (software)" token.

c. Select "Do not install a certificate" and click Next.

d. Click Next.

e. Set the password for the internal database and click Next.

f. Click Done.

procedure icon  To Register the Board With the Messaging Server

1. Change to the following directory.

# cd server-root/shared/bin

2. Ensure the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable is set properly.

# setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH server-root/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

3. Add the board module to the secmod.db database.

# ./modutil -dbdir ../../admin-serv/config \
-nocertdb \
-add "Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000" \
-libfile "/opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/lib/libvpkcs11.so"

procedure icon  To Generate a Server Certificate

1. Use the messaging server console to request a certificate by opening up the Certificate Setup Wizard; select Console -> Certificate Setup Wizard.

a. Click Next

b. Select the token that matches the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 token in which you want to store your keys, as shown in FIGURE 5-16.

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Token Selection Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-16 Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Token Selection Dialog Box

c. Answer No to "Is the certificate already requested and ready to install?" and click Next.

d. Click Next.

e. Select "New Certificate" and choose which method (either email or HTTPS) to submit the certificate request to a certificate authority (FIGURE 5-17), and click Next.

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Certificate Request Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-17 Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Certificate Request Dialog Box

f. Type the appropriate information for the requestor information fields in TABLE 5-10, and click Next.

TABLE 5-10 Requestor Information Fields



Requestor Name

Contact information for the requestor

Telephone Number

Contact information for the requestor

Common Name

Web site domain that is typed in a visitor's browser

Email Address

Contact information for the requestor


Company name

Organizational Unit

(Optional) Department of the company


(Optional) City, county, principality, or country


(Optional) Full name of the state


Two-letter ISO code for the country (for example, the United States is US)

g. The screen requests you to enter the password you used when creating a trust database. Instead, enter the password for the keystore user (username:password) and click Next.

See TABLE 5-1 for details on username:password.

h. If you selected the HTTPS method in Step e, the request should already be sent to the CA. If you selected the email method in Step e, click "Copy to Clipboard" and click Next (FIGURE 5-18).

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Certificate Delivery Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-18 Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Certificate Delivery Dialog Box

i. Click Next.

Note - After requesting a certificate, the Certificate Setup Wizard will continue and allow you to install the issued certificate into the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 keystore. If you exited the Certificate Setup Wizard after the certificate was generated, but before it was installed, you can restart the Certificate Setup Wizard and pick up where you left off.

procedure icon  To Install the Server Certificate

1. If you exited the Certificate Setup Wizard during the Generating a Server Certificate procedure, restart the Wizard by selecting Console -> Certificate Setup Wizard and click Next on the first screen.

2. Select the token that matches the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 token in which you want to install the certificate.

This token must be the same token from which you generated the request.

3. Answer Yes to the question that asks if the server certificate is ready to install, and click Next.

4. Click Next.

5. Install the certificate for "This Server," and input the keystore password (username:password) if not already provided by the Wizard, and click Next (See FIGURE 5-19).

 Screenshot of the  Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Password Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-19 Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Password Dialog Box

Note - The default certificate name is Server-Cert.

6. Copy the base 64-encoded certificate to the clipboard and paste it into the text box labeled "The certificate is located in the following text field," and click Next (See FIGURE 5-20).

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Certificate Entry Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-20 Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Certificate Entry Dialog Box

a. Click Add to add the certificate.

b. Click Done.

7. Add the root CA certificate (only if not from a root certificate authority already trusted by the messaging server).

Use the Certificate Setup Wizard for this step.

a. From the messaging server console, select Consoleright arrowCertificate Setup Wizard.

b. Click Next.

c. Select "internal (software)" as the token and click Yes to "Is the certificate already requested and ready to install?" and click Next.

d. Click Next.

e. Select "Trusted Certificate Authority" and click Next.

f. Copy the base 64-encoded CA certificate to the clipboard and paste it into the text box labeled "The certificate is located in the following text field," and click Next.

g. Click Add to add the certificate (FIGURE 5-21).

 Screenshot of the Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Password Dialog Box
FIGURE 5-21 Sun ONE Messaging Server Certificate Setup Wizard Password Dialog Box

h. Click Done.

procedure icon  To Enable the Messaging Server for SSL

1. Use the su command to become the user for which you chose to run the messaging server.

If you do not remember this username, you can search the
server-root/msg-instname/config/msg.conf file for the local.serveruid property and retrieve the username.

# cd server-root/msg-instname
# su username

2. Use the configutil tool to set SSL parameters for the messaging server.

TABLE 5-11 describes the variable definitions used with the configutil tool.

TABLE 5-11 configutil Variable Descriptions




Name of the keystore used in Step 1.


Friendly name of the certificate to be used. The default is


Port number to run POP3 over SSL; this is typically 995.

# ./configutil -o nsserversecurity -v on
# ./configutil -o encryption.rsa.nssslactivation -v on
# ./configutil -o encryption.rsa.nsssltoken -v keystorename
# ./configutil -o encryption.rsa.nssslpersonalityssl -v certname
# ./configutil -l -o service.pop.enablesslport -v yes
# ./configutil -l -o service.pop.sslport -v portnumber


3. In the messaging server console, click the Configuration tab for the console window used to administer the Sun ONE Messaging Server instance. Click the System tab under Messaging Server -> Services -> IMAP.

4. In the previous window, set the port number for "Use separate port for IMAP over SSL." By default this port is 993.

5. Configure the sslpassword.conf file for the messaging server instance.

# cd server-root/msg-instname/config
# vi sslpassword.conf

Replace the Internal (Software) token:netscape! line with tokenname:username:password. Where tokenname is the keystore name. This tokenname is the name of the token on which you chose to generate the key in Step 1. The username:password is what you use to authenticate to that token. See TABLE 5-1 for details about username:password.

6. Change ownership and permissions for the sslpassword.conf file.

Because the sslpassword.conf file contains password information used to authenticate to key material, the file must be owned by the user for which the daemon runs, and that file must be readable by that user only.

# cd server-root/msg-instname/config
# chown msg-user sslpassword.conf
# chmod 0400 sslpassword.conf

7. Restart the server from the command line.

# cd server-root
# msg-instname/start-msg

Installing and Configuring Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2

This section describes how to install and configure Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 to use the board. You must perform these procedures in order. Refer to the Sun ONE Portal Server documentation for more information about installing and using Sun ONE Portal Servers. This section includes the following procedures:

This section describes how to install and configure Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 to use the board. You must perform these procedures in order. Refer to the Sun ONE Portal Server documentation for more information about installing and using Sun ONE Portal Servers.

The Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2 includes Sun ONE Web Server 6.0. You must install and configure the Sun ONE Web Server software before installing and configuring the portal server (See Installing and Configuring Sun ONE Web Server 6.0).

Note - When installing and configuring the Sun ONE Web Server for use with the portal server, use the following installation path: /opt/SUNWam/servers.

Installing Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2

This section describes how to install the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 from the command-line.

procedure icon  To Install Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2

1. Download the Sun ONE Portal Server 6.1 software.

You can find the portal server software at the following URL:

2. Change to the installation directory and extract the portal server software.

3. Install the portal server software with the setup script.

a. Enter the install path when prompted.

b. Enter the components you wish to install when prompted.

c. Execute the ./setup command to install the components.

Note - A trust database is automatically created during installation.

Configuring Sun ONE Portal Server 6.2

These procedures configure the portal server secure remote access (SRA) gateway; register the board with the portal server; generate and install a server certificate; and enable the portal server for SSL.

Before beginning, ensure that SRA has been installed and a gateway server certificate (self-signed or issued by any CA) has been installed. The Sun ONE Portal Server Administration Server must be up and running during the configuration process.

procedure icon  To Register the Board With the Portal Server

1. Create a new user account for the board with the vcaadm utility (see Using the vcaadm Utility).

vcaadm{vca0@localhost, sec-officer}> create user
New user name: username
Enter new user password:
Confirm password:
User crypta created successfully.

2. Load the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 module.

The LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable must point to the following:


a. Load the module.

# /usr/bin/mps/modutil -dbdir /etc/opt/SUNWps/cert/default -add "Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000" -libfile /opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/lib/libvpkcs11.so

b. Verify that this module is loaded.

# /usr/bin/mps/modutil -list -dbdir /etc/opt/SUNWps/cert/default -nocertdb

Generating and Installing a Server Certificate

During these procedures, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable must point to the following:


TABLE 5-9 describes the variables used for the certutil commands in this section.

TABLE 5-12 certutil Variable Descriptions




Name of the PKCS#11 token; this is the name of the keystore you chose when you initialized the board.


Name asserted on the digital certificate, typically of the form:


Names may vary with the organization.


Location for the certificate request.


Location for the ASCII-encoded certificate.


Portal server instance name.


Server certificate friendly name chosen by the user.

procedure icon  To Generate a Server Certificate

1. Change to the following directory.

# cd /etc/opt/SUNWps/cert/default

2. Request a certificate.

# /usr/bin/mps/bin/certutil -R -d . -h token-name -s "subject-name" -a -o output-file [-g key-size]

3. Submit the certificate request in output-file to a Certificate Authority of your choice.

Place the base64-encoded certificate in a text file named certfile.

procedure icon  To Install the Server Certificate

1. Install the server certificate.

# /usr/bin/mps/certutil -A -d . -h token-name -t "Pu,Pu,Pu" -a -i certfile -n nickname

Viewing and Installing Root CA Certificates

Sun ONE Portal Server includes several publicly known Root Certificate Authority certificates that are currently trusted. If your server certificate was issued by one of these well known Root CAs, skip this procedure.

procedure icon  To View Root CA Certificates Known to the Portal Server

single-step bulletType the following command:

# /usr/bin/mps/certutil -L -d /etc/opt/SUNWps/cert/default

procedure icon  To Install Root CA Certificates

Perform the following procedure only if you retrieve your certificates from a proprietary PKI. That is, do not perform this procedure if you use VeriSign, Thawte, or GTE. This procedure is for cases where certificates issued by major vendors have an intermediate CA that has not been installed in the Sun ONE default trusted CA list.

1. Change to the certificate database directory.

# cd /etc/opt/SUNWps/cert/default

2. Install the root CA certificate.

Note - If you are installing more than one CA certificate, use different -n values. If you use the same -n value, the certificates overwrite each other. Replace CA-Cert with the CommonName component of the CA certificate's subject name (look for CN= in the SubjectName).

# /usr/bin/mps/certutil -A -d . -n "CA-Cert" -t "CT,CT,CT" -a -i path-to-ca-cert

procedure icon  To Enable the Portal Server for SSL

1. Create a /etc/opt/SUNWps/cert/default/.nickname file.

# vi /etc/opt/SUNWps/cert/default/.nickname

The file must contain only the following line with no spaces:


2. Select the acceleration ciphers.

Note - The /etc/opt/SUNWconn/cryptov2/sslreg file must be present for the DES and 3DES algorithms to be accelerated in the Sun Crypto Accelerator 4000 hardware. See Enabling and Disabling Bulk Encryption.

The board accelerates RSA functions but supports acceleration only for DES and 3DES ciphers. To enable one of these ciphers do the following:

Gateway >> Security >> Enable SSL Cipher Selection: >> SSL3 Ciphers: >>

3. Modify the /etc/opt/SUNWps/platform.conf.gateway-profile-name to enable the board.


4. From a terminal window, restart the gateway.

# InstallDir/SUNWps/bin/gateway -n gateway-profile-name start

The gateway prompts you to enter the keystore password. Enter the password or pin for sra-keystore:username:password.