C H A P T E R  2

Installing the Online CPU Diagnostics Monitor Software

This chapter describes how to install and remove the Online CPU Diagnostics Monitor (CDM) software, and includes the following sections:

CDM Packages

The following is a list of the CDM packages:

TABLE 2-1 CDM Packages

Package Name



CDM (root) package that contains the startup scripts and the default configuration file (cpudiagd.conf).


CDM 64-bit package that contains the CPU diagnostics test, cputst and the CDM daemon, cpudiagd.


CDM package that contains the online manual pages for cputst(1M), cpudiagd(1M) and cpudiagd.conf(4).

Installation Requirements

The CDM software is supported on SPARC 64-bit only and will not work on 32-bit platforms. The hardware platform should support a minimum of UltraSPARC III processors. Either the Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 operating environments must be installed (with core system support software group SUNWCreq at a minimum). The operating environment must support SPARC 64-bit. To verify that your platform supports a minimum of UltraSPARC III processors, verify that the following command's output includes sparcv9+vis2.

# /usr/bin/isalist
sparcv9+vis2 ...

You must be root user to install the CDM software. There must be at least 2 Mbytes of available disk space in both root (/) and /usr partitions. There must be at least 1 Mbyte available disk space in the /var partition.

Installing the CDM Software

There are several utilities available for installing packages. This section describes how to use the pkgadd utility to install CDM from the file system directory containing the CDM packages:

procedure icon  To Install the CDM Software

1. Become root user.

2. Use the pkgadd command to install the packages in the following order:

# pkgadd -d path_to_packages_directory SUNWcdiax SUNWcdiar SUNWcdiam

Note - SUNWcdiar depends on SUNWcdiax; hence, the packages must be installed in the above order.

Note - Installing CDM software also starts the online CPU diagnostics monitoring by starting the cpudiagd daemon.

Removing the CDM Software

Use the pkgrm command to remove the installed CDM packages in the following order:

# pkgrm SUNWcdiam SUNWcdiar SUNWcdiax