Netra CT 820 Server Release Notes

The Netra CT 820 Server Release Notes contain important and late-breaking information about the Netratrademark CT 820 Server, including:

The most recent versions of the Netra CT 820 Server documentation are available at:

Firmware Versions

For this release of the software, the CT 820 server firmware must at the following (or compatible) versions:

To display the current firmware version, use the .version command at the OpenBoot PROM prompt. For example:

ok .version

If you do not have the correct versions of the firmware, go to the SunSolve Web site,, and download the following firmware patch.

Refer to the Readme file in the patch for any special installation instructions and to the Netra CP2300 cPSB Board Installation and Technical Reference Manual (816-7186) for instructions on upgrading the firmware.

Known Issues

TABLE 1 shows the known issues with this release of the Netra CT 820 server.

TABLE 1 Known Issues

Bug ID




During a node board boot, if you have not configured the node board for multiple console use, the message cvc: WARNING: cvc_register: register w/ no console open is displayed.

You can safely ignore this message. If you want to configure the node board for multiple console use, refer to "Configuring Your System for Multiple Console Use" in the Netra CT 820 Server System Administration Guide.


If you break out of booting the Solaristrademark operating environment and then issue the go command at the ok prompt, you see the message Fast Data Access MMU Miss, and the boot stops.

At the ok prompt, issue the reset command. If the auto-boot? variable is set to false, then issue a boot command after the reset has completed.


After multiple console use is enabled at the OpenBoottrademark PROM level, the prtpicl command output shows that serial port 0 is unknown, even though a tip session is active.

No workaround available for this release.


On the Netra CP2300 cPSB board, both the system (boot) flash and the user flash memory reside on the same physical device. If you attempt to write data to the board's user flash PROM while you are reading data from either the user or system flash memory, you may render the board unbootable.

Make sure that you do not access the Netra CP2300 cPSB board's user flash memory for reading and writing simultaneously. You can read and write user flash memory data as separate tasks, but do not attempt to do these read and write operations at the same time.


If you have connected an external SCSI DAT tape drive to a Netra CP2300 node board, and you perform a reconfiguration boot on the board, the PICL daemon, picld(1M), will terminate and create a core(4) file.

To work around this issue, you must add the following line to the Netra CP2300 board's /etc/system file:


forceload: drv/st


After adding this line, you must reboot the board to apply the change.

Adding this line will force the operating system to load the SCSI disk device driver (sd) kernel module during the kernel initialization. For more information, refer to the system(4) and sd(7D) online man pages.


If you use the platform information and control library (PICL) software to change the temperature threshold settings of a Netra CP2300 node board, the MOH software will not display the new values of the threshold settings. Instead, the MOH software will display the previous temperature threshold values.

Use the MOH software to set the temperature threshold settings of the Netra CP2300 node boards.


If you manually stop and start the ctmgx MOH agent running on a node board in rapid succession, the MOH agent running on the distributed management card may not represent the node board correctly.

After stopping the agent, wait for at least 30 seconds before restarting it.


After connecting external SCSI devices to a Netra CP2300 board and rebooting the board, the MOH software and the prtpicl command displays error messages. Also, the SCSI devices will not be shown in the MOH hierarchy.

To work around this issue, you must add the following line to the Netra CP2300 board's /etc/system file:


forceload: drv/sd


After adding this line, you must reboot the board to apply the change.

Adding this line will force the operating system to load the SCSI disk device driver (sd) kernel module during the kernel initialization. For more information, refer to the system(4) and sd(7D) online man pages.


In rare situations, after repeated resets or a forced failovers, the distributed management card may panic and display error messages.

The system will recover after the panic without your intervention.


After connecting external IDE devices to a Netra CP2300 board and rebooting the board, the MOH software and the prtpicl command will display error messages. Also, the IDE devices will not be shown in the MOH hierarchy.

To work around this issue, you must add the following line to the Netra CP2300 board's /etc/system file:


forceload: drv/dad


After adding this line, you must reboot the board to apply the change.

Adding this line will force the operating system to load the IDE disk device driver (dad) kernel module during the kernel initialization. For more information, refer to the system(4) and dad(7D) online man pages.


When using Netra CT 820 system with the Netra High Availability (HA) Suite Foundation Services Software, the two distributed management cards will not be able to communicate with each other through the carrier grade transport protocol (CGTP) network interfaces.

Before using the Netra CT 820 system with the Netra High Availability (HA) Suite Foundation Services Software, you must replace the /etc/init.d/ctvlan script with the script shown in CODE EXAMPLE 1. See Replacing the ctvlan Initialization Script for more information.


After using the
cfgadm -c unconfigure command to unconfigure a PCI mezzanine card (PMC) hard drive installed on Netra CP2300 cPSB board, the MOH software will not report the correct status of the PMC drive.

The cfgadm -al command will show that the PMC drive has been unconfigured, but the MOH software will incorrectly show that the drive is still connected and configured.

Use the cfgadm -al command, and not the MOH software, to display the configuration status of the installed devices. Refer to the cfgadm(1M) man page for more information about the command.


After a distributed management card failover, reset, or system power-on, you cannot set the time of a node board using the ntpdate(1M) command. The ntpdate command will display the following message: no server suitable for synchronization found.

The ntpdate command synchronizes the date and time by polling the network time protocol (NTP) server on the distributed management cards. Once the NTP daemon is started, it can take up to four minutes before the daemon starts providing service to its clients. If a client makes an NTP query within this interval, the client will receive an error message.


Making an NTP request using the ntpdate(1M) command to a distributed management card alias IP address will not succeed. The ntpdate request returns the message: no server suitable for synchronization found.

When making an NTP request, use the distributed management card's static IP address and not the alias IP address.

To workaround this issue, use the IP addresses of both distributed management cards when using the ntpdate command. For example:




When logged into a node board through a distributed management card console session, the node board may reset while using the kadb(1M) kernel debugger.

Distributed management card console sessions are designed for using essential Solaristrademark OS commands, and not for utilities like the kadb kernel debugger. If you wish to use utilities like kadb, log into the node board directly, and not through a console session.

Replacing the ctvlan Initialization Script

Before using the Netra High Availability (HA) Suite Foundation Services software on the Netra CT 820 system, you must replace the /etd/init.d/ctvlan initialization and termination script with the script shown in CODE EXAMPLE 1.

CODE EXAMPLE 1 New ctvlan Initialization Script

# Copyright (c) 1996-2004 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Updated ctvlan script for NHAS
# ctvlan v1.0 07/09/04
SLOTNUM=`echo $1 | cut -d. -f4`
NETWORK=`echo $1 | cut -d. -f1-3`
VLAN0=`expr $SLOTNUM + 32`
VLAN1=`expr $SLOTNUM + 64`
if [ -f /etc/.UNCONFIGURED ]; then
   exit 1
# This script needs to check for 2 files. Since crfs.sync.ok is only created 
# on MENs, this script needs to check if either of the 2 files
# (crfs.sync.ok or exists. 
# Need to put this into a loop since NHAS does not complete until almost 
# beginning of rc3.d time. Poll every 5 seconds 
while true ; do 
if [ -f /var/run/SUNWcgha/crfs.sync.ok ] || [ -f /var/run/SUNWcgha/ ]; then
   # Configure VLAN interfaces
   /sbin/ifconfig $IFNAME0 plumb
   /sbin/ifconfig $IFNAME1 plumb
   /sbin/ifconfig cgtp1    plumb
   /sbin/ifconfig $IFNAME0 $VLAN0IPADDR private netmask $NETMASK up
   /sbin/ifconfig $IFNAME1 $VLAN1IPADDR private netmask $NETMASK up
   /sbin/ifconfig cgtp1    $NETWORK.$SLOTNUM    netmask $NETMASK up
   # Add the routes
   # Route to Active-DMC
   /usr/sbin/route add $NETWORK.22 $NETWORK.54 -multirt -setsrc $SYSMGTIP
   /usr/sbin/route add $NETWORK.22 $NETWORK.86 -multirt -setsrc $SYSMGTIP
   # Route to Standby-DMC
   /usr/sbin/route add $NETWORK.23 $NETWORK.55 -multirt -setsrc $SYSMGTIP
   /usr/sbin/route add $NETWORK.23 $NETWORK.87 -multirt -setsrc $SYSMGTIP
   # Route to DMC's floating Master-CGTP
   /usr/sbin/route add $NETWORK.25 $NETWORK.57 -multirt -setsrc $SYSMGTIP
   /usr/sbin/route add $NETWORK.25 $NETWORK.89 -multirt -setsrc $SYSMGTIP
   # Route to add multicast address for distributed MOH
   /usr/sbin/route add $NETWORK.57 -multirt -setsrc $SYSMGTIP
   /usr/sbin/route add $NETWORK.89 -multirt -setsrc $SYSMGTIP
   echo "NetraCT-820 System Management Bus Ready"
      sleep 5