C H A P T E R  1

Installation Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the tasks to install the Netra CT 820 server. Detailed instructions for each task are provided on the pages specified.


Detailed Instructions

Unpack your system.

Unpacking the System

Mount the chassis in a rack.

Installing the System

Make the DC power connections.

Providing Power

Install additional cards.

Installing Additional Cards Into the Netra CT 820 Server

Connect the cables to the rear transition card for the distributed management cards.

Connecting Cables to the Distributed Management Cards

Connect the cables to the rear transition card for the switching fabric boards.

Connecting Cables to the Switching Fabric Boards

Connect the cables to additional rear transition cards.

Connecting the Cables to the Netra CP2300 Boards

Power on the server.

Powering On the Server or Boards

Note - Refer to the Netra CT 820 Server Release Notes (817-2646-13, or future compatible revisions) for the Solaris Operating System installation instructions.