A P P E N D I X  E

Installing Solaris 8 2/02 Software on the Sun Fire V880z Server

This appendix provides information about using the DVD titled Operating Environment Installation DVD. This DVD is only required for the Solaris 8 2/02 operating environment (for a Sun Fire V880z server with a Sun XVR-4000 graphics accelerator).

Who Should Use This Software

This DVD for Solaris 8 2/02 installation should only be performed by highly skilled systems administrators, engineers, and persons trained to perform installations.

About the Installation DVD That Shipped With Your System

This Sun Fire V880z Operating Environment Installation DVD is hereafter referred to as DVD0.

caution icon

Caution - Do not use this DVD0 to install Solaris releases on any other platforms.

Note - The Solaris 8 2/02 Media Kit must be used with this DVD0. Other Solaris versions, either earlier or later, will not work.

Note - The Solaris 2 of 2 CD is not required for every type of installation.

For more specific details about installing Solaris software over the network, refer to the Advanced Installation Guide that shipped in your Solaris media kit.

When To Use The DVD

This DVD0 must be used to initiate installation of Sun Fire V880z servers, which require support for Sun XVR-4000 graphics accelerators. This procedure only applies to systems running Solaris 8 2/02 operating environment (it is not required for systems running Solaris 9 4/03 operating environment or later).

Do not use the Solaris 8 Installation CD that shipped with the Solaris 8 2/02 release. Also, do not attempt to install directly from a Solaris 8 Software 1 of 2 CD or the Solaris 8 2/02 DVD.

By initiating installation with this DVD0, the Solaris Operating Environment is installed along with the packages and patches to enable Sun XVR-4000 Graphics Accelerator support.

Note - OpenBoot PROM version 4.7.0 or later is required before installing
Solaris 8 2/02 using the DVD0. Files to update the firmware are provided on the
Sun XVR-4000 Graphics Accelerator CD.

How to Use This DVD

There are two ways to install the Solaris software:

This Solaris release can be installed, by either of the above methods, on systems that do not have a frame buffer and monitor. This installation DVD0 also provides a direct installation method by means of a command-line interface that can operate through a tip(1) line connected to the "headless" system.

Note - To set up a tip connection, see the detailed instructions in the owner's guide or service manual for your system. General information about tip operations is in the OpenBoot command reference manuals. The tip connection must be established before you use the DVD0.

Note - OpenBoot PROM version 4.7.0 is required on the Sun Fire V880z server before installing Solaris 8 2/02 using the DVD0. If you need to perform an upgrade, appropriate firmware is provided on the Sun XVR-4000 Graphics Accelerator CD.

How to Install Solaris 8 2/02 With the DVD0

Ensure that you have the following before you start this procedure:

caution icon

Caution - This procedure overwrites existing contents on the hard drive(s). Before beginning Solaris installation, back up all vital data and software.

procedure icon  Installing Solaris 8 2/02 With the DVD0

1. Place the Operating Environment Installation DVD0 in the DVD-ROM drive of the system.

2. Halt the system in one of the following ways:

Power on and wait for OpenBoot PROM to start. At the ok prompt, skip to Step 3

This brings you to the PROM-level ok prompt

3. At the ok prompt, enter this command:

ok boot cdrom

4. When you are asked to select the language you want to use while running the installer, enter the appropriate number for your choice of language.

Note - For installations through a command line rather than a graphical user interface, the installation process is in English only.

5. Answer the installation questions when prompted.

The installation DVD0 loads installation mini-os software (mini-root) temporarily on one of the disk partitions (usually the swap partition). In the first part of the installation process, answer questions through a series of menus to select the disk where the mini-root software will be loaded.

caution icon

Caution - The installer overwrites existing contents on the hard disk. Before beginning Solaris installation, back up all needed data and software.

The length of time that it takes for the mini-root to load depends on what you specified in the menus and on the speed of your system. When the mini-root installation is complete, the system automatically boots from the mini-root and displays the first installation panel entitled, Welcome.

6. Enter information about the system in response to questions in the Installation panels.

System information you may be asked to supply includes the following:

  • Network connectivity (standalone)
  • DHCP
  • Host name
  • IP address
  • Net mask ( is the default)
  • IPv6
  • Default router
  • Kerberos
  • Time zone
  • Name service (NIS+, NIS, DNS, LDAP, or None)
  • Domain name
  • Name server
  • Date and time
  • Root password
  • Proxy server configuration

Note - Refer to the Solaris 8 2/02 installation documentation for more information about making these System Identification choices.

7. Review the Confirm Information panel to make sure that all the installation information is correct.

  • If you are using the GUI to install the Solaris operating environment, use the Back and Next buttons to correct information. Once all the information is correct, select Confirm.
  • If you are making changes through the dumb terminal interface, use the arrow buttons to select your choice. Press the Return button to place a mark in your chosen field. Pressing the F2 key confirms your choices.

The Solaris Web Start installation interface begins.

8. In the Solaris Web Start Welcome panel, select Next.

The Operating Environment Installation DVD0 is ejected from the DVD-ROM drive.

9. When prompted, insert the Solaris 8 2/02 DVD or Solaris 8 2/02 Software 1 of 2 CD into your drive, and select OK.

These discs comes from the standard Solaris 8 2/02 media kit.

10. Respond to questions presented by the Solaris installation process.

The questions may cover the following areas:

  • Upgrade or initial installation
  • Default or custom installation
  • Language and locale of the software to be installed (this can be different from the language choice you might have made earlier in Step 5)
  • Choose to install additional CDs from the media kit (Select Products panel)
  • Choose to install additional software from another product CD or DVD, a Kiosk download, or over the net (Additional Products panel)
  • 64-bit selection (Only the Solaris 64-bit kernel is supported on Sun Fire V800z servers, that is, you may not choose to only install the 32-bit kernel.)
  • Solaris cluster configuration information
  • Disk selection
  • Preserve data

Note - The procedures described in this document should only be used with the Solaris 8 2/02 operating environment. Do not use any other release of the Solaris operating environment.

11. Verify that the information listed in the Ready to Install panel is correct and select Install Now.

12. Wait for the Solaris 8 2/02 DVD or Solaris 8 2/02 Software 1 of 2 CD to complete the installation.

This could take an hour or more, depending on the software you chose to install and the speed of your system.

When complete, select Next in the Installation Summary panel. The system reboots.

The DVD or CD is ejected. Web Start comes up.

13. Load additional Solaris software from CDs as required.

Refer to the installation manuals for the Solaris 8 2/02 operating environment for further information on optional software.

14. When the last CD is finished, select Reboot Now.

The system boots using the Solaris release that you installed.

How to Patch a Network Installation Image for the Solaris 8 2/02 Release

The patched network installation image can be set up using either the Solaris DVD or the Solaris Software CDs contained in the media kit. The procedures are different depending on the media you plan to use. If the server already has an installation image available and you plan to patch it now, use the first procedure no matter which type of media (DVD or CD) was used to create the unpatched image.

procedure icon  Creating a Patched Network Installation Image Using the Solaris 8 2/02 DVD

Note - If the installation server is already set up with an image of the Solaris 8 2/02 operating environment release, skip to Step 7.

1. Become superuser.

2. Insert the Solaris 8 2/02 DVD in a DVD-ROM drive used by the installation server.

3. Type this command:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_8/Tools

4. Create the install image by running this script:

# ./setup_install_server image_directory

5. Return to the home directory by entering this command:

# cd /

6. Eject the Solaris 8 2/02 DVD.

7. Insert the DVD0 that came with these instructions.

8. Type this command:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0

9. Patch the install image by running this script:

# ./modify_install_server.xvr4000 -d image_directory

10. Continue to perform the standard network installation procedure for this release:

For more information, see the "Preparing to Install Solaris Software Over the Network" chapter in the Solaris Advanced Installation Guide that is in your Solaris media kit.

procedure icon  Creating a Patched Network Installation Image Using the Solaris 8 2/02 CD 1 of 2

1. Become super user.

2. Insert the Solaris 8 2/02 Software 1 of 2 CD in a CD-ROM drive used by the installation server.

3. Type this command:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_8/Tools

4. Create the install image by running this script:

# ./setup_install_server image_directory

5. Return to the home directory by entering this command:

# cd /

6. Eject the Solaris 8 2/02 Software 1 of 2 CD.

# eject

7. Insert the Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 CD in a DVD-ROM drive used by the installation server.

8. Enter this command:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/Solaris_8/Tools

9. Continue to build the install image on the server by running this script:

# ./add_to_install_server image_directory

10. Return to the home directory by entering this command:

# cd /

11. Eject the Solaris 8 2/02 Software 2 of 2 CD.

# eject

12. Insert the DVD0 that came with these instructions.

13. Type this command:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0

14. Patch the install image by running this script:

# ./modify_install_server.xvr4000 -d image_directory

15. Continue to perform the standard network installation procedure for this release:

For more information, see the "Preparing to Install Solaris Software Over the Network" chapter in the Solaris Advanced Installation Guide that is in your media kit.

Sun XVR-4000 Graphics Accelerator Software Tools

To assure that all Sun XVR-4000 graphics accelerator software tools are installed, you need to install the tools from the Operating Environment Installation DVD0.

1. Become superuser.

2. Go to the cdrom subdirectory and run the install script. Type:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/
# ./install

3. Reboot your system.

4. Set auto-boot to TRUE. To do this, at the ok prompt type:

ok setenv auto-boot? = TRUE

Press Return.

5. Boot your system at the ok prompt. Type:

ok boot

Press Return.