A P P E N D I X  A

Sun S3L Array Checking Errors

Sun S3L interfaces do generic checking of the validity of the array handles that are passed as arguments to them. If such an array handle contains an invalid or corrupted value, the function terminates and one of the error codes listed in TABLE A-1 is returned.

TABLE A-1 Return Codes Associated With Array Handle Errors

Error Code



The data type specified for an array is not supported by Sun S3L.


An array argument includes an invalid element size.


An invalid rank is specified for an array; it is either negative or larger than 32 (the largest supported array rank).


An array argument includes a negative extent.


An array argument includes a negative blocksize.


For a block-cyclic array distribution, an invalid starting process is specified; it is either negative or is larger than the extent of the corresponding process grid axis.


An array argument includes an invalid subgrid size; it is either negative or is larger than the extent along the corresponding array axis.


An array argument includes an invalid majorness value.


An array argument includes an invalid process grid extent; it is either negative or larger than the total number of processes over which the array is defined.


The rank of a process grid does not equal the rank of the corresponding array.


An array argument specifies an invalid majorness value for a process grid.


An array argument specifies a process grid coordinate that is either negative or larger than the process grid extent along that axis.