C H A P T E R  2

Installing the Sun XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator Hardware and Software

This chapter provides Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator hardware and software installation information.

Before Installation

Refer to the Solaris Handbook for Sun Peripherals that corresponds to your Solaris Operating System. The handbook describes how to shut down the system safely before installing any internal cards and how to reboot your system after installation.

Installing the Hardware

Refer to the hardware installation documentation provided with your Sun system for instructions on accessing your system and installing Sun PCI graphics cards. Your system platform documentation also provides removal procedures.

To find the most recent information on supported systems for the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator, and additional specifications, go to:


Supported Systems and PCI Slots

Up to four Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerators are supported on Sun systems that support four or more PCI slots. TABLE 2-1 lists the maximum number of Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerators for each Sun system supported.

Note - The Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator operates best when installed in the system 66 MHz PCI bus connector slots (applies to systems with available 66 MHz PCI bus slots).


TABLE 2-1 Supported Systems and Maximum Number of Sun XVR-100 Graphics Accelerators Per System


Maximum Number of Boards

Sun Blade 150 system


Sun Blade 1500 system


Sun Blade 2000 system


Sun Blade 2500 system


Sun Fire V120 system


Sun Fire V210 system


Sun Fire V240 system


Sun Fire V250 system


Sun Fire 280R system


Sun Fire V440 system


Sun Fire V480 system


Sun Fire V880 system


Installing the Sun XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator Software

Your system requires the Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 Operating Systems, or a subsequent compatible version of the Operating System, to support the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator software.

You must install the required software packages or software patches for your system Solaris Operating System. Install the Sun XVR-100 software from the CD-ROM provided with your Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator installation kit. TABLE 2-2 lists the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator CD-ROM directories:

TABLE 2-2 Sun XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator CD Directories

Directory Name



U.S. version of copyright


Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator documentation


French version of copyright


Product installation script


Binary Code License


Listing of Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator CD contents


Product removal script


Solaris 8 software packages


Solaris 8 software patches


Solaris 9 software packages


Solaris 9 software patches

Sun XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator Software Packages

Software Package Locations

The Sun XVR-100 software packages are located in the directories listed in TABLE 2-3.

TABLE 2-3 Location of Sun XVR-100 Software Packages

Software Packages

Directory Location

Solaris 8 software


Solaris 9 software


Software Package Names

TABLE 2-4 lists the Sun XVR-100 software package names and descriptions.

TABLE 2-4 Solaris 8 and 9 Software Package Names

Package name



Sun XVR-100 Graphics Configuration Software


Sun XVR-100 Graphics System Software Device Driver (64-bit)


Sun XVR-100 Graphics Window System Support


Sun XVR-100 Graphics Manual Pages
(Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 Operating Systems only)

Solaris Operating System Patches

TABLE 2-5 lists the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator software patches required for the Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 Operating Systems. For the latest patches, go to: http://sunsolve.sun.com


TABLE 2-5 Sun XVR-100 for Solaris Software Patches

Solaris Operating System


Directory Location

Solaris 8



Solaris 9



Sun OpenGL for Solaris Software

If you require Sun OpenGL for Solaris to run certain applications, download the Sun OpenGL 1.3 for Solaris software from the following site:


Sun OpenGL 1.3 for Solaris Patches

TABLE 2-6 lists the Sun OpenGL 1.3 for Solaris software patches required.

TABLE 2-6 Sun OpenGL 1.3 for Solaris Software Patches

Patch Number


113886-03 or later

OpenGL 1.3 32-bit libraries, any Solaris

113887-03 or later

OpenGL 1.3 64-bit libraries, any Solaris

Download these patches from the following site:


Updated versions of Sun OpenGL for Solaris are located at:


Installing the Software

1. After installing a Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator into your system, boot your system at the ok prompt:

ok boot

2. Log in as superuser.

3. Insert the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator CD-ROM into the drive.

Note - The CD-ROM device might be different on your system. For example,

4. Install the Sun XVR-100 software. Type:

# ./install

In this example, the following is displayed:

Installing SUNWpfbx.u SUNWpfbcf SUNWpfbw SUNWpfbmn for Solaris 8 ...
Installing required patch 114537-19 ...
*** Installation complete.
To remove this software, use the 'remove' script on this CDROM, or
the following script:
A log of this installation can be found at:
To configure a Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator, use the fbconfig
utility. See the fbconfig(1m) and SUNWpfb_config(1m) manual
pages for more details.
This system must be rebooted for the new software to take effect.
Reboot this system as soon as possible using the shutdown command and the
'boot -r' PROM command (see the shutdown(1M) and boot(1M) manual
pages for more details).

If previously installed, the following is displayed:

The version is the same on the system. Packages not installed.
All required software is already on the system.

You can use the following command to check if the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator is already on your system. Type:

# /usr/bin/pkginfo | grep pfb

If previously installed, the following list of software packages is displayed:

application SUNWpfbcf  Sun XVR-100 Graphics Configuration Software
system      SUNWpfbx   Sun XVR-100 Graphics System Software Device Driver (64-bit)
application SUNWpfbw   Sun XVR-100 Graphics Window System Support
system      SUNWpfbmn  Sun XVR-100 Graphics Manual Pages

5. Do a reconfiguration reboot of your system at the ok prompt to complete the installation:

ok boot -r

Note - After you complete the basic installation and configuration of your system, you can use the Sun Install Check Tool to check proper patches, software levels, and so on. Download tool at: http://www.sun.com/software/installcheck/index.html

Removing the Sun XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator Software

1. Log in as superuser.

2. Insert the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator CD-ROM into the drive.

Note - The CD-ROM device might be different on your system. For example,

3. To remove Sun XVR-100 software, type:

# ./remove

In this example, the following is displayed.

Removal of Sun XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator Software is complete.
A log of this removal is at:

Avoiding Colormap Flash

When multiple windows are used in an 8-bit window system, the colors can change as the cursor is moved from window to window. There are two methods for avoiding colormap flash:

The default is 24-bit.

Using the -depth 24 Option

1. Using the fbconfig command, type:

% fbconfig -dev pfb0 -depth 24

2. Log out, then log back in.

Note - 24-bit depth performance can be slower than 8-bit depth mode.

Using the -fake8 Option

1. Using the fbconfig command, type:

% fbconfig -dev pfb0 -fake8 enable

Note - 8-bit depth performance is slower in 8+24 (-fake8) mode.

2. Log out, then log back in.

Sun XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator Default Console Display

Note - Only the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator HD15 video output connector can provide console output. You cannot set the DVI video connector as the console.

To set the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator as the default monitor console display:

1. At the ok prompt, type:

ok show-displays

The following shows how to set the console device:

a) /pci@1f,700000/SUNW,XVR-100@3
b) /pci@1e,600000/SUNW,XVR-100@5

2. Select the graphics accelerator you want to be the default console display.

In this example, you would select b for the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator.

Enter Selection, q to quit: b
/pci@1e,600000/SUNW,XVR-100@5 has been selected.
Type ^Y ( Control-Y ) to insert it in the command line.
e.g. ok nvalias mydev ^Y
	 for creating devalias mydev for 

3. Create an alias name for the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator device.

This example shows mydev as the alias device name.

ok nvalias mydev

Press Control-Y, then Return.

4. Set the device you selected to be the console device.

ok setenv output-device mydev

5. Store the alias name that you have created.

ok setenv use-nvramrc? true

6. Reset the output-device environment:

ok reset-all

7. Connect your monitor cable to the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator on your system back panel.

Man Pages

The Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator man pages describe how you can query and set frame buffer attributes such as screen resolutions and visual configurations.

Use the fbconfig(1M) man page for configuring all Sun graphics accelerators.
SUNWpfb_config(1M) contains Sun XVR-100 device-specific configuration information. To get a list of all graphics devices on your system, type:

host% fbconfig -list

This example shows a list of graphics devices displayed:

  Device-Filename              Specific Config Program
  ---------------              -----------------------
  /dev/fbs/pfb0                SUNWpfb_config

Use the fbconfig -help option to display the attributes and parameters information of the man page.

host% fbconfig -dev pfb0 -help

single-step bulletTo access the fbconfig man page, type:

host% man fbconfig

single-step bulletTo access the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator man page, type:

host% man SUNWpfb_config