A P P E N D I X  B

Manual Pages

This appendix provides descriptions of the man pages included with Sun Crypto Accelerator 1000 software.

The man pages can be viewed using the command:

man -M /opt/SUNWconn/man page

TABLE B-1 lists and describes the available man pages.

TABLE B-1 Sun Crypto Accelerator 1000 Man Pages

man page



The cryptio device driver provides access control to the underlying hardware cryptographic accelerator. The cryptio driver requires the presence of layered software for applications and kernel clients to access the provided services.


The dca device driver is a leaf driver that provides access control to the underlying hardware cryptographic accelerator.

The dca driver requires the presence of layered software for applications and kernel clients to access the provided services.


The kcl device driver is a multithreaded loadable kernel module providing support for Sun cryptographic provider drivers.

The kcl driver requires the presence of layered software for applications and kernel clients to access the provided services.


The kcpi device driver is a multithreaded loadable kernel module providing support for Sun cryptographic provider drivers.

The kcpi driver requires the presence of layered software for applications and kernel clients to access the provided services.


secadm is the administration utility for the Sun Crypto Accelerator 1000. The secadm command is used to manually manipulate the configuration, account, and keying databases associated with the Sun Crypto Accelerator 1000.

secadm handles sensitive cryptographic key information.


The secd daemon provides administrative access services to the secadm application.


sslconfig is the configuration utility for the Sun Crypto Accelerator 1000.