This file explains how to use an existing Zephyr service. To learn how to set up a Zephyr service, read the file OPERATING. To learn how to build and install Zephyr, read the file INSTALL. First, before you can do anything else, your client machine must be running zhm from the local system binary directory (/etc/athena/zephyr if you built Zephyr with --enable-athena, /usr/local/sbin/zephyr if you installed Zephyr in /usr/local and didn't use --enable-athena). Only one copy of zhm can be running on a given machine, and it can be started by any user. If you're using a machine you don't administer, you may want to check if the machine is configured to start up zhm automatically at boot time. Once you have zhm running, you can start receiving zephyrgrams by running the command "zwgc", which stands for "Zephyr WindowGram Client". If you built Zephyr with X support and are using an X display, you will receive messages as windows on your screen (click on them to get rid of them); otherwise, you will receive messages in your terminal as text. Read the man page on zwgc to find out how to configure it using the .zwgc.desc file in your home directory. You can send messages to another user with zwrite username To write to groups of users, you must agree on a "class" and/or "instance" to write to (this will be explained in greater detail below). At MIT, most users communicate in private groups via classes. Suppose a bunch of people wanted to communicate on a class "newclass". They would all subscribe to the class with the command: zctl add newclass \* \* and send messages with: zwrite -c newclass The "zctl add" command adds the subscription to the .zephyr.subs file in your home directory, so that you will automatically be subscribed to the class the next time you run zwgc. If you just want to subscribe without adding the subscription to your .zephyr.subs file, use "zctl sub" instead of "zctl add". Now for a bit more explanation about what classes and instances are: every Zephyr message is send to a class, an instance, and a recipient, commonly written as . The default class is "MESSAGE"; the default instance is "PERSONAL". When you use "zwrite username", you are sending a message to . If you don't specify a username on the zwrite command line, you will be sending to the recipient "*", so when you use "zwrite -c newclass", you are sending a message to . Similarly, every time you request a subscription, you are subscribing to a class, an instance, and a recipient. The recipient must be either "*" or your username. The instance can be any string; however, if you subscribe to instance "*", you will receive messages to any instance as long as the class and recipient also match. The class can be any string; "*" has no special meaning for class names. When you start zwgc, you are automatically subscribed to and even if you don't explicitly request those subscriptions. As an example of how you might use these features, at MIT we have several frequently-used instances of class MESSAGE, called "white-magic", "help", "weather", "tmbg" and so forth. These are commonly known as "public" instances because they are not intended to exclude anyone. Users can subscribe to individual instances using "zctl add message help \*", or they can subscribe to all of them at once using "zctl add message \* \*". (If users do this, they can tell zwgc to filter out messages from certain instances; see the man page for zwgc.) If users want to have semi-private group conversations, they use separate classes, as described earlier.