This file explains how to operate a Zephyr service once you have installed Zephyr on all the relevant machines and file servers in your environment. To learn how to configure, build, and install Zephyr, read the file INSTALL. To set up a Zephyr service, follow these steps: 1. Choose the machines you wish to have act as Zephyr servers at your site. A Zephyr server may require a fair amount of CPU and network bandwidth, and should be configured with enough memory so that the server process swaps rarely if at all. 2a. If you configured Zephyr with Hesiod support, make sure your Hesiod realm has a "zephyr.sloc" entry containing a record for each server. (Each entry should contain the name of the server, nothing else.) The Zephyr servers will use the zephyr.sloc entry to find the other servers. Host managers will use the zephyr.sloc entry to find the Zephyr servers by default; however, you can control the set of servers for each host manager by giving each host a ".cluster" entry containing a record "zcluster ". If such a record is found, the host manager will resolve ".sloc" instead of "zephyr.sloc". 2b. If you configured Zephyr without Hesiod support, each server should have a file "server.list" in the configuration directory (which is /etc/athena/zephyr if you built with --enable-athena, or /usr/local/etc/zephyr if you installed Zephyr in /usr/local and didn't use --enable-athena). This file should contain a list of the servers, one per line. 3. If you configured Zephyr with Kerberos 4 support, make a service key "zephyr.zephyr@" and install a srvtab for that service as "srvtab" in the configuration directory of each of your zephyr servers. 4. Start zephyrd from the system binary directory (/usr/athena/etc if you built with --enable-athena, /usr/local/sbin if you installed in /usr/local and didn't use --enable-athena). zephyrd logs as service "local6"; watch the syslogs for error messages. Arrange for zephyrd to be run at boot time on your server machines. 5. Each client machine should run zhm (the Zephyr Host Manager) from the local system binary directory (/etc/athena for --enable-athena, /usr/local/sbin if you installed in /usr/local and didn't use --enable-athena). If you built Zephyr without Hesiod support, you should start zhm as "zhm server1 server2 server3 ..." so that zhm knows where the Zephyr servers are. You can send a SIGFPE signal to the server process to make it dump its subscription database to /var/tmp/zephyr.db. (If /var/tmp didn't exist when Zephyr was built, the subscription database will be dumped in /usr/tmp or /tmp instead.)