The toggle command, ^Tc, does not work correctly. I have removed it as an option until it does, although I don't see the use for it anyways. It should check at runtime for the crypt program since different machines of the same type may or may not have crypt or DES on them. Currently this is xspread.. One day it will be incorporated with SC. SC and xspread will be the same program. I've also noticed that sc.c could not compile if DOINGX is not defined due to the use of userfont which is declared only when DOINGX is defined. Some of the other defines also still get screwed up. BTW, there is a serious bug concerning functions that return strings (eg @DATE, @SUBSTR): it says "invalid numeric function" or somesuch. This means that eval() instead of seval() is being called for those functions, but I couldn't discover why. At present, you can't use functions that return strings. - The mouse is underutilized. It should be possible to select ranges using the mouse. I use at the office sc with NCSA Telnet and I can use the mouse of my PC to select ranges. I really miss that function when using X. Also, it should be possible to scroll the view of the spreadsheet with the mouse. - There is also another deficiency that is not particular to xspread, but rather inherited from sc, and is the lack of column and row freezing on screen, I mean the ability to leave some region fized on the view while the rest of the spreadsheet scrolls. Hiding and showing is not enough. - Alternatively (or in addition to the above), opening other views of the same spreadsheet simultaneously. - Real time update of the graphic from the data, and maybe several graphics at the same time.