@(#)WEB 6.14 01/01/22 WORLD WIDE WEB SITES -------------------- If your system has the Netscape Navigator or Communicator 3.0 or later browser installed, you can access all of the below web sites directly via the wwwWarp feature of xmcd. Just click the wwwWarp button on the xmcd main window. The xmcd/cda web site is at: http://www.amb.org/xmcd/ This site provides up-to-date information about the current release version, features list, Frequently Asked Questions (and answers), and late breaking announcement, if any. The source code bundle and pre-compiled binary releases of xmcd/cda for certain OS environments are also available from this site. The Gracenote CDDB(tm) web page is at: http://www.cddb.com/ This site is the home of CDDB, the largest music information database. You may use the CDDB search engine to look for a CD, peruse CDDB's Top-Ten chart and other music news, and much more. The xmcd wwwWarp feature also lets you perform searches on Internet search engine sites, so you can browse discographies, music reviews, lyrics, fan club and concert information, art and graphics, and many other sites related to the CD or track that you're listening to. This enhances your CD playing experience and is as simple as a few mouse clicks. Xmcd comes pre-configured with a list of wwwWarp Internet search sites for your convenience. However, this does not imply any affiliation of xmcd and its author with these sites, nor does it imply any endorsement or guarantee of their contents or services. A search sites may change its CGI interface in the future. If that occurs, the format of the search request that xmcd sends may no longer work on that particular site. The search URLs are configured via the XMCDLIB/config/wwwwarp.cfg file (and you can override the file with your own $HOME/.xmcdcfg/wwwwarp.cfg file). In addition to Internet sites, wwwWarp comes pre-configured with a "Local Discography" selection which lets you use xmcd and the web browser to view, play and print local documents (text files, HTML, images, sound files, movies, etc.) that are related to the CD that is loaded in the drive. You may deposit these files under the DISCOGRAPHY/%C/%I directory (where DISCOGRAPHY is typically XMCDLIB/discog, %C is the CDDB genre directory name and %I is the xmcd 8-digit disc ID). For example: /usr/lib/X11/xmcd/discog/Rock/General_Rock/ef107e0f This directory and an index.html file are created automatically by xmcd when you select Local Discography. You can store additional files in it, and use wwwWarp to access them. Your web browser may require special plug-ins to support viewing/playing certain file formats. See the Links section of the xmcd web site for pointers to a free UNIX Netscape streaming mutimedia plug-in package. Please be aware of possible legal implications when sharing music-related files with others. Some of the information, including album cover art, graphics and photos, lyrics and other data are likely to be protected by copyright. Xmcd and its author are not liable for the users' actions.