The following are other uses for the xbmbroswer which has been suggested by users.. Maybe you can do better.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Script Launcher Idea : Jim Spath 20 July 1995 Create a directory with the appropriate icon images (bitmap or pixmap) and storing ".rc" lauch scripts under the same basename name. EG: applcation.xpm applcation.rc Now in this directory create the following xbmbrowser menu configuration file which I will call "Menu" in these examples but could be anything. =======8<-------- # # XbmBrowser Application Launcher # menu "main" # lets keep xbmbrowser happy! item "quit" quit() menu "global" item "Execute" exec("%b.rc" &) item "Edit" exec("vi %b.rc") =======8<-------- Then just execute xbmbrowser in this directory xbmbrowser -cf ./Menu To make this work even better you can hide the control panels at the top of the xbmbrowser by setting the following resources in your .Xdefaults or load them into the server with xrdb. NOTE: You can NOT set the max size to 0. xb_launch.cmd_rc: "./Menu" xb_launch.icons_only: True xb_launch*buttons.max: 1 xb_launch*directory.max: 1 xb_launch*label.max: 1 If all the icons are on one row across the browser you can remove the control panels entirely with the following resource. However you will have to set the geometry size of the browser, or it will not look very good. xb_launch*main.refigureMode: False Then run xbmbrowser with ( cd {directory}; xbmbrowser -name xb_launch -geometry {whatever} & ) Note: xbmbrowser CDs into a directory given on the command line after reading the configuration file, So we have to be in the right directory first. Anthony Thyssen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------