" Vim syntax file " Language: Perl " Maintainer: Nick Hibma " Last Change: 2002 Mar 12 " Location: http://www.etla.net/~n_hibma/vim/syntax/perl.vim " " Please download most recent version first before mailing " any comments. " See also the file perl.vim.regression.pl to check whether your " modifications work in the most odd cases " http://www.etla.net/~n_hibma/vim/syntax/perl.vim.regression.pl " " Original version: Sonia Heimann " Thanks to many people for their contribution. They made it work, not me. " The following parameters are available for tuning the " perl syntax highlighting, with defaults given: " " unlet perl_include_pod " unlet perl_want_scope_in_variables " unlet perl_extended_vars " unlet perl_string_as_statement " unlet perl_no_sync_on_sub " unlet perl_no_sync_on_global_var " let perl_sync_dist = 100 " unlet perl_fold " unlet perl_fold_blocks " Remove any old syntax stuff that was loaded (5.x) or quit when a syntax file " was already loaded (6.x). if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " Unset perl_fold if it set but vim doesn't support it. if version < 600 && exists("perl_fold") unlet perl_fold endif " POD starts with ^= and ends with ^=cut if exists("perl_include_pod") " Include a while extra syntax file syn include @Pod :p:h/pod.vim unlet b:current_syntax if exists("perl_fold") syn region perlPOD start="^=[a-z]" end="^=cut" contains=@Pod,perlTodo keepend fold else syn region perlPOD start="^=[a-z]" end="^=cut" contains=@Pod,perlTodo keepend endif else " Use only the bare minimum of rules if exists("perl_fold") syn region perlPOD start="^=[a-z]" end="^=cut" fold else syn region perlPOD start="^=[a-z]" end="^=cut" endif endif " All keywords " if exists("perl_fold") && exists("perl_fold_blocks") syn match perlConditional "\" syn match perlConditional "\" syn match perlConditional "\" syn match perlConditional "\" nextgroup=perlElseIfError skipwhite skipnl skipempty else syn keyword perlConditional if elsif unless syn keyword perlConditional else nextgroup=perlElseIfError skipwhite skipnl skipempty endif syn keyword perlConditional switch eq ne gt lt ge le cmp not and or xor if exists("perl_fold") && exists("perl_fold_blocks") syn match perlRepeat "\" syn match perlRepeat "\" syn match perlRepeat "\" syn match perlRepeat "\" syn match perlRepeat "\" syn match perlRepeat "\" else syn keyword perlRepeat while for foreach do until continue endif syn keyword perlOperator defined undef and or not bless ref if exists("perl_fold") " if BEGIN/END is a keyword the perlBEGINENDFold does not work syn match perlControl "\" contained syn match perlControl "\" contained else syn keyword perlControl BEGIN END endif syn keyword perlStatementStorage my local our syn keyword perlStatementControl goto return last next redo syn keyword perlStatementScalar chomp chop chr crypt index lc lcfirst length ord pack reverse rindex sprintf substr uc ucfirst syn keyword perlStatementRegexp pos quotemeta split study syn keyword perlStatementNumeric abs atan2 cos exp hex int log oct rand sin sqrt srand syn keyword perlStatementList splice unshift shift push pop split join reverse grep map sort unpack syn keyword perlStatementHash each exists keys values tie tied untie syn keyword perlStatementIOfunc carp confess croak dbmclose dbmopen die syscall syn keyword perlStatementFiledesc binmode close closedir eof fileno getc lstat print printf readdir readline readpipe rewinddir select stat tell telldir write nextgroup=perlFiledescStatementNocomma syn keyword perlStatementFiledesc fcntl flock ioctl open opendir read seek seekdir sysopen sysread sysseek syswrite truncate nextgroup=perlFiledescStatementComma syn keyword perlStatementVector pack vec syn keyword perlStatementFiles chdir chmod chown chroot glob link mkdir readlink rename rmdir symlink umask unlink utime syn match perlStatementFiles "-[rwxoRWXOezsfdlpSbctugkTBMAC]\>" syn keyword perlStatementFlow caller die dump eval exit wantarray syn keyword perlStatementInclude require syn match perlStatementInclude "\(use\|no\)\s\+\(integer\>\|strict\>\|lib\>\|sigtrap\>\|subs\>\|vars\>\|warnings\>\|utf8\>\|byte\>\)\=" syn keyword perlStatementScope import syn keyword perlStatementProc alarm exec fork getpgrp getppid getpriority kill pipe setpgrp setpriority sleep system times wait waitpid syn keyword perlStatementSocket accept bind connect getpeername getsockname getsockopt listen recv send setsockopt shutdown socket socketpair syn keyword perlStatementIPC msgctl msgget msgrcv msgsnd semctl semget semop shmctl shmget shmread shmwrite syn keyword perlStatementNetwork endhostent endnetent endprotoent endservent gethostbyaddr gethostbyname gethostent getnetbyaddr getnetbyname getnetent getprotobyname getprotobynumber getprotoent getservbyname getservbyport getservent sethostent setnetent setprotoent setservent syn keyword perlStatementPword getpwuid getpwnam getpwent setpwent endpwent getgrent getgrgid getlogin getgrnam setgrent syn keyword perlStatementTime gmtime localtime time times syn keyword perlStatementMisc warn formline reset scalar new delete prototype lock syn keyword perlTodo TODO TBD FIXME XXX contained " Perl Identifiers. " " Should be cleaned up to better handle identifiers in particular situations " (in hash keys for example) " " Plain identifiers: $foo, @foo, $#foo, %foo, &foo and dereferences $$foo, @$foo, etc. " We do not process complex things such as @{${"foo"}}. Too complicated, and " too slow. And what is after the -> is *not* considered as part of the " variable - there again, too complicated and too slow. " Special variables first ($^A, ...) and ($|, $', ...) syn match perlVarPlain "$^[ADEFHILMOPSTWX]\=" syn match perlVarPlain "$[\\\"\[\]'&`+*.,;=%~!?@$<>(0-9-]" " Same as above, but avoids confusion in $::foo (equivalent to $main::foo) syn match perlVarPlain "$:[^:]" " These variables are not recognized within matches. syn match perlVarNotInMatches "$[|)]" " This variable is not recognized within matches delimited by m//. syn match perlVarSlash "$/" " And plain identifiers syn match perlPackageRef "\(\h\w*\)\=\(::\|'\)\I"me=e-1 contained " To highlight packages in variables as a scope reference - i.e. in $pack::var, " pack:: is a scope, just set "perl_want_scope_in_variables" " If you *want* complex things like @{${"foo"}} to be processed, " just set the variable "perl_extended_vars"... " FIXME value between {} should be marked as string. is treated as such by Perl. " At the moment it is marked as something greyish instead of read. Probably todo " with transparency. Or maybe we should handle the bare word in that case. or make it into if exists("perl_want_scope_in_variables") syn match perlVarPlain "\\\=\([@%$]\|\$#\)\$*\(\I\i*\)\=\(\(::\|'\)\I\i*\)*\>" contains=perlPackageRef nextgroup=perlVarMember,perlVarSimpleMember syn match perlFunctionName "\\\=&\$*\(\I\i*\)\=\(\(::\|'\)\I\i*\)*\>" contains=perlPackageRef nextgroup=perlVarMember,perlVarSimpleMember else syn match perlVarPlain "\\\=\([@%$]\|\$#\)\$*\(\I\i*\)\=\(\(::\|'\)\I\i*\)*\>" nextgroup=perlVarMember,perlVarSimpleMember syn match perlFunctionName "\\\=&\$*\(\I\i*\)\=\(\(::\|'\)\I\i*\)*\>" nextgroup=perlVarMember,perlVarSimpleMember endif if exists("perl_extended_vars") syn cluster perlExpr contains=perlStatementScalar,perlStatementRegexp,perlStatementNumeric,perlStatementList,perlStatementHash,perlStatementFiles,perlStatementTime,perlStatementMisc,perlVarPlain,perlVarNotInMatches,perlVarSlash,perlVarBlock,perlShellCommand,perlFloat,perlNumber,perlStringUnexpanded,perlString,perlQQ syn region perlVarBlock matchgroup=perlVarPlain start="\($#\|[@%$]\)\$*{" skip="\\}" end="}" contains=@perlExpr nextgroup=perlVarMember,perlVarSimpleMember syn region perlVarBlock matchgroup=perlVarPlain start="&\$*{" skip="\\}" end="}" contains=@perlExpr syn match perlVarPlain "\\\=\(\$#\|[@%&$]\)\$*{\I\i*}" nextgroup=perlVarMember,perlVarSimpleMember syn region perlVarMember matchgroup=perlVarPlain start="\(->\)\={" skip="\\}" end="}" contained contains=@perlExpr nextgroup=perlVarMember,perlVarSimpleMember syn match perlVarSimpleMember "\(->\)\={\I\i*}" nextgroup=perlVarMember,perlVarSimpleMember contains=perlVarSimpleMemberName contained syn match perlVarSimpleMemberName "\I\i*" contained syn region perlVarMember matchgroup=perlVarPlain start="\(->\)\=\[" skip="\\]" end="]" contained contains=@perlExpr nextgroup=perlVarMember,perlVarSimpleMember endif " File Descriptors syn match perlFiledescRead "[<]\h\w\+[>]" syn match perlFiledescStatementComma "\s*(\=\s*\h\w*\>\s*," transparent contained contains=perlFiledescStatement syn match perlFiledescStatementNocomma "\s*(\=\s*\h\w*\>\(\s\+[^,]\|\s*;\)"me=e-1 transparent contained contains=perlFiledescStatement syn match perlFiledescStatement "\h\w\+" contained " Special characters in strings and matches syn match perlSpecialString "\\\(\d\+\|[xX]\x\+\|c\u\|.\)" contained syn match perlSpecialStringU "\\['\\]" contained syn match perlSpecialMatch "{\d\(,\d\)\=}" contained syn match perlSpecialMatch "\[\(\]\|-\)\=[^\[\]]*\(\[\|\-\)\=\]" contained syn match perlSpecialMatch "[+*()?.]" contained syn match perlSpecialMatch "(?[#:=!]" contained syn match perlSpecialMatch "(?[imsx]\+)" contained " FIXME the line below does not work. It should mark end of line and " begin of line as perlSpecial. " syn match perlSpecialBEOM "^\^\|\$$" contained " Possible errors " " Highlight lines with only whitespace (only in blank delimited here documents) as errors syn match perlNotEmptyLine "^\s\+$" contained " Highlight '} else if (...) {', it should be '} else { if (...) { ' or " '} elsif (...) {'. "syn keyword perlElseIfError if contained " Variable interpolation " " These items are interpolated inside "" strings and similar constructs. syn cluster perlInterpDQ contains=perlSpecialString,perlVarPlain,perlVarNotInMatches,perlVarSlash,perlVarBlock " These items are interpolated inside '' strings and similar constructs. syn cluster perlInterpSQ contains=perlSpecialStringU " These items are interpolated inside m// matches and s/// substitutions. syn cluster perlInterpSlash contains=perlSpecialString,perlSpecialMatch,perlVarPlain,perlVarBlock,perlSpecialBEOM " These items are interpolated inside m## matches and s### substitutions. syn cluster perlInterpMatch contains=@perlInterpSlash,perlVarSlash " Shell commands syn region perlShellCommand matchgroup=perlMatchStartEnd start="`" end="`" contains=@perlInterpDQ " Constants " " Numbers syn match perlNumber "[-+]\=\(\<\d[[:digit:]_]*L\=\>\|0[xX]\x[[:xdigit:]_]*\>\)" syn match perlFloat "[-+]\=\<\d[[:digit:]_]*[eE][\-+]\=\d\+" syn match perlFloat "[-+]\=\<\d[[:digit:]_]*\.[[:digit:]_]*\([eE][\-+]\=\d\+\)\=" syn match perlFloat "[-+]\=\<\.[[:digit:]_]\+\([eE][\-+]\=\d\+\)\=" " Simple version of searches and matches " caters for m//, m## and m[] (and the !/ variant) syn region perlMatch matchgroup=perlMatchStartEnd start=+[m!]/+ end=+/[cgimosx]*+ contains=@perlInterpSlash syn region perlMatch matchgroup=perlMatchStartEnd start=+[m!]#+ end=+#[cgimosx]*+ contains=@perlInterpMatch syn region perlMatch matchgroup=perlMatchStartEnd start=+[m!]\[+ end=+\][cgimosx]*+ contains=@perlInterpMatch " A special case for m!!x which allows for comments and extra whitespace in the pattern syn region perlMatch matchgroup=perlMatchStartEnd start=+[m!]!+ end=+![cgimosx]*+ contains=@perlInterpSlash,perlComment " Below some hacks to recognise the // variant. This is virtually impossible to catch in all " cases as the / is used in so many other ways, but these should be the most obvious ones. "syn region perlMatch matchgroup=perlMatchStartEnd start=+^split /+lc=5 start=+[^$@%]\ operator forces a bareword to the left of it to be interpreted as " a string syn match perlString "\<\I\i*\s*=>"me=e-2 " Strings and q, qq, qw and qr expressions " Brackets in qq() syn region perlBrackets start=+(+ end=+)+ contained transparent contains=perlBrackets,@perlStringSQ syn region perlStringUnexpanded matchgroup=perlStringStartEnd start="'" end="'" contains=@perlInterpSQ syn region perlString matchgroup=perlStringStartEnd start=+"+ end=+"+ contains=@perlInterpDQ syn region perlQQ matchgroup=perlStringStartEnd start=+\= 600 " XXX Any statements after the identifier are in perlString colour (i.e. " 'if $a' in 'print <~]\+\(\.\.\.\)\=" contained syn match perlFormatField "[@^]#[#.]*" contained syn match perlFormatField "@\*" contained syn match perlFormatField "@[^A-Za-z_|<>~#*]"me=e-1 contained syn match perlFormatField "@$" contained " __END__ and __DATA__ clauses if exists("perl_fold") syntax region perlDATA start="^__\(DATA\|END\)__$" skip="." end="." contains=perlPOD fold else syntax region perlDATA start="^__\(DATA\|END\)__$" skip="." end="." contains=perlPOD endif " " Folding if exists("perl_fold") syn region perlPackageFold start="^package \S\+;$" end="^1;$" end="^package"me=s-1 transparent fold keepend syn region perlSubFold start="^\z(\s*\)\.*[^};]$" end="^\z1}\s*$" end="^\z1}\s*\#.*$" transparent fold keepend syn region perlBEGINENDFold start="^\z(\s*\)\<\(BEGIN\|END\)\>.*[^};]$" end="^\z1}\s*$" transparent fold keepend if exists("perl_fold_blocks") syn region perlIfFold start="^\z(\s*\)\(elsif\|if\|while\|until\|for\(each\)\=\s\+\(my\s\+\|our\s+\)\=\S\+\)\s*(.*)\s*{" start="^\z(\s*\)\(else\|do\|continue\)\s*{" end="^\z1}\s*;\=$" transparent fold keepend endif syn sync fromstart setlocal foldmethod=syntax endif if version >= 508 || !exists("did_perl_syn_inits") if version < 508 let did_perl_syn_inits = 1 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link else command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link endif " The default highlighting. HiLink perlSharpBang PreProc HiLink perlControl PreProc HiLink perlInclude Include HiLink perlSpecial Special HiLink perlString String HiLink perlCharacter Character HiLink perlNumber Number HiLink perlFloat Float HiLink perlType Type HiLink perlIdentifier Identifier HiLink perlLabel Label HiLink perlStatement Statement HiLink perlConditional Conditional HiLink perlRepeat Repeat HiLink perlOperator Operator HiLink perlFunction Function HiLink perlFunctionPrototype perlFunction HiLink perlComment Comment HiLink perlTodo Todo if exists("perl_string_as_statement") HiLink perlStringStartEnd perlStatement else HiLink perlStringStartEnd perlString endif HiLink perlList perlStatement HiLink perlMisc perlStatement HiLink perlVarPlain perlIdentifier HiLink perlFiledescRead perlIdentifier HiLink perlFiledescStatement perlIdentifier HiLink perlVarSimpleMember perlIdentifier HiLink perlVarSimpleMemberName perlString HiLink perlVarNotInMatches perlIdentifier HiLink perlVarSlash perlIdentifier HiLink perlQQ perlString if version >= 600 HiLink perlHereDoc perlString else HiLink perlHereIdentifier perlStringStartEnd HiLink perlUntilEOFDQ perlString HiLink perlUntilEOFSQ perlString HiLink perlUntilEmptyDQ perlString HiLink perlUntilEmptySQ perlString HiLink perlUntilEOF perlString endif HiLink perlStringUnexpanded perlString HiLink perlSubstitutionSQ perlString HiLink perlSubstitutionDQ perlString HiLink perlSubstitutionSlash perlString HiLink perlSubstitutionHash perlString HiLink perlSubstitutionBracket perlString HiLink perlSubstitutionCurly perlString HiLink perlSubstitutionPling perlString HiLink perlTranslationSlash perlString HiLink perlTranslationHash perlString HiLink perlTranslationBracket perlString HiLink perlTranslationCurly perlString HiLink perlMatch perlString HiLink perlMatchStartEnd perlStatement HiLink perlFormatName perlIdentifier HiLink perlFormatField perlString HiLink perlPackageDecl perlType HiLink perlStorageClass perlType HiLink perlPackageRef perlType HiLink perlStatementPackage perlStatement HiLink perlStatementSub perlStatement HiLink perlStatementStorage perlStatement HiLink perlStatementControl perlStatement HiLink perlStatementScalar perlStatement HiLink perlStatementRegexp perlStatement HiLink perlStatementNumeric perlStatement HiLink perlStatementList perlStatement HiLink perlStatementHash perlStatement HiLink perlStatementIOfunc perlStatement HiLink perlStatementFiledesc perlStatement HiLink perlStatementVector perlStatement HiLink perlStatementFiles perlStatement HiLink perlStatementFlow perlStatement HiLink perlStatementScope perlStatement HiLink perlStatementInclude perlStatement HiLink perlStatementProc perlStatement HiLink perlStatementSocket perlStatement HiLink perlStatementIPC perlStatement HiLink perlStatementNetwork perlStatement HiLink perlStatementPword perlStatement HiLink perlStatementTime perlStatement HiLink perlStatementMisc perlStatement HiLink perlFunctionName perlIdentifier HiLink perlFunctionPRef perlType HiLink perlPOD perlComment HiLink perlShellCommand perlString HiLink perlSpecialAscii perlSpecial HiLink perlSpecialDollar perlSpecial HiLink perlSpecialString perlSpecial HiLink perlSpecialStringU perlSpecial HiLink perlSpecialMatch perlSpecial HiLink perlSpecialBEOM perlSpecial HiLink perlDATA perlComment HiLink perlBrackets Error " Possible errors HiLink perlNotEmptyLine Error HiLink perlElseIfError Error delcommand HiLink endif " Syncing to speed up processing " if !exists("perl_no_sync_on_sub") syn sync match perlSync grouphere NONE "^\s*\