Version 1.4 - Fixed several memory leaks - Added --dirsfirst option to list directories first. - Fixed formatting error when unable to open directories. - Fixed bug in parse_dir_colors(). - Changed -I to also ignore directories. - Added --nolinks command to turn off hyperlinks with the HTML output. - Fixed several memory leaks in listdir(). - Some additional code cleanup in listdir(). - Some systems may define TRUE/FALSE, so don't create the enums for TRUE and FALSE if that's the case. - Fixed over-allocation bug in read_dir(). - Added crude beginnings of color output for HTML via CSS (Ted Tiberio - Fixed buffer overflow problem in dircolors parsing. - Fixed recursive symlink detection. - Added --inodes and --device options. - Added --noreport option. Version 1.3 - Fixed long pathname problem by dynamically allocating the path. - Added recursive symlink detection. - Added --help and --version options. - When -C is used and LS_COLORS is undefined, tree uses a default color scheme (thus -C always forces color output now). - Added -S to show ASCII tree lines (Gerald Scheidl) - Made tree more portable (Guido Socher and others) Following options curtsey of Francesc Rocher: - Added -o to redirect the output. - Added -H to print the tree in HTML format. - Added -L to set the maximum level of directories to print. - Added -R to recursively reestart the search at the level given by `-L' option (adding as well `-o 00Tree.html'). Version 1.2 - Added -D to print the date of the last modification. - Added -t option to sort by last modification time (ala ls -t). - Added -I , simular to the -P option except tree does not print those files which match the pattern. - Made tree print non-printable characters in filenames in standard unix carrot notation. - Added -N option to make tree print filenames without any processing. - Added -q option to make tree print non-printable characters in filenames as question marks. - Added `|' to -F output and made it only print character type after the link on sym-links, not on the symlink name itself. - Added -u option to display username/uid, and -g option to display group name/gid. - Fully (pass the salt) implemented dircolors support. Version 1.1 - Made some changes to the Makefile to insure proper installation and for multi-architecture support and a bug-fix. - Made root directory colorized if dircolors is enabled. - Put []'s around permission and size info, 'cause I think it looks better. - Added -A option to enable ANSI-lines hack. - Added some sanity checks for dircolors support. - Added -P to list only those files that match the wildcard given in . - Fixed error where relative symbolic links to directories would not be followed when the -l option was used. - Made uid 0 the same as anyone else (-a was default for uid 0) - Added -x directive to stay on one filesystem (ala find -xdev). Version 1.0 - The original, a model of perfection...